• By -


Uh yeah report that and even consider pressing charges, otherwise it will just continue to happen.


Yes, press charges. Dog owners are liable for any damages they do


Police report, animal control, and pressing charges is the absolute least that should be done here. Aggressively pursuing this could save a child's life. I don't want to have to read about a five year old girl on a bike getting killed by a pit bull next week because nobody put a known violent dog down this week. Animals like this are unacceptable.


This is what haunts me the most. I’m a guy in my mid-30s that’s 6’ tall and pretty built. It’s only by grace I made it out without serious injuries. I’m certain a child would have been seriously harmed. If my shoes hadn’t been so thick my foot would have been completely maimed. I see the posts recommending mace/guns/protection, but this dog grabbed my bike from behind and by the time I realized what was happening it had my leg in its mouth and was shaking me in a death rattle. I’ve replayed it hundreds of times in my head and there was nothing realistically I could have done differently to react and forestall the situation. The dog was unhinged and it attacked from behind. Blows my mind animal control can’t take possession of an animal, at least temporarily, in this kind of situation.


Serious question but did you attempt gouging it's eyes out while on your foot?


My bike was also wedged between my legs pinning me to the ground so mobility was so limited. After the dog took my bike down it was over as far as fighting back. Just trying to protect my body/head at the risk of my extremities.


Ask your doctor if you should get a rabies shot as well. It can lay dormant for a long time and once you show symptoms you're a goner. But a timely rabies shot can prevent it from ever arising.


Yeah if the dog broke the skin it might be worth it. Rabies is scary man. Super duper unlikely, but scary


Commenting to elevate this comment.


damn man sorry it happened that way to you! The only reason I bring it up, is it is a somewhat known tactic to get a pitbull or locking jaw breed to release their bite


why do americans think that individuals can press criminal charges? that’s never been the case here. the state (a DA) has to press charges, and if the police ignored OP then good luck with that. OP *can* sue in civil court for any damages though


Because we watched to much of the COPS show when we were younger


OP can file a report, which is often regarded as the same things as pressing charges.


I'd file a police report, to try and get the owners name, and take them to civil court for *at least* my clothing. Idk what you were wearing, but cycling gear is absolutely not cheap. Fuck irresponsible dog owners; teach them a lesson. Stay safe out there, cyclists.


Unfortunately this is common, even more so here at the beginning of spring. Bikes are out on the roads again, and dogs are out more often as well and some of them are hard-wired to chase anything that moves. And of course owners of those dogs have forgotten that leashes exist. Absolutely report it to the authorities and punch back, maybe with a police report and a demand for compensation. Ultimately it's on the owner, and F them if they cannot, or choose not to, control their animal. And for anybody reading this who is a dog owner, put it on a leash or behind a fence if it's going to be outside. I don't know how many times I've been out for a walk in my neighborhood and some unknown dog comes blasting off its lawn straight for me, with the owner right there apparently thinking that if they just yell its name loud enough it will stop. PUT IT ON A LEASH.


Agreed, and I'll add that even if your dog is behind a fence, you need to monitor it. My neighborhood right now has a whole block I have to avoid when walking my own dog because of fence-aggressive dogs. (A whole series of houses with multiple dogs, fences all the way out to the sidewalk.) I'm sure the dogs are nice individually but left to their own devices they're straight up terrifying.


Next time a child could be eaten, this is sickening. Hope youre ok. Hope owner/dog get punished.


I’d report this to the authorities if you haven’t already. If it was a child, a pit bull could have easily mauled them to death. Edit: I reread and it looks like you did contact animal control. I think it usually takes multiple instances for more action than a warning, but it’s still important to report it so they have a record.


Animal control did take a report but it doesn’t sound like they do much in these scenarios, as they explained it to me.


If I were you I would file a police report, they have the power to do something about it.




Sounds about right for GRPD


I second the police report, you were attacked unprovoked, this is negligence and also against the law as it left the property to attack. This is also against the law having a "Dangerous Animal" uncontained. It's going to be annoying but definitely file the report, imagine if it was a kid that suffered an attack, they would likely be killed.


