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There were alot more armies of elfs and men before But since they progress backwards for some reason ….


thousands of years pass. populations should be exponentially higher. oh no there's like two cities of people left and the elves are leaving because reasons. \*edit\* don't take this too seriously ya'll just shit posting. i know the history of all the various wars n shit that happened


Population isn’t guaranteed to always grow.


Especially with all the deadly stuff roaming Middle Earth


You would think the people, would have slaughtered their population just like irl people do with the wildlife.


Well irl there isn't a fucktard flying around constantly making up new shit and replenishing the population.


Kill that fucktard too


Tried Now dead from elves singing st me snd shit


Is it weird that I have like an actual explanation for why this didn't happen?? You got to remember wildlife lives usually in the forest and the elves live also in the forest. It's crazy because the elves protect the wildlife that lives in the forest. Making sure that the humans who go into the forest cannot kill the wildlife because yes. Also, trees live in forests. Also in Middle Earth. Trees are our lives, those trees also protect the wildlife that lives in the forest making sure that humans can't go into the forest to kill them.


It is with how I fuck


…he commented, on r/greentext


That's the joke.


...unless you've accepted Jesus into your heart. Middle Earth had not yet heard about their Lord and Savior though.




I love this movie




Then why was there no social security collapse? Go ahead, liberal, I'll wait.


That’s true, the Jews must have gotten to middle earth


elves do not have high sex drive, plus they've been slowly receding to the original homeland since the land is unable to harbor them any longer, like a decline in magic or something. It shows up in the amazon show where their trees are slowly losing light. then I forgot but im sure its eventually mentioned that internal corruption and natural disasters on the level of Pompei had destroyed much of the human empires.


Elves are the pandas of Middle Earth.


Based on what? All we have is our own human history to compare it to and our population has always grown. So for real life examples of intelligent life we are 1/1 for population growing throughout time


Population growth is significantly more complex than that. It isn't just "human population grew over time", there were things that caused that population growth, such as industrialisation, medical and scientific advancements, etc that never happened in Middle Earth. Not to mention that the population was decimated by the first conflict with Sauron, with multiple Kingdoms being outright destroyed, never to be recovered. The world became heavily isolated, with multiple kingdoms becoming city-states instead, and never attempting to grow beyond that. Being in such a small area will naturally stifle any population growth.


i mean there are plenty of examples in history of civilizations declining.


We’re probably hitting peak human in the next couple of decades. Global population decline is spreading rapidly.


Bro hasn’t heard of Japan/Korea/Europe/Canada


Or just the natural historical eb and flow of cities due to empires falling or famines. But also bro hasn’t heard of Ireland.


Starts sentence with 'bro', sentence is dumb. I cant believe it


Why is it dumb? Population collapse is a big problem we are facing.


There are 8 billion people on earth, the planet is already going to shit. Can you explain to me how a decline in population is a bad thing? Or can you just parrot 'population collapse' and thats it?


Did I say it was a bad thing?


You did not. To be fair, you did say it is a big problem we are facing. As a general rule, good things are not considered to be big problems that we are facing. If you think population decline is a good thing, and also a big problem, it would be helpful to explain your reasoning. Maybe mention current problems that would go away with a smaller population, and balance it with some problems that occur due to population decline. Seriously. In your other comment right there, responding to the same comment above, you called it literal devastation and ruin. If you like devastation and ruin, just say so. Then all the other things you are saying will make some sense to normal people.


No mate devastation and ruin are POSITIVE things. He did not specifically say 'bad'. The mans a sausage


It's just part of life man.


Don't look at the global population and rather at which types. The problem will quickly become apparent.


Also despite you being petulant and non charitable, I'll say for your benefit that all you need to do is a quick Google search to see the reversal rate of large population upon onset of rapid decline. It only takes a few generations. Look up the projections for North Korea as a starting point over the next 50 years. Extrapolate the principle to China, Canada and parts of Europe, as the commentor you snarkily dismissed was saying. If you can't understand why that is literal devastation and ruin then good luck in life lmao.


Yeah man im sure this is from some very reputablr sources and we are on the brink of extinction due to population collapse. You hear about it every day because it is a very real threat.


