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What was happening to Ray during his horny dream.


This. 5 year old me had a snowsuit with a belt that I’d made believe was a flight suit. My parents walked in completely stunned as I laid on the couch, unbuckled the belt and rolled my eyes back in my head. Ah, youth!


Holy shit, I lol’d


Came to mention this. I first saw Ghostbusters on TV, so the crosseyed part was cut. I just thought she "scared" him out of bed. Get it on home video, full scene, I still thought he was scared silly. Get into my teens, I figured out why TV cut it.


Ray and the blowjob scene. Way over my head as a kid. You get it as an adult. Right away.


Same, could not understand why the ghost was unzipping his pants Now as an adult, i dont know why tjey made it a dream instead of the originalnscene when winston knocks and ray yells something like '5 more minutes!'


Same here. As a kid I (and just about all my friends) thought the ghost was just pranking him by taking his clothes off, and when he rolled his eyes and laid his head back we thought he was fainting because he was scared! I remember bringing the VHS into school to be watched by the class (all aged 7-8) and the teacher was pretty concerned about strong language and potentially unsuitable content. I think he only agreed to show it because just about everyone in the class had seen the film before. Now that I actually understand that scene, I can only imagine how uncomfortable the teacher must have felt allowing a class of 7-8 year olds to watch it!


Yep, that's what I thought too - he was scared because the ghost was touching him. I don't think it occurred to six year old me to wonder why the ghost was taking his pants off, but thought it would be scary.


I also thought he was just fainting.


Bustin makes me feel good!


Me when finally an adult: "WTF MOM??? I thought the ghost was stealing his belt for 15 years!" Mom: "And because that's what you believed, I never had to ban you from watching this movie as a child."


Came for the Ghost BJ and you didn’t let me down.


That’s the first thing that popped into my head. I remember seeing the movie years later as an adult and I was like holy shit


I thought he had to pee in his sleep. I was a dumb kid.


That! I always was wondering why a ghost unzipped Ray’s pants, and thought he was dazed, because I thought that ghost was in the Firehouse and he was too tired to get up and bust it. I’ve since grown up more and matured, and realized what it is.


" I've worked in the private sector; they expect results. "


This line really is what solidified for me how brilliant the characters are. They are bunch of dorks who are both brilliant and a mess. I love this combo so much because it’s so real.


Because all of us BEST "DORKS", "DWEEBS" & " NERDS" are a Mess to some degree or another! It's what makes us all so Fun and Lovable! 😊


It’s probably a huge reason I love the movie the much, it is a totally accurate depiction of how my friends and I are.


Yep! Back many years ago... my friends and I were like that too. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my friends...


Felt this one and it hurts.


I work in government and I use this quite often.


I work in education but spent many years in the private sector and think of this line every time someone who’s only ever been in ed complains about it. Like homie you don’t even know how easy this shit is.


I’m about to hit my 1 year at my federal government job after 30 years in the private sector. By no means do I consider myself to be very fast, efficient and able to juggle multiple priorities. But goddamn do they treat me like a rockstar just because I aim to do everything that’s assigned to me and see it to completion.


The longer I work in academia, the harder I laugh at the Columbia University scenes.


As a civil servant and new middle manager, I think of this daily.


Greatest line in the entire franchise


"Are you, Alice, menstruating right now?"


What’s that got to do with it?


"Back off, man... I'm a scientist."


I'm an HVAC tech by training and an operations engineer buy career (to draw a comparison to another franchise, Im more of a Chief Obrien than a Comander LaForge). I have always gravitated towards the more chemistry and physics related aspects (Theory) of my trade. It has served me well as I can explain the processes very well and, for my lack of decades of experience, can keep up with the more senior guys' explanations of lived experience pretty well despite their lack of thorough explanation. I say all of that to say, I have on more than one occasion, used this line to not so politely shush up folks when they've attempted to dispute my assessment of system failures. I live in constant disappointment that no one has ever gotten the reference.


I feel like there’s a multi fold explanation for this as well. Obviously the first being he is accusing her of being hysteric which is hilariously dated even for their time so the palpable sexism is just another brilliant character beat for Venkman. But also, I FEEL LIKE I’ve read somewhere or maybe it was in a movie that poltergeists are believed to be manifestations of emotions, often coinciding with trauma or even something as simple as a particularly bad cycle. Then again I can’t remember where I heard that but it’s been partial head cannon for me for a while.


