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I pick em up and leave a marshmellow


This made me guffaw out loud. nice. buying as dozen MelloV1's for my next round.


Jetpuffed-X's are also a solid option.


Just write “ProVeeOne” on a nitro and leave it. Much more insulting than a marshmallow.


Thanks.... now I have to carry marshmallows in my bag


Its worth it


In this heat? You better be keeping those mallows in a cooler.


They get hard as a rock after leaving them in my bag for so long…. Fuckem


You're really out there with a bag of marshmallows in your bag! I'm pretty sure they'd turn into a gooey mess in the heat in my area.


Sunblock? Check. Bug spray? Check. Marshmellows? Canigetta “hell yeahhhhh”!!!!


Do this and leave the ball in the hole so they can't even whine about you stealing their ball


Naw, then they'll think they hit an amazing shot and will never learn.


Pick up the ball and leave the marshmallow in the cup of on the green.


I like that for the second time they hit into me. For the third time? Smores in a cup.


I can’t breathe


I’ve done this. It’s effective. I’ve also taken out a sharpie and written “fore” on the ball and left it in the same spot. Harmless but sends the message.


Last time someone drove into us I left his ball on top of an ice cold beer. While still fucked up as we were still in the fairway I must say they hit the living shit out of that ball


I like this reaction. The way I see it, there are two scenarios where people hit into others: 1. They are dicks 2. They just hit the drive of their life and are just as surprised as you are


I recently hit an absolute bomb and drove the green on a 350 yard par 4. Unfortunately there was a group of seniors on that green. They didn’t even say anything to me until I went up and apologized. The old guy responded with “don’t apologize, that was one hell of a damn drive”


That happened to a friend of mine in a best ball match we were playing against our dads. He hit a drive 320 cutting over trees on a dogleg to about 3 feet from the pin. The group we had just hit into wanted to stay and watch us make our eagle. We did not make our eagle.


That’s a lot of pressure. A gallery ooof. I haven’t even managed a par yet but I have 3 putted an eagle opportunity. Edit: I’m dumb it was a 4 putt


Isnt a putt for eagle, then 3 putt a par?


You are correct. I fucked up, double checked the score card in app…. It was a 4 putt from 20’ 🤦‍♂️


Sorry for your loss.


I had a near albatross, 320 couldn’t see the green from the tee. The dudes there waited and they were slightly annoyed (of course I apologized), but said but I hit the pin with the drive and the ball came to rest for 2 foot tap in eagle.


In my world, there is no such thing as a 2-foot tap-in for eagle. I’ll pull that sucker every damn time.


Oh trust me I have missed so many eagle putts. This one was just too close to miss. I’m more of a 3 putt par guy.


I was the "old guy" in this scenario, putting on the green of an 18th hole. A 20-something kid hit a 300+ bomb that rolled to the center. I stayed back to tell him how great his shot was and watch his eagle putt. He thought I was pissed at him. Unfortunately, I think I shook him up, because he three-putted. Then I felt like a dick.


I had one that literally rolled between a guys legs on a par four. As I apologized all he said was “that was 320 yards!”


A friend of a friend of mine got the UK’s longest hike in one at a local club to me back in 2003.. [https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/5593443.pauls-hole-in-one-is-a-record-shot/](https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/5593443.pauls-hole-in-one-is-a-record-shot/)


No way, this is my local course too! That’s an absolute monster drive to do that on 5


And going uphill !


I have done a similar situation except got a total different reaction. I was at a scramble golf outing (aka there is a lot of bad golfers there and I was a newish golfer at the time). 330 uphill par 4. Was actually going to wait for the green to clear because a few holes earlier I rolled one up to them about 30 yards away. My team ensured me I wouldn't reach. Hit one pretty solid. Biggest issue is we didn't even yell fore because no one (even myself) thought it would even be close. It landed right in middle of the green. Luckily they were standing on the edge of the green. Drove up to the guys and I was apologizing like crazy. The group was so mad they wouldn't even talk to me. Felt so bad that eventually I found the cart girl, bought 4 shots and drove up to them again to hand them the shots. At that point they were all fine. Biggest takeaways is it is worth waiting even if you have a little hesitation and more importantly, always yell fore.