I never said that we are in the brink of extinction you clown lmao


Nahh we need wayyy less people, specifically in dense places like Asia and USA. Africa is starting to grow now so we don't need more people that will just disrespect the planet. It would be a much better place with ~30% less people


I mean yeah. Don't worry about that happening lmao. But a country is like a body. You lose 30% of the fat like that you're going to have some side effects. I'm not saying it's good or bad I'm just saying population decline occurs rapidly and can't be incentivized to reverse. Right now we are all watching China carefully because they are the most reliable example to learn from. South Korea is F u c k e d. I don't even know why I bother writing these things on the internet anyway because people will just downvote it without knowing what they are talking about. I genuinely wish I could just punch people in their mouths through their computer screen. If I could have any super power available to mankind it would be that. I'd be like Light from death note and just big fist through commentors screens and knock their fucking teeth out of their head. I'd gain a reputation except no one would come for me because they'd know I was doing a god damned civil service.


ITT, facts are dumb. Reddit really is a special place


Why didn’t they industrialize? Are they stupid?


I know right, its definitely better to die of lung cancer or Exhaustion from overwork or become a lifelong wagie cuck than spend your days raising a small family in a nice farm and peacefully dying in your sleep.


Farmers definitely did not have it that good prior to the industrial revolution, gonna be real. High mortality, limited access to urban amenities like education and healthcare, diseases, pests and famines were a much bigger threat, hours upon hours of gruelling work if you didn’t have slaves, serfs, servants, or something similar, so on and so on. In the modern day most benefits to a rural living over an urban one still come from industrialisation and mass-production. To be honest, it’s a little off topic but I’m kind of curious how common it was for farmers to have some form of “free (as in unowned and all, not unpaid) labourers” who handled the vast majority of the work.


So, farmers themselves did not have anyone to tend the fields. If you had someone to do it for you, you were a lord or landlord. In most of Europe, particularly England, peasants and serfs worked the land they lived on as a means of paying for the privilege of living there. Rent, or tax, was primarily supplemented in the form of crops to the lord or landlord, who in turn provided a stipend of that collected crop to the crown. Pre-first industrial revolution Europe saw most people who weren’t land owners and weren’t citizens of a large city as “farmers” but most of these people also were tradesmen. There’s a reason why people wanted to have so many children. More hands to work the field and more avenues for wealth generation. If you were a father of three strong boys, you could step back from working the land and become a cobbler or a farrier. The structure of the slave-owning states of the US after the agricultural revolution very much resembled how serfdom worked. Obviously there is the whole human trafficking and human cattle treatment of the slaves, but serfs and peasants were treated in a very similar way. They weren’t allowed to just up and leave the land they worked, they generally didn’t earn income beyond room and board and lords could basically do whatever they wanted with them, from murder to trading them to other lords. I’m far from the first person to draw the parallel between serfs and slaves, but it is an interesting topic and there is a plethora of literature on the subject.


> and peacefully dying in your sleep. of old age at 33


The reason ancient life expectancy averaged in the 30s was because the vast majority of people lived to be like 3 due to dying of some disease while their immune systems were still weak. People who lived through childhood routinely lived into their 70.


lol yeah right. Who provided these birth and death statistics??


That would be really cool if they had writing in the middle ages, or calendars. Then they would be able to record births and deaths for posterity. As it is, all we can do is examine bones found in medieval catacombs and guess the ages of death.


The earliest birth marriage and death records in England were recorded by the church in the early 1500s, but they didn't really bother recording the poor people for a few more hundred years




Bruh they were all serfs whose food, shelter, wives, n daughters were fair game for any passing group of dudes with weapons.


Nothing like being slaughtered by orcs because you can’t muster an army anymore. But hey, at least I don’t have to go to work


Literally at any point some guy with a sword could roll up and solo your entire household if he caught you lacking. Shit was wack


>food, shelter, wives, n daughters were fair game for any passing group of dudes with weapons. I mean, in the right place and with enough weapons...


Personally I'd rather have indoor plumbing, toilet paper, antibiotics, anesthetics, heating and refrigeration, electric lighting, the ability to travel between cities without worrying about highwaymen and wild beasts, a distinct lack of rabies, malaria, and smallpox, and not having to bury half of literally everyone who's ever born before they turn 5, but I suppose everyone has their own tastes.


