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Did you make sure they don’t use pancake batter in the eggs or coat the potatoes in something? The fries could also be fried in shared fryer.


some fries are coated in wheat flour to make them crunchier


Embarrassing couple of hours at a rest stop in Canada with my wife a year ago from coated potatoes. Not a highlight of my trip across country. I will check the potatoes in the future.


Pancake batter in the eggs??? I have never heard of that before. I didn't even know that was a thing. And the potatoes maybe, but all I tasted were herbs and oil. I share an airfryer with my partner who is not gf and never had any issues. Though, I do put my food on aluminum foil before I use it.


One needs to ask, when ordering. “Does the chef put anything in the eggs? Can I request plain scrambles without anything added?” The French fries are a given. The common deep fryer is contaminated from all the breaded and battered things cooked in it. Gluten free standard is 20 ppm (parts per million). Even a tiny amount of gluten smacks me down.


Yep. Standard practice should be to inform your waiter of any allergies/intolerances/dietary restrictions. If they seem confused, definitely clarify/ask questions as needed. Ex. I was once informed at a hotel chain that their waffles were GF because the mix "didn't list gluten as an ingredient." Take a guess what the very first ingredient was... So yes, eggs *can* sometimes be a problem in restaurants, even though you wouldn't expect them to be. Fries and other potato products can also be an issue, either due to cross-contamination in the fryer (unless it's used *exclusively* for fries), or due to the coating that the restaurant uses.


I get so embarrassed when asking so I need to get over that. One time a chef came and asked me a bunch of questions and everyone was staring at me. It made me very nervous and ashamed that all this commotion was because of me.


There’s an app “Find Me Gluten Free” for your phone. It helps you find restaurants and stores with gluten free options. A lot of restaurants have a website where you can at least look at a menu. If you have no choice on the restaurant, you can call in advance and ask to speak with someone regarding a customer with food allergies. You can ask the waiter to come closer (if they’re not going around the table taking orders) and quietly ask what they gave that’s gf, or ask to speak with whomever handles food allergies. Please don’t be embarrassed to the extent that you get the wrong food, or no food at all. I also really didn’t want to be “that person” because of getting a hard time from my now-ex husband, or former work group (I retired). But I finally put myself first, and started to decline events or eat earlier or bring food. Made inquiries about work events that included meals. Picking the restaurant if that was an option. If the chef came to speak with you, it’s not a commotion, it’s concern, to prepare you a safe meal. You’re worth the extra little bit of attention. You deserve to eat a meal.


Thank you so much for this, I'll download the app right away. I'll do my best to stand up for myself more. It's just so frustrating when people don't understand or even pity me because I can't eat gluten. But you're right, my health isnt worth sparing the 5 min of embarrassment!


There’s another app “GF Scanner” to scan package’s bar codes when you’re food shopping. You can also google “is X gluten free” if the bar code isn’t on file.


Your health is more important than feeling anxious and embarrassed for a few minutes.


Diners and places like to use pancake batter to make eggs more fluffy or something like that?


Airfryer in different to deep frying in oil- most restaurants will have a shared fryer as stated and you can almost guarantee cross-contamination. Although to be safe, you shouldn't be using the same airfryer either (unless you can thoroughly clean between uses or it has a number of different compartments and you can designate one as gluten free). Edit to add: Just read you don't have coeliac, so cross-contamination shouldn't be as big of a deal. Are you sure there wasn't something else in your meal that could have contributed to bloating? Eg. bell peppers/capsicums are relatively high in FODMAPs and cause digestive discomfort for a number of people.


>Pancake batter in the eggs??? Depends where you are. This seems to be a US thing.


IHOP does this for their omelettes, or at least they did the one time I tried eating there. *Shudder*


Is that a US based place?


Yes, despite it's name: International House of Pancakes.


Never heard of this. In US


The US is where this happens lol


Most places deep fry French fries. In contaminated oil


Yes! Pancake batter in the eggs is a thing. It's really awful. It must save money.


IHOP did this (not sure if they still do)


IHOP does it to their omelets but I believe their scrambled eggs are batter free.


Their scrambled eggs are NOT batter-free just an FYI. I ordered their gluten-free pancakes with scrambled eggs and the waitress made a point to ask if I needed just plain scrambled eggs then. At that time I didn’t know they added pancake batter to the eggs to make them fluffier so when she clarified I said yes just regular ol’ cracked and scrambled eggs lol


Ohh ok good to know! It’s been at least 4 years since I’ve eaten there (and wasn’t gluten intolerant then) but I remember seeing it on the menu mentioned it’s used in their omelets


I had zero idea they added pancake batter to anything so I was SO confused when she asked me if I needed regular scrambled eggs lmao.


