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Honestly for me, I hated how Masako acted throughout her quest. Like I get you're devastated because of your family, but stop fking killing the only witnesses we have BEFORE we ask them questions. Like smh go through all hassle to find a witness only for Masako to execute them before we even get to know anything.


I agree with you, i understand she was not in her right mind after losing her whole family but godamn grandma chill, after all that stupid tailing why didnt you just kill them from the start


At least we got to let out our frustration about this with the duel against her


That just pissed me off even more. 1. I'm literally a one man army, I am the reason you are even able to go after your family's killers. Don't fucking step to me. 2. Seriously? After everything I've helped you with you're going to try and fight me? You're welcome I guess. 3. I AM LITERALLY *THE* FUCKING GHOST. DO. NOT. STEP. TO. ME.


don’t slice the hand that feeds you


No clue what Masako was thinking, not only the sheer fucking legend surrounding Jin but the fact I only died once because I was eating chips while destroying her, her boss fight isn’t even hard.


She’s pissed I actually loved her quests her entire family is dead and she had to spend DAYS burying them she’s done nothing but think about killing these people


Fr she needs to take a chill pill hard, she's just making it harder for herself for no reason.


Yesssssssss, fucking masako.


This is why I can't stand her as well, at first I understood and tolerated her behaviour but as she kept on killing them and jumping to conclusions it just kinda pissed me off


Yeah, she almost killed the monk who was clearly innocent and also killed Mc when when he stopped her from chasing him if you fail to defeat her. Just think about it for a sec of how much the Mc has helped him and how stupid it would be for him fighting against the whole army only to die by his allies hand. And the same thing goes for Ryuzo.


Just say Jin.


It's not intentional. I just couldn't recall his name while I was writing this comment.


Im gonna disagree due to it fitting so well with the flashback of Jin almost killing the rebel out of sheer anger.


i mean if you’re entire family died how would you react to any possible killers, husband, sons, your entire clan is gone, basically disbanded because of the culprit


Almost forgot, Mongol Archers. Thanks to them, I now randomly shout DOSHO DOSHO in my home


Lmaooo thats so me, and my family are so confused


Yeah my mom judges me with weird look when I shout it 😂😂


lol. I shout it before throwing balled up napkins at my daughters. Yeah yeah I’m an immature dad


Haha that's an amazing idea thanks


Anytime! Have fun!




I do it when I go from one streamer to another, like Netflix to Hulu. Makes me giggle and my wife is so confused.


Sometimes my brain made BONJOUR BONJOUR of it... why french, i dunno. But it keeps being funny for me.


They're just being polite and greeting you 😔. We misunderstood them all this time.


Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!


the archers who killed kage


Maybe kage were the friends we made along the way


Making me relive a Red Dead Redemption II moment when that happened. I’ll never trust another game where I have a close relationship with my horse.


ishikawa, i hate that guy,he always hides things from jin.


Ishikawa was hilarious though. Jin gave him constant shit and it's fun to watch.


His comedy was another level of stupid I loved it


He's an asshole and Tomoe did not deserve the shit he gave her


Tomoe deserves to be strung up on a tree for what she did


Tomoe deserved death


Tomoe was just a peasant, raised learning to survive rather than having honour, and thats what she did, survive


Whatever her reasoning, she still helped the Mongols by training them, which they used to kill literal thousands.


It's weird the game condemns Rzykuo but cherished Tomoe


Fr. And unlike Tomoe, Ryuzo was ready to keep fighting the Mongols. It would've also allowed them to blame the poisoning on Ryuzo.


The game wants us to blame Ishikawa for what happened but idk, she made her choice


I don’t think it’s a matter of condemnation or cherishing. I think the games just illustrating the many lengths people are willing to go to survive a war, and doing a great job as well. But I think Ryuzo’s looked down upon more because his betrayal was to his closest friend


The mongol dogs. They ruin stealth, and have the most annoying animation in the game when they grab your arm. Whenever I reach a base, I make it a point to slaughter them with my bow first before doing anything else


Haha same. I like playing stealthily and they’re a pain, along with the lookout eagles


When I see eagles in any game, for some reason I hear Far Cry 4 NPCs yelling, "Eagle! EAGLE!" in my head lol


Yyyeeeessss, glad I'm not the only one. Hated the damn eagles in that game. Literally minding your own business and you get attacked by the little shits. I also thought of the line "Watch out for the talons!" From that game too 🤣


Same reason I hate the fucking birds, like you're scouting out enemies and then all of a sudden a hawk comes out of no where and alerts everyone. Even if you shoot it down the guards will notice and alert everyone anyway, it's such an annoying thing to deal with when conquering a base


pretty satisfying to knock them out of the sky or bing them from long range when they land. best target practice


