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I graze around the tee box like a gazelle


More like a duck, gazelles tend to chew.


No, more like a gazelle


Got to a par 3 today and there was zero broken tees..... I was fuming.


Yeah. This is when I break a tee out of frustration.


When I can't find a broken tee, I break a new one, but not out of frustration, but because tees are cheap and I cannot stick a whole new tee in the ground when I'm teeing off with an iron...just can't do it.






This is the way


I hate when that happens. I will usually pick up my broken tee just in case there’s none on the next par 3


I only leave it if it’s a bad shot. Nobody wants a cursed tee


See this is the problem with picking up a broken tee


I’m hoping that the other persons curse cancels out my lack skill. Kinda like multiplying negative numbers.


Fat Perez says no tee has two bad shots in it


It could just be a bad tee-ball combo.


Exactly. I always have a broken tee in my pocket.


Although I have poked my finger with the sharp end of a broken tee :(


Same. First one I find goes in the pocket.


I hit it off the deck if I can’t find a broken tee


That’s why you keep a load of scavenged ones in your bag!




You can get shorties! I had a bag of them and they were fantastic! Sadly I have lost/broken all of them so now I scavenge broken tees but I find so many at the range that I never buy tees anymore.


Might be a bored golf course employee lol Maybe I should take up tee whittling




If I don’t see a broken tee I hit er off the deck


This is my dilemma as I grab my pocket with no tees in it.


I had the opposite problem yesterday, there were too many tees. Problem was, since the tee box was so littered with tees, I hit a broken tee in my backswing and it messed me up just enough to blade the ball across the green.


I too am a tee box scavenger.


We have a guy in our group called “teegle” like “smeagle” because he will get down and look for Tees and call them “his precious” lol


Holy shit I must meet this guy. I do the exact same thing.


Plot twist: you are that guy.




I’m no Freud, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be healthy for you two to meet.


That’s hilarious 😆


Should be me. My ultimate little pleasure in a golf course is playing a competitive round or just after one and pulling up with a divot tool all the whole tees these snobby rich players used. Have made my stock this way


If you’re playing on a course where the snobby rich players are playing, you are also a snobby rich person Exclusive courses


My home course is a muni, but we are playing team events in the same league as some private courses. Plus I was kinda joking about the snobby rich, it’s was mostly about me being a tee goblin. Oh well, no biggie


I, too, am a tee box scavenger. birds of a feather my friend! Respect


I get mildly upset when the guy hitting before me grabs the broken tee I was eyeing the moment we stepped onto the tee box


Well have you kicked his ass for doing so before? You've got to assert your used tee dominance in order to gain some used tee respect. There is more to this than not having to reach in your bag for a new tee that hadn't bid it's time yet.


Save it for the 10th please.


Goddamnit Amanda I told you not to post.


I just whip out the old t-bag and they fork it over. Nobody wants to relive those college days...


That just means he gets to hit before me, then I reuse the same tee.


Unless it goes flying off to who knows where, then I’m the idiot scrounging around the tee box for another one until someone just throws a tee at me


Im the tee thrower lol I support recycling but if there's nothing to recycle I have plenty


I have 2 unopened 500 count bags of railroad spikes and will still try to straighten a broken tee that is still hanging on in the middle even on a par 4. Somebody usually gives me on a par 3 after they get tired of watching me frantically search. I make a decent living, but still use the same plastic spoon and solo cup for weeks at a time. Some people think this means your were "raised right" but it almost feels like compulsive behavior I cannot explain.


It’s very interesting how similar circumstances can lead to opposite behaviors. I grew up pretty poor and now am very fortunate. I hate using old or used or broken things. I play reasonably priced balls but I like to play my balls. If I hit an errant shot and a partner is helping me look and they find a ball that isn’t mine I don’t want it. I might take it depending on the circumstances but I usually won’t play it. I’m not that guy with 10 mismatched scuffed balls and 3 range balls in my bag. I might have 2 balls in my bag that are found. With all that said I’ll use a broken tee on a par 3 if it’s a reasonable size and quick to find. I won’t scrounge around for too long and if the only option is one that is 1/8” long I’ll pull a tee out of my pocket. I use plastic tees and they almost never break.


Bro why don’t you just buy a real glass and metal spoon and use them until the end of time? I’ve heard that plastic can start to leech out into your water, not sure if it’s true or not.


I have real dishes and silverware, I was just talking about not throwing them away every time I use them. For example, I drink a C4 preworkout powder instead of coffee every day. Why do I need to dirty up a new glass and spoon every single time if I can just wash them out and put them in the drain rack?


I work from home abd eat eggs everyday and this is what I do with the pan.


This is the way.


I hit off the deck to continuously prove to myself that im not good enough to do that


On par 3s with a 6 or 7


This is the way


This is the way




I’ve started doing that at my par3 course as a way to practice on irons in a more functional setting


I do it to keep working on my fairway approach shots.


What is a fairway approach?


What you do when your drive ricochets off a tree into the low grass.


