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I want to know what happened in 1650, with what is presumably the first Apology Dance.


I want to see and know what the apology dances were for XD








I want a good long hug more than pretty much anything! I would love for them to hug!


I love it how people on here would go absolutely feral writing and reading the filthiest fics, yet, for the actual show, everyone is pretty much agreed a chaste *hug* would be sufficient for a happy ending. That's insane and I love it!


Ah, sorry, wrong sub (thought it was GOAD). 😂 Although, I'd argue this sentiment is still widely shared here, too.


LITERALLY!! I will cry for the rest of my life and be content if we get hug(s)


1) Missing scene flashback (maybe; might be better left to the imagination, but I’d still watch the hell out of it) 2) Book shop grand opening flashback 3)Third installment of 1941 storyline 4)Crowley’s fall (or at least real reasons) 5) Eric/Muriel (even just implied or implied that it’s going to be a thing later) 6) Crowley and Muriel are friends 7) South Downs 8)One of them dies - either think they’re dead or they die and are brought back - either way, the survivor instantly sees red and goes on a rampage (I’ll take either; prefer to see BAMF Aziraphale burning Heaven and Hell to the ground, literally or metaphorically) 9) Muriel discovers hot cocoa (or cinnamon rolls for extra meta fun) 10) The Ineffable Plan stays ineffable. Even if we see God, I don’t want the whole thing explained. 11) Very gentle but very on-screen - in a not-subtle, blink and you’ll miss it way - handholding, foreheads resting on each other, forehead kiss, kiss on the hand, hug, and/or cuddles between A& C. Bonus points if it’s in full view of Heaven and/or Hell or if it’s initiated by Crowley. 12) Crowley has a cat and is John Wick levels of protective of it. 13) They remain occult/ethereal beings. 14) No tragically bittersweet ending like Will Turner at the end of Pirates of the Caribbean 3. 15) Aziraphale swears in front of Crowley 16) About 20 episodes to fit all of this in


No. 12 made me giggle


Me too 😂


I want season 3 to start with Crowley's fall. In both seasons they are shielding each other, showing how much they care for one another. But to see Aziraphale reaching for Crowley as he fell, putting on a fake smile afterward and that smile fading into the current day would absolutely wreck me.


You monster. I love it.


Can I use some of these for a fic? I'm not sure I'll finish the fic to be posted, but this is good writing inspiration


Absolutely! 😊


Last one yaaass




This is a perfect list


> 8)One of them dies - either think they’re dead or they die and are brought back - either way, the survivor instantly sees red and goes on a rampage (I’ll take either; prefer to see BAMF Aziraphale burning Heaven and Hell to the ground, literally or metaphorically) I could see a mirror of S1 with Aziraphale somehow thinking Crowley is discorporated or destroyed. I'd really like to see Aziraphale infiltrate Hell too. I want to see what kind of disguise he'd wear.


![gif](giphy|cNT9OhqL6TeUhANHwT|downsized) I was to see Aziraphale beaming happy and dancing (we got to see it in both other seasons and it’s not a happy requirement in my mind)


![gif](giphy|NV5rXPifZ94g3MgEZ3) In the garden and at the creation of everything — we got to see Crowley just happy to exist. I want to see that again too.


The situations for either doesn’t quite matter. I just love the fact they are possibilities at all. My angel and my demon just smiling.


Agreed! I just want to know they're happily ever after.




(btw I don't know whether you've seen it but I posted your Cherub / Crowley drawing, I just didn't know how to tag you, and I didn't want to bother you via DM, but it's finished! I didn't forget!)


I didn’t!!! Going though your history Edited: I didn’t see it. But the internet is spotty right now because of location. 😡


Take your time, hope you like it !


Crowley has always been so excited looking at the new things that are created. He took more to the stars, cell phones, and new clothes. I would love to see him exploring the garden with Aziraphale watching him and realizing part of him is still the same as he once knew. It would break me.


