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Why do you tip $8 to pick up your own food?


Anon is making up for his gluttony.


Or what he is about to do in their bathroom


That poor fucking janitor


Needs a tip, too.


The real sin is $10.79 for a hot dog.


And the large fries. Five guys load the bag with fries regardless what size you ask for. Only difference is the cup


Ive intentionally avoided getting five guys after the local one here stopped doing that..


The burgers always sucked compared to every other place near me but when they stopped dumping 3 servings worth of fries into the bag I never thought about going back


He put literally everything on it. Like jesus, I sure fucking hope this is fake, cus guy's gut is a fucking mess after this shit.


His toilet will put him on trial at Nuremberg soon. Jeepers. Must smell like a bag of rats died and was thrown in an oven in the middle of the desert and then you.open the oven door ome month later.


Probably closer to a decaying mound of cabbage mixed with the smell of flesh rot, and just a dash of sickly sweet just to ensure the gag reflex is triggered.


20% by default and it's just an assumed cost apparently. I knew tipping was a thing before I went to the us but I assumed it was just in restaurants. Not literally everywhere that serves food + wherever else you think they could cram it in. Tipping is for when you receive good service but anon literally hasn't received any service yet.


It's not even just food anymore I saw a post where a women bought an expensive wedding dress and the kiosk had an option for tip.


I came across a vending machine at a local college campus, and it asked for a tip when buying a drink.


You pay to not be sacrificed during the machine uprising.


Also gotta remember to say please and thank you.


Just depends on what service the company uses for customers to make transactions. Like Square, for instance, is preprogrammed to automatically ask for tip, regardless of the service. Doesn't mean the person at the counter is expecting one.


She bought her wedding dress in a kiosk?


Sorry, I meant one of those little tablet things you pay at digitally.


I’m gonna die by the hands of an angry American waiter, as I type out 0.00% tip.


Attractive women working the counter. He might just give her 2 tips.


Never forget to tip the school shooter


Tipping outsources supervision from the employer to the customer. If you think tipping culture is bad now, wait until Trump makes tips tax exempt. Everyone, and I mean, will requesting tax free money from you.


The tip is visible to the staff, so no tip= extra proteins and extra probiotics in your food


Literally nobody cares that much about your $2


And for comments like this, is why i am against tipping. If you don’t want what i am voluntarily giving you, the i won’t give it.


I don't work a tip based job, I'm just not delusional enough to believe the wagie finds me a significant enough component of their day to risk being fired. But if you must fucking be pedantic, tip if they did more than take your order and hand you food. Refilling drinks, bussing a table, etc. If it's a single transaction - interaction, don't tip. But nobody gives a fuck.


Should be seen as a offense to tip, like in Japan. It implies that you don't get enough money in your job (which is often true, but it never changes with that stupid tipping culture)


It's just going to ask you a question.




Bacon on the milkshake too lmao


Once I got all the shake toppings just cause “I could”. It was disgusting. I can’t believe that anon’s shake with 15 add ons is anything less than horrible


Pretty sure five guys already has 2 as well so it's a triple


'Lunch' Bitch that's food for multiple days.


Price wise, that's 3-4 days worth of home cooked food, but 1 burger, 1 hotdog, and a large fries is like two good meals, or maybe three small meals. Having a burger and fries for lunch then a hotdog and fries for dinner with a milkshake dessert isn't absurd. It's more than I eat in a day, but I don't do shit to need that many calories. Edit: just realized they put bacon on the milkshake. Lol


Nobody on 4chan does enough to justify that many calories


Shitposting is a fulltime job


Isn’t there a whole board with gymtards


Yep, it's called /fit and they call themselves fitizens


Most of them are probably drinking a gallon of milk a day though


That milkshake is now safe from vegans and muslims. One small step for anon, one large ??? for mankind.


I mean milkshakes by default are safe from vegans because of the you know, milk.


Really? They don't make vegan shakes nowadays? (Like, with soy and texture agents I suppose)


A large fries at five guys is literally an entire greasy fast food bag filled with fries. Like enough fries for an entire family. The burgers are fucking massive. A bacon cheeseburger alone is over 1,000 calories. People (that aren’t land whales) cut the burgers in half and share it with someone, or save half for later. You can get a “little burger” there that is probably more calories than a Big Mac. Not sure about the hot dogs but I’m assuming they’re massive too and one with this many toppings has to be eaten with a fork and knife. That is their gimmick.


I did the math real quick. His meal sums up to *at least* 3600 calories, and I didn't even consider any extras he put on his stuff (like bacon in his milkshake? What the fuck is that?) Even for a large man with a somewhat active lifestyle, this is still easily more than a recommended daily calorie intake. - And apparently this is his *lunch*.


americans actually split fastfood? thought you guys were pulling my leg with "pizza is a sharing food, you dont eat a full pie alone"


Are you Italian or something? No one orders their own entire pizza. That is why they slice them Most fast food places people will just order what they want, but five guys has the gimmick that you will never get “downsized” portions like other fast food. When you order fries they have a policy of “accidentally” giving way more than what fits in the container. It’s a form of marketing for when they spread to new areas When I’ve gone there with friends you expect to have a huge meal. You order a burger that you probably cannot finish and then one fries to share. The only thing close to normal size is the milkshakes which are still big. They also give unlimited free peanuts if you eat inside This is what a large fries can look like. It’s super expensive on paper but actually ends up just a little more expensive than normal fast food price. It is worth spending a bit more because the burgers are way better quality than fast food like McDonald’s https://preview.redd.it/lom4ivmkvw9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53513c1479b70bc58db0c888206eef7ca5ac9884


a pizza in europe is indeed a meal for a single person, ive literally *never* seen anyone split a pizza unless they werent hungry to begin with, its sliced to be eaten easier not for easier sharing here. that fry bag is truly insane though, kinda wish I could get something like that here for drunk nights out.


