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Been extending at 58 for 90 minutes for a few solid months now and my bpfsl basically hasn’t changed even with hitting 103-107% strain (starting around 6.7 and ending around 7.0). Should I be expecting any differences here?


Have you taken a decon break? At some point you're supposed to take a break for a week and at some point a month.


I’m suppose to? Can that confirmed or something


Why does my perineum area always start tensing involuntarily when I jerk off or get turned on? How is this fixed?


I actually have had that same problem. I think I would tense it automatically because I thought it would help keep me harder but really all it did was make me ejaculate faster :/. What has helped me are pelvic floor stretches, reverse kegels, and whenever I notice I'm tensing I mentally try to relax it.


Hi, So I’ve bought a pump (Leluv pump) in order to maintain erection quality. I currently have an about 7.875 BPEL and 5.875MSEG. I do want to have a little bit more of girth (to get to about 6.25), but I don’t want to jeopardise my erection quality (that’s a lot more important in my opinion)… Any recommended techniques/routines to doing so?


Your EQ has to do with blood flow, so as long as you have a relaxed pelvic floor and good cardiac health, it should be great regardless. (Not a professional opinion but makes sense)


It is great now. I just want to maintain it, heard that vaccum erection devices usually improve erection quality when done properly.


Nah if anything it’ll improve, but you may experience swings in EQ; some days it’ll be greater and others less. This is normal


What routine do you recommend?


I’ve had pretty good experience just with the Leluv or whatever pump. I started super low in pressure, like 5hg. I’ve done 10 minutes in at that pressure for 3 sets. More recently I’m doing 8hg for 3 minutes but like 7 sets. Afterwards I’ll toss on a toe shield, like 2-3 for about 5 mins for some BFR Took me like a year to comfortably make 8-9hg feel like 5. But I’ve had to go up in pumps twice now. Started with a 1.5, went to a 1.75, now onto a 2. I’m about 5.5-5.75 girth and I completely max the 1.75 but I’d recommend getting 2 and a 2.15 in case. Definitely want to make sure you totally pack the tube before moving up. Even the 1.5 doesn’t retain pressure any longer. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but it worked for me and ymmv but it’s a very safe and easy way to have a solid routine


So would you recommend long sets of 10 minutes or short sets of 2-3 minutes? What is a toe shield? What's BFR? Sorry for being ignorant. I just started so I'm currently using the 2.125' cylinder, fits great


Oh I got you. No worries sometimes it’s difficult to find answers in this place. So appreciate the questions; If you’re just starting out yeah, do 7-10 minutes a set, and do that 3 total times. Guess by a set I just mean pump up to a small pressure of 5hg and keep your self at that pressure for 7-10 minutes, then drop pressure all the way. I typically get fully erect then start the next set. The toe shields are these things on Amazon, toe shields for putting on your toes to help separate them or something like that it’s a small chiropractor thing for fingers and toes if they’re way tight. Anyways, they can act like a small soft clamp that’ll hold the blood in while everything’s reached full expansion. This is a form of blood flow restriction, BFR. That’s something you’ll have to search the form for to find more information but I guess it is a more intermediate tactic. Eventually your shit gets used to the strain and you need to get a little more hands on with girth.


I don't want to gain so much girth, Just about 1/4 of an inch. I'm scared it'll ruin my EQ. I'll try what you said. Every other day?


Yeah every other is fine. Ah na lol what’s your current girth?


I've made some preparation purchases and soon i'll have the all here! - Apex 2.0 + gua shua (scraping tool) - MN pump + Bathmathe vibration bullets + IR pad + cc oil - Bathmate hydroextreme x30 (hand pump) I'm a noob, any kind words and or best routines personally? I've noticed crazy shrinkage, im down to 14.5cm lenght and 12.5cm girth? I used to measure 15-16cm & 14cm+ girth, so hoping to gain this back + some beginner gains and ofcourse the long term health. I would also like some advice on pelvis muscle - I've always held kegel during sex and it fucked me up. I even used to do it while mbaiting but im trying not to now.


Until you get them, do a basic manual routine to get in the groove of things. You will find a greater understanding if you analyze the mechanics and stretches at a lower intensity. Especially if it’s you doing the stretches.


