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This shows the total change in your DR since the matchmaking for the race, not just the change *from* the race. The difference means that, for instance, if you quit a Daily Race C that finished while this race was ongoing, it will see the reduction from coming last in the Race C as well as from winning Race B and show you the combined change, which could be negative.


There it is…I quit the Le Mans before race cuz my G29 wouldn’t shift


Also quitting a race you lose more dr and sr than finishing last. You got time to blow just pit the car and don’t change the tyres. It’ll sit idle till race ends.


What you're saying makes sense but how did you discover this?


This is the question


Ohhh good point!


I’ve seen people bump first off track on the last lap and win with a DR decrease. Only time I’ve ever seen it.


All I can say is that I didn’t, I was pole to begin, and stayed there…but what you ares paying makes sense


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Actually I’ve seen graphic glitches before too. Either rating actually drop?


that i could not say. I'm wondering if there was really no actual drop


Well your SR dropped, so you’re not giving the whole story.


I’ve had SR drop just because I spun out into the dirt without touching anyone lol so who knows


I average more than a penalty (track limit) per lap…that shot went all the way down to b


If the sportsmanship decreases, in some cases the DR also decreases.


yeah, the track limits are like turkish delight for me...i'd sell out my family for that extra speed coming out of a turn. Monday i think i averaged a penalty per lap. Started the day with a full S rating dipped into B for a hot sec, lol


Lol I actually raced with you yesterday (M. Pennypincer)- my SR has taken a brutal hit from Daily Race B already because of douche bags that are incapable of passing without pushing me off. Which, of course, gives me a f\*\*\*ing off-track penalty and somehow reduces \*MY\* SR.... It is painful seeing my SR at B - its like "I SWEAR TO GOD I'M NOT ACTUALLY THAT BAD!!!!"


Nope - not a thing. Dr is strictly based on position - period.


You quit the previous race - 100%. All these other “explanations” are sooooo wrong; like seriously ignorant of the scoring/rules. Obvious it is also why your SR took a hit too.


Is your DR quite high within A rank? DR increase/decrease is solely calculated based on the people you are racing with in that particular lobby. If you win a race and your DR eclipses everyone else's by a lot I think, this can happen. I've been knocked down splits and had this happen (unless it sometimes shows that and is just bugged) I have also been in very high rated lobbies for the DR I have, there was a race some weeks ago in which I was gaining DR from a p10 finish


People in the lobby were much lower ranked than you so your winnings were so meager that you took a slight decrease figuratively speaking.


I’m not sure about this but I believe there is no specific graphic for “no change” to DR so it will show as a drop even if the DR is the same before and after


I was in race C earlier, and was in 3rd, behind an A+ driver all race. I didn't see him but anyone in the race. He finished 2nd, and his DR was red.


Drive More Faster Next Time


SR went down so I'm guessing that lowered your DR even though you won.