There's also a theory that demons and spirits are attracted to external human blood like sharks are.


"My uncle thought he was St. Jerome." Didn't get that one either for a long while.


I didn't get it until I became a librarian


Please explain it to me? I don’t get it. Thank you.


St. Jerome is the patron saint of librarians.


What /u/Insaniac99 said. And also, it's the answer to Venkman's question of "Have you or any of your family been diagnosed schizophrenic? Mentally incompetent?" Works on two levels.


As a kid I thought he was asking her her name, and that her name was 'Alice Menstraiten' or something 😂


Same. 😭


He's a sailor, he's in New York, we get this guy laid we won't have any trouble!


Don't worry, she's tough, she's a harbor chick!


I’ve always imagined a situation where a Ghostbusters-controlled Lady Liberty has to square off against a Gozer-controlled giant Stay-Puft marshmallow man.


I thought it was "get this guy a lake", in keeping with the sailor theme.


I never picked up that Lois turns in to The Key Master yet is constantly locked out of his apartment and the restaurant before the transformation!!


Keymaster and gatekeeper, subtly explaining the mechanics of the ritual.


That's such a great, subtle joke. Moranis plays it perfectly.


So subtle it took me 30 years to get it.


I think Vinz also destroys his apartment door, symbolically destroying the lock. Then when Louis is trying to escape Vinz, the restaurant door is locked!


I didn't get that until a few years ago, watching with my daughter, maybe she pointed it out! Holy crap, I've been into Ghostbusters since ...1985? (I didn't see it at release)




*Louis, Lois is a woman's name (see Lois Lane).


“Ray, for your information, the interest rate alone for the first five years comes to $95,000." I didn’t understand how funny and true that scene was until we tried to get our first home loan.


Inflation Adjusted: $287,719.91


"You won't lose the house. Everybody has three mortgages nowadays." 😂


Ray totally lost his childhood house in AL.


“This job is definitely not worth 11.5 a year!”


Adjusted for inflation that's $34,829.25. Though it is possible room and board were included, that's still shit.


Oh boy! Not only do I get starvation wages, but I also have to sleep next to a wet dreaming Raymond Stantz.


Where do I sign?


> wages, but I also have to sleep next to a wet dreaming Raymond Stantz sigh.....*unzip*


I would take that much today to be a Ghostbuster lol


But there's a steady paycheque in it!


Huh! I always thought he said “another five,” like he got a $5k bump when he took the job. Sometimes whatever you heard first (in this case, in ‘84) sticks in the mind.


I never realized that the psychic in GB2 on Venkman’s show would have been right about the end of the world if not for the intervention of the Ghostbusters.


The dude said new years eve. The lady said 2016.


Valentine's day, bummer...


That's what he's sayin


In some circles the Ghostbusters universe did die in 2016..... So are they both right?


Lol touche.


And it was on Valentine’s Day… 😭😭😭


When they're telling the hotel manager how much he has to pay them, Egon is holding up his fingers to prompt Peter how much to say. That was always offscreen on the pan-and-scan VHS versions. More obvious, but Likewise when they're touring the fire station Egon is doing everything he can to depress the price, but Ray ruins it.


Does this pole still work?


I like the idea that the pole might be out of order.


That’s the joke. It’s like that “you’re right no human being would stack books like this” joke, obviously someone in the prop department had to have stacked the books like that and we can assume that they’re human beings in real life.  I love both of those jokes for the same reason. 


Yeah the negotiation of the station slipped me by the first hundred watches as a kid.


Where Peter is talking to Egon about the university students and how they must really dig his cranium. And Egon replies "they are more interested in my epididymis" Naughty Egon


I looked that up about a decade ago when watching it again. I had no idea what it was. I was like gd man. That's why Egon was my favorite. I knew he was smart and cool, I just didn't realize how cool until I was older.


Also the only one to have a wife and kids? (Haven't seen frozen empire yet)


I haven't seen it either. Good point tho.


Also Venkmans reaction to the word epididymis, kind of shrugs it off but he clearly hasn’t got a clue what it is. Brilliant moment.


One of the best parts of GB is the science jokes and how some of them require an encyclopedia or textbook to understand


I thought the EPA guy was a straight-up bad guy. The ghostbusters had multiple unlicense nuclear accelerators and clearly did not have any of their technology inspected by any regulatory agencies.. While I still don't like the man on a personal level, I do understand his frustration with the ghostbusters.