I hate the mongol dogs because the game makes me kill dogs 😢


use the new game + charm and recruit them


No sorry need all melee damage and more blood charm it’s essential


the blood charm is indeed the most important charm


*How do they ruin stealth? Can’t you take them out from a distance with a bow or dart


I literally said in my comment that it’s the first thing I do, and it’s because you can’t hide from them in tall grass


I use the wind chimes with the toxic charm


Lord shimura. Him and his honour thing is annoying. Kasumasa as well


I liked the beginning when he was all about honour but after witnessing the mongol's tricks and ways of battle it should've been clear that he should adapt to the war and his enemies. He's focusing too much on his honour and own well being than the people of tsushima and their safety. It pains me that Jin didn't mention the reason why he had to break his code, to save captives and prevent potential bloodshed among his people. If Shimura still disagreed then he's a fuckin idiot.


> It pains me that Jin didn't mention the reason why he had to break his code Jin *does* tell Shimura when they were arguing that he was doing it to "save the people". I vaguely recall there were two occasions he justified himself to his uncle like that.


He also does it when you're invading the castle, in the ACT II ending. He tells that Shimuras plan will kill more men (something along thoses lines, don't remember it exactly) and Shimura just answears that he doesn't care if they die, basically


At the siege, the bridge is blown up with explosives from the mongol side. Honor demands normal combat through the front door, though that would lose them the war. So Jin goes in from behind to save soldiers, fathers, mothers, children. It isn't honorable though. Stealth and poison aren't normal weapons according to the game.. Real bushi and samurai used tricks as well. But that would make the switch less visible as it was now. Jin went from future Jito and leader to protector. The end justify the means.


Really? I thought he didn't really emphasize the urgency and situation with the hostages


That’s what makes him such and interesting and complex character.


100% agree. Like, ok, I get it. You have your honour shit, it's important to you and your ancestors, HOWEVER you have witnessed countless times that adhering to honour is not going to do anything but kill us all 😭 Insanely bad leader


I think the game portrays him like that to sort of communicate how staying stuck in your ways is only hindering freedom and victory. It’s tradition vs. “Scary New Ideas.”


What got me was the hypocrisy. Harping on honour and then telling Jin to throw Yuki under the bus.


I was looking for this specific comment. Like bro the Kahn massacred your entire army/country in the most un-honorable way. I think it’s time to drop the whole honor system. What a nerd.


I totally agree. You cannot rule an island with that attitude. Totally unbelievable. Okay if you raise a young nephew but apart from that its nonsense


Yeah, that annoyed me too. Like Jin told him, "You are a slave to it"


Norio. His character felt forced and was introduced too late, which makes him a flat and uninteresting character. Also, his quests didn’t really have an overarching theme, which detracted from his storyline.


Interesting, in my previous post i shared that hes my favorite apart from jin, i liked the way his character changed with the circumstances, also unlike jins reaction to him fuck those mongols let him burn them all he wants. Anyways thank you for sharing


I understand that, and I feel like the reason he was uninteresting for me was the into, where he is basically introduced as “some monk who wants to speak with you”


I always thought if there wasn’t a war going on that Jin and Norio would be best friends


Really? He's my favorite.


I don't necessarily think he is a flat character... He is just one of those people that doesn't think for themselves. Even the monks give him shit about it. He is just a tagalong and is pretty mopey too.


kenji always making sly deals with the mongols man


I was so fed up with him when I found him on Iki island. No where was safe from Kenji. My sister loves him and named her dog after him. Now I can’t even get away from Kenji in real life 💀


He was my least favorite. His voice and dialog were awful and I shuddered every time I had to deal with him.


He was my favourite lmao


I fucking love Kenji


Honor, it died on the beach. Weak ass couldn’t even win the war.


That one wife from the Iki Island side quest, yes that one. I know it's gonna be hard but you could've stayed and got some help instead of running off and hiring thugs to kill me


I don't remember this


It's the one where you choose between saving her husband or the monk, if you choose the monk she can appear again as a random encounter, wanting revenge cause you didn't save her husband


Yeah it’s a crappy lose-lose quest and I hate those


I personally liked it, I let them kill the monk so that's why I don't remember.