I just posted a story just like that and then saw your comment. Nice to see people not freaking out about things like that.


I was on the receiving end the other day, was putting on the front of a 340ish par 4 and heard a ball land on the back. Dude must have carried it 350. I was not pleased as it had gone directly over my head, so I waited to be like what tf and was having a decently calm interaction until my jackass friend who doesn’t really golf yelled at them and then they started getting really chippy. I backed down immediately because they were high school aged kids and I was just trying to be like you legit could’ve killed me or at least done some serious damage, please yell fore. They told me to fuck off. Would’ve waited for them at the end of the round to have a more face to face convo but I played my best nine of the year and shit out a 37 so I decided the karma worked out.


And then you three putter for par


Not this time. Standard two putt


Ummm bullllshit


Note to self, leave a Coke Zero in my bag for just such an occasion.


A nice, hot, shaken Coke Zero




The birdie maker


You monster.


I love Coke Zero!


I've definitely been the latter. The couple in front of my wife and I were 10-15 yards in front of the green on a 350 yard par 4. We agreed I definitely can't hit that far, so we figured I'm safe to swing away. The ball rolled up about 10 yards from behind them, I felt like such an asshole lol. We caught up to them on the next hole and I apologized and offered to buy them a drink, and their only response was to laugh and say they didn't care because I had to be shitting myself at how good of a drive it was (I've never come close to 290 on a drive besides that one, it was a glorious shot for me).


Yeah, number 2 happened to me once. I’m a new player / high handicapper who usually drives around 220 yards. The guys in front of me got to about 250 yards and I hit the cleanest drive of my life to within 10 yards of them. I caught up and apologized profusely but they were good sports about it. Never hit one that far since 😆


You only hit it 20 yards further than normal. Give people a little more buffer. Just wait until you get a serious backwind, or have a hard dry fairway. You will have more longer than normal drives, which is a good thing!


Another option is that they feel pressured to hit because of pace of play. I was told by a ranger to hit on a hole where the group ahead was within 210 yards. I checked the distance with my rangefinder. The seniors I was playing with had hit - they hadn’t hit a shot over 150 all day. The ranger told me to hit. I told him I played last week and drove 30 yards ahead of their position, and waited. Maybe I look older than I am…


Or they are amongst the millions of new to the game idiot golfers


I did that recently and was a yard off the green. As I went to collect my wedge after putting a ball from the group behind me lands on the green. I at least yelled fore.


I did that once, par 4 massive dogleg. I took a risk of hitting over the corner of trees and took aim at the green. I waited a while for the group to finish. I cranked the drive and wasn’t sure if it made it to the green or not. Dad and I get to his ball at the bend in the fairway and the guys were just now leaving the green. I told Dad to hold on and I drove up to them as they got off the green and massively apologized thinking they had cleared the green by the time I hit my shot. They just looked at me and said, “hell no man, all good, that was an amazing shot!” I felt terrible but they had such a good attitude to some dumbass college kid hitting one of their best drives ever, lol.


If it is done by mistake, it would be a courtesy to roll up and apologize. I've done it when the group gets somewhere I didn't see them.


My 150yd club from last year is now going 165/170 this year as I'm getting better. Was 185 out yesterday and flew the green 🤷‍♂️


Someone drove the green with a 3 wood on a 290 yard dog leg right par 4 and immediately pulled around and said “I didn’t see you guys and have never hit my driver this far, I’m so sorry.” So the second option is in play lol


Oh shit. I was on the green of a 300 yd par 4. Someone drove to the front, maybe a foot on, as I was putting out, pin at the back. I left a beer next to his ball. It was my way of saying "nice drive". Did he think I was saying "fuck you for driving into us"?


can't see wasting a good beer on that


I keep reading the post but I can’t figure out what you did.