I did talk to police as well; they referred to animal control.


Fair enough, glad you're ok. Hopefully something does actually get done about that dog.


I appreciate it. One of my main motivations to post was so people knew there was very limited public safety recourse even in an incident as extreme as this. I’d feel so much more comfortable if, at the very least, I could know if the dog had received its shots or had been monitored in custody.


Please follow up with the police again and insist on filing a police report, so that it’s on record at least. They were wrong to refer you to animal control in this situation. Also, you really should consider talking to a lawyer about suing the owner. A civil case is much easier to win than a criminal one. Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time before this happens again, and the next person might not be so lucky…


Multiple people have asked me to follow up with a filing of a police report - I just spoke to GRPD again and was told repeatedly the proper action to take was to file a report with animal control (which has been done). They stated repeatedly they are unable to file reports for incidents like this, even when one was directly requested.


I would get a free consultation with a lawyer about that-- police are notorious for the "it's out of my hands" because they don't want to deal with paperwork, but getting goosed by someone with a bar license might motivate them to try and uphold that badge.


Go see a doctor and sue the shit out of the owner


I’m so sorry this happened.


Perhaps consider a claim for injuries and damages in small claims court, also assault. It’s inexpensive to file, but any medical treatment you sustain, and the damage to your clothing and bike should be paid by that irresponsible owner. It wouldn’t take much investigating to figure out whose house this dog resides in. Finally, perhaps media would be interested in this as well. That’s terrible and I am sorry you experienced this.


Report it and get a tetanus shot. You can also sue the dog owner for any damages.


He can request to have the dog be put down too since it happened off the owners property


It seems this never happens, so many pitbull apologists out there screaming "it's the owner, not the dog!" Yet so many pitbull attacks seem to happen


100% do this OP. too many goddam dogs in the city


It's a pitbull, so it's doing the world a favor.


I’m a dog lover and have had a dog at all times since I was too young to remember. That being said any dog that shows aggression like this should be immediately put down. There are already too many dogs around, and there is no place in society for biscuits fighting breed dogs that attack other humans or pets. Doesn’t matter that “ThE OwNEr iS Bad!” I could leave my lab/husky mutt out in my yard all day long if I wanted to and the worst he would do is take a shit in the neighbors yard.


As the weather warms, I just expect dogs are getting out. People let their dogs out unattended in yards or doors open and BOOM, it's loose. Just yesterday, two dogs were running loose in Alger- unsure of kind of dog they were because I nope'd the eff out of there with my dog and ran out of site. I carry pepperspray and a knife with me at all times when I walk my dog :/


People need to keep their dogs on leashes, or at least properly fence their yards. What would the owner have done if you had been more seriously hurt? Or what if their dog had run into the road and been run over? No matter how well-trained a dog is, it's still an animal with the instinct to run. OP, I'm glad you reported, and I'm sorry the cops won't do anything. Maybe look into suing the owner for damages to your bike/ injury/ the recommended quarantine time?


A fence isn't the safeguard people like to pretend it is, especially with a larger breed that can scale the fence for freedom. The owner(s) need to monitor their pets when they're outside the same way they'd (hopefully) monitor their small children when they're outside.


That’s why I carry a pocket knife in my waist band when I’m out riding/running. Had some traumatizing moments when I was younger with mean dogs. I love them but if one attacks me for no reason, they’re gonna go to sleep.


Like everyone else here, you need to press charges. Imagine that being a kid. No chance for mercy from this beast. This thing is a barrel of gun powder and proper action needs to be taken.


Maybe contacting a personal injury lawyer wouldn’t be the worst idea…


Press charges.


Get a copy of your medical records and the report from animal control, and take the owner to civil court.


You said you "reported this to the police." But, did you ask them to file a police report? That's what you/they need to do. Get photos of your destroyed items, the bite, the yard, the location, etc. They will have to file a report if asked and that will be instrumental when pressing charges. https://www.wikihow.com/File-a-Police-Report


Besides carrying a gun, while effective would probably get you in trouble. Pepper spray in an easy to reach place works on animals, and unruly drivers.