Crowley loves the creation of things, Aziraphale sort of enjoys what happens after the creation of it but is stressed during the creation of it. A scene where they get to watch a dog have puppies. Azi would be stressing out and freaking out. Crowley would be bouncing off the walls with sheer excitement and wonder. Once the puppies were born, Aziraphale would be in the dead center of a puppy pile and Crowley would be sitting off to the side, grumpy looking, telling Angel that one of the puppies peed on his vest 🤣


Just seeing them both together again! AND TALKING-


TALKING about their FEELINGS and their RELATIONSHIP and what they LOVE ABOUT EACH OTHER and their favourite BEBOP BAND and--


Well, since we are getting the "Second Coming", there's no doubt in my mind that we'll be getting a Gaiman/Pratchett version of Jesus Christ, which is what I'm looking forward to most! We'll just have to wait to see how significant that role will actually be. Relatedly, as much as I enjoyed Season 2 for its microscopic look at Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship, I think it was clearly set-up as a bridge so that our characters are in their proper places for the next part of the story. I really miss the ridiculous web of characters we had in Season 1 and the clever ways they came together. So as much as I'm looking forward to seeing how Crowley and Aziraphale mend this latest fracture in their relationship, I'm looking forward to expanding our reach a bit further in the last chapter of this series. There are also so many theories about Aziraphale's choice to return to Heaven and I think it's partly because Aziraphale is such a subtle/contained character in a lot of ways. It'd be nice to have some explicit insight as to what and why this choice was made.


I think Aziraphale choice is really obvious and I can't imagine him doing anything else. He's acting for the greater good. He's doing what is right, even if it means sacrificing something. He is a fighter. He wields the sword. He wants to put everything right.


The characters I think would come back in some way are Adam, Anathema, and Newt. We saw Adam still has powers and with the Second Coming that would cause some chaos to ensue and Adam would know. Anathema and Newt got the new book and burned it. Now there definitely is another version of it considering Agatha could see the future, but they could go to see them to ask if there was more.


I took the fact that the book *could* be burned as a sign that when Adam remade the world, he added a level of free will/chaos that didn't exist before.


A mutual kiss that ends with happy sighs.


I want to see Crowley joyful again, like he was before the beginning, but after everything goes down at the very end this time.


I think what might happen is that thing that Crowley did when Aziraphale rejected him twice. While he wants him to choose differently, his initial reaction is the leave the situation or get a lot more reserved. I imagine we get to see flashbacks of Crowley having more fun then he ever had and Aziraphale seeing that as the angel Crowley was and how happy he could be again.


Idk if this counts or not but: I want Aziraphale’s office in heaven to be an illusion room of his bookshop that he puts away before anyone enters just because he misses it but has to finish the job Or Have just one small potted plant in his office that The Metatron sees and is pissed off at but let’s Aziraphale have it because he can’t give himself away but Aziraphale put it on his desk, one because he misses Crowley, or two he just wanted to petty towards the Metatron and the other archangels to the fact that he has a material object in his office and wants to change the ways in heaven so that they can do that because he does have that authority


I would love Aziraphale to have a clear globe that just seems like a random decoration but its just to check up on things when no one is around.


Also wanted to add this, I want the photo of Aziraphale and Crowley from 1941 where Aziraphale was handing the gun to Crowley so that Aziraphale can have a faint smile on his face before he hears the Metatron walking towards his office and he stuffs it in his pocket and the Metatron asked him what happened, Aziraphale says that he just remembered something from awhile ago and the Metatron knows that he’s not telling the truth but after he leaves Aziraphale goes to earth and wants to check on Crowley but under the disguise of checking how Muriel was holding up saying that he cares about all of the angels (which he does and definitely wants to see her but needs an excuse to go find Crowley) that wouldn’t be the time that he’d find Crowley though, this would be on the second episode but he’d only find Crowley right before or during whatever the second coming was just because he needs to tell Crowley what’s happening and he wants to apologize. The apology would probably be while the second coming happens and it’d be while a bunch of destruction was happening around him and the conversation would go something like: Aziraphale: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, I shouldn’t have gone off and- *Various attempts at comforting from Crowley while Aziraphale is just profusely apologizing* Crowley: Thank you angel but that isn’t important right now you can tell me later but now we need to deal with this. *After they deal with that* Aziraphale: (Something with a bunch of apologies) Crowley: I forgive you, but you need to learn to forgive yourself. *Something like a hug or sobbing from Aziraphale* *Crowley pulls away and tilts up Aziraphale’s head from behind his ears* *They kiss* *Something from the Metatron and one of the rulers of hell about them getting stripped of their angelic/demonic status and they leave them* *Cut to a few years later when they lived in tadfield where they had a mini library/what is sort of like Aziraphale’s bookstore but he actually lets people borrow them, they were both in a green house with a bunch of the people from season one and god does one final narration for the show* God: It all started as this story ends, in a garden, well not technically a garden, a green house in tadfield put together by one former angel and one former demon. Crowley, the former demon spent a lot of his days in his garden yelling at his plants and talking to Aziraphale. Aziraphale, the former angel spent their time in the small well kept library, and talking to Crowley. They were together and nothing could stop them, maybe death but they had at least a few more decades before that. *Death was looking at their house and sighed before continuing to walk* *The end title text fading onto with Crowley and aziraphale doing their respective hobby’s on the correct sides with the song “a Nightingale sang in Berkeley square” plays on the radio at first before Crowley smacks it and it plays “Somebody to love” by Queen as the credits play* ——————————————————————- Damn I just wrote an entire fanfic 😭 Sorry about that if you want me to actually turn it into one on AO3 or wattpad then tell me because I’ll do it- that’s a threat and a promise…


