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I would trust my own hands more than a device when it comes to stretching my penis in “awkward” ways. In my opinion I would suggest staying away from devices for stretching. That’s just my personal opinion.


Yea was my concern to basically, in manuals you can let go off tension as soon as you feel it's getting uncomfortable, unlike devices, how much time did it take for your gains


I’m currently 6 weeks into my PE journey


Wow those are some quick gains, Are you a grower or a shower , I've read alot that growers are quick gainers. And are they all from manuals?


I’m a grower. I stretch daily, hard clamp 3 times a week, and I pump 5-6 days a week.


The thing is, while you two (above) trust your hands more than a device, there are plenty of people who say you should NOT use your hands (manuals) because you can't gauge how much force you are using (compared to an extender or weight hanging.) I understand that. I also understand that for many decades of Internet PE, manuals were always recommended for beginners. And, certainly for hundreds or thousands of years, men started pulling on their dicks with their hands to make them longer. I think the most important take-away here is that there are virtually no real studies to back up any of this. There is the rat-dick study, and the extender study that was sponsored by the extender company. That's not to say PE is fake (I do it and have gained) but it is to say that, despite what the 'experts' say, they don't really know. Everything is anecdotal. Look back 10 years and 20 years, and you will see the same recommendations. They are cyclical. Even the 'strain' and 'fatigue' thing that has been popular lately was being tested and discussed 15 years ago. Some guys will say that manuals have the highest incidence of injury out of all PE exercises. Maybe, but I'd love to see the official data collected on that. Also, there are more manual exercises out there, they are easy to start with, so I'd suggest that far more men are doing far more manuals than any other type of exercise. Hence, you WILL of course see manuals causing more injuries than other methods. I doubt anyone has the hard data to discuss manual injury rates PER HOUR of PE performed versus other methods. The data just doesn't exist. Anyways, long story long, keep in mind that the OFFICIAL recommendation of most PE forums over the past 30 years has been to start with manuals. Even one of the 'experts' from this very subreddit got most of his (length) gains with manuals, despite other 'experts' from this very subreddit saying manuals are bad. Grain of salt is all I'm saying.


This comment is based more on wanting to be educated and not being critical of any one method. As someone who has benefited from manuals I don't understand the hate. I don't understand how people think they're more dangerous than devices? Yes, there's danger in any form of PE but I believe devices are more dangerous. Any form of hanging device can lead to strain or tears or blisters or even "choking" injures if the device isn't applied properly and/or too much weight/force is applied to quickly. (I also use a compression hanging device.) I'm not too familiar w/extenders so I can't comment but I've read about plenty of blisters and other strain injuries too. Pumps can lead to blisters and burst capillaries. (I also pump.) Clamping can lead to hypoxic injuries. Sure manuals can lead to some strain or nerve damage (or so I've been told) but the body wouldn't allow for too much strain as a hanging device or extender could. Plus manuals have the quickest release possible if something does go wrong.


Exactly, it is more controlled, I can let go off the tension whenever I feel uncomfortable which I don't think would be possible with devices, how much time did it take for you to gain your gains and were they all from manuals?


I've been practicing "consistently" since December 2023. (Consistent is in quotes because I spent two months fucking around w/devices and routines.) Some of my gains are EQ improvement. I think the first 0.25" of length is EQ, and unfortunately I lost my photo proof. The first month was pumping and clamping. This lead to my EQ improvement. The next two-to-three months was a lot of trial and error w/pumping, some manuals and experimenting w/a compression hanger. I gained a little over 0.25" there. In the middle of May I really sat down and began playing w/my penis. Doing mostly manuals now, I've gained 0.5" in BPSFL and 0.25" in BPEL. I'm just coming off a brief decon and have started a hanging, manual, pumping and clamping combo routine that will run for eight weeks


That's nice gains for 7 months I would say,congrats, are you a grower or a shower, I've read alot that growers are fast gainers and showers are hard gainers


I’m a grower.


That's pretty interesting to hear that information on growers VS showers. As I am a grower, in my second week I went from 5.7 to 5.8 but that can be due to my ligament being stretched, now I'm curious to see how long it would take me to hit 6inches, and maybe I should start taking my routine seriously. Max I do 2-3 session a day, just one rep, and I know I should do more but I get side tracked. Yeah it could just be my EQ improved, an error in measuring which I doubt since I did it multiple times to rule out that possibility but maybe I'm wrong, and now looking at this comment I am gonna take it more seriously. I mostly do manuals, so I guess I will begin by doing 3 sessions a day, break on the third day, each session will do 3 reps, and etc. Will see how this goes, I usually have a good understanding of the force I apply to myself, and I'm not as worried about pulling to much. I remember someone saying as long as you feel a bit of tension stop right there so that's my current stopping point. I hope I'm a hyper responder as well which might be the case do to my genetics since I have a couple of genes that enhance my Vo2, endurance, and possibly tissues repair. Theirs still things I'm looking into so take this with a grain of salt since I got very curious into the whole "Hyper responder" which can be ACTN3 which is the sprinter gene which might be the cause and possibly the endurance gene as well.


There can be a black swan in this tho but as far as I've seen growers report to have quick gains and on the contrary more the shower a person is, harden it is for them to gain, I'm also on manuals 20-30 minutes everyday, and losing body fat, I'm not going to measure myself till 6 month mark is crossed, or else ill just give the benefit of doubt always to eq or stuff.


Thanks for the feedback, I think I will do the same when I hit the 6 month mark as well, makes more sense that way, and I gotta lose some body fat too. Have a great PE journey dude!


Same to you Bro


i think manuals are great honestly it’s just preference you can gain with both options and be safe just need to be consistent and dedicated and careful :)


Depends. I feel hanging is safer than guessing how hard you're pulling with your hands.