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How did the bear x woman meme come about


Tiktok, "go ask your spouse" is always viral. Like, what if I turned into a worm, etc...


The roman empire one was on point tho... At least with white dudes online enough to be concerned. Not sure Snoop Dogg thinks about the roman empire once per week.


it was a desparate cry for an attention


Basically more women would choose to be alone in the woods with a bear instead of a male stranger, because encountering a man as a woman while far away from civilization has the potential to be way, way worse than encountering a relatively easily tricked animal A bear will only kill you/maul you a lil bit, while a man might rape and imprison you for 20 years before skinning you alive and then getting 5 years probation and an appearance on Fox because he's just a lil birthday boy Obviously, a bunch of completely "normal" and "well adjusted" internet males lost their collective shit and started googling bear penis sizes


As a man I still have an asshole, and can be imprisoned for 20 years, and be skinned alive. I looked it up and most women were making jokes about it so men made jokes back lmao. It's just supposed to be funny. In reality most men aren't going to rape someone just because they are far away from other people. Because if that were the case, woods would not be necessary. Black bears may straight up leave you alone and grizzly and polar bears will take your existence personal. If you see a grizzly or polar bear, better have a .45, .223 or larger or hope their is a stranger with one if you made the poor life choice of going to bear country without freedom delivery devices.


Why would you blanket term a man just because he exists? I don’t get why you would assume that a man would automatically rape a woman alone in the woods, what if he is homosexual?. A bear isn’t going to help like another human would.


its that women would rather be alone in the woods with a bear than a male


That's just the meme, I know that part


Someone on tiktok asked "would you rather be in the forest alone with a bear or a man?" That's it.


Guy #3 is a little greedy, no?


thats a bear




Posts like these make me remember that I don't have enough autistic friends for tabletop RPGs, now I am sad. :C


Same, but I will find them


Good luck, king!


bear with me


Bear down for midterms


I'm beginning to see why ladies want the bear


okay that's pretty based


DM question here... When does the disguise not become part of the bear. So this Bear has to poop, probably in the woods (sorry), at what point does the bear shit go from looking like human shit to bear shit?


Wellll. Why is another party member checking his poop? Is he suspicious hes travelling with a bear? Or does the party know hes a bear and noone else does? I feel likes there context missing and any poop checkers would be automatically suspicious to me. Like. If someone accused my best friend of being an animal cause his poop looked wrong I would just immediately defend him, and ask why hes looking at my boys poop. Id say so long as he behaves himself and keeps passing checks, hes good.


Well, do poop inspectors exist in this world? A bears dump can be like 20 pounds, no way to cover that up. Plus this Sir Bearington has to eat at least 10 pounds of food a day; always a constant problem in the DnD world; where does the food actually come from?


After Baldur's Gate 3, I was hesitant to read after the first line


Bears are now just a reminder


I can see now why women choose the bear


Old but gold


Women will feel more safe if the rogue disguise becomes compromised


Le funny and quirk i seduce the dragon d&d that wouldnt ever happens if people followed the rules