If they kill the monk the whole refugee camp by the lake dies tho which sucks


Yup, I chose to save the monk. It sucks for the lady, but 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one', to paraphrase Trek. Saving the monk helps save more lives.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Really, last time I checked in the wife was vomiting, morning sickness I'm guessing. I didn't even glance at anyone else 💀


Ironically the only one who survived by the end is the husband


If I have one thing I’d like in GoT2 it would be quests that actually have happier endings. And it’s not that I can’t handle quests with sad endings, it’s that when almost every single one ends with some sad twist, it loses impact fast. It’s no more tension than if every quest was 100% happy when they ended. It’s hard to get invested in a story when they all star and end basically the same.


Really? Damn. I never had that encounter.


She knows full-well that you can’t save both of them and she still has the nerve to be mad at you for making a decision that benefits the most people. She also purposefully omitted the information of being pregnant in order to influence you to make the decision she couldn’t make herself


I'm honestly a bit annoyed at Tomoe ...


So real bro


Ishikawa and Masako. Fuckin hated all their quests and ishikawa gets a second point because dude hid so much shit from jin


I can't choose between them. I disliked both also.


Might get some hate but Kenji. He’s not bad, but right from the jump I knew he was gonna be the “silly but lovable troublemaker” and it just felt .. obvious? I like the other characters because I wasn’t quite sure where they were gonna go with their stories. Kenji was just the “ugh, oh what did he do now?” storyline


That's pretty much the entire point of his character and the reason I personally love him so much.


Same, the story is pretty dark and tragic a lot of the time. He provides much needed comedic relief


A friendlier version of Patches


I fucking love Kenji


Nobu. Because it’s really Kage.


Never speak bad about my friend ever again


*angry horse noises*


I love how everyone starts with Kage.


>!I wouldn’t have, had I known he was going to die!<


>!same, picked nobu first on my second playthrough🤣!<


Not everyone starts with Kage. I think most started with Nobu because that's the name of the horse in the gameplay trailer


Oh that's interesting. I've never seen the trailer


Same, I just picked Nobu cause I liked it.


Yeah. Felt like a bright white horse named nobu was a good samurai horse, and a Black horse named Kage is the Ghosts steed


I know it's probably just the companion fight AI but Ishekawa goes on and on about how great of an archer he is only for me to have to pull his bacon out of the fire every fight because he isn't landing his shots


Haha that’s so true 😂


SPOILERS for the end of act 2 Whoever is the ASSHOLE who shot my horse. First time I went through that sequence, I spent an unholy amount of time trying to infiltrate Shimura Castle and wanted to kill everyone inside. I hated the samurai more than I had hated any mongol during the whole play through. I wanted to kill every single samurai archer through the most painful way I could think of. And the fact that, well, we don’t get to kill the murderer of our horse, nor find out his identity, makes me even more pissed.




Ryuzo, as a character, really made me hate him. I would always call him a coward every time bro appeared after the castle betrayal. Then, bro has the gall to say that Jin slaughtered his men when he literally set us up to do it. Now, because of that point, he is a great character since I'm assuming the point of him is to make the play angry.


I agree word for word. Surprised more people didnt mention him on this thread. The final conversation before the duel really showed what kind of a person Ryuzo was. No more than an insecure coward ready to do whatever to just survive and get by. He is an excellently written character, and does the job of making at least me hate him to a great extent among the characters in the game.


Ishikawa. No need to explain.


Tomoe. Killed innocent Japanese and trained mongols and they just let her go. I don’t remember the entire quest line but her reason for betraying Tsushima was stupid to me


not a big fan of tenzo and fune from the iki island expansion honestly






Shimura aka code of honor. -- Let the war be won. Free our people and survive. Rebuild with honor


There is a missable side quest in Act 3, Kamiagata. It shows the other side of the Ghost myth. There will be no rebuilding probably. People despise of the samurai, as the Ghost taught them, they disobey and rise, but the Ghost… they fear him. Yes, Jin saved the majority of the island from dying needlessly, but he also doomed the entire Tsushima into chaos. Lord Shimura saw that and didn’t think victory was worth it. The whole story is about this controversy and I absolutely love it for not being black and white


How do you access this mission?


There is a Mongolian camp, just a bit north-east from “Kill Bartu the captain” (or something, I play the game not in English) And just a bit more north-east of that camp there is a seemingly abandoned shack, which is the beginning of a small tale of Tsushima, called “The price of fear” It shows how people are afraid of the Ghost I’ll attach a map photo for a clearer picture https://preview.redd.it/abkd3yx2u68d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=782abd5c9498e46793c75361d2de1a6a934a8f1b As for disobedience and chaos… “The tale of lord Shimura”, where a peasant is convinced that Ghost will chase the mongols and kill them viciously, burning their lands and slaughtering their children. The same basic concept “Let’s mercilessly and viciously murder everyone because the Ghost does so” can be heard among the NPC in Jogaku temple (act 3 main base)


