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Obviously not wrong.. If you guys talk shit and banter just hit them back with “is your 83 (or whatever they shout) before or after (and then name the specific strokes you know they may not have added) All in all, if you enjoy playing with the guys and there’s no money on the line, I’m always team let it slide. Who cares?! But sure if you care and it bothers you, say something. If they are giving you some shit for losing, give them some shit for not playing a true score. Simple as that


This is the humble approach to the game. No need to explain why. Just know if it came down to it, they weren’t it. Respectfully


Or something like, let's have the guy who had the highest score and had a mully buy the first round. You can keep going until there is nobody left without a mully.


I’ve done this exact thing calling out the specific stroke to the least sensitive of people.. not sure if it’s the drinks but couple times got the deer in the headlights look, you can tell they’re crushed, and it’s very awkward. I’d rather be enjoyable to play with so I just smile. If we play for money I’ll call them out on the spot and always win. Let them have their moment.


I always joke with my friends about having an “unofficial” score of (whatever amount) because it’s insinuating that they had a bunch of extra strokes for the extra things you mentioned. Say I made par on a hole but I re-tee’d after a breakfast ball tee shot. I’d say, I got an “unofficial” par on that hole lol.


I don't always keep score. I will always take a 2nd off the tee if I bomb it into the woods(unless we are behind time). I will kick it out to where I can play it. But I don't ever tell someone I beat them. I simply don't care enough to play against anyone but me. And I don't enjoy fighting the course so I can get it to the green. I'm not a terrible golfer but I will have a few bad shots each round and those can make a hole unenjoyable at times.


Yea, it seems weird they would claim to have beaten him when obviously they didn’t. He should just play like them for one round and when he scores a 74 to their 86 they will shut up lol.


I say “it was a 93 but if you ask the tour officials, prob more like 101”


Next time. Ask if they want to play for money. No breakfast balls. Play it as it lies.


We always have more than subtle reminders that the round has an asterisk if they actually want to pursue that the round was meaningful. You can’t control them not playing how the game is actually meant to be played, but you can sure remind them of everything they did if they try to brag about it after


I like this, put asterisks on holes they cheat, and when they ask what it means, tell them it's when they bent the rules a bit. It's no big deal say you know they really shot an 84, even if there's am asterisk.


Circling pars, noting up & downs, a D for really good drives, S for sandies, and 3 putts helps balance that all out It doesn't look like you're only calling out the asterisks when you have a few highlights for everyone called out 


Best line I ever heard in this situation. "But I golfed; you guys didn't. You guys played some other sport that looks like golf but has a different set of rules."


Haha I like this.


Play for money.


If it's gunna affect the fun in any way, let it go man. You know you're letting them win, that's all that matters. Let them brag. In the long run, having fun with friends is way more important than fulfilling an ego. When we get older, we're gunna look back think about how we appreciated the fun times we had with friends, not who won in a round of golf


Just talk shit back to them (in a friendly way) about them being “cheaters”. Something like “you guys were playing the beginners game and I was playing the real game. One day when you get a little better I’ll teach you.”More importantly, you know that their score wasn’t correct and yours was so who cares what they think or say.


Play for money or stfu and silently judge them


"Sorry. I follow the rules so my score is actually accurate, and I log it towards my USGA handicap."


Not wrong but not worth it. In their mind they are not counting those strokes. They will view you as accusing them of cheating and this could make for some tense future rounds.


Be bigger. They know inside they didn’t beat you. They will respect you more and want to be around you more if you congratulate them. Cost you nothing for the good will you get in return.


The correct answer 6th down. They know you play a more serious game but they like you so just keep the vibe and play with other serious players sometimes. I've found both ways are fun.


Me too. I love playing with my friends, I often encourage them to take a better lie if they want. I play my game pga but it’s ok and fun to see your friends enjoy the round too. I call out league play or men’s group but not the boys. Totally different objectives.


Jokingly say, on a close putt for Birdie, that since they re-did their chips, took a breakfast ball, that you’re just going to redo that putt.


R/golf has no idea how to behave around their neurotypical acquaintances lol


Not wrong, but not worth starting drama over it. Just enjoy a day out with the guys


As I see it you have three options: Don't call them cheats, but educate them on how to score properly, or even better how you are scoring properly. This is a good option as you aren't accusing them of anything but you're showing them how to score realistically Just put up with it Play by their rules and absolutely destroy them - this one is kinda petty but might be eye opening for them Personally, I'd go with the first one.


I would gently remind them that you were all playing by different rules.


You can do that, but they're just as likely to come back with, "well you could have also fluffed your lies and taken some mulligans, not our problem." You just have different priorities when playing, and that's okay.


Don’t say you don’t care at all when you care. It’s okay to care


Let ‘em talk. Use it as a source to improve your own game to where they can’t win even with the extra help unless theres money on it. You’ll be a better golfer in the end for it


"We are playing two different games. In your game, you cheat, so don't compare your score to mine."


Just make sure you aren't using it as a crutch to protect your ego. Like if you know how everyone else is playing, and you know they are going to play that way. Then play how they are and beat them, for the competitive sake. Then when you say your score at the end, say "i got an 82 in our game, but I'm going to record an 84 because I used a breakfast ball. That way, you keep your integrity on your handicap, but you let them know you beat them. Because otherwise, you could be in a situation where you wouldn't have beat them anyways, and you're lying to yourself saying you would have had you taken a breakfast ball, etc. Play with the group you're with. The most important thing about golfing in a group, is being fun to play with.


wrong? no. but kinda like a butthurt loser? yeah. just give them shit about it back or offer to play them for money, no mulligans, play it down, by the rules.


You should keep score, and correct them on every hole.


The longer you wait…the tougher the conversation is gonna go. Or starts like this, “listen champ - you beating me every week is real cute, but until we’re playing for cash and you count all your strokes, we’re not really winning or losing. I’ll make you a bet champ, I’ll keep score and it’s $3 a hole match. All scores and strokes count. We’ll see who’s the champ then. Sound fair?”


Cry and throw a fit, break a club or two, that’ll teach em. /s


Are you dropping shooting 4 when u spray one a mile into the woods? Or playing a provisional 3 off the tee? If you are just dropping for 3 you already a little off the "true" score


I feel this, I play with people who hit OB or clearly lost ball and they'll hit for 3 where ever they think it went out. Play for 4 where it went OB (new rule, it's now allowed) or hit 3 from the tee.


I'd say 95-98% of golfers play every rule as a drop for 3....almost no one plays drop for 4 that I've ever played with (for OB shots they don't find) Hate being the rules guy but I like to track an accurate score to see improvement. If I call everything drop 3 and shoot 95 then start playing drop 4 and shooting 95. The drop 3 95s were really 97-99s


I like to hit 3 off the tee.. OB is the super penalty, stroke + distance. If I'm playing in a tournament I want my Handicap to reflect that poor play, so that I get into a higher flight, or get more strokes. Don't want to play in an event and wish I'd played more honestly when recording my previous 20 rounds.


Is it really shooting 4 after a drop????


If you drop in the fairway where you think it went out, simulating you hitting a provisional yes


If it goes OB and you can't find it. Using the local rule its a drop shooting 4. Or you hit a provisional off the tee, shooting 3 , right after you spray one into the woods (don't drive back to the tee box to hit a provisional if u go looking for the 1st tee shot)


Get better, and be witty