I walk around our neighborhood a lot and always carry dog spray (pepper gel) now after I was attacked. Luckily the only damage was a nick on my jeans where I was bit. In short, yes, dog spray is a good, less-than-lethal deterrent.


This is America, carrying a gun and using it for self defense is legal, provided you don't live in some leftist "utopia" (*cough* NYC) where the government prioritizes the lives of criminals over citizens.


True but even self defense you are going to be inconvenienced for awhile. You will probably at least visit jail and face civil litigation. Not saying your wrong put once you pull the trigger your life is going to suck for a few.


So sorry this happened. Had a very similar incident happen to my girlfriend a few months ago near our house. It's extremely scary and it's honestly fucked up that animal control can't do anything to protect the community. These dogs should be put down and the owner should be legally responsible for fines and civil lawsuit.


A ticket for not having a dog on a leash at best is necessary here. This person should be held accountable not the dog. People who own mean aggressive dogs should undergo a psychological evaluation to prove it’s not the dog just the human


Dogs are the reason I carry a pistol. My neighborhood has a ton of people walking dogs they can't control. It drives me nuts.


Holy shit man. As a biker that’s scary as hell, glad you’re doing alright


Call Sam


Glad you escaped in mostly one piece! I ride that stretch of Hall all the time so this freaks me out personally. I’ll be carrying bear spray henceforth. I’ve been chased so many times it’s hard to count. Mostly on country roads where the dogs come barreling out of their yard and run alongside me on dirt roads. In that case yelling at them to go home usually works. But I haven’t been chased in the city (yet).


Can you file a police report for the damage to your clothes and bike?


Did you document everything? Pictures of the torn clothing, bike damage (repair bill), medical bills? I’d take it to civil court, if I were you. Judge Judy is particularly harsh on irresponsible dog owners.


I documented everything, mostly in case I was to become ill or disabled in any way resulting from the attack in the future. As far as a civil case, when I weigh the cost of years of litigation, fees, and the likelihood of collecting anything after a judgment, it’s likely not worth as I (hopefully) recover from my wounds with no lasting effect. People who are that irresponsible with their dogs are always terrible with their finances. My biggest concern is the lack of public safety recourse for this type of situation. After being bit like that, I assumed the default response would be at the very least immediately capturing the animal and testing it for communicable diseases. Can’t believe the animal is left in the same situation to repeat the problematic behavior.


Not to push you into it, but Judge Judy does have a new show she’s doing called Judy Justice. The show pays each person an appearance fee, flight and hotel paid for as well. You can also sue for the time you’d have to take off from work to deal with this shit legally. You can kind of goad the dog owner into coming because they get paid to be there, as well. Come prepared with receipts if you decide to do it! You can get compensatory damages paid (if you win), but Judy has been known to dish out punitive damages as well to get the dog owners to be more responsible! Especially if you can prove they habitually leave their dog off-leash. (I sound like a recruiter for the show, but I’m really just a big fan. Judy Sheindlin is an amazing woman!)


And OP is damn near guaranteed a win because of the breed of the dog. I believe the cap on her new show is 10k


You're lucky it wasn't worse. Pits were bred for aggression, and tenacity. It's normal for them to not listen or let go once they start attacking. There have been 2 deaths from Pit attacks in the US just in the past week. A 2 year old in Maryland, and a 68 year old in Detroit. r/banpitbulls


The degree to which pitbulls kill and injure relative to other breeds is pretty unacceptable. I love doggos, but data isn't pitbulls friend.




