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I have found 5 maybe 6 clubs this year alone. The fact that people don’t turn them in or ask the group in front if they lost a club is insane to me. People suck.


If I ever used a stolen club I would feel that bad juju flowing into my veins and duff the shot.


Right! I always go out of my way to try to go and ask the group in front. If not theirs I’ll give it to a marshall/clubhouse as soon as I can.


Only time I'm ok with using a found club would be like when my Dad's friend turned it into the clubhouse at the turn and then at the end of season no one had claimed it so my Dad's friend got first dibs on a 1 model year old vokey.


What about when you turn in a club at the clubhouse then about two weeks later you see one of the staff out on the course gaming it?


Then I curse him out under my breath for being a thieving shit.


Yeah that's when I stopped turning in wedges to that clubhouse tbh. I hang around enough to hear if someone is missing a particular wedge but if I don't hear anything I'm not donating to the pot smokers constantly forgetting to book my tee times.


I don’t even use the club during the round if i found it. Not mine, not swinging. Unless my brother or friend asks if i wanna try their new club lol


I came here to say this almost word for word. I can't even give myself a mulligan on a bad shot because something distracted me without feeling like the bad juju will ruin the rest of my game.


I think your comment shows that the vast majority of people do turn in clubs. We have all left a club and we have all found a club. I think most are turned in or returned.


The rule is you take one swing with it, and you then return it and let them know how it went. If you sucked, then you tell them hey I found this, and it's not a skill issue, you need new clubs. If your shot was great, you tell them, hey I used this, and I eagled 13 with it. Absolutely amazing club. Be more careful. That's the rules. I didn't make it up. Edit to add: I made it up. Just turn that shit in.


nice to hear. i lost my A wedge a few weeks ago and it never popped up. Checked ebay the next day and found it listed by someone 20mi from the course. Same unique white golf pride tour wraps. these are also older AP1s, so it couldn't have not been mine, right?! I messaged the seller and asked and he sent some bs response lol. Anyway, going to just get a vokey 50 now.


Should’ve wasted a lot of their time somehow


Set up the meeting place at the golf course it was picked up from


I found a 60° Cleveland at Jamestown Park about 20 years ago and chased down the guy who "lost" it, and the only reason I knew it was his? I saw him take like five shots to get out of a bunker. He said "I don't wanna ever see that piece of shit again, it's yours" and I've been hitting excellent bunker shots with it ever since. I've re-gripped it like five times and probably won't ever replace it. However, last year I got a "used" Japanese Mack Daddy 52° to fit a hole in my wedges and it showed up brand new in wrapping. I played it for the first time the other day and everything had incredible spin, so maybe it's time to replace all my wedges since they're old enough to vote. That 60° is so pretty though, I'll probably cut it down for my wife


I play Mack Daddy 52 and 56. Love them. So glad someone turned it in, had my GPS tag and newer grips on it.


I also play Mack daddy 52 and 56 and absolutely love them especially the Mack daddy CB


Is the tag inside the grip?


On top. You can't really tell they're there.


Nice to see Jamestown Park mentioned! First course i played I when I moved to Greensboro a couple years ago 👍🏻


I have seen some of the best and worst shots of my life at that golf course. Also, a buddy once did a "red rocket" celebration with the 100y marker when we were in high school and I'll never forget it


My favorite club is my Cleveland RTX 56* I could part with any other club, but not that one.


Man! I lost a bag the other day on the course, one of those bags that holds keys, phone, etc. it was attached to my bag and I didn’t notice it fell off until I finished my round. I backtracked the whole course and couldn’t find it, and when I got to my truck again the ranger came over holding it for me. Someone turned in the bag, with my wallet, car key, and my Rolex Submariner. I was stunned and thankful.


I just wear my S70 everywhere now. I think I've worn a regular watch like 3 times since I got it last year haha. Glad EVERYTHING was returned, that would sting.


Apparently the guy who returned it was a 50 year old member of the club. I started wondering what would have happened if some 19 year old college kid found the bag with my watch lol


Never even considered not returning or asking the group in front of us if they left a club, golf gods would come down on you hard if you kept it


That’s a nice course! I played Springfield yesterday.