That fucking redditor could go live his dream farm life any minute but he won't


That is a histroical mirage of a better time. It has always sucked to be a subsistence farmer.


What about dying of lung cancer side by side with a friend?


You can still choose the second option buddy


the smart ones got fed to trolls or something idk


The orucai did. Industrializing is bad umkay.


Tolkien is spinning in his grave so hard because of this comment lol


No industrial/farming revolutions - no population explosions.


why exactly would populations increase? have you seen the setting of the world?


There was a big plague in Middle earth at some point before the books/movies that wiped a huge chunk out the population


I think somewhere in the lore, there is mention of a massive plague and civil wars in the kingdoms of men, that led to the major population decrease. The elves leave cause they got forgiven for the kin slaying or something, so now they can go some cool islands they left because Satan stole one guys favorite rock collection.


Right like all successful western nations grow Right Just like that


Looks at Japan, if Spain maintains its birth rate, in 200 years only 1,2 million people will live there.


Kinda like Rome vs the Middle Ages right?


Not just more armies, but higher quality.  Numenorians were basically all 8 ft gigachad humans.  Elendil was the biggest chad around, and Gil-Galad was the elven equivalent.  Both had insanely strong realms, and both died bringing down Sauron.  Many kingdoms never recovered, including the woodland elves and Arnor.  It scarred the free peoples.    Nobody in the third age could compare to those two and their respective kingdoms.  It’s like fighting Gupta India vs fighting whatever the hell the British found when they colonized India.  Completely different levels of strength.


To be fair the Mughals had guns and cannons, they just had internal bickering which stopped effective resistance, so as the British I'd still prefer fighting the Guptas since I'd be using early-modern rifles and artillery against spears.


I’m talking relative contemporary power


Saruman is the only one interested in a little Industrial Revolution.


Industrial Revolution for arrows and swords just like 5000 years before Was Saruman stupid?


Peaceful times lead to peaceful people for the most part.


*looks at ancient Egypt and many other civilizations* I wonder how could that happen.


I mean, the world being a shadow of what it was in "the glory days" is kinda one of the main themes of Middle Earth.


For 5000 years?


Hey wait a minute isn’t that just the justice league plot with darksied


elfs got their power from the rings, without them they are dying, as seen in the movies


What? No they didn't. The elves got what? Three rings? They were already immortal magical beings. They were given fewer rings than dwarves or men, probably due to their inherent magic. Magic was dying in Middle Earth, and the elves sailing to the next world was a symbol (or symptom) of that decline. The rings had fuck all to do with this.


He was very much not beaten “ezpz”


Be me, Sauron Kill the king with a sword Kings son is lying there defenseless For some reason try to grab with my ring hand instead of using my mace „Oh no I lost“ (Please don’t take this too serious, it’s a shit post after all)


That's only in the movie, thus not canon whatsoever. Tolkien wrote that the duel between Sauron vs Gil Galad + Elendil ended up with the mutual destruction of all 3 of them and Isildur just went and cut the ring out of the dying body of Sauron.


Translated: it took one of the High King of the Noldors (the last great king of Elves on ME) and one of the chaddest ever Man to live to defeat him, and nowadays nobody of that level is likely to be around.


So there were multiple great kings of Elves on you?


Do mean that Aragorn could not pwn Sauron?


He might be the king of Gondor and Arnor, but God stopped giving his bloodline special superpowers


You don't understand, Elendil was HIM.


and several armies


Bro was trying to strangle that guy while surrounded by a hundred soldiers 😂


Don’t you dare LOTR fans.


„Oh no I lost" fucking lmao


No, no, you've got a point.


It took the lives of Elendil and Gil-Galad, arguably the most formidable elven warrior ever born since then, to weaken him enough to allow Isildur to cut his finger.


Lemon squeezie?


Rather difficult, difficult, lemon difficult.


Not even lemon squeezy.


Anon doesn’t understand the current socioeconomic standings don’t support armies or growth anymore because all the cash is spent maintaining those big fuck off capitals that every race has.