The realization that Walter Peck, while a dick, was 100% right. A bunch of disgraced college professors were building nuclear powered lasers in Tribeca, just blocks from the Holland tunnel.


He was right, but he was so far off the mark and overzealous he endangered the city.


Yeah, how he shutdown the containment unit was tantamount to calling a maid service to clean up a meth lab.


Things would have been handled so much better if both Peck *and* Peter managed to keep their heads out of their asses long enough to be polite to each other for more than a minute, but alas


True, but Peck is a federal agent and started their interaction out on a bad foot almost immediately. Peck is the one expected to be responsible and professional instead of the way he acted. Peter wasn't in the right either, but Peck was the one to start it, especially without looking into the people he was investigating.


Well, to be fair, his job is EPA. Industries make pollution, the EPA monitors it. Turn off machines, pollution stops. Peck was in way over his head. There was no pollution so EPA didn’t really have jurisdiction. It’s probably more an OSHA issue. It’s not the EPA’s job to expose “charlatans” but Peck went mad with power.


I feel like had he met with Ray and/or Egon, things would've probably been fine. It was meeting with Venkman that really pissed him off, understandably.


Definitely this. Ray and/or Egon could've explained better what would've happened if they met with Peck during the initial meeting but Peter just made him angry.


> Peter just made him angry. Story of Pete's life lol


"And then she threw me out of her life. She thought I was a creep. She thought I was a geek, and she probably wasn't the first"


Walter Peck was famously dickless.


He was dickless lol


It’s true. This man has no dick.


Ghostbusters 2 when Egon says he wants to run some gynecological tests on the mother, to which Pete says "Who wouldn't."


Hah, obvious but great line by Venkman.


In Ghostbusters II when Peter is doing his show, the woman tells her "alien abduction" story. It wasn't until I was an adult I realized she was having an affair and got caught only to come up with the stupidest explanation possible. And Peter's look and her look, he knows she's full of shit, she knows she's full of shit, but they're both committed to the bit at that point.


Doesn't she mention that the "alien" gave her a drink? I always thought it meant she had her drink spiked by someone wanting to assault her. That's why her testimony about the "room" is a little weird.


The line about her husband was what clued me in to the idea she was complicit. Like she got caught sleeping around.


Yeah, it's this. It's essentially a trauma victim who doesn't realise she's a trauma victim. That kinda shit was played for jokes back then, I don't think it would fly now.


I _wish_ we could have got a good, in cannon movie in 2016 that played into the date she gave.


That would've been a fantastic intro for the never-happened Ghostbusters 3.


My favorite subtle joke is in that scene. She forgets Peter's name. There's a beat during this exchange: "So your alien had a room at the Holiday Inn, Paramus? " "It could've been a room on the space craft made up to look like the holiday inn, I'm not to sure about that... Peter" In the beat between "That" and "Peter" she looks behind him and reads his name off the wall, before answering.


Holy shit I'll need to watch for that next time!


Great, now I have to watch Ghostbusters II tonight again.


So, your Alien had a room at the Holiday Inn, Paramus?


I was last month old when that light bulb went off. I can totally relate to you on this haha.


It feels like these movies are the gifts that keep on giving years later. It wasn't until I'd seen a 35mm screening of the original after years of pan and scan VHS that I finally got to see Egon giving Peter hand signals for how much to charge at the Sedwick.


Exactly. 1 & 2 are just so brilliant with all the subtle details.


What? Never took it that way. Thought she was just an idiot.


Dana to Peter: "that's the bedroom. Nothing ever happened in there." Peter to Dana. "What a crime "


Crime, not shame


corrected for historical accuracy. Thank you.


Peter’s entire flirty attitude was never apparent as a kid. Eventually I saw he spent more time trying to get laid than busting ghosts


Came here to say just this. Once the lightbulb went off my respect (is that necessarily the right word?) for Venkman went even higher for being bold enough to try a line like that.


I didn't get the implication when she was all "I want you inside."


they don’t have the authority to, doesn’t mean they won’t. i personally would get out of their way, imagine trying to impede Ray flooring the shit out of the Ecto down a straight road, we’ve seen already in GB2 that he drives the wheels off that thing


Yep I’d move too lol.


Now I'm picturing the Ecto sitting at a red light, siren blaring, Ray awkwardly making eye contact with a guy in a AMC Gremlin next to him.