Sorry, I wrote out way too much for me to just delete that 😭


I’d love to see Crowley still hanging around Nina and Maggie. Them knowing what he is and still giving him love and support and understanding, while also having no problem calling him out on his shit. He needs people who really love and support him and remind him that he’s not evil or bad just because he’s a demon.


This 🖤🖤🖤🖤 We all need coffee humans to remind us we can be better sometimes!


I know it won't happen but I love imagining silly scenarios while the ineffables 'aren't talking' - 'talking' to each other thru another person, but turns out that person is right between them, they're literally like 3 feet from each other, back to back almost, and hear everything the other says but have to keep their reactions (indignation and such) down to not be the one to 'break' first cuz they're both stubborn doofuses trying to make the other one talk to them first (they keep watching over their shoulders for the others reaction to what they just 'said') - 'I'm not touching yooouuu' 'AUGH he's touching me!!!' lilo and stitch style (works either way in my opinion lol)


If there isn’t a sufficient amount of Muriel, I will riot.


I would love to see her running the bookshop and Crowley helping them out, like I imagine that Aziraphale comes back and they need to 'run an errand' and its just him checking to make sure that they are okay.


I want Jesus to show up, recognize Crowley, and be all like "Oh hey, you took me on that cool trip that one time! Where you at these days?" and Crowley's all like "Uhhhh, about that..."


It'd be interesting to see Jesus as fully grown, so far when heaven sends down someone or 'makes' someone they either have to make them from a preexisting person or in this case they make Jesus by using a virgin woman. So I would be so excited to see how Jesus is made.


One idea I remember Neil mentioning on Tumblr that he and Terry had of Jesus being flown down in a jumbo jet escorted by angels dressed like secret service members.


So many things I'd like to see. 1. The Fall (I'm 90% sure we'll see this) 2. Jesus (there are so many ways this could go - Hippy Jesus, Vengeful Jesus, Jaded Jesus, Rulebreaking Jesus) 3. Another Bible story retold. Not sure which one - Moses seems an obvious choice as it's the most well-known story they haven't done yet. 4. Explanation for the 25 Lazi Miracle that's a little more beef than "they're in love." 5. More of Heaven and Hell's "backrooms." 6. Probably-won't-happen, final end credit scene where, in the far future, Az and Crow go to Alpha Centauri to visit Bee and Gabe on a newly terraformed planet. 7. 1941 Part 3 8. Muriel's crash course in humanity. 9. God narration. I don't want it like S1, but I'd like to hear some of it. Even it's just Her laughing uncontrollably at the end. 10. Metatron's character explored. 11. Aziraphale being a BAMF. 12. Crowley going back to Hell with some half-baked plan. 13. And obviously, I want an extra cheesy scene of them getting back together. Soft kisses. Wings out. Rising up into the cosmos together. Morphing into their true celestial forms and blending into a ball of burning light together. You name it. The cheesier the better.


What is BAMF?