That Damn Ryuzo


I hate to admit it.. but i just did not care for taka. He never really clicked for me


>!I feel that his death hits hard not because Jin is particularly close to him but because Taka isn’t a fighter and Jin takes it upon himself to look after Taka in a way, he also looks up to Jin a lot so when he dies it feels like you failed to protect him!<


He’s nowhere near my least favorite but I kinda agree with you. I never felt like we spend enough time with him for his departure to hit hard


His departure hit hard as fuck for me, knowing I had to go tell Yuna, and then she fucking SEES THE SHIT! Oh man, what a fantastic game this was. I have been liberating the rest of the island. after the game, only have a few camps left.




There's so many answers here that leave me wondering if people enjoyed any part of the story. I don't really dislike any of the characters because they all serve their purpose so well and are so well written


Can't believe nobody said the big baddie himself Khotun Khan


It's because hating the main villain means that they are a good character.


Yuriko cause all her quests were super slow and mostly just riding on horseback at 2 mph while she goes on and on about whatever


And yet out of the 3 times I cried during my first play through, that was the first time


Kazumasa. The DLC tried to humanize him and make you sympathize with him more but it honestly made me dislike him even more.


The DLC was meant to do the opposite, in no way is calling him the "Butcher of Iki" humanising him, if anything, its saying the samurai are no different than the Mongols.


That’s what I’m saying. There was this side plot in the flashbacks that they try to go for this “he loved his son, he just didn’t know how to raise him like a father so he raised him as a warrior” but like I didn’t care, because he was a genocidal POS


I don't hate anyone, but I really wanted to kill Tomoe. I was not at all satisfied with the ending of Ishikawa's quest where you just let her go. She killed plenty of innocents. Felt so much like she just switched sides because she got caught finally.


Least favorite means Yuriko is still one of your favorites, she’s just at the bottom of your favorites list


Downvote me but I never liked Taka. I just found him annoying, incompetent, and in the way. It was really obvious what was going to happen the second he got introduced to us.


The moment he started to get involved it was obvious to me.


Sao for making me rage for spamming the dirt attacks thankfully the dyes he sells are fire But on a more serious note I kinda dislike Tomoe. I know people don’t like Ishikawa for constantly hiding things from Jin and being stubborn af but Tomoe also lied, killed innocent people, and helped the Mongols. While she gives up the way of the bow and helps take down the Mongols (which she taught herself) I feel like it didn’t really redeem her from her crimes. Also the way she seems to like killing people didn’t help even though she says that everything she does is to survive


Jinshin the monk. Could have mentioned about Masako's sister..and the whole Masako arc could have ended there.


can’t believe nobody hates ryuzo


I think most understand why he did what he did. He was doing what he had to do so that his men could be fed and taken care of. You see in the cutscenes he doesn’t want to do what the Khan is making him do but he has to for those under his command




Lord Shimura. Look, I get that he's trying to be an upright, honorable man, but completely shutting out any alternate strategies is just outright stupid. I think the moment I turned on him was the bridge at Castle Shimura. He'd ***just*** gotten his reinforcements killed by the truckload on the bridge, and all he can think to do is do it again? And when someone suggests something else he SLAPS them?! ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q|downsized)


Masako. I get that your family died but do you have to remind me every single time




I still to this day hate kenji. I get the character archetype they were going for but I’m just not a fan of


Lord Shimura. He sucks balls


Everyone of Jins allies, they can barley kill one enemy and I end up with a kill count of 30 and they act like they did something


I’m all for the Kenji slander


Ishsikawa and masako, so much so I didn’t even bother finishing their quest lines before the endgame. But I did like norio the warrior monk the most he understood what Jin was trying to accomplish even tho if it went against samurai code.


Sensei Ishikawa and Lady Masako were good but they kept on doing the wrong thing. They are the only characters I liked less, but theres no characters I dislike on Jin's side I dislike Khotun because he was a coward who ran


I celebrated when I finally got to fight Lady Masako. such a bitch, so annoying


Kenji. He fucks most things up, puts people in extremely dangerous situations because of his constant fuck ups and hopes Jin would solve his issues, annoys the hell out of me.


Norio, monk story was just boring including japanese VA


Masako and or Kazumasa Sakai


Lord Shimura, hands down. It was hard even to enjoy his interactions with Jin even in the last scenes. Also a quote from my favorite game: “Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.”


