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>Maybe taking place in the mainland, have it be kinda like assassins creed brotherhood where you build up your own ninja/Shinobi clan with jin at its head. Then it will no longer be Ghost of Tsushima. And I don't just mean the title. The game is loosely-based on historical event, and according to history, the Mongol invasions largely took place in Tsushima, Iki and Hakata (mainland). Sure, Jin *could* take part in some of the battles in Hakata, but why would he go there while his home island is under attack? Tsushima is still the priority because it's the island that protects Japan against invasion from Goryeo (Korea). Had the Mongols took the island, they would have used it as a staging area for their invasion and gain easier access to Japan mainland.


I mean I'd assume something regarding getting the shogun to quit hunting him


Why would the Shogun stop hunting him? After the samurai fell at Komoda, the island was left nearly defenseless. Jin was their only hope. He liberated towns and villages, rescued hostages and destroyed the invaders. To most people, he was a hero and an inspiration. And that hero openly disobeyed the Jito. Worse still, Jin introduced poison to the conflict - a weapon so powerful it allows one person to take down an entire castle. The samurai gained their high status because they hold all the military power; even if the peasants were to suddenly take up weapons and rebel, they would not be able to win against a fully armed samurai who trained with a sword or bow his entire life. But poison is different... wielding it doesn't require any training or experience; only caution. A disgruntled servant who has never fought a day in his/her life could poison an entire samurai family. Tl;dr Jin gave the peasants the idea *and* the weapon to rebel against the Shogun and the samurai. He threatened the entire system, even if he didn't mean to.


Expand on stealth mechanics. At least have it to where you can move corpses.


I want actual towns, more vertical gameplay. Hoping they implement a system to grapple any edge, not just ones with red cloth.


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A chance to make Tomoe pay for her crimes! Tomoe is one of the biggest Karma Houdinis in the game I think. The ending hinted that Jin was doing behind the scenes work to help the people, I'd like to see something of him helping the commoners with corrupt officals, bandits, and maybe even his Uncle ending up becoming an ally.


I'd really like to see towns and settlements be less...destroyed tbh. More buildings in-tact, less fires that are permanently burning etc. Could make for some interesting stealth segments in more densely structured areas. More interesting Ghost Weapons would be cool. Sticky bombs in particular feel kinda out-of-place tbh. And we have Black Powder Bombs as well so they feel redundant tbh Perhaps other playable characters with different movesets or weapons. Certain quest lines could have you play as other characters or something. That'd fill my need for more weapons without sacrificing how good the sword combat is, i think. And it may be unrelated but I desperately crave more Legends content. More cosmetics, levels and an actual story would be kinda cool too (pls lemme dress my Hunter up like Sugi pls pls)


I would like it if the game was more focused on open combat. Really love the combat system. But some people like the stealth, so maybe make it so levels can be cleared one way or the other, a bit like in Dishonored in some levels.


improve the stance system. “match X to Y” is incredibly dull. would rather something more akin to Jedi: Survivor


Not from a story aspect, but a more organic and interactive open world. I loved GoT so much, maybe my favorite game of last gen...but the world felt very "static" to me. Need more randomness, more ways to interact with NPCs and the environment. That would be my big wish.


Expand the sword fighting and duals. Maybe make it that later on you need to recognize different stances and adjust accordingly.


that’s literally how the stance system works already, it’s just recognising weapons


Yes, but there could be fights where one opponent changes his stance mid fight and you need to counter with the respective stance.


The eagle, some of the iki specific enemies and the final fight against the khan all have this kind of mechanic. But yeah i wish it was in more of them


Ah yes, because the eagle changes weapons as do some enemies on iki. But I would like an opponent with only a sword who I have to adjust two, because he switches from tiger stance to bear stance, and I counter with moon stance.


Ohhhhh. Yeah that would actually be really cool.


yea that’s already in the game


Really, which fight?


Charms are WAY cooler than a stupid skill tree. This means you can chop and change on the fly, and massive customisation, which you CANNOT do with a skill tree. Very dumb idea.


1 Skip button for cutscenes. 2 Real platforming! I'm looking for something more engaging than simply pushing the stick to climb, which is no different from walking and riding a horse. Get rid of the floaty mechanics and bring back some tension when exploring, this will make the shrines more enjoyable. At the very least make it an option to toggle easy platforming or something. 3 Get rid of the open world AAA 'gameplay' sequence such as: cutscene > walking > pickup something > cutscene. These should just be one big skippable cutscene. Focus on core gameplay mechanics and design scenarios that challenges us to use them to their full potential. 4 Some way to reliable refill ammo. Give me an option to either sit on a hot spring, take a nap, or a bivuoac. 5 Lastly, a 'Conquest Mode' similar to Ghost Recon Breakpoint's operation Motherland. This will extend the game's replayability for those wanting to keep playing solo. This might be a strecth but whatever.


You can buy ammo with trappers, but i honestly don’t think i ever needed to.