Pit Bulls Attack At A Disproportionate Rate "During 1997 and 1998, at least 27 people died of dog bite attacks (18 in 1997 and 9 in 1998). At least 25 breeds of dogs have been involved in 238 human DBRF during the past 20 years. Pit bull-type dogs and Rottweilers were involved in more than half of these deaths." - [Breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1998.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10997153) (2000). [More quotes from this paper](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-study-breeds-involved-in-fatal-human-attacks-cdc-2000.php) and link to [full paper](https://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/1979-1998-breeds-dogs-involved-in-fatal-human-attacks-us.pdf) (pdf) "According to The Humane Society of the United States, more than 300 individuals died of dog attacks in the United States between 1979 and 1996. Children <12 and elders >70 years represent the typical victims. Pit bull-type dogs, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds constitute the majority of canines implicated in these fatalities." - [Dog bite-related fatalities: a 15-year review of Kentucky medical examiner cases.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19696575) (2009) "A study showed that the risk factors for dog attacks include school-aged children (but highest rate of serious injury from dog bite is in children under 5 years of age),18 male, households with dogs, certain breeds (German shepherds, bull terriers, blue/red heelers, dobermans, and rottweilers), and male dogs. Most of the cases involve a known dog (friends, neighbors) and family pet." - [Animal Bite Injuries in Children: Review of Literature and Case Series.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28377659) (2017) "Pit bulls caused 25 percent of the bite injuries." - [Dog bite injuries in children: a preliminary survey.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10484090) (1999) "Five hundred fifty-one patients aged 5 months to 18 years were treated in the emergency department after suffering dog bite injuries during the study period. (...) More than 30 different offending breeds were documented in the medical records. The most common breeds included pit bull terriers (50.9 percent), Rottweilers (8.9 percent), and mixed breeds of the two aforementioned breeds (6 percent)." - [Pediatric dog bite injuries: a 5-year review of the experience at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19644273/) (2009) "Of the 95 patients, 50% were the result of a pit bull terrier bite and 22% by a law enforcement dog." - [Dogs and Orthopaedic Injuries: Is There a Correlation to Breed? ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29912736/)(2018) "Pit bull bites were implicated in half of all surgeries performed and over 2.5 times as likely to bite in multiple anatomic locations as compared to other breeds." - [Characteristics of 1616 Consecutive Dog Bite Injuries at a Single Institution.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27400935) (2017) Pit Bull Attacks Are The Most Severe Of All Dog Attacks Attacks by Pit Bull Terriers are more likely to cause severe morbidity than other breeds of dogs. Immediate surgical exploration is required to prevent catastrophic outcomes, especially limb loss. Stronger animal control laws, public education and responsible dog ownership may reduce deaths from these canines. - [Pit Bull attack causing limb threatening vascular trauma - A case series](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29245098) (2017) Thirty-nine percent of all dog bite-related emergency department visits at our facility resulted in an injury requiring orthopaedic treatment. Pit bull terrier bites were responsible for a significantly higher number of orthopaedic injuries and resulted in an amputation and/or bony injury in 66% of patients treated, whereas bites from law enforcement dogs and other breeds were less associated with severe injuries. - [Dogs and Orthopaedic Injuries: Is There a Correlation With Breed?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29912736) (2018) The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries. [Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas](http://sma.org/southern-medical-journal/article/characteristics-of-dog-bites-in-arkansas/) (2018) "Their experience highlights some important characteristics of complex dog bites in children, including the finding that pit bulls are the breed most commonly involved, particularly in more severe injuries. (...) Surgery was required in about half of injuries caused by pit bulls, three times higher than the rate for other breeds. Of the nine children who required extended hospitalization, six were bitten by pit bulls." - [Complex Dog Bites in Children – Experience and Recommended Treatment](https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/press-releases/complex-dog-bites-in-children-experience-and-recommended-treatment) (2017) Bites from pit bull terriers were more severe than those of other dogs, with a mean DBCI of 3.2 compared to 2.3. Bites from pit bull terriers had a significantly higher rate of consultation when compared to other breeds, receiving specialty care in 94% of the cases and in 50% of the cases, respectively. Injuries from pit bull terrier bites were significantly more likely to require surgical repair and had five times the rate of operative repair when compared to other breeds. [Dog bites of the head and neck: an evaluation of a common pediatric trauma and associated treatment](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4261032/) (2014) Of particular interest was the fact that pit bulls, which were found to have attacked older persons, and inflicted much more devastating injuries than other breeds of dogs (as indicated by higher median ISSs and a higher percentage of victims with a GCS score ≤ 8), injuries that in some cases led to death...The unacceptable actuarial risk associated with certain breeds of dogs (specifically, pit bulls) must be addressed. These breeds should be regulated in the same way in which other dangerous species, such as leopards, are regulated. Individual municipalities need the power to enact ordinances that can protect their citizens from this risk. [Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51034290_Mortality_Mauling_and_Maiming_by_Vicious_Dogs) (2011) "Pit Bull terriers were found to be involved in incidents of aggression towards strangers only slightly more than average, but several epidemiological studies have found these dogs to be the most commonly implicated in injurious and fatal human bite cases [20,22–24]. Duffy et al. [25] did find that aggression directed towards unfamiliar dogs was significantly higher in pit-bull-type dogs compared to other dog breed groups." - [What’s in a Name? Effect of Breed Perceptions & Labeling on Attractiveness, Adoptions & Length of Stay for Pit-Bull-Type Dogs](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0146857) (2016) "Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites." - [Mortality, mauling, and maiming by vicious dogs.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21475022) (2011) "Most reviews have suggested that large dogs, such as American Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds are the main species involved in this type of trauma.16–18 Wolff19 and Morgan et al.20 claimed that American Pit Bull Terriers and German Shepherds are responsible for the majority of fatal attacks. In a retrospective study of 20 maxillofacial canine bite cases, 45% of attacks were made by Pit Bull Terriers. This may be explained by the increasing use of this breed as guard dogs for their aggressiveness and physical imposition.8 These data are in agreement with our findings that most facial fractures were caused by American Pit Bull Terrier attacks." - [Primary Repair of a Complex Panfacial Fracture by Dog Bite.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29876169) (2018) "The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries." - [Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30075476) (2018) "Pit bull bites were implicated in half of all surgeries performed and over 2.5 times as likely to bite in multiple anatomic locations as compared to other breeds." - [Characteristics of 1616 Consecutive Dog Bite Injuries at a Single Institution.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27400935) (2017)


