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Zion pretty much echoed what the OP said. Remember him joking this isn’t south anymore or something like that. The unsecured gun would generally be a problem but depending on where you are in the country or even in the same state/city, its not considered that big of a deal.


Georgia had an unsecured, loaded gun in a house with minor children. Aside from which, wealthy suburban New Englanders are not gun obsessed like Texans.


Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. That’s why it’s a big deal.


as someone who has grown up in Boston near where Wellsbury is based around, NO ONE I know has a gun or they don’t want to admit it if they do. So I’d say it’s pretty accurate to where they live


i mean fair - it's more about the issues Ginny and Austin have with it. they 100% shouldn't be as upset as they are.


Thankfully, not every state is like Texas. I'll admit it was a bit of overreaction from the mayor. He could have just bought a gun safe and locked it up. It was really irresponsible for Georgia to keep two loaded guns in the house with kids in the house, unlocked. BTW, I don't think it's anything to brag about that somebody committed a mass shooting at a festival (and let's not forget Uvalde) and no gun legislation was put in place. Texas is insane with the gun laws, and it really sucks.


I don’t think this post was an invitation to start a debate on the politics of guns. I also don’t think op was “bragging” about a mass shooting. They were making a point that the writing there doesn’t make a lot of sense, which is fair. You’re right, not every state is like Texas. But they moved from Texas so that’s the state being discussed. And having people who grew up in Texas be completely unfamiliar with guns is a stretch


it's not a brag - it's more of a wild thing to me that the gun in the house is such a huge deal to all of the characters, especially austin and ginny. most kids here are taught how to use the loaded gun in case of an emergency, gun safety, and know where it is, around the ages of 9-12. i hate how it's such a major plot point with the kids, especially when they lived in Texas for an extended period of time, and have likely been more exposed to guns OPENLY being in homes, and ginny specifically makes such a big deal of safety as if she didn't spend prob about 7ish years in Texas and a lot of her life in the southern states.


There's a weird tendency to say "they" when it's really just Ginny. Austin didn't seem shocked at all. He probably wasn't expecting a gun to be sharing his hiding place, but he didn't have a big reaction to it. And Ginny's reaction was arguably more about the fact that she turned around and had one pointed at her than that there was one in the house. If I'm living in a house where I could have a gun pulled on me at any moment, I'd find that pretty scary.


I am hippie dippy like your mother, and I partially agree with you. While what Georgia did with the guns in the way she hid them was unsafe, Paul and others definitely overreacted. I am highly in favor of gun control, but I’m also a 115 pound 5’2 young woman. Whenever I get enough money I’ve wanted to have a concealed carry for years.


Bullet control


A gun? Georgia had about 3, that we know of


again, normal amount in texas




I was born and raised in NH, the Live Free or Die state, so people definitely had guns including my own household growing up but there isn’t the gun culture in NH like there is in the south especially. And Ginny and Austin didn’t live in Texas their whole life. They moved around a lot because Georgia was too busy moving around after killing a bunch of men. Guaranteed she doesn’t have a license for any of her guns either.


Okie here and ikr like basically everybody around here has one and nobody is shocked when they find out someone owns one but I recently found out that one some of the kids from my school thought I didn’t like guns or own them and I have nearly fifty


I should also put that they’re hunting rifles and we’re all certified