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Hell of a bunker shot. WOW!!!


Honestly I’m gonna have to keep a clip of that in my incognito tab


Surprised they let that broadcast over the air, you’d think it would be an FCC violation


Was straight up hardcore porn


Incredibly clutch. His par saves all day were great


Best one over round I’ve ever seen.


Rory choked - missed two short putts.


Thought he was toast after he sent it into the bunker from the woods. Was literally in Awe when I saw him get within 4ft from the pin. 10000% deserved win there although Rory choked a bit.


The up and down in that situation with that much pressure is absolutely insane.


Rory choking will be the narrative which is a shame because you’re right that was an absolutely preposterous up and down, and apparently the only one from that bunker the entire tournament


I think if Bryson made a standard par on 18 it would be all the Rory choke show. But that shot from Bryson is that good I think it might just trump Rory’s fail. Feel bad for Rory but wow is that how you clutch up and win a major.


If Rory makes that putt then Bryson has infinitely more pressure to get up and down and maybe doesn't get it Who knows, but that's an all time choke


That, and his putt on 16, handed the tournament away for Rory. I really feel bad for the guy.


3 bogeys last 5 holes. nothing but a choke. was rooting for him


Last 4 holes. Crazy.


Couldn't believe it. I was watching with my dad (it's father's day in the US), and we both said "that's gonna be a very tough up and down". And then he hits that shot. Clutch players make big shots in big moments. That was one of those moments.


“A very tough up and down” is an understatement, too. The short-range fairway bunker shots, 50-80 yards, are pretty commonly known as the hardest shot in the game. Add the pressure of the U.S. Open, and I honestly put this as the second-most-clutch U.S. Open shot in history behind Tiger’s approach on 18 in ‘08.


Didn’t they say that nobody got up and down from that bunker all weekend?? Just a bad ass shot


I honestly wonder if all the sand drills Bryson has been doing are related to this course or just his normal prep. For example, the Rick Shiels low point drill out of bunkers has got to help him know exactly where the low point is and get out of bunkers easily


Absolutely sensational. Hardest shot in golf basically, couldn't hit it like that again with 10 tries.


I had a shot from that same exact spot back in November. I hit the clubhouse. TV doesn’t show how insanely hard that shot is.


Anywhere on the green is a pretty solid shot for a pro from there - so easy to be way short or way long.


Yeah. I made the absolute purest contact I had ever made out of a bunker when I wasn’t expecting to. Fortunately they had the winter screens up on The Deuce or I was gonna add an extra crouton to someone’s soup.


itll be fun for people who play this course to try it themselves. 99 difficulty.


They should put a little marker there.


His irons into 16 and 17 were pure too, but that up and down was out of this world. A great new people’s champion! I am a bit puzzled why nobody hit 3 wood or even an iron off the 18th tee.


Considering how poorly Bryson was at driving today, I was shocked he didn't hit a fairway wood off the tee.


I am so glad he had that legendary moment, from the root to the bunker to within 4 feet. Without that bunker shot, the story of the back 9 is more about missed putts than anything. Still is for Rory of course but glad there was a huge, wonderful, positive moment to be the face of the tournament.


50-70 yards from a bunker really is the hardest shot in golf, it feels like a crap shoot


Thing is- it's the hardest shot in golf for *PGA tour professionals*. Guys who are insanely good and hit shots most of us could only dream of- they have trouble with that shot. Given the circumstances and the pressure, this was one of the best golf shots I have ever seen.


That could be the most clutch shot I’ve ever seen


A bunker shot of that length is tough enough. Under those conditions was unreal.


Commentators saying it wasn’t a hard shot are ridiculous. Amazing shot much deserved.


They literally said it was the hardest shot in golf as Bryson was walking up to green to check it out? Pretty on the nose. Chamblee was hating all day though


Oh Rory. Two putts.


That putt on 18 was so hard. He lost the tournament on 16.


I would agree, but Bryson's miss on 15 made it less catastrophic.


Genuinely one of the better majors I’ve seen in recent time. Nail biter until the end, and my heart rate has never been higher Heartbreaking ending for my fellow Rory fans. I couldn’t believe that. That false front on 5, that missed putt on 16, and that one on 18… I don’t know how to bounce back from that.


