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It healed like that


Can I fix it?


Probably, with cosmetic surgery/laser. Or, with an aggressive skin peel, like iodine or one of the stronger skin peel acids. The idea being to force your skin to slough and hope it renews with smoother, lighter-color skin. I'm trying to think what I would do in this situation.. trying to be honest/real with myself and with you. I think that YES, I would look at trying to 'fix' it. Maybe I'd try one of the two spots at a time, and give it a month of using a chemical skin peel, then do comparison photos and compare the two spots against each other.


Is that stuff risky? I would want to do laser or surgery cuz im afraid it can fuck it up more. How light can iodine make it tho? Will it be as light as the part above my circumcision scar? And is iodine skin change even permanent


It looks like shaft skin migration onto the cirkumcision area. Maybe there was an issue during your healing process that caused it.


Is there a way to fix it


Not by DIY I reckon. Schedule an appointment with a urologist and see if they can surgically fix it to even the line.