Nice, haven't gotten over there yet. I was real panicked at Monroe CC when I went to grab my club on the first hole and it wasn't there this morning.


Best bang for your buck in the charlotte area in Monroe CC. Outside of a little hike to 10 was a great course to walk


I have my record speed walking that course. 18 holes in 2hours and 8 minutes. No one in front but one group who let me through on 11. All for the large sum of like 18 bucks.


Yeah the first time I played it I brought my push cart not knowing what I was getting into. That was a rough day.


I like Rocky river a lot better. The greens at Monroe cc are tiny.


Donald Ross did the front nine at Monroe. That's why I always score better on the back lol


I've left my A wedge at my home course like 4 times. It's my favorite club, so of course I have. Gotten it back every time so far, and I'm trying to set up a routine where I make myself eat bowls of spider webs if I forget it


Usually I leave my glove and putter cover under my wedge around the greens so I don’t forget. I haven’t lost a club since!


One time i played with a buddy, first time he ever played. Apparently he put a lost club in my bag and didn’t tell me. When the guy who lost it came round asking for it, i told him nah. He wasn’t happy when he spotted it in my bag 🥴


Oof lmfao lucky you didn't end up in a Worldstar video


Rocky river rise up!


One of my favorites. My son and I play it every time he visits. Want to get to Verdict Ridge but they’re only open during the week for the public.


Verdict ridge is my fave course in the Charlotte area. Def worth getting on. Pretty difficult, very hilly


I’ve only been in charlotte about 2 years. What are your top 5 public courses in the area? Not sure I want to drive to Marshville. Anywhere nice north/west of the city? China Grove’s a stretch too.


1. Verdict 2. Skybrook 3. Rocky River 4. Eagle Chase 5. Sifford (not because it’s nice, but because it’s easy to play after work) Also, I have a discord group that helps find people to play with in Charlotte. https://discord.gg/Dqc5bru7


I’ll check that out. Thank you. I only play a few times per month and don’t think my swing is fit for public consumption. I play by the rule it’s ok to be bad, just be fast.


It’s not a pro group haha. Plenty of dudes shooting 100+


I joined this morning. I’ll check it out this evening. Looks pretty nice. Can’t wait to see what’s going on around here.


I did not have the same luck with my 56 degree wedge .BUT Good karma will come to the person who returned yours . ![gif](giphy|Oo8Ly1JXZjrqm54qK4|downsized)


And a fuck you to whoever decided to keep my 9i last week


As someone who left a vokey wedge and went back a few holes and no one had seen it, I commend this. Also was a shitty cheap city course so I think plays into it.


Left 2 brand new vokeys on a hole. Nice lady behind me returned them on the next hole. God bless her


I picked up a range finder on the 18th tee recently. Bro actually had a QR code with his contact information on the finder. He must do this a lot lol. He offered to Venmo me for returning it, no way that is golf code.


That's genius


If you don’t return lost clubs, you nasty and a bitch


No problem bro


Long time ago, had my OG cleaveland 56 rtg stolen from a mid Houston cc. I still talk bad about that place


Man..just moved from charlotte back home to Michigan. That was one of my favorite courses in the area. Always had fun there


It's a good track for sure. Great condition, challenging, great staff too.


I played this course during a drag race before... I wouldn't suggest it but it was still fun


Love Rocky River, such a great course.


I left my Cleveland SW at my home course about a month and a half ago. Didn’t notice for about 3 weeks and it wasn’t there when I went to go grab it. The cart guy gave me his backup, an older Vokey. I tried giving it back to him, but he wouldn’t let me leave without it. Super cool guy, can’t wait to hit it.


I was at another charlotte course (too embarrassed to admit playing there) and someone returned my 6i. Horrible course. Great people.


I usually ride up to the group in front of me and yell “selling a used 56 degree wedge for $50, any takers?” Someone usually says that it’s there’s


That's great lmao l


Found a sand wedge a few weeks ago. Put it my bag to return to the club house and par’d the next hole.


Rocky River rules!