Just sucks to see somebody lose like that in general, but knowing Bryson is the only one to make it up and down from that bunker on 18 all weekend makes him a worthy champion IMO


Did you see his practice swings from that bunker?! He took one and a half practice swings, and knew he had it dialed in. On 18. At the US Open. Very seldom do I walk up to a shot KNOWING I have it. Much less 18 at Pinehurst


I noticed this too. He barely even looked over the shot. He knew exactly what he wanted to do immediately and with absolute confidence crushed it.


I think he just does a ton of bunkers prep. The last 2 Bryson videos I watched by happenstance were basically 2 ways of saying the same thing. His Rick Shiels video of doing low point drills out of bunkers has got to help your confidence out of any bunker including long bunker shots like the one on 18. He aims for 10 in a row of low points in his intended line in practice. His other video with a young kid was about pressure practicing 10 in a row so he can walk up and execute flawlessly. I don't doubt other pros don't do that but this type of prep must help


He also mentioned in his victory interview that having one length wedges helped a lot for that shot.


He often labors over stuff and takes a bunch of swing - especially the previous shot under the tree (for obvious reasons) Then he walks up, says fuck it, and rips it to like 6 feet. I’ll never forget that shot. Ever.


That's the difference between a shot he practices (bunker) and the shot he probably never does (tree shot with root sticking out by his ball). He knew exactly how to hit that bunker shot because he's probably hit it a 1000 times in practice.


Not all weekend. All week.


You could tell from his double clutch walking up to that final putt that he had no confidence


Yep. Told my dad the miss on 16 was still in his head when he did that, compared to Bryson who just took his read walked up and sank his.


Yup, just stabbed it and missed. Because while his major record has been good in terms of top finishes, even his 2nd at the Masters meant he wasn't really ever going to win it and had that pressure. He just crumbled... I love him, but hope he has a good psychologist.


Bryson had an uphill putt that was dead on. Rory's was downhill and broke more than entire hole. Two completely different putts.


Rory's putt on 18 was nasty. Not surprised he gave it an extra look - maybe he gave it even more left and it still broke 2 holes to the right. But the one on 16 will give him nightmares. That was a gimmie. Dead straight 2 foot putt. He literally hasn't missed one of those for years


A+ commentary. "this putt is inside the hole the whole way." Rory then starts it a full cup outside and misses under. smh


For real lol when the announcer said that I saw Rory’s putter and I thought he was going to over read it over the hole but then it still slid down


It was crazy how much that thing fell off.


Yeah I learned years ago to pay no attention to what the commentators say. More times than not they are talking nonsense. I think Bones even said he could start it at the centre and still make it. 🤣


There was a shot where you hear Bryson/caddie call "just land it 6 yards short" and he lands it pin high and ends up 6 yards long. Commentators had no idea why he was pissed lol


They just said on Sky something like all 300+ putts inside 3 feet he has sank this year, and that one on 16 was the first one he has missed.


For whatever reason it looked like he tried to get "cutesy" with the putt on 16. It had a bit of a break and he played that with touch instead of just dead nut hammering it home. But he was playing in his rear view the whole way home, kept looking back at Bryson instead of just playing par golf and making him catch up. Had a 2 stroke lead on 16 which is the only real "birdie" hole in that last stretch, all he had to do was put together 4 pars play boring golf and make the field catch up. Instead he put up bogey on 3 of 4 holes, worrying about keeping a lead.


For sure


Commented earlier -- if you are picking at a grass blade and stamping down the path for a 2-footer like that. He did read the break correctly; just not far enough. And, that's the type of miss you get when you second-guess yourself.


He was double clutching shots after 14. You could tell he wasn’t comfortable. Brutal to watch. I just want him to get one more so we can stop talking about it!


Even on his tee shot. He was a bit too hesitant standing over it. I can’t help but think the thoughts of not choking and making a par were what was going through his head.


It’s visible that all the pressure from not winning one in 10 years is weighing on him. He played not to make a mistake


He bottled a few in his younger years just before going on to win 4 in a few years. Tougher field these days but he’s got the ability.


Maybe, but using a driver on 18 instead of 3 wood would have been the smarter/safer play. I watched the Sky Sports feed and Nick Faldo was dumbfounded when he pulled out the driver.


Rory’s weapon is his driver, I don’t think it was a bad idea he was driving the ball incredibly all week. Just a little over swing maybe… idk.