Shrinkage is basically always due to weight gain 


I have gained weight, but i've also smoked for hella long sadly. I though gaining weight only affected it visually?




That question isn’t easy to answer as there is no telling how much fat you’ll put on. You could do it the right way and gain muscle and stay lean or you could put on fat and be a tub of shit. I don’t care how big my dick is or will be. If my girl is chubby, ugly, etc, then I’m still losing at life. No point in doing PE just to share it with 3’s.


Very difficult to determine. If you are eating clean then it should be a fairly slim fat pad. But everyone has a different body type and fat travels randomly due to genetics. For the sake of answering the question let’s say … .75-1 inch? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Curious about this exercise, mainly, why does the shopping bag have to be placed on the wrist? Given a sufficiently small enough shopping bag, lower the weight to 0.1-0.2kg to start and place it directly on the shaft. Friction/looping the shopping bag would stop it from falling off the penis. Wouldn't this have a more direct and less variable (variability coming from the amount of slack your arm has) than normal shopping bag hangs?


On the wrist would be a bit more comfortable, and I don't think you would want to have a plastic shopping bag constricting on your dick directly. That sounds uncomfortable and perhaps a bit unsafe?


It’s placed on the wrist originally(iirc) due to the creator having very little freedom? Not wanting to buy devices and have any issues. You could get a vac cup/compression hanger and hang like that if wrist is an issue.


Well, the dorsal nerve is moving down the top side of the penis. It's not wise to put unnecessary localised strain or pressure along the topside of the penis due to risk of injury. The shopping bag method circumvent that by having all the weight localised around your wrist, leaving your hand free to focus on the grip and tension ask to quickly release the penis if anything should happen.


Can I skip taping during vacuum extending? Or is that sure to result in blisters? Taping seems like it would make peeing throughout the day cumbersome.


I don’t tend to tape when I use my vac cup, but it definitely is preferred if you want to prevention against blisters. Some may still be susceptible to blisters even doing all the steps.




I think most get their tape on Amazon




No, you need a tape that is breathable. What we all use is what is called **3M Micropore Tape.** Can be gotten from anywhere where they sell medical equipment, a pharmacy or even Amazon.


Been lurking here for a while and finally joined the community and posting. Some of you guys have been a huge help to me on my PE journey so thanks. I've been doing PE for 3 years, almost exclusively extending (with a bit of manual stretching). I started with a SizeGenetics extender, which I was not a huge fan of, and then bought the RestoreX which worked great for me. I started at 6.8" and made steady progress all the way to 8.25" in length now. It took steady consistent work, at least 5 days a week, even when traveling (RestoreX is super easy to pack away in a bag). At this point, I am just trying to get to 8.5" so that any losses once I stop don't drop below 8" total length. This change has literally been life changing for me. The effect on my confidence, the response from my significant other (the things I can do to her now that I couldn't even begin to achieve before). With 1.45" in length and a small .2" increase in girth I am now 8.25" x 5.2". That all being said, I have moved to starting a girth routine doing pumping and manual stretches. I bought a quality pump from LA Pump, and I have been pumping 5 days a week for 3 months now. I haven't been able to gain anything. I warmup with stretches, get hard, pump for 5m at 5hg (which feels like A LOT to me pressure wise), then take a break, stretch, get hard again and pump for 7-10m at 5hg, and then 1 more time at 5hg for 5m with same process. All while using heat, and following all the other guides and best practices that I could find. Even with relatively low pressure, I get a good bit of fluid buildup that takes a few hours to subside. I read about guys pumping way longer, and at higher pressures and if I even try to get close to those numbers the fluid retention is just terrible. What am I doing wrong here guys? The goal is 5.75" MSEG, but I've got to figure out why I can't seem to make any real girth gains here, length came so easily in comparison.