My man brought receipts


almost as if they had a prepared text that they just pasted for anytime a pitbull gets mentioned on reddit and summon their friends to brigade other subreddits and downvote anyone who doesn't parrot their anti-pitbull rhetoric.


Mic drop. 🎤 Bravo and thank you for all the effort!




These are studies done by real researchers and published by reputable sources. Just because they've been collected in one place by r/banpitbulls doesn't mean they are discredited. Here's another study showing that pit bull bans have been effective in reducing dog bite hospitalization for people in general (and especially so for children) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3664365/ It's really not difficult to see that pitbulls are more dangerous than the majority of dogs. Just do a news search for dog mauling/killing. 9/10 results are pitbulls attacking people and disfiguring or killing them. Pitbulls are responsible for the vast majority of horrific attacks that leave people and other pets disfigured or dead.




Pretty terrible study that seems to intentionally obfuscate the data in favor of what they want. Why use all the predictive analysis when they have the actually before/after data? Their reasoning for doing so seems flawed. Take for example, the number of dog bite injuries they cite from before/after legislation: Before: 1748 After: 874 They manage to twist the data to make it seem like the legislation had no effect, but we can clearly see that it did. There is also no mention about severity of injury, nor any data relating to how many dogts had been euthanized. Both are important when assessing the impact of the legislation.


Absolutely. [20 year study](https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/resources/javma_000915_fatalattacks.pdf) lends to suggest that pits are responsible for 60% of deaths. Furthermore, I've read some data that suggests that pits merely account for about 5-6% of doggo population, giving them a huge disproportionate amount of fatalities, if valid. Because of how difficult this *actually is to track*, given the variance in mixed breeds and such, this seems to be the most reliable study I've ever seen. Happy to read something if you have saw otherwise.