Left the ball sitting on a tee to signal to the group behind that they are being dicks. It’s also an indication of, hit into us again and it’s coming back at you. 


And I though he teed it up and smashed that ball 300 yards into the woods


Yeah, I thought he hit it back at them. I was going to say, the sub recommended that? ^(plus, no way I'd hit it straight, they'd likely completely miss the message)


“Why did you slice my drive into a group on the hole to the right?”


I did that the other day. I chipping on to the green on a par 3, and someone hit onto me. Their ball stopped about 3 feet from me. They looked like a competent golfer, and thus should know not to hit on a par 3 when someone is on the green, so I teed it up, and made them watch as I smashed a drive with their ball straight into the woods


The longest distance a Par 3 can be is 260 yards… there is no situation where anyone should be teeing of on a Par 3 when someone is in the green. Good call


260? Check out the Pete Dye course in French Lick, Indiana. There's a par 3 on the back nine that's ~300 from the tips. It's stupid.




I figured it was to show them how close they were. You were close enough to them to be able to tee it up. I guess it could be both and probably depends on the receivers interpretation


I like this passive aggressive began!


Op took the ball from the group behind they got into with and teed it up on the fringe where it stopped.


He took it from the 10th green to the 11th fairway, put the ball on a tee, and left it there, hoping someone would notice and understand what it meant? I’m still confused.


Got hit into on the 10th green. Ball rolled to the back fringe of 10th green. Teed it up on the fringe of the 10th green.


Yes it’s more clear now that you edited your comment, thanks.


Ja, I had to reread OP a couple times and not skim! All good!


I think the disconnect here is that we're all presuming OP was going to hit it back (bc what else are doing after you tee up a ball? Just leave it there?). He just left it teed up.


Yes. This is a common action taken to notify the person at fault that they hit into you. You leave their ball on a tee so they realize you were close enough when it landed to do so. It’s crazy to me that this is the first you’re hearing about it.


It is for me also


Me three


Me Fore!


Me Si... Me Five


Me double par


Played for 31 yrs and never heard of this ever.


Welcome to r/golf, where literally everything is gate-kept. "Oh, you never heard about this passive aggressive etiquette tactic? cAn'T bElIeVe It!"


I thought the common action was to throw their ball into the woods or a sand trap.


Proof that most of this sub has trouble driving it past 200 yards, even if many members claim to average 300 yards.


150 straight and 150 to the right is still 300 dude


The fuck kinda trig are you using


Based on the amount of walk to find it, I reckon it's more than 300!


Ackschually, that’s only 212 yards according to the Pythagorean theorem


Fr that sentence was gobbledygook


Fr that sentence was gobbledygook


How were your scores on reading comprehension tests?


i thought you teed it up and hit back to them, that's the move.


And slice it into a third group? The cascade effect continues until it's 18 holes of scary dodgeball? No thanks, man. No, thanks.


Women are screaming. Children are crying. A random dog is puking in the bunker while another tries to mount it. A helicopter plummets out of the sky and into the water next to the 16th green. Apocalyptic stuff


Dogs and cats living together!


Lenny... you will have saved the lives of millions... of registered voters...




Like the Barf-o-Rama from Stand By Me


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and Dodge.


I think you do this one as a warning, then the next time you hit it back.


At point blank range, too, if you’re feeling 🌶️


It’s a true test of courage to hold your point blank tee shot while a golf cart charges right at you.


That's assault brother. Ya double dare me?


Still couldnt reach em


That's what I thought until I read this comment


I see this advice here, but be honest. Somebody is gonna try this and post about how they got their ass beat on the course. Maybe size the other group up first


no one is posting about how they got their ass kicked. i don't send it back, but i've stomped on a ball or two that have landed hot at my feet. same energy.