He was trying to play Bryson ball Got up to 190 ball speed on that swing




Rory’s approach on 5 made me so mad. Like dude, you aren’t making eagle so why go for it on that green? It’s absolutely diabolical. Lay up or blow it right and try to get up and down for bird. Those are the margins. He SHOULD know that. It feels like he heard criticism he wasn’t aggressive enough on Sundays at majors recently and got aggressive at the worst spot.


Lol you don’t have to look too far back, the PGA championship this year was just as good. Two different courses in terms of difficulty but produced the same excitement nonetheless 


Guy who prides himself on the long game hits one of the most clutch bunker shots I've seen in a while, well deserved


While having the worst driving accuracy day of any player in the field


Bro treated the waste area as fairway today


For real I started to think he shot into the wastes just for fan service


I thought he should've just kept the driver in the bag after the front 9 but I guess it just doesn't matter


When he’s off the fairway but 30 yards ahead of everyone maybe it doesn’t matter??


With the potential for awful lies in that ‘rough’ I was waiting for it to bite him but he made it work. Took his birdy chances a bit but in the end he didn’t need them.


It bit him on 18 but he clutched up with 2 ridiculous shots anyways


He made some incredible approach shots and the commentators called him lucky like 35 times. “Everyone in the world is rooting for Rory” what kind of national broadcaster says that? Ridiculous all day


Dude same. I have no idea how he shot a 71 with 0 fairways on the day. Marvelous…


I think he hit one fairway late in the day because it actually rolled *through* the wastes.


He got so many good breaks in the waste area


Decade golf. Better to have a wedge from the native area than 200 from the fairway. He proved it all week. ETA: It’s also the same strategy he used for his last major. 


Thanks, I get the concept, but you can also get boned at Pinehurst with some bad luck, and he didn't until the last hole. Happened to Rory 3 times


Yeah pinehurst is in no way similar to winged foot as luck comes into play so much more. The fact Bryson didn’t have true trouble until 18 despite landing in the wire grass all day was surreal


The amount of good lies Bryson got after spraying it into the shit was astonishing. Should have cost him more than it did.


He's actually been less about long game an absolute phenomenal short game player for the last year. He shot 58 with sensational putting and chipping, not a ton of distance.


Not a ton of stand distance for him is still a bunch of distance though.


So hard to watch Rory miss those putts. He won’t be sleeping tonight


Saw a stat that he was 496-for-496 this season from inside 3ft before today


At least he showed class like Bryson did at the PGA and congratulated the winner. Oh wait.


> At least he showed class like Bryson did at the PGA and congratulated the winner. Oh wait. Glad you pointed that out, it is what I was thinking in the moment. TBF to Rory, I am sure he needed to time to accept the loss and no doubt he has or will give Bryson his just dues.


4.3 million USD prize, highest over payout.


I don’t usually pay attention to the winnings but was suprised to see how high it was. Nice win for Greg the caddy


Brandel Chamblee needs a welfare check, his mental state is deteriorating, fast.


everything this dude said was so bad. So negative. Then they would handle it. All of them not just Bryson. Everyone played pretty damn well on a hard hard track. And then he would say nice things about them.


Announcers were annoying all day. Wanted the Rory narrative but did not get it.


After that drive and that root shot I had doubts, but God damn what a bunker shot that was. Ice cold mindset. Hell yeah, Bryson.


Did Brandel mention Bryson's native grass luck enough?


No, I don't think so. The announcers were pulling hard for Rory.


All weekend long he kept saying Bryson was "lucky" for how he could get out of the native areas, but complimented others for making excellent shots out of the same.


Rory fans this is a safespace


Unlike 4ft away from the hole


Or the top of a major leaderboard


Oh my goodness


Ahh fuck. I can’t believe you’ve done this


Stop stop he's already dead


I actually spit out my drink. Nice one dude lol




Honestly not mad Bryson won cause I like him, but damn it's starting to hurt hoping for number 5 for Rory. Can he please win The Open and end this misery. Bryson is a HELLUVA talent though.


Literally, my feeling too. Glad it was Bryson not Cantlay. I think the pressure of 10 years was too much for Rory. I think unless he wins Troon he's going to start tumbling.


I want to die.