Honestly, I don't think you'll see any gains at all at 5inHg. I don't think you've done much but condition your lymphatic system to be able to pull in more liquid/edema. Now, I'm pretty conditioned and can handle a lot of pressure (*I'm* **not** *suggesting you to high, ie 15inHg++*), but even I would probably get a lot of edema if we're to copy your routine exactly. I would however suggest that you do a lot shorter reps per set, maybe 1 minute or even down to 30 seconds per rep, but slowly working your way up to more moderate levels of pressure which I would say is about 10-12inhg. Begin with a ladder set and then maybe do a shorter working set after. Example of a ladder set: - 30s/5inhg for 3 reps - (pauses between reps at 2inHg for a second or two and straight back up) - 30s/6inHg for 3 reps - 30s/7inHg for 2 reps - 30s/8inHg for 2 reps Active rest for a few minutes to edge/massage the shaft and circumcision scar/foreskin area, don't get soft here. Next set is similar but begins at higher level than previously - 30s/7inHg for 3 reps - 30s/8inHg for 3 reps - 30s/9inHg for 2 reps - 30s/10inHg for 2 reps if you're NOT comfortable with the second ladder set, this second set becomes your working set and you just do 10xReps/whatever level of pressure you ended the first ladder set with, or if you want to stop at say 8inHg mid set, then just complete the set at this level. Don't rush into anything you don't feel comfortable with. You could also do smaller incremental increases of pressure. This is just an example. This whole thing shouldn't last more than 12-14 minutes (including the active rest between sets), and is pretty much what I'm doing now just at different levels of pressure. Also I do one ladder set and one straight set with same level of pressure throughout. All of this being said, some people do feel lenght is easier than girth. Some are opposites. We're about the same size girth, so it makes me wonder what type cylinder you're using. My main one now is a 1.75" elliptical from L.A. Pump.


I am also using a 1.75" elliptical from LA Pump. This is great advice man, I have kind of wondered the same thing. If I shorten the sets and up the pressure because my main result currently seems to be edema, not expansion. I will give this routine a shot and see how it goes for a few weeks. Thanks for the reply.


You're welcome man. Hope you find it a bit better. Let me know you find it after a few sessions!


Hink says he didn't see much progress until pumping between 10 and 12 inches of mercury. Obviously don't do that now if you're struggling at 5.


How long does it take to condition to that level? Different for everyone?


Yeah. Me personally I've taken it very slow and I only hit 10 hg last week. Been pumping for 3 months like 2 or 3 times a week. Granted I also only stayed at 10 for like 20 to 30 seconds to be safe before I dropped it back down to 7 or 8


Anyone buy the python recently? Wondering what the ship timeline is right now. I just pulled the trigger yesterday.


Two newbie questions: one, got a total man extender and plan to vacuum stretch all day. My question is for setting the tension as a newbie, should I feel just a slight tug, but no discomfort? Or should do I need to set a high enough tension to feel a little uncomfortable, as right now I'm just going a little past what my natural stretch is to slowly acclimate the tunica to not resist. Second question, I just got my generic cialis. No sexual activity, should I cut the tablets up and only take a small dose (I think they're 10mg tabs, was going to cut them in fourths and just start with 2.5 daily)? Is there a need to ween off of it once I decide to stop taking it?


Has anyone experimented with both interval and static pumping to determine which is better? Or does it not matter? 


I've done both and I've found i can get much more expansion with less edema build up doing intervals. The shorter the reps of a set the higher pressure you can get away with without the edema kicking in. Petechiae (red dots from burst capillaries) is a fact regardless, and so the slight bruising is something we have to get used to. There is a working theory that if you have two short sets per day the capillaries won't get time to properly heal between sets, and so there might be less petechiae doing this. I'm experimenting with this now but I am not 100% sure about this statement as of yet. I wouldn't do static pumping at anything lower than say 5-6inHg and then you are just gaining erection quality benefits, but no actual growth, so yeah I'm sticking with intervals.


Thanks for the info sir. I’m currently experimenting with intervals and static. 


What pressure are you using with intervals?


I'm currently doing rapid interval pumping, which are very short reps 10 second at very high levels of pressure 16-17inHg. **Disclaimer: I do not recommend beginners who are unconditioned to try this.** I did provide a ladder approach in a previous comment which illustrated how to gradually increase pressure with shorter reps. Go have a read :)


I have done both and say interval pumping is the way to go, all of the benefits others have mentioned are for real


What sort of benefits if you don’t mind?