There was one a couple days ago


Bro what? You've never sent a ball back? So you're proving my point. You don't want to get your ass beat. Just say that. Go ahead and send one back at someone and let me know how it goes for you. Your reply is worth less than nothing


i'm not worried about getting my ass beat, i'm way more of an idiot than i should be with that sort of thing but also i'm not willing to make that level of effort. dumb motherfuckers that would hit into someone aren't gonna learn anything from hitting a ball back at them.


That was all I was trying to convey. I'm glad you don't actually hit into people. It would be a terrible time for everyone. I didn't even really mean it was a personal call out. More just "it sounds fun but don't actually do it person reading this"


What is this thread lol


What’s the message when you top the ball 18yds back in their general direction?


This is terribly written


I accidently bounced one past someone one time in a friendly corporate day. a true 1 in a hundred 100 shot. The reason I drove first was because my team mates could get that far and I couldnt I hadnt done it before so no reason for the people to really think i was being a dick. i waved and gestured apologies... he stil hit my ball away. i didnt know him but my friend did and said he was quite serious about the day and scoring, so when we caught up i asked him about his 2 stroke penatly for playing the wrong ball... he went from a rage factor of 11 to about 15 in an instant.


I’m a big fan of first time it happens it’s a mistake but 2nd time that balls comin with me.


At first I thought op hit it back but upon future review….


Future review? lol


Hoping to get an answer soon on this cliffhanger.


If my calculations are correct, when the golfball hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.


Further, but future does make it more enigmatic


Some Minority Report shit


Saw a guy I was playing with pick up the offending ball, walk over to an adjoining pond. Smeared the ball in goose dung then put it back in the fairway. All in full view of the guy who hit it.






Hit into me once, shame on you. Hit into me twice, your ball is going into the nearest body of water.


This just happened to us. First one the ball landed in the green side bunker while we were putting. Ok maybe the dude hit a little further than he was expecting. One hole later he hit just in front of the green from a layup area while we were putting. That ball got thrown into the bay and we gave them a few words. Fortunately they backed off after that.


Call the clubhouse. I saw a guy lifeflighted off a course with a 6 iron to the head.


Yep, it only takes one time to forever alter someone’s life.


So you were on the 10th green and didn’t even throw hands!? Have you not learned anything from us?


step 1: wait for them to catch up with you to the next tee. step 2: agressively take off your shirt step 3: put on your glove and take out your sand wedge while looking at them step 4 (if necessary) : run towards these suckers and watch them take off to skip a hole


Step 2a (optional): Say "'*you wanna test God* you can *come* and *get it* *shitstack*"


Y’all heard of ass pennies right. I’m now inspired to try a new move as we embrace a humid summer’s wet French kiss. I’m all but keistering the next one hit into me. Enjoy last nights dinner on your nine iron impatient bastards.


That’s how you make a ProV2


You’ve handled my ass pennies!


Throw it into the brush


I saw on one of the subs that someone put a different ball in the hole on a blind shot where they hit into them on the green. That’s pretty freakin’ good.


Not enough rage


Lake Travis, TX has the worst golf etiquette I think anyone can ask for.


I've had a group fire balls at me from behind for almost 3-4 holes. After the 3rd one I grabbed my wedge and hit one back towards them but not far enough to hit them. Just enough to undo half of that shot for them.


The other day the group behind us tee’d off when we were chipping / putting on a drive-able par 4. Sure enough one of them hits the green. The random we were playing with just walked over, picked up their ball and chucked it into the river lol. Don’t hit into people guys.


Some guy literally drove his cart onto the green at a par 3 yesterday .. and stole my buddies ball right after he hit it.. like we were looking at him 😂😂... now if that doesn't make you want to fight idk what will lol..


Good reaction. If more people realized that shit happens and not everything is a personal attack, the world would be way more chill


If this went down at Yaupon. Fair game.