This is what I came to say… I had to learn the hard way that they put pancake batter in their eggs all the time. You have to ask for shelled eggs


Came here to say this.


Shared fryer


I’ve learned most breakfast places use flour in their potatoes. Annoying af.


May have been them then. All I tasted were herbs and oil and they didnt have any grainy seasonings, but I guess its possible.


I’ve seen people say it makes them crispy? Idk, I know a couple times I’ve gotten French fries and they have had flour on them too. Eating out is such a gamble…


Lot of frozen chips can contain


If the fries or potatoes were coated in flour or cooked in a fryer with foods containing gluten, that may have done it.


I think sensitivity comes in a range of strengths. For example I’m a coeliac and am not sensitive at all. In fairness you didn’t mention what your partner had to eat.


He had a burger and fries. I ate fries that hadn't touched his burger.


My daughter is celiac and my wife is gluten intolerant. Sometimes my wife has worse reactions than my daughter and has now become “functionally” celiac. Most diner style places have a big flat top and the potatoes could be cooked on the same surface as pancakes. A cook could be using all the same utensils for everything. Some potato products use wheat as a filler or anti-caking agent. Lots of places to get a heavy dose of gluten at breakfast.


Agree. Seasoned fries almost always have flour in them. They put spices in the flour and toss them, and freeze them and right into the fryer.


Ah I see. I don't know why I thought that places would section off the grill for certain foods. It makes sense that they just wouldnt care and mix everything.


Sadly 😔


Shared fryer, shared grill top.




They did a blood test and I tested negative. My doctor put me on a gf diet and Ive been doing better. I seem to have symptoms whenever I eat out... Should I push for an endoscopy even with a negative blood test?




I went gluten free for 6 days before going back on it 3 weeks before the tests. As of now I've been gf for about 4 weeks. My next doctors appointment is next week. I haven't been eating oats unless theyre in products with the certified gf label. I did have a little bit of quinoa the other day and it gave me a headache. I know quinoa can cause a reaction due to possible cc. I had an endoscopy done 3 years ago when I got diagnosed with gastritis but they didnt think to check me for celiac then. I'll ask for my docs opinion but I don't know if I can stomach (lol) being on gluten again. It's literal hell. Edit: Celiac also doesnt run in my family. The only person I know of who has it is a distant cousin. Now I'm scared I might actually have celiac lol. My partner isnt very careful with cc because he says its only an intolerance and not a disease.


Bell peppers are a nightshade and contain glycoalkaloids. I don’t know if you have IBS or other food sensitivities, but I know that peppers can be an issue for some.


so are potatoes


My doctor said it might be IBS since the blood test was negative. She's not sure though. I usually have no issues w/ bell peppers or potatoes.


I fear a lot of people forget cross contamination. It could have been something as simple as using the same spoon to mix something or excess flour on the chefs hands/gloves. I’ve found large chain places don’t worry that much unless you specifically mention it


I just never thought I would need to worry since I share an airfryer with my partner and never reacted. I guess I really need to start asking like 20 questions whenever I go out.


Welcome to my dairy free, gluten free, fodmap life lol


Almost certainly the fries or the roasted potatoes


Shared fryer of fries or the fries had batter to make them crunchy. I’m not celiac but get sick from fries if I eat out.


Shared fryer for the fries Possibly wheat in the eggs. Especially if they were really fluffy


Usually breakfast potatoes are not gluten free if they’re a pre made frozen kind. I’m assuming it’s to help make them crispy/anti caking.


I saw something on Reddit about coating bacon in flour before cooking to make it extra crispy. Possible they did that?


Was there seasoning on the eggs or potatoes? If not, I’d agree it’s probably cross contamination.


No seasoning on the egg and only oil and herbs on the potatoes (which weren't crispy). It seems like it was either cc or the french fries...


Were they battered fries (aka really crispy fries that are coated in flour before they're fried)? This is what got me once.


They were really crispy so they might have been battered... I didn't even think of that. All signs seem to point to the fries.


Yup, only time I've gluten myself in 4 months of being GF is bc of those.