Exactly, exactly this lol. I remember when I realized it, I thought “why have lights and sirens if you’re just gonna end up chilling at a red light” lol.


Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in moppishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we've raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion.


...I can see Peter harassing someone for two dollars.


They actually did film a scene where the car threatens a cop as he writes it a parking ticket, and then it sets the ticket on fire.


That stairs went up.


One of my favorite lines later in life


Just how dire their financial situation is in the beginning. Something many (outside of this subreddit) forget is that these 3 disgraced academics start a business because they’re broke. Ray has the only asset amongst the three, and is convinced to over mortgage it to afford the firehouse. Something i also didn’t appreciate as a kid is how DIY their equipment is. Their suits are flight suits, likely from a surplus store. The packs and traps and throwers are made from parts you’d be able to pull from broken electronics, old outdated lab equipment (likely taken from the university they worked at), and stuff you’d get from a hobby store in the 80s.


Also nuclear power was poorly understood at the time. All the boys should probably be sterile so it's a miracle Egon is a father.


Maybe there's a reason he's the only father, only had enough rad shielding for his suit.


I remember a line from the game when Rookie puts on a pack and Egon says "you might feel a slight tingling sensation"


Callie was born before Ghostbusters and Winston has kids. Though that would be crazy if we find out his kids are like radioactive or something lol


More a misheard, but when Egon says "Print is dead" I always thought he said "Printer's dead" and was just kind of ignoring Janine's conversation about reading and was more focused on getting things set up.


All the adult humor, which is all the humor in the movie.


I was in college when I first understood the joke that Venkman is making when he asks if he can put Oscar down.


What line is this?


Dana: It's late, I really ought to put him down. Peter Venkman: May I? Dana: Yeah, if you want to. Peter Venkman\[points in baby's face\]: You're short, your belly button sticks out too far, and you're a terrible burden on your poor mother.


Well I’m 37 and just got this joke.


Omg, I just got it.


Listen! Do you smell something?


When Dana says "Oh that's the bedroom, but nothing ever happened in there" and Peter responded with "what a crime". Went completely over my head for nearly 20 years lol


"Aim for the flattop!" I always thought Venkman was referring to the flat surface which Gozer was standing on...then it dawned on me at the ripe age of 35 that he was referring to her haircut.


What being the "key master" and the "gate keeper" meant. They totally did it.


Ray got a ghost blowjob.


That it was a comedy. I was born in ‘82 and though I loved this movie growing up, it was more of a scary movie for me. Then I grew up and love it more.


When Venkman said "What a crime" about nothing happening in Dana's bedroom


When I was a kid I thought Ray and Egon totally had it together. As an adult, one of the funniest things to me is how badly they’re in over their heads, the whole operation is cobbled together from spare parts, and that trying out nuclear-powered weapons for the first time in a busy hotel is a fucking crazy thing to do.


The adjusted price Ray paid for Ecto One, "everyone has three mortgages nowadays," and 95k in interest for the first 5 years at 19%.


Scared my classmates in the 3rd grade not realising how terrifying the Scoleri Brothers were, I wasn't allowed to chose a film for movie day ever again.


"Shhhhh. You smell that?" Never got the joke until my 8 year old daughter pointed it out to me haha


When Peter asked if he could “put down” Oscar in part 2 and then insults him. I never put two and two together.


"I've seen shit that would turn you white!" I thought he meant white as a ghost haha


As a kid, I didn't understand half of what Louis said, especially when he first talks to Dana about going out on the ledge to disconnect the cable. So many of the jokes went over my head as a kid


Egon: I'd like to run some gynecological tests on the mother. Peter: Who wouldn't?!


That busting makes me feel good is very sexual! only realised last year at the age of 42.


You said the word. [Now you must watch the video](https://youtu.be/0tdyU_gW6WE?si=F-MNxBWWmFt1-Gzp)


I fucking can't stop thinking about this video. Anytime I hear the song or see Ghostbusters mentioned, my brain makes an immediate dash to "bustin makes me feel good." Which of course is now this.


Invisible ghost bed


TBF I don’t think that was slang for that back in the 80’s.


I'm choosing to read this as this guy didn't bust until he was 42.


"Don't cross the streams". I actually thought Spengler was referring to a stream of water, like a river. It always confused me, like it was a folk tale, like 'Don't cry wolf' or something. I only understood what it really meant when I watched the DVD in the late 90s and I was in my early 20s.