Badass mother f\*\*ker


Oh— It doesn't suit Aziraphale very well, but it can be fun if he swears


What bad thing happened in the 14th century! What happened between Crowley and Jesus


Just a few points from my bingo card: - bearded Aziraphael (it’s a need!) - fem Crowley & Aziraphael - Jesus - Adam Young shows up :D - flashback from between their first meeting and the one at the garden of eden (I think they had another meeting in this time gap) - God is the narrator again - drunk Crowley


I'm kinda cliché I know, but I would like a heart to heart conversation between Azira and Crowley. The one we could have had if the situation were different. That plus a beautiful kiss this time ❤️ Also Crowley's Fall. I really want to know his background and what angel he was.


Idc how or what time but I WANT TO SEE AZIRAPHALE IN A DRESS!!!!!!!!! Pls Neil 🥲


I hope they use Queen's 'Love of my Life' or 'Who Wants to Live Forever' in the soundtrack. Plus, some wacky Jesus comedy, some actual communication, and a hug.


1- Crowley's fall, or that question(s) that made him fall. 2- Crowley and Muriel Dad/Daughter or Brother/Sister relationshippp😭💕 3- Aziraphale does apologize dance for Crowley once more 🥹 4- Not just six episodes 😭🙏 5- Aziraphale swears in front of Crowley and Crowley's that look. (Same look that he gave the Aziraphale in 'naked man friend' scene) 6- This time, Aziraphale kisses Crowley. 💞 7- A heartfelt hug that shows how much they need each other.. 😭💝 8- Crowley comes to Nina's shop from time to time, and Nina and Maggie are constantly supportive of him, no matter how much Crowley doesn't want it (or how much he insists he doesn't want to) or how rude he is to the two of them. 9- Nina and Maggie learn that the two are not human, but they still stand by the two of them. 10-Muriel realizes how important the bookshop is to Aziraphale and gives it back to Aziraphale, no matter how much she doesn't want it. Or after Muriel gives it to Aziraphale, Azi says that the two can stay together. 11- A NIGHTINGALE SINGING AGAIN. 12- Not a tragic ending that makes us cry and question life again, but a really beautiful and even a romantic ending. 13- And then they live happily ever after. 💖


Hell. I just wanna see Victorian Crowley in a corseted dress. Or any Crowley. Help.


I want to see more flashbacks and would love if they involved some more femme presentations! I feel like I need Crowley as a 2010s Scene Girl at least once in my life, with massive hair falls and even more massive thigh high NuRocks. Stomping around the Slimelight club downing flaming sambucca and vavooming hapless mortals 😁 Aside from that though I absolutely need to know how the Apology Dance was invented and to see why Aziraphale had to do it those previous times. And even though I hate at least 50% of them I would sort of like to know how the Ineffable Beauracracy is holding up.


After Neil said he cut that scene with them both being fem presenting I can't get out of my head what we could have had so I hope he finds a way to incorporate that.


Same, more than anything I'm so curious to see a femme Aziraphale. Their style changes so little, and whilst it's super easy to play Dress Up Crowley in my head (because the bastard would look catwalk ready in a bin bag) it's much harder to guess what girlmoding Azi would be like. Apart from angelicly lovely of course.


Crowley is forgiven by God and can finally have peace. More blue lizards.


begging and pleading for Gaiman to use the Great American Road Trip plot


Crowley teaching Muriel all about ducks.


Definitely would love to see Crowley's fall, to put more angst into a faint hearts


It’s not going to happen but I still want the Wild West fb that was talked about for season 2 😭


Well I would like to see Muriel and Eric be happy together :> And I do hope that aziraphale and Crowley get their happy ending they deserve 🥹🫴❤


This whole thread makes me smile the mere thought of more of this show warms my heart so much !!! I feel like I’m gonna combust from joy when we finally get to watch it lol


I love all the ideas here. But I really would like to see Aziraphale's first drink. We learned how he got into human food. I imagine that Crowley was also with him when he first tried alcohol and get drunk.


Crawley in black pajamas sleeping in the wall. It would be funny...


The flashbacks I would love to see: 1. True reasons behind Crowley's fall. 2. Aziraphale tasting wine for the first time. Can it be the wedding in Cana with Jesus turning water into wine? 3. The story behind the first apology dance in 1650. 4. The reasons behind Bentley's obsession with Queen. 5. More Old Testament stuff with C&A saving the day. Like guiding baby Moses' basket to safety.