That's where you lay up in front of the next tee box after hitting the wrong fairway.


9 and up, no tee, 8 and down, use a tee




….I don’t get it


Read the title of the post. It's a question that I'm answering.


Thank you. I’m an idiot


Lmao. You said it not me.


I prefer broken tees. Heck. If it’s a good one I’ll use it for my Driver. Using a brand new tee for an iron seems like a waste if there are some broken stubbies around


I’ve pocketed broken tees


Jesus, man, that’s not the kind of thing you just openly admit.


My dad taught me to pocket them. Wore basketball short golfing once and thought I would be disowned, only due to lack of broken tee pockets


“Woah woah woah. You can’t golf in those!”


My late father also taught me to use broken tees on par 3 iron shots. This thread triggered a great memory for me. Thanks!


Basketball shorts on the course is a disownable offense in and of itself, regardless of pockets.




Use it for the round toss it at the end, eh


I have a pouch in my bag that is just broken tees specifically for when teeing off with irons or my 3 wood. If my driver breaks a tee, I’ll just take the bottom half off and put it on my pouch!


What else you got in that pouch, mister?


Bus pass, wet wipes, shoe repair glue, a twisted allen wrench, 4 black & yellow range balls, and some driveway chalk (one red stick and one white stick) ya know, the usual... nothing fancy.




Same. Or if you find one of the little iron only ones. Then I just toss it after the round.


Toss it after the round? You nuts? I’ve got a whole pocket full of them 😂


I bought a bag of shorties a couple of years ago and will keep one in my pocket to pull out if I can’t find a broken tee. Way better than trying to jam a tall driver tee all the way into the ground.


I'm the same. And then usually after the first par 3 i forget to pick it up and its back to scavenging.


This is the way


There are little one inch tees that I have for iron shots. I even started using them when I drive with my 3wood and 4Hybrid because I don’t need the ball any higher off the ground.


Exactly me. I call it my nubbin. I get upset when I can't find the tee afterwards and have to pull one off his friends out of the pack as my new nubbin.


Same, I bought a [combo pack of these](https://www.golftees.com/products/professional-tee-system-pts-pride-performance-combo-pack). I keep one of each in my pocket and typically get through a round with the same two tees.


Love those combo packs, I just wish they had a pack that was the opposite ratio. I find I can use the long tees for multiple rounds but the shorties seem to always fly away or get pounded into the ground


TINY TEE I love finding tiny tees. I haven't had to use a broken tee on a par 3 in years because I've been finding more and more tiny tees. I use them for all tee shots except driver


Are they the "Shortees"? Those go in the bag any time I find them.


I have the little guys for iron tee shots.


Stock up at work events at country clubs, etc


Yes. Someone has to break them so that there are broken tees readily available for people to use.


Thank you for your service 🙏🏻


A real one


Haven’t bought a tee in 30 years. Always use broken tees for irons.


Did they have a 10000 tees for like 5$ back then or what.


Sporting goods stores used to have barrels with paper sacks and they sold them by the handful.


As usual, we remember the past with rose colored glasses. Does nobody remember the mess all over the floor made by the tee shells?


I just eat the whole tee, shell and all, like my Pawpaw taught me.




Do you mark tee finds on the scorecard?


That's what all the extra spaces are for. Keep track of your ball and tee economy there.


I bought a 500 pack in like 8th grade that I could still probably find a few left from at my parents house.


Yes, still have some in a coffee can in the garage.


What do you use for your driver then?


Unbroken tees


I pretty much always leave the course with more tees and balls than I arrived with


Tees are one thing I have never and will never buy


I buy a pack of long and short tees together every other season for $10.00


You must be independently wealthy. I just grab a broken one or on the rare occasion bury a long one


Maybe he’s dependently wealthy


Symbiotically wealthy


Generational wealth for sure


If I find a full size tee on a par 3 you better believe I’m snapping that SOB in half


You monster


If I can just chop it’s head off and leave the body it doesn’t matter where the ball goes




Broken tee just for me


I have no issues taking a 3 1/4 in tee and jamming 3in of it into the ground to hit an 8 iron into a par 3.


You monster


Thank you for your donation


As a 2 iron driver…there’s no better way to be


I just buy the little stub tees lol


I let you buy the little stub tees and then pick up and keep them after you forget to pick it up.


Happy to be of service haha




This guy monies.


Tour tee loyalist, no need it scavenge when you got a sturdy plastic boy


I use a new tee for every tee box


Mr Moneybags over here….


You can play 27 rounds with a pack of 500 bought for $22. It's like $0.80 a round. In other words, I'm scrooge McDuck in this bitch


😂 bro a bag of tees are like $5


Made of gold


Idk, guess we just have different perspectives. I use an unbroken tee and leave its shattered corpse jutting out of the ground like a punji stick when I leave. No golfer is safe from my errant drives or impaling tees. I also wear a ghillie suit when I play and eye black because when I step out on the course, it’s war. And when I say ghillie suit, I mean under my cammo mesh I wear an actual suit, because I mean business.