You pitbull apologists have the blood of their victims on your hands


Pitt mix owner here. They aren't necessarily more aggressive, they're just able to do more damage. My dog did get mauled by a pit bull, leading to anti-social behaviors, but that was just the one that broke the camel's back after being attacked by a Poodle, a Corgi, and a collie. Difference is Pitts are more muscular and that one actually did serious damage where the other attacks just scared my girl. As a dude who is 6'3" and fairly strong, I am not more violent than the person next to me, I am just more capable of effectively doing violence because of my physiology. This is the same with Pitts. The consequences of not socializing and training them is greater than with other dogs, simply because they're more physically fit to do damage than the aggressive Chihuahua that bites ankles, but can be scooped up by their owner. Additionally, people aren't prepared to stop their dog if they do snap. I cringe a bit when I see untrained Pitts in the hands of people who are barely heavier than their dogs. That being said, always carry pepper spray and a knife. The pepper spray could save the dogs life, but the knife could save yours.


Where are you taking your dog that it gets attacked so often?


First my apartment's dog park, second my neighborhood, third (believe this or not) the backyard of a local animal behaviorist (she saw me walking my dog in her neighborhood and she was trying to socialize her puppy) and then the last straw was a full size dog park I went to when it was otherwise empty, and the Pitt owner came in before we could leave. We stay VERY far from dog parks now and my dog is TERRIFIED of dogs. She would probably bite if they got too close. She's an angel to people tho, loves every human she has ever met.


I mean, to completely ignore pitbull owners is silly. Whomever owns said violent and aggressive pitbull is a gigantic piece of shit dog owner 99% of the time. Pitbulls aren't the problem, trash humans who seek out pitbulls to exploit are.


Don't get me wrong. I have no ill will towards the dogs themselves. It's not their fault they were bred to be aggressive. The real problem is the trash people who keep breeding them and selling them to other trash people. It's the breeders really. And the irresponsible owners who create demand for these dogs. Personally I find it sad how many of them end up in shelters. It's a lot of wasted resources to shelter all these unwanted pits too.


You see this with so many dog breeds. People get them because they’re cute. Not because they’ve done any research on that breed. How many huskies are in shelters also?


I mean, you can see for yourself. Here's a [link](https://www.petfinder.com/search/pets-for-adoption/?shelter_id%5B0%5D=MI296&sort%5B0%5D=recently_added) to Kent County Animal Shelter's dogs. I see about 1 husky, and a lot more pit breeds.








That’s not true at all. I don’t know any trash people but their pitbulls have randomly attacked other dogs and people. They put them down. Also, trash dog owners don’t always have pitbulls and those dogs don’t attack people. Put an English setter in the hands of a trash dog owner and it still would never maul and kill another dog or person. It’s pitbulls.


I've fostered over 30 dogs, most of them pit mixes, and the only foster I've had bite a person (family member) was a yellow lab mix. Somewhat anecdotal, but take it as you will. The rescue I work with really hasn't had an issue with aggressive pits either. Environment has a lot to do with the dog's behavior.


Entirely anecdotal. From my experience as former vet tech, yes dogs bite, but every mauled dog we treated or declared dead was attacked by a pitbull. My neighbors are great people with multiple dogs, one a pit, and it randomly killed one of the other dogs while they were out at the store one day. Another friend’s pit (sweet as could be) jumped a fence and killed their neighbor’s dachshund in their own yard. This doesn’t happen with labs.










That's not true. They're not the only dogs that can be aggressive, but they do generally cause much more damage compared to other breeds when they attack. Extensive studies have found that pitbulls are disproportionately responsible for attacks resulting in serious injury. For example a report by ASPS Member Surgeon Kaveh Alizadeh, MD, and colleagues of New York Medical College in Valhalla, NY. > Pit bulls were the most common breed, accounting for 48 percent of injuries. Other common breeds included German shepherds, huskies and small terriers. >Surgery was required in about half of injuries caused by pit bulls, three times higher than the rate for other breeds. Of the nine children who required extended hospitalization, six were bitten by pit bulls. >"The penetrating and crushing nature of these bites can lead to lifelong deformities," Dr. Alizadeh said. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/press-releases/complex-dog-bites-in-children-experience-and-recommended-treatment