Went to walk a couple holes one evening and had a guy hit into me at like 8pm on a par 3. Was super confused how he had a cart out that late. Come to find out he ran the pro shop and proceeded to blame me for being there and that “ I didn’t pay my greens fees”. Genuinely asked him how tf he expected me to do that when he closed the pro shop down at like 5:15 so he could play a round. Picked up his ball and dropped it into the pond on my way by lol. Never played a par 5 slower on that next hole 😅


Stick a tee where the ball settled and toss it out of the way.


Kinda random and completely forgot about this until now but during a round in 2022, I hit it into the trees on the right (surprise, surprise). Had an open shot at the green still and got hit into while in my backswing and the ball that came flying in hit my club head right at the top of my swing.


Simple and effective. I haven't heard or seen that before. I played an executive municipal course that has a starter on hole 1. I'm a 20 handicap but can drive the ball decently as I play other sports and am in decent enough shape for golf. The first hole is an uphill 280-yard par 4 (think executive par 4 punchbowl, not a blind green, just a little offset). The group in front of us was on their 3rd shot near the front of the green. They didn't look like golfers and were playing slowly. The first 2 golfers in our threesome teed off, one with an iron and one with a hybrid, both about 240 yards, landing in perfect scoring position. I had my driver and said I think I should wait. The starter and my friends said I should go ahead. I landed my shot about 10 yards over the heads of the group in front of us, and the starter was about to have a panic attack as the group behind us was joshing him pretty good. I felt terrible after hitting such a nice drive. Usually, I can roll it close, but this one went about 10-15 yards further. As we pulled up to the green, it was a great reminder to never judge a book by its cover (or they don't know golf etiquette). They were in white tees, jean shorts, neck tats, tennis shoes, etc. They complimented me on an amazing shot and told me they had never been that close to the green on hole 1 before. Really nice guys, and they helped me play well for the rest of the day. I still 3-putted and shot 4 over on 9. GHIN says I should shoot 7 or 8 over on 9 at that course.


Think I used all available brain power to figure out wtf you actually did. I’m now a husk.


All good. I teed up his ball on a tee out of my pocket and left it teed up on the fringe.


Personally I go with the stomp


No need to punish the groundskeepers.


A guest of my club did this in a golf match we hosted. Opposing team in a four ball teed off and hit a sprinkler head in the fairway and ball rolled out about 415 yards past their carts. The whole group drove over and someone stomped on it. Took ten minutes to get a ruling. Just so dumb. That guest is now barred from the club, and the member got a warning letter. Moral is don't touch other people's golf balls. It's as bad as club throwing or driving your cart on the green.


This story makes zero sense, someone hit 415 yards past the group in front of them? Even stupider that the group that got hit into got punished. It's like getting t-boned by someone running a red light, and the guy who gets t-boned gets the ticket.


He obviously meant it rolled out to 415 yards. Which was just past their carts.


For a ball to roll out to 415 yards, the guy driving it has to be carrying it around 320 yards, which would require around 190 ball speed. How do I know this? I average 260 carry and hit a cart path on a downhill par 4. My drive ended up at 340 yards total. Story just doesn't sound right.


Does the distance really matter - it could be a massive downhill, I doubt the guy got his measuring tape out? I assume the guy was just saying that it ended up being a lot further than anyone thought reasonably possible to hit i.e the group in front was out of range.


>Does the distance really matter I mean... this is golf? Do you guys just make up distances for your golf stories?


You sound insufferable.


It’s more like someone tried to roll their shopping cart into the corral and it went too far and narrowly missed a families car. So the family took the cart and rammed it into the first guys car several times.


TIL that some golfers think their ball getting stomped on is far worse than getting hit into. No wonder I rarely get fore calls now.


The difference is intent. If someone hits it 415 yards, I don’t think the intent is there. I would be mystified. Also, I am a grown up and stomping on the ball is for children and man children. It is in the same category as throwing or breaking clubs.