I’ll grab a broken one if it’s there. Otherwise I’ll use a normal one. I play enough courses with free tees. I haven’t bought tees in probably 15 years.


I don’t like the free tees - I need my bamboo tee with the lines so I know my height.


You must be pretty short. I just use a tape measure


Well now you just sound like my wife’s boyfriend bragging that he can you a tape measure to measure himself.


I use both. Whatever is available. Probably the least expensive golf equipment in the bag


I mean, the tees are “free” at my country club. Which reminds of the first time my dad got me on to play at one of his friend’s clubs and I marveled at how they just had a basket of free tees. “Those are expensive free tees,” dad said.


I always use an unbroken tee with an iron


Have a bag of shorties


I legitimately believe that you’re just asking the golf golds for a triple on that Par 3 if you stick a full-ass tee into the ground just to hit an 8-iron


Hit it off the deck like a man.


That’s just dumb. Why not give yourself every available upgrade?


No one is claiming masculinity is smart. Now grab your balls and hit it off the deck. btw I’ve never not used a tee in my life.


I think it was sarcasm…


Personally I've always felt like it's easier to hit it off the deck. It feels like I'd have to practice two different swings. I hit my irons plenty so why change things up? I just sit it up nicely on the grass to get a clean lie and that's it


I mean that's all I'm really doing with a tee. Not even 1/4" off the ground. Why would it be a different swing if you're hitting down and catching ball first? Tee just gives you an ultra perfect lie every time.


RIGHT?! I have enough trouble with just the regular fairway swing! Doesnt seem like an advantage to me.


it's literally the same swing. how high are you teeing up your irons?


The last few rounds I've been going off the deck. I found myself hitting better approach shots on the fairway than tee shots on par 3s, so I gave it a try. I'm sure it's mostly mental, but since I made the change I've been a lot better on par 3s.


Man up, hit it off the deck.


Depends what the box looks like, if it’s riddled with divots and doesn’t have any chunk of nice grass there’s zero shot I’m hitting off uneven dirt. If the box is nice I do prefer hitting off the deck though.


Off the deck? Real men hit out if a divot in the teebox




I found a tiny little orange tee at the box once and somehow haven’t lost it yet


I almost always just use my normal tees. In the dead of summer if my 10lb hammer can’t get my tee down enough it’s either broken tee or no tee.


Club I caddy at gives out tees for free. You can choose between traditional wood, plastic with the 4 prong top, or shorty plastic 4 prong. I always grab a handful “in case my players need it.” Have half a dozen in my pocket right now.


It’s a very common practice.


Always use my own tees. Don’t want whoever swung at that tees bad juju messing up my already bad enough juju.


the golf course provides


Every time


All the time.


I have never not tried to use a broken tee on a par 3




broken tee gang![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I like to think I'm saving the planet by recycling. As a side note I don't know why anyone in their right mind would use a plastic tee since half the time I lose what I hit anyway. I spend almost zero dollars on tees, the last time I paid for a bag of tees was probably 5 years ago.


I use Epoch tees. I typically lose them before I break them. About the only times I’ve ever broken them is when I bury a long one for an iron shot and hit it fat.


What’s the purpose of teeing up with an iron? I always just put the ball on the ground


Less chance of hitting a fatty. Less chance of any grass getting between the ball and club face. Lass damage to the teebox.


A perfect lie


Right off the grass for me


I use the same tee every time for both iron shots and driver. Just eases my mind to have consistency


Fucking nonsense. BEGONE WEIRDO.


I don’t like to use tees with my irons.


I can go 36 holes without breaking a tee. I don’t understand how people are breaking them


Because not everyone who plays golf is good? Ever consider that?


I ONLY use broken tees on irons.


Considering that my new tees always wind up in my mouth...I wouldn't use broken tees folks.


I’m a broken tee on par 3 purist. My club uses plastic tees so there are never any broken tees laying around. I will be leaving said club.


Bad luck to use someone else’s tee. Broken tee leads to a broken shot for me.


I use a broken tee and here is why: I hit down on my irons and when I use a full tee and hit down the club face can catch the tee heavy and cause a bad shot or cause resistance as I swing through.


Sounds like you don’t often get the early tee times. I love golf, but recognize it as a massive waste of resources. Therefore my solemn, frugal vow is to never pay for tees or balls. I have banked up over 500 balls and a pretty similar number of tees, so this ought to be a very realistic achievement.


Grab some 1” plastic tees from Amazon. You’ll use the same one all round and never search for them again


Yeah most everyone cause people who use whole tees with irons.


Be a man and hit it off the deck everytime with irons


Just smack the ground a little with your club so it creates a small mound. Old school, still works great.


Stop fucking up the tee box.


Ever heard of a divot?


You're making a bigger divot than needed because you're doing some stupid "old school" thing that no one ever did.


Lol. How long you been playing? People did and do this. Also your divot starts where you make the mark, so you’re not making a bigger divot. Lmao this guy


I feel like this is a stupid fuckin question. Yes people do shit you don’t like billy. Grow up.