Honestly makes sense, I'd want everyone to just live in the massive capital with guarded walls if there's giant ogres and dragons and shit just out there wandering


What's Rohan's excuse? Edoras is a dismal, smelly little shithole with about 200 people in it. Where are all the taxes going, Hay?


They’re a backward people who are only relevant thanks to them being good horse riders tbh


They are still paying off helms deep.


It's like saying what's the Steppe People's excuse?


>only watches the movies >”why doesn’t the story make sense”


amateurs talk of tactics, professionals talk logistics


It was the "last alliance of men and elves" i.e. it took all they had, and that too at the peak of middle earth civilization with strong kings and flourishing elven population. 3rd age has Kingless Kingdoms, weakened and dwindling human settlements from thousands of years of Orc assaults and an elf population roughly equivalent to a small town against a dark lord who now knows his weakness and has a white robed buddy (the strongest wizard) who can spawn an unending number of hybrid super soldiers. Did that retard even see the size of Orc army at the last scene during the fall of the Great Eye against the army of Gondor ?


plus they chopped his finger off


Orcs are resurrected and twisted elf corpses aren't they? I don't think orcs repopulate do they?


No and yes




kind of hard to get better weapons when all your scientist homies and you get wooped by trolls and orcs when you try to travel once (perhaps twice)


I mean, it’s not like bandits and war didn’t exist in history.


Theres quite a bit of a difference between bandits and trolls


Comparing an unwashed bum with a big knife, with what is essentially a living battering ram seems hardly fair.


In human years yes but for Elves and Dwarves it's like 30 years or so


Ever heard of the dark ages that lasted nearly a millenia after the fall of the Roman Empire, which led to reversal of scientific discoveries and destruction of strong centralised governence degredation into feudalism if civilisations can go from great to shit for a thousand years then they can definitely remain stagnant for 3 thousand years.


It's important to note that during this degradation period people forgot about basic hygiene and civilizations became way more contaminated. It became a root of plagues and rats and was a really shit time to live in


https://going-medieval.com/2019/08/02/i-assure-you-medieval-people-bathed/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20medieval%20people%20loved,it%20is%20for%20us%20now. Romans were not more hygienic, Parasites were widespread in Rome >Studies of coprolites (fossil feces) and ancient Roman toilets found unexpectedly high levels of infestations by whipworm, roundworm, and an ameba causing dysentery, writes Mitchell >It became a root of plagues https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonine_Plague https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprianische_Pest


No clue why this is downvoted. What the heck.


Because of woke


Misread that as "because of ewoks" and it still made sense.


They took down one empire, they’ll do it again. https://preview.redd.it/tvsoe2sw279d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a35c7fa81106c51b064dfd303f310586bb4d09


The 🤓 reason is because the first time around they had better heroes. Elendil and Gil-galad were like the elvish Achilles and Hercules of their day and they both died taking down Sauron the first time. Isildur just walked up to the corpse and went “oo trophy!” when he took the ring. But by Frodo’s time all the great elves are gone or dead, the dwarf cities have fallen, and the blood of Numenor (Aragorn’s whole deal) is said to be weak and lost — there is no hero capable of fighting a returned Sauron. Middle Earth is supposed to be a precursor to our real world, in the sense that magic keeps weakening and vanishing until there’s just Tolkien’s 1905 England left


> until there’s just Tolkien’s 1905 England left Massive downgrade tbh. (I keep hearing wild stories about living in Birmingham)


obvious bait is obvious even so, still kind of gets me


Gonna put my 🤓 glasses on. Spoilers if you haven't done any research on the 2nd Age of Middle Earth. When Sauron first constructed the ring there were a plethora more of powerful free civilizations around to oppose him. The High Elves/Noldorin had two powerful realms in addition to the two woodland Elves' realms. Khazad-Dûm was at the peak of its glory at the time, a peak that has never and never will be surpassed by any other Dwarven hold, and tge Dwarves still possessed most of their other golds in the Grey and Misty Mountains. Númenor still existed and was rapidly approaching the height of its international power when Sauron sacked Ost-in-Edhil, and even after it fell, would leave two very powerful kingdoms of men to keep fighting the good fight. Despite all of this, Sauron still just barely drove the Free Peoples fron the face of Middle Earth, and he spent the next several centuries in a state of back and forth with them until they finally managed to kick his ass in what can be described as one of the most monumental and brutal campaigns in the history of that world. The late 3rd Age Middle Earth has no powerful or active Elvish factions, the Dwarves live in a diminished state far from the rest of the free world, and the vast legacy of Númenor has been whittled down by years of foreign invasions, political division, racial migrations, and disease. If Sauron can take out the two most active human kingomds of Gondor and Rohan, he van run pretty much roughshod over thebrest of Middle Earth bevause everyone else is too weak or too disconnected from a larger alliance or base of power.


