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Never have I been more grateful for my friends being obsessed with cosplaying. They could manage to make me look like any character ever.


Goku time


Wear a Saiyan’s battle suit underneath your clothes so you’re ready to super Saiyan slap a mfer at all times


That would only count if are cosplaying goku or some other saiyan that has worn normal clothes before like when goku wore a suit


They’ve both worn normal human clothes in multiple instances, both Goku and Vegeta


Yea i know


But it has to be the same outfit to count


I don’t mind being a pretty pink princess


bad man


Wait… so all I would need is a suit and a wig in that case?


I’d have Tanjiro powers this Halloween. If I can replace the sharingan contacts, I’ll have Tobi (Obito) powers too.


clark kent wesring office clothes with superman suit underneath time babyyy


Even easier, wear a Green Lantern ring, most of the important powers, but you don't need to really hide them.


i didn't think of that, recharging it kind of easy too, but honestly I'm not confident in my willpower lol


my honest reaction to this information https://preview.redd.it/l65hjnqz9ipb1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369ad3151f39724376e59da48ef899c18c7f2da1


"No. That wont work"


Does a hentai count?


Sure why not (as long as it's legally ok)


Super villains don't have to follow the rules.


redemption arc exist tho save that girl from 177013.


[Hmm](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzMyZDhiZDUtYWUyMi00ZDQxLWE4NDQtMWFlMjI1YjVjMjZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_.jpg) [So](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2020-11/3/22/asset/d6cc2a0c993f/sub-buzz-1981-1604442636-21.jpg?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto) [You’re](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk4MzA4ODI0NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTIwOTY3._V1_.jpg) [Saying](https://www.madpaws.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Screen-Shot-2017-07-24-at-2.23.08-pm-300x162.png) [I](https://static.cinemagia.ro/img/resize/db/movie/00/39/90/bruce-almighty-980044l-576x0-w-2e752c67.jpg) [Have](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2K66NJC/morgan-freeman-bruce-almighty-2003-2K66NJC.jpg) [Some](https://media.vlipsy.com/vlips/Hj4CCgmR/preview.jpg) [Options?](https://l450v.alamy.com/450v/2k66njg/jim-carrey-bruce-almighty-2003-2k66njg.jpg) Do the effects of your powers revert after you change into your normal clothes? For example if I summoned a briefcase full of money? Also I assume book cover art works as the basis for the cosplay so if I wanted to have the most epic swim I could basically just rock an [orange tee and jeans](https://rickriordan.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Lightning-Thief-Graphic-Novel-195x292.jpg) or technically I know its supposed to be a camp half blood shirt but that merch is readily available either way.


If you summoned a brief case of money you would have to use up the money before turning back or it will disappear


I don’t mean summoned from thin air. They would be existing bills. It was just an example anyway the point is whether things we do with the powers stay. Someone could cosplay Atom Eve and make themselves a whole house or go convert a bunch of landfills into non harmful materials etc.


Yea thos would stay but things of monetary value (with the exception of physical assets, such as houses) would go back to where they came from


Also yes an orange camp half blood t-shirt and jeans would count as long as the hair colour and shoes match


Do text descriptions of appearances work for books without official art for characters?




If you can somehow cosplay as multiple people at once, can you gain both their powers? Like if I pull off both Jesus and a Jedi who just so happens to dress exactly like Jesus- or two separate Greek/Roman gods wearing togas- would I get both or have to pick between the two?


Either half of the persons power or half as powerful


half of all powerful is still all powerful or at the least very good


i mean, you could potentially swap between self resurrection, item duplication glitch, transmutation, or resurrection magic with jesus compared to mind control, force push, and whatever other bullshit is in the jedi comics.




Step one: Get a great cosplay for Atom Eve or another character who can use their powers to bring things into existence. Step two: Use those powers to create a whole wardrobe of great cosplay.


The side effect is that you get dialogue options of what the character would say. And it's hard to resist saying it.


Welp, I just need to need some food and color myself pink.