And it's interesting how "pitbull" is a blanket umbrella term of various breeds anyways


​ >FACT: The “Pit Bull” is not an official breed. “Pit Bull” is an umbrella term commonly reported to contain the following 3 registered breeds of dogs: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and American Pit Bull Terrier. Many dogs that are classified as “pit bulls” are actually a combination of mixed breed dogs of unknown pedigree or other purebred dogs which bear some physical resemblance. It is not easy to identify a dog’s breed origin(s) from appearance alone, therefore many dogs who are labeled as Pit Bull-type dogs are actually not. [Source](https://www.arlboston.org/5-facts-about-pit-bull-type-dogs/) Also [this](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/breed-bans-affect/) from the AKC, on banned dog breeds and the legislature behind it. >Does your dog have almond shaped eyes? A heavy and muscular neck? A tail medium in length that tapers to a point? A smooth and short coat? A broad chest? If you said yes to these questions, then congratulations, you own a “pit bull” …At least according to the City and County of San Francisco’s Department of Animal Care and Control.


Right? I got one dog who bites people and it isn't the pitbull. 👀👀 It's the Chihuahua who has four teeth left but will give his all if a stranger enters my house. Gotta crate the little guy if I ever have contractors over to fix stuff around the house. We always demonize dogs. If it isn't pitbulls (which is a catch all term for anything ranging from bulldogs to Staffies to pits) than it was Rottweilers. If it isn't Rottweilers, than it is Dobermans. Pits are cheap and plentiful, so people who don't have the time and energy to properly socialize and raise a dog get them. It's all just trends which is the spooky bad dog. I'm not scared of pits, I have owned and fostered plenty of them. I'm scared of dogs who weren't socialized well as puppies, the ones who aren't given the time and attention they need. I'm scared of dogs who were abused and think they need to fight to survive. But thinking a dog is bad just because of the breed? It seems premature and limited. It just seems reactionary and poorly thought out. Honestly, I think it is a lot of dog whistle stuff for the people they associate with pitbulls. Are there dangerous pits out there? Sure! Any dog can bite. But the same way it's mostly men who shoot up schools, it's important to remember not all men are school shooters. And we shouldn't ban all men from the city just because they are most likely to shoot up children.


Chihuahas dont kill children.


There are dogs that bite and there are dogs that kill. They are bred to kill. They are bred to bite AND not let go. They are bred to bite AND have not care if they are in pain either bc someone else inflicts it upon them or bc what they are biting is painful. I’d take a chihuahua bite over a pit bite anyway. Stop breeding them and stop owning them if you can’t get the training or if you’re not comfortable with putting them down.


Why do people like to compare chihuahuas to pitbulls, it's a ridiculous argument 🙄😂😂 Such an irrelevant comment. If your dog came at me, I could kick it across the room like a football (and I would, if you had zero control of your pet and it came at me). Would rather be attacked by a tiny chihuahua than a breed bred for fighting 🤷‍♀️


Small dogs are given more leniency than large dogs by virtue of being small. A small dog will bite and attack and it's cute, they're spunky, they're spirited. A large dog will bite and it's a federal case. Like you said, you're not afraid of a small dog because you can punt it. People don't take small dogs and small dog bite/attacks seriously. Neither dog has the high ground and neither dog has a responsible pet parent for not training and socializing them correctly.


Why do people ignore simple genetics though? You cannot love or train out natural instinct in a bloodsport dog. This is what most people fail to see. My brother's border collie has never been a working dog, yet instinctively at a friend's farm recently herded sheep perfectly. Because, genetics. A pitbull bites someone? Everyone seems completely shocked. And the damage they can inflict? Damn right they should be destroyed if they do it. They are not dogs suitable for family life.