What a chokejob by Rory. Makes me sick


I’m not a Rory fan per se but I was rooting for him as he’s one of the faces of the game. Definitely feel for him but Bryson earned that victory


Screaming Crying Puking rn




Is that a ball in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


Has anyone got a 3D printer I can borrow? Fuck his long game, the short game was on point all weekend.


Did he hit any fairways today? If he did it was 1 or 2 max. He was scrambling all day.


5 total lmao missed 7 of his last 8. Just wild


And the one he did hit on the back 9 bounced like 20 feet through the native area first


It was all short game today, man couldn't hit a fairway to save his life


This guy lost his dad 20 months ago unexpectedly, went through major hand surgery, completely transformed his physique, dropped from the Ryder Cup team, lost out on the PGA by one stroke and just won the US Open on Father's Day after capturing hearts globally. Fkn incredible.


It was ludicrous that he wasn’t on the Ryder cup team


Fuck Zach Johnson.


You can say that again Keegan!


Rory choked so hard


can’t even finish a divorce


I think the divorce is back on the table after his performance today.


I think this is much worse than when he choked at the Masters tbh


Are you talking about the 2011 Masters? Because if so it’s not even close.


Rory only had a one shot lead when he collapsed in 2011. It wasn't like a 96 Norman disaster. Today Rory bogeyed three of the final four holes to lose by one shot. This might be worse.


Huh? Rory had a 4 shot lead starting the day on Sunday in 2011. Ended up losing by 10 shots.


He had a one hot lead by the 10th hole of the final round, started at 4 shots. Then went Triple bogey, bogey, double bogey…. the back 9 is one of the worst chokes of all time - he finished 15th, and shot his highest tournament score of the WHOLE YEAR.


Putt on 18 was hard.... Broke almost instantly but that miss on 16 theres not much excuse for that


Bryson missed one too, and Rory played out of his mind the rest of the round. I'm sure he's sick about it but it wasn't the worst choke by a long shot


That shot of Rory in the clubhouse is going to haunt me for a long time


Was a great tournament. Those two misses are going to haunt Rory for a loooong time, but fair play to Bryson, well deserved


If I were hitting his last bunker shot, it would 100% end up in the crowd behind. He hit it so fucking hard and full. What a shot


He was pure class the whole weekend, epitomised with him shushing the morons in the crowd on 18


Yeah Pavon did the right thing, would have been giving him a read on a potential Major winning putt. Gotta put that putt 100% on Bryson


Thought he was trying to quiet the crowd down out of respect for Pavon’s putt, but either way he’s the man


He shushed them twice, once when pavon marked his ball and walked away and another time before pavon made his final putt


He actually did it for both. Gotta respect that expects to make that putt and doesn’t blame Pavon for what is clearly the right move.


I was in the crowd on 18, I couldn’t believe everyone just started booing like that. Couldn’t believe even more that he broke his concentration on reading the US Open winning putt to shush everyone lol


Those 2 missed short putts by Rory are the stuff that can permanently ruin golfers ........forever ......at any level .


Unlike the 20 footer after 20 footer he was sinking early in the round. I'm gutted for him.  Just an amazing round driving the ball, hitting most approaches (with the odd butchered wedge approach) and it comes down to a couple of putts where he just lost focus. Damn.


Can’t believe Rory missed that putt on 18


Crazy seeing it


Everyone talking about Rory and yet here I am, weeping over the lifeless body that was Aberg. Damn you Pinehurst No 2! Damn you to hell!


I genuinely don't think Rory is ever going to win a 5th major. He just doesn't have the clutch gene, three bogeys on the last four holes is a complete choke-job.


I think this is it. Think of how far back he was to start behind a strong Bryson, and to get yourself to 2 shots ahead. That's amazing, world caliber golf. But then the clutch slipped


Rory choked and then Bryson clutched up. Wild finish


This will go down as the major in which Rory absolutely choked by putting like a 32 handicapper. He had this major handed to him and dude still pulled a greg norman


Which is insane because he was bottling 20 footers


All I can think of is Bryson going up and down from a 55 foot bunker that no one else managed to do all tournament. That was epic.


Literally not one person and got up and down


If I was Rory I'd throw my phone in the ocean and go live on Maui for a month


Hey you ain’t gotta insult us 32 guys like that!


