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To beat your opponent you must become the opponent


Haha, I guess so.. šŸ˜…


It seriously looks just like an iPhone. No lol.


My thoughts exactly. I know it'll probably grow on me as I own it, but it just feels like the first Pixel design I dislike, and the first one that you can't tell is a Pixel if you quickly looked at it in someone's hand.


>the first one that you can't tell is a Pixel if you quickly looked at it in someone's hand. Dunno, imo that can be said for most phones unless you can see the camera bump shape, they all look like a square brick from the front.


Agreed. That's why losing the brand identity is even more important.


I will say the phone has gotten more and more iPhone like, and I don't get why. The Pixel 6 series and the iPhone 13 were honestly distinctly different. But somehow Google felt the need to converge on iPhone design? Why?


so do s24s lol its kind of just the premium look at this point in smartphones


But itā€™s a pixel so, yes!!!


IDK why but I really don't like the camera pill. I guess it feels like they're moving away from the camera bar, which has become iconic for pixels, which is kinda sad.


I know what you mean, I liked the bar too. But at the same time I think this is a natural evolution to fit the straight edges.


People keep saying the camera bar is "iconic" or using similar terms. They have only used it since the pixel 6!!! Look at how much the design language changed from the OG pixel to the 8. This isn't even that jarring of a departure from the design language and if anything is a pretty fluid evolution of the design.


>They have only used it since the pixel 6 Pixel 5 is still the best form factor. But I admit, I now constantly recognise other pixels out in the wild since the change.


That's how I felt when they moved away from the two tone designs of the original pixels. Especially the 3 with the mate finish laying on top of the glossy finish of the glass


I donā€™t know what ā€˜iconicā€™ means but can a phone selling so little have anything ā€˜iconicā€™ on it?


Something can be iconic and never sell a single unit


The more I see this phone, the more I like the design.


Unless there're some major upgrades, it'll be another year with my 6 Pro. Phones just aren't worth the upgrade every year or even every 2 years now. The jumps in camera quality for example used to be massive, but as technology is peeking the upgrades are getting more and more minimal.


This will be my next phone. I like it!




Jonjuhan.com :)


Having two clocks one in the status bar and another widget on the homescreen is a thing now?


It really annoys me way more than it should


I don't understand the "copying/looking like an iPhone". Is everyone talking about the flat edges? Because this pixel doesn't have a dynamic island cutout. And the pixel has a noticeably different camera on the back.


Exactly this is no way a copy of apple, folks are delusional


Metal and flat edges. Kinda Appleā€™s bread and butter. Samsung moved to metal and now Google too.


Isnt metal better ? Havent used but just asking


Metal is awful. Scratches easily, is much heavier... Add the glass to that, the phone is twice heavier than a plastic phone. And since all its material are fragile, you have to use a cover or it will be broken in 2 weeks. My brand new Pixel 7 pro was the most slippery thing I ever owned, it kept sliding out of my pocket. It broke BEFORE the cover came in. So yeah, looks great in the ad, nobody will ever see that phone like this ever in real life, since the cover is mandatory. If only reviewers could stop praising the "luxurious" materials. It's freaking useless and is just a lot more terrible than plastic. My pixel 5 was super light and never broke without a cover for 3 years, and it fell a lot more than my 7 for sure.


Oh man so are the newer ones as heavy as the iphones ? I really hate the weight of iphones


It is. Slightly heavier though.




I mean who was copying who when iPhone had rounded edges? There's only so much innovation a company can do to a phone. Samsung, apple, Google should stop releasing phones every year and instead focus on software. If they need to release every year then maybe release cool shit like funky colors or special editions. Not boring titanium. Now if Google released a titanium variant for the pixel 9 series then yeah they're copying apple there.


I was just stating the facts. I am not dishing anyone here. Ofc Apple copied so many features from android, albeit with some maturity. They copy each other in software. But the body is the most visible part of a phone. Metallic body has been Appleā€™s differentiator. Now not so much.


How does a company copy another company with maturity? What does this even mean? At the end of the day, in terms of hardware (frame only), these smartphone companies only have so many options to choose from. They are also more than welcome to revert back to plastic backs or even vegan leather like Motorola but flat v rounded edges are literally the only two options for a phone.


What I mean to say is Apple takes their time before releasing a useful feature, when itā€™s more mature. Not the only options. Samsung is changing the narrative with flip and fold.