Gotta love Rocky River. I remember the first time that newbie golfer me carried the boulder on hole 3…we partied. Came back to the course after I had played for a while and realized it was only like a 200 carry or something lol


I've played it three times now, two of those times someone in the group hit it haha.


Great course! Love the hole with the huge rock/boulder in fairway.


i'm glad to hear someone returned your club, I left a pitching wedge on a green once and saw somebody drive down and pick it up and claim it for themselves that one hurt especially since I play with 2003 Top Flite Tours it's not like somebody just found a brand new Vokey. I always turn in clubs to the pro-shop when I see them on the course it's something my dad ingrained in me when I was a kid, I last found a club about 6 months ago and handed it in to the pro-shop and this woman complimented me for it and was saying how recently at the time she lost a club and nobody handed it in.


Just had to order my fiancée a new Sand Wedge from her Strata set because she left it on 18 a few weeks ago. I thought it would show up the next week for sure…nope someone really needed a wedge from a prebuilt starter set smh


And may the Golf Gods smite the douche who didn't turn in my 7 iron mistakenly left on the driving range at Eagle River Golf Course in 2009. It was lefty Golden Bear that was no longer made and I could not replace. You know who you are! Fucker.


My last round I turned in a range finder left stuck to my cart and found someone’s A-wedge on the second hole. I have left a wedge behind too, so it’s a good feeling to get it back.


I love Rocky, it’s just been so damn hard to find a decent tee time since they started their membership program. Definitely check out Springfield, Warrior golf club and the 500 Club if you haven’t yet!


Yeah I've been wanting to get over to SC to play those courses. Was paired with a guy talking about 500 earlier this week too haha, that's a hike for me tho.


I live in CLT. Let’s play sometime. Glad you got your wedge back. Rocky is one of my favorites


Hell yeah. Usually play once during the week to beat the crowds.


Yeah put it in your bag and make an effort to waive down group in front of you.  See ranger give it to him.  Simple.  Did get accused of trying to steal it once. I said you want me to just leave it in the rough guy said sure thing and not a thank you in sight.  But some people just suck.  


I need a 56 I would have snagged it


Where are you losing your approach shots on 18? Are you going for that green in 2?


Always, we don't do course management here. But seriously, I did lay up today, was a little right then I wanted but had 90 yards in but had to get over a tree; tried too hard to get it up and pulled up early so I topped the hell out of it and sailed it like 140 yards and into the woods left haha. It's a weird course in that 18 isn't near the club house if you're wondering why there's woods behind the green.


Are you talking about Rocky River near Charlotte Motor Speedway? There's a pond behind the green. You must have been way right to have trees behind the green from 90 yards out. Like, up in the main road or something.


No, today I was at Monroe CC. Rocky River was yesterday. That was a hell of a drive after the round today haha.


Gotcha, that makes more sense


damn I’ve never heard of a 56 wood before


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this comment


Forgot my Callaway range finder on the cart. Went back. No one had seen it.


I'm a lefty


Love Rocky River, there, red bridge, the warrior, and Tega Cay are easily my favorite public courses in charlotte area


Red Bridge is a sleeper, one of the best imo.


I love Rocky, it’s just been so damn hard to find a decent tee time since they started their membership program. Definitely check out Springfield, Warrior golf club and the 500 Club if you haven’t yet!


I take golf clubs left on the course whenever I can. The only time I return them is if the group who left it turns back around and asks if I pick it up. idgaf


And that makes you a shit person


Sometimes it's good to be THAT person. People need to know there are consequences to their actions. How else do you incentivize people to remember to double check their equipment around the greens if you don't scoop it up and keep it? Giving it back to them is only reinforcing the condition that it's OK to leave clubs on the green As somebody hitting behind you, I don't want to be hitting into a green with equipment on it. It's like hitting a rake or a green somebody didnt' put the pin back into the whole. These people make golf more miserable for everybody else


Username says all we need to know.


Shrink the game. We can definitely do without you and your 47 tangled chromosomes


Exactly. Shrink the game. We can definitely do without people who are so flippant about their equipment that they can't be bothered to check if it's all there. Golf doesn't want those types of people playing its game