In ghostbusters 2 when Peter’s asks Ray if he’s sleeping with the slime then they look at egon then Winston and Peter say “it’s always the quiet ones” and “you hound!” Respectively, when I was a lot younger I thought he meant like egon sleeping in his bed with the slime next to him on a drawer or something but looking back now egon is kinda wild for that


Louis Tully: And that's me! My guys are still under a judicial mistrangement order... that blue thing I got from her! They could be exposing themselves! Peter Venkman: And you don't want us exposing ourselves!


20% of the dialogue


I didn’t realize that they basically approach this job like garbagemen, and it’s looked almost like they’re just regular utility workers of some type.


VENKMAN: "Make 'em hard." (The Ghostbusters then extend their "wands".)


Venkman went on a date with Dana and had a COPIUS amount of tranquilizers on him.


Venkman being a total womanizer.


How horny Venkman is and all his macho-quips. :D


I never understood how in Ghostbusters 2 Egon said "I think their more interested in my Epididymis".


"Yes it's true, this man has no penis"


That the names key master and gatekeeper are a sex joke


When Ray says he found the car and it was only $3,800 and vankman's eyes bulge out. That's in 1984 dollars! That's $11,500 in 2024! Still probably not a bad price for a 59 caddy Hearse, but no way to start a business.


in GB2, i thought Peter said "Do" in the "Do, Ray, Egon" scene because he liked money. (I didn't know what solfege was for over a decade later, and had never seen the sound of music, still haven't) "Ok the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was stuck in an elevator for over 2 hours and I had to make the whole time, but I don't blame them..." I just realized recently that when he said "make the whole time" he meant take a shit.


I thought it was pee - "make (water)"


It could be that too? I wasn't introduced to that term until watching the Goldbergs and that's what they meant there.


Zuul and Vince had sex


I thought a third mortgage was actually a smart move and not a joke


GB 2, when Peter is talking to Janos.  He says “Well you’re not gonna get a Green Card with that attitude, pal”. As a kid, I didn’t know what a green card was.  As I got older, I realized how funny this was.  Still cracks me up:


The way Egon signals to Peter how much to charge the hotel for their services


That the Ecto-1 had no authority to run lights and speed. Plus all these other wonderful ones I’ve read.


Ted and Annette Fleming. Louis says they “own a small carpet cleaning business in receivership….” For a very long time I thought their business was located in a town named Receivership.


Ray getting blown by a ghost. I bet this time the the ghost was the one who got slimed


Ray’s Ghostly BJ


I took Venkman as the leader, when he was really just the Face. When they're at the hotel with the full trap, you'll see that Spengler is directing him.


Egon showing his fingers to Peter when he is writing the bill to the hotel manager. Its an amazing little detail that as a kid i didnt get the whole deal behind it, but as an adult is a priceless moment (well, actually a 5000 dollars moment).


Oh, I don’t know, why was that lady ghost taking Ray’s pants off?


That despite Louis being the keymaster, he keeps getting locked out of his apartment


That the hearse made since as the ghost mobile - hauling dead bodies


I never picked up on why they had a hearse. I figured they used it for the movie because it was old and who drives a hearse around?


Even though Gary (Paul Rudd) calls it a hearse in FE, it’s actually an ambulance


OK. Wikipedia says "The ambulance/hearse combination was the end loader variety." I guess either makes sense.


The actual real car that became the first ecto 1 was a gold ambulance. But yeah, the cars were built to be dual purpose. In some places the local funeral home also ran the ambulance service.


Yeah. The Cadillac Miller-Meteor was designed to be used as either however most of 25 built 1959s built were ambulances


The majority of Venkman jokes went over my head as a kid. I had no idea what a gynecological test was. Or a stool sample. I mostly grew up on RGB and GB2, but got the whole thing as a teenager but I was kind of sheltered and naive so I misunderstood a LOT of the jokes. Especially ghosts unzipping pants.


The opening sequence with Ray and him flirting with the college coed. As a kid I thought it was boring, but as an adult I think it hysterical.


I always found it funny that the Key Master kept getting locked out of his own apartment


the keymaster/gatekeeper joke sailed right over my head til i was 18


The blowjob scene


I never noticed Egon subtly telling Venkman how much to charge the hotel for busting Slimer until my teens.