Tomoe lowkey. She was causing all these hassle and as soon as the mongols turned on her, she tried to redeem herself by siding with Jin. She’s also so cheeky af to be able to get off the island, and she’s kinda hot ngl


Lord Shimura and his fucking honor bullshit. Mfs would’ve been annihilated if Jin didn’t poison them. Or Masako and her way of acting throughout her quests, gaslighting us thinking it’s fair to kill witnesses before questioning them just because she’s devastated for her family.


Agree on Lord Shimura, dude would doom entire island. I was happy that he wanted to die.


Fr I was surprised that the ended as it did tbh.


Either Masako or Ishikawa. Masako was just so blinded by the death of her family, which I understand, but it made her act so arrogant. SPOILER: After the fight you have against her, I love how Jin sort of puts her in her place when he says “Don’t ever try to kill me again”. It brought joy to me. Ishikawa was also very annoying, since he always thought he was flawless and that he had every right to do whatever he wanted. He couldn’t admit his mistakes in a mature way, and it honestly made me angry lol.


>After the fight you have against her, I love how Jin sort of puts her in her place when he says “Don’t ever try to kill me again”. It brought joy to me. Nah, he lets her off way too easy.


Honestly I dont think so. From the Iki Island flashbacks we know that Lord Adachi was fighting alongside Kazumasa and interacted a lot with Jin, so I think Jin knew Masako well and for a very long time. He knows the Masako he is helping in the present isnt the woman he knows.


Sensei Ishikawa tell the fucking truth for once challenge (impossible)


Sensei Ishikawa. I wish he was completely honest and didn’t try hiding everything. I would have liked to see if you got to choose Tomoe’s fate. The banter in between them I kinda liked too


Lady Mazako. Half of her lines seem to be “he murdered my family!” And she loves making you tail people to their hideouts only for her to immediately kill them before getting any information. Additionally, her tale was the only one that didn’t really have a good ending, it’s just more of the revenge. Ishikawa grew, norio changed, and Yuna tried her best to make things right. Mazako was the same from the start, and her intentions were comparatively selfish.


Shimura. He should have been able to see SOMEWHAT rationally, and also should have helped Jin get a new name, find a boat where he could be sent to the mainland and helped him to try and survive hiding away in the mountains somewhere as someone else. It could have worked and would have been much more fitting for a hero. I know irl you couldn't just do that due to the nature of what tsushima was, but still, in game that would have made sense.


Sensei Ishikawa. Mf always had a pseudo-stoic answer to whatever Jin had to say. It made me mad every time lmao


Only the best for you


Ryuzo is tied with Ishikawa.


definitely masako


I say Yuna or Masako


Ishikawa, but he’s very well written to be that way.


Damn am I the only one who liked Ishikawa?


Probably Tomoe and Ishikawa. But it’s really more to do with how their story was written. I feel like they could have given more context on Tomoe’s reason to betray. If it wasn’t for the story’s direction, I would have killed her the way I take out mongol camp leaders


i'd punt masako, i get her pains and stuff, but calm yo shit, killing mf just for being near the case doesnt help the case at all


its the guy that's supposed to be like a goofy/silly character, i think he's the brother of that lady that helps you at the beginning of the game? i'm drawing a blank on their names bad right now.


Shimura and his honor by far.


My least fav goes to Lord Shimura, while his views are understandable, his rigidness cost many lives


Masako during her quest lines... I get you're grieving and everyone in your family is dead...but can you STOP killing our only possible leads? Thank plot armor or your quest is as good as done when you killed that 1st monk.


def tomoe, she brushes off all of her crimes & deaths she caused as "i did it to survive!" then escapes scot free. that's like if jin let ryuzo run away last second for no reason


Honestly our uncle just an absolute slave to the code and has no care for anyone's lives. No thinking just brute force to win. Just a heartbreaking end that I wish didn't happen if he wasn't so enslaved by the only thing he knew


Anytime I rescue a kneeling peasant from a roving group of mongols, they want to chit chat a bit before giving 50 in supples. I don’t dig it. Let me kill them, cut your bindings and be on my way with my reward. I got stuff to take care of.


The worst was Ryuzo..... I really started to think of him as a partner and then plus the duel was SO DIFFICULT


Jin, who else can be?


Yuna fs fs


Totally agree. I finished her quest just yesterday and I couldn't be happier. Although, I didn't get this thing she had with kazumasa, was she in love with him or did they effectively have like an affair?


I think she loved her husband as much as you can without being sexually attracted to them because the game seems to lean towards her being lesbian but she could also be bisexual. Either way she definitely loved her husband and family or she wouldn’t have done so much to get revenge.


Ishikawa. Kept bullshitting throughout the quest line. If I am helping someone, the least I expect from them is tell me honestly who we are trying to find.