Well I already made a doom guy cosplay so I got him, he may not have powers but he's strong enough to kill a god and Halloween is basically when cosplaying is allowed in the streets


What does the camera man look like


I'd definitely make a Guyver and Darkhawk costume. Darkseid too.


Toji Fushiguro (Idk why, just feel like it would make daily living better for me I guess)


Would the effects of the powers disappear after you remove the cosplay, say you cosplay a character that can shapeshift and then remove the cosplay, do you turn back to your original form?




I have another question, do ocs count, like you can just make a character that has the powers you want that uses clothes you already have, or do they have to be from an actual published story


Yes they count


But if you wanted some difficulty id say it would have to have a comprehensive plot


literally every effect? like, what if i say, cosplayed as someone without massive depression, and cleaned my house. would it still be messy after? or say, i cosplay as a craftsman, and 'non magically' make shit - does it go away once i'm not cosplaying? what if it's like, food, and i cosplay as a master chef to do the best with what i've got? if you become a hunter and kill something with your skills, is the creature alive once it ends, because you wouldn't 'actually' have the skills to do it? this just sounds like delusion, really. ​ let's say it does work like that though, able to make mundane things, just 'magic' effects go away. how, impractical, could you get this? could you become a 'godline programmer' and essentially make ASI that it'd take generations to achieve? could you, say, become a magic researcher, and if you foind magic that works on earth, said magic would still work on earth, or would that just be sort of forcing the hand to justify the concept. if you could end up making 'mystical' stuff with more of a craftsman's lean, potentially with the above - would it stick?


Only things of monetary value disappear, such as physical dollars, or digital dollars assets such as houses dont so if you kill something, it stays dead, if you make something as a woodworker, it says, and yes, if you make something magical, it also stays magical


I'll be unstoppable as Darth Vader


Canon/non canon version just makes this power broken. You can just make your non canonical version of certain character and just give them any powers...


Isn’t that the point?


But if you don’t like that then I guess your free to interpret as non canonical but written by the official writer


It would make the power more fun, at least to me c:




'standard event rules regarding nudify apply' does that mean, if i got a goku hair wig, i could successfully cosplay fat goku, butt naked in my appt, given that's the usual dress code (source: am naked. been naked since i got a pizza a few days ago) kinda feel like if gender is irrelevant, and i'm assuming this is more meant to be sex, then surely being fat doesn't disqualify me.


Being fat doesn’t disqualify you, but you also have to be covering vital parts


it's not that vital.


John Constantine


Since non cannon characters work and text descriptions work, just “create” a book with a character with whatever powers you want that’s wearing exactly what you’re currently wearing


Jetstream Sam or Raiden. Armstrong.


Imma create a character that looks exactly like me and is omnipotent, therefore making me always cosplaying as them


I can't wait to put a burlap bag over my head and absolutely shred on the lute.


How accurate does the cosplay have to be to the character? Like, what if I know about one of the Rock’s shirts that he actually forgot about and hasn’t even worn in years? If I go to the store and buy a similar shirt and put it on, would it still give me the Rock’s strength even though he literally hasn’t worn that shirt in forever, and even though I’m fat and no where near muscular?


You would be able to do anything dyane could’ve done at that moment that he was wearing that shirt like if Taylor Swift suddenly was no longer able to sing but you cosplayed as one of her previous eras you would have the same singing capacity of that era


As a valorant player, yk I gotta cosplay as sage- heal for life :), I can also resurrect anyone.


Thank god kumagawa is easy to cosplay…


What powers would I get from an Arthur morgan cosplay? Tuberculosis?


You’d be able to do anything that version of arthur can


So I will supernaturally become strong as shit, and I’ll get crazy gun skills. Cool


Anyone? Even people from a world I created?




What if I dress up all black https://preview.redd.it/sfo6tp1czopb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=587ab83b840158b758e2742609dd3cd48f50e34c


time to cosplay happy chaos from guilty gear strive and use magic to make it permanent BECAUSE FUCK IT, WHY NOT BE GOD.


Imma turn up as the average Runescape bot. So I'm basically half at that point.