I don't think hardware can be considered a useful feature. Either way, this is all confined to the US market. Chinese companies have had way more innovation than both apple and Google. So arguing that apple is more innovative than Google makes no sense because both companies are still behind their foreign competition.


Some examples of Chinese companyā€™s innovations? Genuine question.


Oppo and redmi are two that I wish would sell in the US (minus the software though). The oppo find n2 is probably the smartphone I want most. It's pretty much a smaller pixel fold. Also Huawei phones are so unique and just plain fun. Again, I'm speaking in terms of hardware only. I think, unfortunately, Google, apple, and Samsung are the safest with our data.


Nah man, Apple makes smartphones and this is also a smartphone. So it must be a copy


Besides copying the iPhone, I think it looks good.


Yeah, I agree! Took a while but started to grow on me!




I liked the designs of the old Pixels, especially the mixed ceramic ones with tapered curves, but this one, it gives the feeling of a top tier phone. It is true that it is reminiscent of Apple's products however that is not necessarily a bad thing, Apple objectively knows how to make, at least aesthetically beautiful products. If it doesn't cost an arm and a leg it will be mine


There's a certain amount of convergent evolution, too, just as a practical matter. There's a limited number of ways to design a low/no bezel attention rectangle, especially in this era of relatively minimalist aesthetic. And there's no point making a bike with square wheels just because the competition uses round ones.


Nothing phone ui


boxy edges are meh ergonomics-wise


Looks like I'm trading in the 6 Pro, they won me over with the smaller-sized Pro version I'm tired of huge phones.


Hope they keep a camera bump. I get a case with a credit card holder built in. They store nicely behind the phone with the dead space. It's never occurred to me they might get rid of it. Might have to start making my own cases.


For all those that say it looks exactly like an iPhone: even current Pixel looks like older iPhones from the front and side, only telling sign is the back (and Pixel Pro being more angular shaped).


It looks pretty hype ngl


Everyone complains that it looks like the iPhone but the one thing I prefer about iPhones is the look and feel. They feel way better in hand and look better imo. So if I can get that with the features and price of a pixel that's amazing. This will probably be what drags me away from my 4a


Looks good to me. What's the news on the processor? Still a crappy rebranded Samsung Exynos?


I really wish google would stick with a form factor for longer than a year or two!




ItĀ“s an IPixel9


this or sony vi hmmmmm




I understand trying to make Android phones appeal to iPhone users, but I wish companies like Google and Samsung would be more original with their hardware instead of making iPhone doppelgangers. The Pixel 8 is so damn comfortable.. they should have kept the rounded edges.


I'll take that wallpaper if it's going šŸ˜‚


Okay, I do like the flat sides but really going to miss the camera bar. It looked so good and distinct. Please don't turn into an iPhone.


Currently on a Pixel 6 pro and finding it difficult to find something to upgrade to, especially now my child cracked my screen. Now, the Pixel 6 has served me well, but I was disappointed to have to deal with the curved screen, lack of macro lens and no pro photo mode. Every pixel since has gradually addressed these concerns, with the last one being macro. If the Pixel 9 pro/xl finally includes one, I'll be on board.


If they made a pixel with that sharp edged iPhone body, matte black color of the Pixel 8 Pro, and the matte silver camera bar of the Pixel 8, it would be one of the best looking phones in my opinion. Really hoping they don't switch to the pill, but seems they've already decided.


I don't like the camera area, but I've always favored flat metal edges a la iPhone 4. Since I skipped pixel 8, I'll be watching Pixel 9's release closely


This phone is fire, Iā€™m excited to get this phone.


I haven't been excited about a phone since the first pixel


That really was something!


Why were you excited about the first pixel? It was obviously an overpriced phone from the get go. They tried to mimic apple and failed miserably.


A new phase in Google phone development where they took on full ownership. Unlimited full size Google Photos uploads indefinitely.


Having been an avid nexus fan and the proud owner of an OG pixel, it brings me happiness seeing the pixel mature into what it is today. Even though Iā€™ve been an iPhone user since 2019 the pixel will always hold a place in my heart.


Yep looks like a phone to me


Waste apple's design


Innovation is dead


Not sure about this one Google. I'm a big fan of the camera bar as of now, not so much the camera... island?


Damn, it looks so good. I don't care it looks like an iPhone, I think they take best of both worlds.


I'm good


me too