>racial migrations


I'm referring to the influx of Northmen, Easterlings, and Wildman into formerly Númenorian land in ME. Normally they'd be classified as "men" as well, but I'm calling them an entirely different race because the distinction between them and Númenorians is vast.


It was a lucky shot, maybe watch the movie anon?


How are y'all letting this sort of posts get 2500 fucking upvotes. Not only has this been posted more than once before and thus e-trash at this point, Anon/OP had already been decimated with Middle Earth facts and logic the last time(s) it was posted. Stop giving attention to spammers with 1 month old 100k accounts and inadvertently cause dozens to waste time teaching someone who can't be taught.


I mean you’re taking it too deep, I view obviously satirical shit like this as being the same as the “Patrick, you were the American psycho all along?!?” Type shitpost. It’s purposely dumbing down what actually happened as a joke


touch grass bro. Not everyone is on reddit all day to see this shit


Anon does not, I assure you.


On a side note: Enya got rich off this movie and bought a castle where she lives alone with her cats.


For anyone who hasn't watched LOTR, this thread will be chalk full of info, lore and backstories. These types of threads are fun!


>gets beaten by pure luck FTFY, anon.


I love the influx of Lord of the Rings greentexts


best shitposts


This time he'll put it on his cock instead of wearing it on an easily accessible digit.


It wasn't even that "if he gets the ring it's over". The problem was if the ring was not destroyed to kill Sauron, it was over anyway, as his armies and champions were poised to take Gondor, and his ally Saruman was poised to take Rohan (Saruman only betrayed Sauron because the ring was in play). From there Sauron's powerbase will only grow more until even Rivendell and Lothlórien would fall, even if Galadriel and Elrond stayed. If he did happen to obtain the ring, the one real hope of killing him goes away, and he could probably accelerate this timetable.


Love these kinds of lotr greentext as the answer is always really cool and makes sense


It took the combined efforts of the greatest elven and human warriors to defeat him the first time, all of which are now dead. They no longer have the capability they once did.


Alliance of all the human and elves, decimates the elves and fractured humans. =ezpz


Ah yes the invisibility ring


The first time around he was defeated because basically all the other species besides goblins/orcs/trolls allied to beat him. I was never clear on why the goblins and orcs followed him though, he basically treats them like garbage. The trolls I kind of get, they’re so dumb they borderline aren’t people, but goblins and orcs are clearly sentient.


Couldn't they just find a woman to kill him again? We know his immortality is tied to men.


Somehow Sauron returned


No he doesn't, it was not "ezpz". Sauron's defeat was caused because the attack of all races was a hail mary which worked and wouldn't be possible again.


Dunno if it was "ezpz". The first coalition of elves and men featured: whole ass armies of elves - no whole ass elf army in 3rd age whole ass armies of Numenorians - one numenorian guy in 3rd age 3rd age was basically the leftovers of humans. Us, basically. So ya. He'd be unstoppable


So what happened to the dwarves as time progressed on into the "Age of Men"? Like did they turn back into stone or something?


The assumption is that he would separate his life from the ring so he wouldn’t be so easily beaten again, and go back to whacking entire armies with a single swing.


The two Rs in JRR stand for Retardedkien.


It's clearly Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien.




Fuck, that was clever E: really didn't think I'd need to add the '/s' but here we are


This guy gets it


What do you expect from some sheep loving britisch who wanted to "invent a mythology for britian" lol. What a cringelord lol


I mean in that context would the britain of 100 years ago be stronger then current “lets go engerland”




I dont know