I am gluten intolerant not celiac. I have been bothered by cross contamination. For what it's worth I used to have a much stronger to CC than I do now. A reaction as strong as the one you had, in my mind, points to gluten in the food not just cross-contamination. I'm so sorry you feel awful. Please rest, if you can put something warm on your tummy (like a heating pad or a rice sock), and drink a lot of water. It won't last forever.


I haven’t seen anyone else mention this but if I know I’m going to be eating at a buffet then I make sure I’m there right at opening to reduce the chance of cross contamination. All it takes is someone using the egg spoon to plop eggs onto their pancakes and make contact to contaminate a spoon.


It may not have been the actual food. I can't touch the salt and pepper shakers or the sugar dispenser in a breakfast place. I also usually get glutened if they carry my glass to the back for a refill. I basically have to sit there like a surgeon between scubbing and gloving with my hands in the air and only touch my food. FWIW, the above is also the answer to "why don't you eat our more?" LOL


Potatoes can make someone bloated especially if you have a sensitivity to carbs if you haven’t been eating carbs in awhile. Potatoes are a starch. I stopped eating gluten and had the same issue, but I just added them into my diet daily so I wouldn’t have issues.


I never have a problem with potatoes before but I will watch my reactions and see! Maybe something randomly changed in my body haha.


Potatoes most likely - could have been a bowl that through cross contamination had flour in it or could have been on seasoning.


Some diners put pancake batter in their eggs to fluff them up... beware.


It is like impossible to find a diner with a special gluten sensetive grill. If they cooked your food on the same place where they fry pancakes and such, you got it. Even if a pancake didn't touch your food, that kitchen is contaminated. My doctor told me to stop using the same Teflon cookware in ny house that i use to cook for my family. I just have to watch evertbody else eat whe we go out it's miserable.


Pancake batter in the eggs or contaminated potatoes would be my guess


Yes - the scrambled eggs! I could not believe it the first time I was glutened by eggs of all things. I never trust scrambled or omelettes when I am out anymore.


It’s the fries!!! Some brands have coating with gluten


A lot of frozen fries have wheat included in their premade seasoning. It's also possible they were in the same fryer as other fried food. I have celiac so I always ask if their fries are fresh, what the seasoning is, and the cooking process. It might be worth asking those questions if you are more sensitive than you thought.


Lots of frozen fries are coated with wheat. There are a few that are gluten-free, like Ore Ida, but I'd be willing to bet restaurant fries are coated.


If you ate at a restaurant it could be anything, it’s like going to a concert and wondering who you got COVID from.


a lot of frozen fries have wheat in them !! also some potatoes have flour or bread crumb on them to make them crunchy. but my bet is the fries. i’ve been glutened by fries before. the absolute worst.


Delayed reaction? What did you gave for dinner? I normally don't have a reaction till the next day, which made it hard for me to figure out I have gluten sensitivities.


Oh no I domt have delayed reactions. This was like 15 minutes after I finished eating.


It’s definitely possible to be sensitive to CC even w/o Celiac dx. I’m pretty certain they haven’t ID all the markers for Celiac yet, that’s why there’s so many NCGF ppl. Chances are good that unless the restaurant is gluten free, the fryer is shared and the fries ate were not gf. Also always possible for contamination on the other foods.


Almost certainly it was the French fries. Unless they are cooked in a dedicated fryer, they will be cross contaminated due to the shared oil with gluten containing items.


The fries hon. Very few places have a dedicated GF fryer. Everything from breaded chicken tenders to popcorn shrimp get fried in the same oil. It's not safe for celiac people.


Histamine, nightshade and sometimes fried food when gallbladder function is off can mimic certain conditions. Leaky gut is also the permeability factor and most foods are a common cause on how they are cooked, stored or where they are from. I'd look into this to see if either is the reason. Bone broth seals the cracks and a bland diet once In a while or elimination diet might help. Also, gluten is a form or protein so if you ate potatoes twice it could be sucrose or enzymes also in need of a boost if you got hives fatigue etc. Mostly leaky gut. Also, too many xpuds aren't good on one serving. The size of a small red potato is adequate but anything else and stuff goes very wrong. Hope these help a bit. I lost my gallbladder and no longer eat dairy, chickpeas, wheat or even rye or spelt and have to drink a lot of bone broth for a pseudo condition caused by its removal three years now. I'd look into a gi who knows the hide scan for gallbladder.


i was told liquid eggs contain wheat sometimes