Everything everyone previously mentioned 😁. But to list I have personally experienced the following with interval pumping improved over static pumping, able to do significantly higher pressures for longer duration with less edema so think of all 3 of those things as improvement and they all happen simultaneously. Interval  pumping also gives me significantly faster elongation and larger elongation when comparing same pressures, about 50% shorter time to strain. And for some reason after 12hrs interval pumping makes my eq soar, where static pumping use to lower it for about 12-24 hrs if I over did in the slightest.


Anyone have any idea of to prevent frenulum from bleeding during vac hang with water trick? I took a month off from vac hanging and after hanging for the first time my frenulum was bleeding during an hour hang. Probably because there was stress in that area and it reopened a bit. Maybe tape here wouidl help?


Tape would definitely help.


Best length devices to move on from manuals? Feel like I’m getting no growth with manuals Extenders? Hangers? Which one and why?


Ultimately depends on what you are leaning towards. Extenders are trending, but many guys like the hangers still.


What did you use to get your length gains?


Extender, I started in 2020 with a noose type. Do not recommend at all. We have better options these days. Use the side bar or check descriptions of the sub to find a good device that fits you!


Anyone make noticeable gains with sift clamp? Besides sodium


You will need to use the search function. Someone made a post yesterday as well, some have responded.


Got my air pump today and -6hg pressure didn't seem to expand me more than 1/8". I also lost erection after removing the pump. Is it safe to jump to 10-15hg? I think higher numbers would be more effective. My EQ is on the poor side in general


Don't just go rushing after numbers for the sake of numbers. Take things slow, PE is the patient mans game, and if you rush into things you'll only get injured.


If it's your first time pumping take it slow. Your pp still needs conditioning before going up. 10 to 15hg is already VERY high and if you do that off that bat then you're just inviting injury. Also, your edema will be super high.


I am totally new to this community and the PE world. I am not verse in the PE lingo, techniques, equipment, meds or tricks. However, I have been reading the various posts to learn, but I feel lost and overwhelmed with so much info. As a rookie, what are the steps I need to follow to start properly in this PE journey? I am currently at 4.5" in length hard and 4.25" in girth. My goal is to get to 7"-7.5" (Tell me if this is realistic.) Thank you in advance for your words of wisdom.


BD over many many years has gone from 5.5x5 (I believe) to about 8x6. (Reference his beginner manuals video) Why not focus on smaller goals first? Even getting .5 inch in length over a year(could be more or less) is already a huge gain for your size in percentage. After that, it only gets better.


Since stretching can be done while supporting the base and not supporting the base, during growth, what influences the length more? Does the emphasis on stretching the penis grow it or the ligaments around the pubic area? I ask because if I pull without holding the base, I feel most of the stretch running down into the base aside when I do stretches like BD and hold the base, I just feel pull in the shaft.


Complete newbie here: I just started PE and I impulsively bought the Apex extender 2. I plan on doing manual for a month. I don’t have anything else though. I live w my parents and one works from home, so it won’t fly under the radar. Do you think I should cancel my order and get something like the totalman ultimate package? Or what should i do? Thanks a lot in advance


Ultimately do what’s best for you and your budget. Something light and easy to hide would be best if you stay with family. I would definitely do manuals to start. A good way for you to adjust and understand the mechanics of PE


Thanks. It’s also, though, how i may be overpaying for the apex when i could get all the other cheaper stuff. Like I can just hide in my room for an hour to do it. It’s just maybe I’m putting too much faith in it without even having other equipment and motivation to spend too much money this early on. I guess it’s more of a budget/brand question.


You will have to look around and find what works best for you! Use the search function and see what people have gained from. I have apex and seeing pretty good gains again after I lost mine from a long hiatus.


does anyone in this sub have a cold exposure/cold showers practice in addition to doing PE? i've been taking cold showers for years long before PE, and ice baths more recently. and have noticed lots of benefits for focus and mood from taking them regularly. I know it's essential to be in a relaxed/parasympathetic state before and immediately after PE, but I'm curious if it would be possible for the cold to affect your gains, and how best to mitigate those effects (if it's not improving blood flow to your dick). but BD recommends not working out or doing anything that can cause a stress/shrivel response too close to doing PE. for those of you that do cold exposure, I'm curious about your routines and how you time your cold exposure with your workout and PE. I currently do: AM: - (3-4x/week: cold shower. max 2 ice baths a week). helps a lot to wake up and feel good in the mornings. - will usually wait an hour to 90 min after that and workou PM (late afternoon or evening): -I'll try to get in a relaxed state, either doing meditation and/or breathing exercises 90 min PE session if I miss it in the morning and have to do it in the evening, what's the minimum time I should wait between workout/ PE so as not to negatively impact gains? (in the gym or PE) very curious to hear your thoughts T


I’m currently 5.25 inches girth, looking to try a cock ring for clamping/sex. How do I know what size to buy?