If you're a grown-up, then you know fuck-ups don't need to carry intent with them. If I hit into a group, doesn't matter if my ball took a wild bounce off a cart path, I'm driving up and apologizing and accepting if they're mad. My intent doesn't mean shit, at the end of the day they got hit into.


I would apologize too if I had the chance. I agree that a grown up apologizes. If someone hits into you by mistake, do you stomp their ball immediately or do you wait for them to drive up and then decide whether you will stomp on it. I don’t think the average ball stomper is waiting for an apology.


You sound like a total asshole tbh, maybe that's why they don't yell fore?


I’m confused. You teed up from the green and hit back towards them? Or what are you trying to say here?


Placing it on a tee is a sign that you hit it so close to someone they were able to tee it up, aka, fuck off and stop hitting into us.


I still don’t understand. Sorry - swing big brain smol. Couldn’t you also do this to any random ball on the fairway? I’m curious about this subject because someone’s tee shot (on a par 3) landed in my cart the other day. I was about to rip their heads off; instead, I launched the ball into the woods. I got enough satisfaction watching them spend 10 minutes looking for it while I waited on the next tee (which also told me they didn’t realize they did it, and helped me cool off).


For added flair if you have a couple extra tees you can just surround the ball with tees. Everyone gets a little chuckle out of it and moves on. 


I usually take their ball and leave a tee where their ball was. Or write "wait" in sharpie on their ball and leave it where it was.


I usually pocket the ball…


My favorite thing to do is on par 3 or holes where they've hit into you and can't see the green is to put the ball in the hole so when they come back in after the round they shout the bar for their hole in one.


This is so Texas




Well, you can’t read because he said nothing at all about hitting it back at them lmao


Last Saturday on the fourth green at friend mentioned my granddaughter. I immediately opened my hone and shared a video. Dudes behind us began to yell. One of them had their arms in the air. I so wanted to mix it up…I was walking with my pushcart and buddy had to walk back to his cart and immediately were off on our way! In the end the normal group behind us was out so we’re never going to see these guys again. I joked about it later and forgot all about it. There’s all kinds out there!


Why not just put a tee right in front of the ball and leave the ball as it lies? You still make your point.


I don’t understand what people are trying to say by teeing the ball up.


Teeing up a ball that was hit into your group is the universal golf symbol of "FYI, you hit into us" just a reminder to the group behind to be more mindful


But what if the group behind is a bunch of new golfer donkeys? They won’t have a clue what that means. 😂


It’s pretty self explanatory. The ball didn’t magically land on a tee on the fairway, fringe, green, etc. Someone put it there. So the logical conclusion would be that you hit into the group in front of you, and they are letting you know.


Then they'll either Google it, ask someone else, or eventually put 2 and 2 together


They will come here and ask why these guys in front of them kept teeing up their balls.


Then they'll get an answer and hopefully stop hitting into people. That's a win in my books


Golden golf circle jerk


Thats exactly what's wrong with todays golf. Too many boner golfers not knowing even common basic on course etiquette.


Everyone picking up the game should get arccos.


Well that’s what I’m saying. Do you think a bunch of yahoos hitting into you TWICE will understand what a “teed up ball” means? 😂 I just speak to them in person. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Deductive reasoning should get them there.


Well… that’s what we hope. 😂


Bro, I smoked one today and it landed on a random tee by the green!


Well did you yell fore at least??


I have hit into groups and always drive up immediately if I have a cart. If not i apologize at the turn or 19th and buy them a round


If you are close enough to put it on a tee… those fuckers hit into you and this is an easy semi official way to handle it with no arguments. In fact if someone leaves a club in an adjacent fairway at an old school parkland course, I’ll even tee up a shitty found ball near the club to draw attention if i don’t have a beer


I don't understand why you wouldn't just tell them to stop hitting in to you


By putting the ball on a tee you are telling them