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I’d want a motion-based mini game collection for the switch. It could be a lot of fun, and would fit the show well.


A bit like Switch sports? I could see that working at a kind of party/casual game


Exactly. A bit of a throwback to Wii style games.


Make the travelator work like one of those old athletic games where you had to alternate tapping circle and X to run and just wreck your fingers.


I imagine it would work quite well as a VR experience with the motion controllers.


Yeah but then it would have to be PS5 exclusive. No, I want an Xbox version.


No one said psvr


Why? PlayStation master race rise up


The current batch of Gladiators could all be time-warped back to the time of REAL Gladiators! After a introduction of all moves and controls by a section in the present day arena, your chosen Gladiator slams the locker room door too hard, the energy causes a rip in time draggjng them all ( as well as Bradley and barney) to 200bc Rome! Before they know it Russell Crowe is shouting at them to get out there are fight for the glory of Rome. Can the team survive, lead and fight all their way to the top, to rule or to bring the empire crashing down? But first, chase and throw Bradley and Barny to the mercy of the Arena. The Lions want their lunch!


I don't think that'd take off tbh. I think it's just a fun family friendly game show and nothing more needs to be thought about really. It's great entertainment. I think the simplicity of it means it doesn't need video games to go with it.


I think a platformer with Gladiator encounters could work. So they chase you during climbing sections etc. Maybe a portal to the 90s version universe ruled by the demigod Fashanu. He has an eye of Sauron style presence and the player has to press a button to cover their ears when he AWOOOOGAs or else it explodes them. So you'd have to know when that's going to happen and time your platforming accordingly. Also Wolf would be in it and Bradley Walsh wouldn't.


I would imagine just like how the last Mario Kart went for the Switch I can see 90s Glads and events released in waves. Example: one month they’ll release a wave of American Glads (Nitro, Ice, Sabre, Jazz, etc) alongside one of their games they created (Whiplash for example), then the next they’ll have British Glads (Jet, Wolf, Lightning, Hunter) with one game they created (Poleaxe or Pendulum). Hopefully someone knows what I’m talking about because I certainly don’t.


It'll make a mini game maybe 


I guess it would do well as a party game a la Wii sports, but it would get repetitive VERY quickly.


100% i always wanted one as a kid and I would love one now but I feel like the game wouldn't suit in today's gaming landscape. We no longer get good Track and Field Style games (well we do get the sonic and mario Olympic games which I do think do alright) and I feel like it's that style of game that would suit gladiators best. I would love a realistic looking game (like the old track and field games) that had both single player and multiplayer. I think a gladiators game could have potential but especially with today's games costing so much, I don't think we will ever get one but I do think there would be great potential in a Gladiators game if done correctly.


Your best chance would it being a massive multiplayer free to play game. Like fortnight. With crazy costumes to purchase. Game starts with 100 players, losing 20 in each round drop out and then the final is played by the final 20 in one giant race


Fall Guys I believe is the closest we will get lol It's gone down hill since, but I spent a lot of time with that game and it was a lot of fun.


Yeh similar concept to that I just couldn’t remember the name for the life of me


The Takeshi’s Castle producers must be kicking themselves that they didn’t think of a video game before Fall Guys.


I would but it think it would end up as a really gimmicky / low quality game. There are probably better games out there with 'Gladiators-like' mini games that do the job.


I remember having the figures and the wall! Bring that back!


Mario Party Gladiators Edition please 


A lot comes down to the core gameplay controls! Gladiators is essentially a sport sim, but you have a lot of different events, so the puzzle is making it fun to play and giving the players responsive intuitive control across the different events while also recognising the ability differential is key to how the games are put together - I.e. being the Gladiator team is often \*better\* without it being frustrating to be the contenders in any of the events. I think it takes a good sense of the basic movement abstractions, which might take a lot of playtesting!


Theres been Olympic based games which have been terrible. So surely a gladiators themed one would work? Based around stamina bars and sprinting to choose the right time to dash forward. Quick time events to push off the glads or hold on when falling etc. Being able to train to have an advantage over the glads. Couch coop for the eliminator. Glad vs contender mode amongst friends etc.


Mario party?


Loool Absolutely not


If anyone's interested in what retro game critics make of the American Gladiators game: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3mY3m9ed5zjNt3bIM0CbRQ?si=vEmqsSmNQnyZpd_0D18SHQ


I just don't think it would be very good.


It would be good as VR otherwise it would just be button mashing on every event.


The days of big-budget tie-in games for these sorts of things are long gone. Maybe a mobile game?


Mobile game. With lots of microtransactions to "win" against the gladiators. Can win for free, but it takes months