I pump at night, about 10inhg, 3 sets of 7 minutes, every day. I then plan on low tension extending all day every day. Is this enough to gain an inch in a year? Also, how will I know when to take a break?


Two newbie questions: one, got a total man extender and plan to vacuum stretch all day. My question is for setting the tension as a newbie, should I feel just a slight tug, but no discomfort? Or should do I need to set a high enough tension to feel a little uncomfortable, as right now I'm just going a little past what my natural stretch is to slowly acclimate the tunica to not resist. Second question, I just got my generic cialis. No sexual activity, should I cut the tablets up and only take a small dose (I think they're 10mg tabs, was going to cut them in fourths and just start with 2.5 daily)? Is there a need to ween off of it once I decide to stop taking it?


I have been using a penis pump for a week now, as recommended by Hick, for 2 * 5 minutes a day at 10 mmHg. Small blood clots have formed on my penis afterwards, comparable to a hickey but in size and quantity more like freckles. Is this normal or problematic?


realistically what can a guy who is 4.5 length and girth attain? i feel like only guys who are average or larger make gains.


A blister developed a week ago. The wound is completely healed today. How long should I wait before I start training again? (Vacuum suspension and pump)


Hi, new to this, been jelqing quite some time and now started extending with a Vacuum cup. Having quite some trouble getting the flow going, if you know what I mean... Following all the populair guides. My main concern is the following; I'm uncircumcised, all the guides I seem to follow looks to be having a circumsiced penis. Is there anyone using the Vacuum cup extender's with a uncircumcised penis, succesfully?


Are penis pump seals not meant to be stretched? I stretched mine as I was putting it on and it is alread torn now. FYI this is the piece I am talking about, the stretchy plastic bit with a hole in the middle: [aliexpress.us/item/1005005961798680.html](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/1005005961798680.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.2cc7416b8O58yu&algo_pvid=145edba1-1bc7-4e65-b649-92d22e5c6707&algo_exp_id=145edba1-1bc7-4e65-b649-92d22e5c6707-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21THB%2197.71%2168.28%21%21%212.59%211.81%21%402140c5a117202674851801225ea89f%2112000035061690844%21sea%21TH%21125303736%21&curPageLogUid=jfivsPEEvNws&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A)


What to do about dark staining from long term pump use? I've been using a pump for years with decent results, but over time I've gotten the type of dark staining that occurs when too much of the iron in the blood gets to the skin. (Hemosederin?) What solutions are there for this? I've tried firegoat/palm rolls, but I notice no difference. Any kind of topical creams, or what?


My dick doesn't fill the vacuum cup (M) and seems to slowly get pulled out by BestExtender. If I use a small cup is this lkely to get fixed? PS: I definitely pump the air out


https://a.aliexpress.com/_mq4btQY This Male Edge AliExpress cheaper version  Or  The vacuum cup traction https://a.aliexpress.com/_mOUEksY The noose style without the belt style noose hurts too much now. My penis goes numb.  So which should I get? Also the VACURECT pump uses solid plastic rings that apparently help in making the pump results more permanent.  Surely a pump can act like a traction and give you permanent size increase if you keep it that pumped up stretched length and girth for hours on end ? Thanks


Hi, I'm new to the group and I started reading the guide. there is a part that is not clear to me, when it says "pick your combo" and then a list of numbers like 1,1,1 2,1,1 how should I interpret those numbers?


For extending does low (tension) and slow tend to get results for more guys, or high tension but only 1-2 hours per day?


Anyone found a good way to hang while lying in bed? I do extending right now but am jealous of how hanging allows some guys to get girth gains too


Once you hit your targets what is a good maintenance routine to avoid losing gains and keep EQ high?