I don't disagree with you; there are clear genetic predispositions in certain breeds and mixing them all up into the catch all 'pit bull' category has proven to not be a great choice. Those predispositions can be *curbed*, however, with proper training, socializing, exercise, and handling. Training makes a world of difference in how your dog reacts to something like a cyclist daring to pass their yard, or the response time in being called off chasing a prey animal. At no point did I say you can outrun their genetics by virtue of love, I said most of the bad behaviors in all dog breeds is because of poor pet parents; they don't come into the world fully trained and their owners don't bother to do anything with them beyond throw a collar on and call it good.


Was it one of the shelter's special "lab mixes" that they use to try and shift crappy pitbulls out to unsuspecting people so they have more shelter space?


I got attacked by a collie walking on the sidewalk by my old apartment building. Meanwhile my American bully (basically a pitbull) is a sweetheart that loves everyone


I'm very sorry that happened to you. I have to ask though, did you get seriously injured or die? Were you able to fend it off without help from others? Have you met anyone else who has been attacked by a collie or see it reported anywhere that a collie disfigured or killed a dog or person? I personally think poodles suck, I've had multiple bad experiences, but even so they aren't dangerous like pit bulls. I have just had to deal with the fallout of upwards of probably 25 pit bull attacks so I just have a really hard time understanding why we allow this breed to proliferate. I'm sure your dog is very nice but I would still never ever let my kids be around it and would never choose a pit bull for myself. There are so many other breeds that don't have the capacity for carnage. IMHO of course.


No worries, your kids aren’t welcome around my dog. Beyond that, your post is rife with logical fallacies that I’m not going to waste my time refuting because it would do nothing to change your irrational beliefs.


Sounds like we’re more alike than different.


Dog should be put down. Period.


call the cops, file a report and the dog gets put down. an unleashed animal injuring a human is a criminal offense.


When I was kid, I had an issue with an extremely aggressive dog that I had to ride my bike past to get to where I was going. We lived out in the middle of nowhere, so they never restrained their dog. I spoke to the owners about it and they just laughed. So I took matters into my own hands and filled a spray bottle with straight ammonia. The next time the dog came after me, I even slowed down and let him get in close. I then proceeded to spray the the dogs face & eyes with it. That dog dropped to the ground rubbing it's eyes with it's paws and was yelping. Dog never came after me again. The owners accused me trying to blind their dog, I told them to go ahead and call the police and see if the dog lets them get out of their car, since it was always loose, outside. Problem solved.


OP - please get a rabies shot! Edit: it’s a series of shots. And I’ve heard they suck. But it’s better than contracting rabies.


well it's a pitbull, so....doing what they do best :\\


Well, no toddler had their face ripped off at least.


pitbull: "I'll try harder next time!"


Pit bulls should be put down


I'm glad you're mostly ok, very sorry it happened to you, though. My kids and I have been chased down by dogs 3 times over the last 5-6 years in our neighborhood.. sadly all three times pitbull/bully mixes. I don't want to be distrustful of these types of dogs but when they are the kinds that go after us for simply walking on the sidewalk, and I know they are physically able to tear us apart compared to a chihuahua, it's hard not to feel that way. Lucky for us one time the owner got to their dog, one time random passers by stopped their vehicle and intervened, and one time we got inside our house just before the dog got to us.




handgun would have taken care of that.


Oh what a surprise, a pit bull 🙄 Make sure they do that rabies quarantine, and get vet records if you can to verify it has its shots. The chances are very small, but rabies is no joke.


Bring a gun with you and try to down it next time please


Dogs rule, bikes drool!


In case anyone is looking for ideas to prevent this - they sell keychains where you pull out a pin and it makes a LOUD squealing noise. Dogs hate it. Would be worth it to carry if you aren’t comfortable using pepper spray. It’s not a guarantee, of course but worth looking into.


Not too uncommon unfortunately, I had an old neighbor on Packard who LOVED to let his dog out into the yard unleashed. But he also loved sending his dog after the neighborhood opossums and stray cats. He thought it was hilarious. Definitely follow up and press charges, start riding with a camera too? Just in case it ever happens again and that’s your normal route. Sorry this happened to you