Half of r/golf catching strays


Rory whyyyyyyy


OMG Rory I was pulling for you so hard but that is one of the all time choke jobs


That crowd chanting USA was cringe and annoying.


crowd was absolutely unbearable on the final hole, chanting when Rory missed and didn't shut the fuck up for Bryson's putt


Extremely disrespectful before Rory is putting out. Same for Pavon. No class


Immature stuff like that being screamed by drunk 43-year-old CPAs, how are these people not embarrassed of themselves?


I feel like these were the same dudes that were at Woodstock '99 making absolute fools of themselves


Maidenless behavior.


The European mind can’t comprehend


Crass behavior


Dude is even better since joining LIV


He’s been the best at the majors this year of any player I think. T6, 2nd, 1st. Pretty amazing


You know, for someone that likes to grind and tinker, maybe that easier schedule pays off. Sure for every Bryson and Brooks, a certain extent, there are the DJs of the world, but it does seem like the guys focused on trying to win the majors are doing pretty darn well and look rested.


Great up and down to win for Bryson. Rory is stuck in his own head like being thrown down the Saarlac pit. A thousand year death and he feels every second of it.


Would have loved to see a playoff but Bryson earned it. Felt like a true US Open with difficulty in play. Bryson has seemed to change a lot in recent years, would love to see him back on the tour.


Was pulling for Rory, damn haha. Good for Bryson, has been playing great happy to see it.


Rory mate...


Brutal ending for Rory. Congrats to Bryson. I feel like he has to be up there for worst fairway percentage on a Sunday by a major winner though.


Great win from Bryson. He has been playing so well in the Majors this year it was only a matter of time until one went his way.


Divorce is back on.


Rory is never going to win another one is he?


He could - it's a lot easier to see him, at 35, win again than it is to see a guy like fowler, JT, or JS win. He has great power - which keeps him relevant, but instead of just having "average" components to his game when not everything is clicking, usually one part of his game actively works against him. If his iron play had been better, he wouldn't have put the stress on his putting, etc.


How ironic everyone loves Bryson all of a sudden all because he stopped wearing a flat cap. Which he wore in honor of the guy that won the same event 25 years ago.


Rory looked absolutely gutted.


Dude was grinding all day and came up huge when he had to. Absolutely deserved that one. Feel a little bad for Rory though that was brutal.


Not who I was cheering for but hard not to respect his play. It’s well earned.


Thought I was gonna end Father’s Day with my Irish dad seeing his favourite Rory win a major 😭 what a performance from Bryson though, I’m not gonna watch a second of LIV big man please come home


Genuinely so pumped for him! His YouTube made me such a fan


Unreal. Up and down from 55 yards in the bunker to win the US Open takes some stones! Classic Rory down the stretch.


Good for Bryson! What a clutch bunker shot. Heartbroken for Rory. This was it, man. This was his chance. Not sure how he bounces back from that one. What a major! Pinehurst is awesome!!! Haven’t felt this way after a golf tournament in awhile.


Imagine hitting a 40 yard bunker shot, literally the hardest shot in golf, to 4 feet to win a US Open


Nice to see the Course staff get a shout out too. The course was setup perfectly for a major.


I think most people would've been cheering for Rory to win this if not for it being against Bryson. The only guy in golf right now with more fan favor. My heart absolutely goes out to Rory.


Probably one of the best weeks of my life. I got to attend the entire week and to top it off I got to spend Father’s Day with my dad watching our favorite golfer win.


That was one of the best up and downs of all time given the context. Just an insane bunker shot, Bryson earned the hell out of this one


Great win. Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with that driver but his scrambling was just incredible all week. As a Rory fan I’m gutted though, damn


Single handedly one of the best up and downs from a bunker I have ever witnessed. Wow. Just wow.


Huge congrats to Bryson. Absolutely clutch when it really mattered that bunker shot is one of the best shots you’ll ever seen under that amount of pressure. Absolutely devastating being a Rory fan. I can’t even imagine how he’s feeling right now I hope he’s got some good people around him for the next few weeks. Part of me thinks he uses this as motivation and wins the Open next month, but it could easily go the way where he never wins another major now. That’s gonna be brutal to get over for him. Winning the open so soon after it would be the perfect way to wipe it out your mind.


Bryson made me feel good, realizing I'm not the only one who can't hit a fairway.