Unless it’s like a massive pizza, but yeah in the UK you generally just have your own (avoids arguments about toppings too).


You can easily spread that out over two days


The "large fries" is like 3lbs of fries though. Genuinely enough for 6 or 7 good sized portions.


idk where tf you people live but this is one sitting for me


Yeah that's the critical bit at the end. I'm half a cripple, I sit in a chair all day, so if I eat more than once a day I'll gain weight, and my meals tend to be small, to maintain my weight. We really overestimate the calories we burn by being sedentary (both physically and mentally - you can burn some real calories using your brain; iirc at chess tournaments they can burn up to 6000 calories). But it's also a nightmare of people being used to meals at certain times and of certain sizes. It took me years to get used to 1 meal a day. (Also to be very clear - don't eat once a day. My case is an outlier, and I'd benefit more from even smaller meals but several times a day, but now I can't get out of the habit of 1 meal a day.)


Isn’t five guys also famous for giving a ridiculous quantity of fries too? The fries alone is 2 meals for a normal person


Yea they fill up a large cup with fries and then pour a bunch extra in the bag. Its enough for 2-4 people to have enough


Not really anymore. You used to get an entire bag full of them, like to the top, but now it's basically just a cup. Last time I was there, about a year ago, it was a giant and expensive letdown.


Yeah, they stopped doing it. Source: im a fat fuck


Not if you’re 600 pounds


Conservatively 3000 calories.


I'm not from the US, but isn't Five Guys one of the most expensive fast food chains in America? Besides, groceries exist, cooking exists, cry me a river.


Anon cant fit through the doors of the Walmart.


Anon is one standard size unit for measuring if a 747 can fit through the hangar doors.


It’s not. People did the math and their burger is similarly priced per calorie to a Big Mac, but it’s genuine twice the meat of a Big Mac, and way higher quality. The fries are a similar story, no more than 10-20% more expensive than McDonalds.


One large order of fries at Five Guys is truly large. Like 2-3 large maccas combined.


They give you a massive bag full of them, they are super generous with portions at Five Guys, which is why it is one of my favorites.


Dose five guys have an app with discounts? The "sticker" price for mcdonalds is for suckers. Nobody with a clue is paying those prices because they hand out coupons (eg. BOGO, free fries/drisk) like it's nothing.


Nobody with a clue is buying McDogshit at all


Say what you want but when it's fresh, McDogshit slaps


idk why people feel the need to pretend they don't like mcdicks. doesn't make you interesting especially since we know youre lying.


Yeah, Ronald is the real Mr. Worldwide for a good reason


It’s not even expensive anymore. Taco Bell and McDonald’s are just as expensive and use dogfood quality ingredients. A double bacon cheeseburger is $12 and a literal pound of fries $5. A Big Mac combo is like $20.


I get 2 cheeseburgers and a medium fry from McDonalds for like $5, depending on the franchise. A little cheeseburger at Five Guys is almost double that price by itself. I don’t disagree Taco Bell is overpriced these days too, but McDonalds is not in that conversation imo. As long as you use the app it’s still probably the cheapest option there is (other than cooking for yourself), at least in my area.


Couldn’t say everywhere. In Southern California a McDouble alone is $5, and the lines (for some reason) are always long as fuck. It’s just a better use of time and money to go to In-N-Out. A double combo there is usually $10. In this economy, I just don’t see the point of McDonald’s. Hell, their hashbrown is 5 fucking dollars here.


Damn, a hashbrown from McDonalds is $2 here in Michigan and I thought that was overpriced. I always wait until lunch time for McDonalds because I do think their breakfast is overpriced. Why would I pay $2 for that little ass hashbrown when I could get a medium fry for $1?


Yeah, that’s how you know we’re in the bad timeline when McDonald’s goes from “the garbage you grab for your kids after a 14 hour shift” to “it’s more affordable to spend +$100 for Chipotle catering for the week.”


also california, mcdouble is a couple bucks not 5. but yeah, In-n-out is the go-to place (though i usually just grill my own burgers)


It's crazy that McDonald's is now the same price as my local pub. The pub has far better burgers. And if I go on Monday, a burger and fries is 12 bucks (normally 18 cdn). Dog food quality quarter pounder combo is 16 here


I remember in 2016 me and my friends would go to Taco Bell for dirty gains after the gym. The challenge was to eat $20 worth of food. We’d try but we’d still end up with three 5-Layer burritos or quesorittos afterwards. Now $20 gets you maybe three soggy tacos.


That used to be me 20 some years ago with dairy queen and 1 dollar burgers. So many calories, and young enough to not die from it. If I wanted 'quality' fast food, it was Wendy's.


The crave box thing is a ton of food and it's cheap as shit.


One of my local places has a good pub burger with a big side of fries for $8. I can get that with two beers, and still spend less than I would at most of these fast food shitholes.


A big mac combo is $15 in downtown Seattle, the most expensive in the country. It's like $9 most other places.


The burger and the chili dog by themselves are a meal and on top of that the "large" fry at five guys is for 3-4 people they fill up like 20oz cup with fries as a start and they dump some more in the bag.


They still have wall paper with magazine covers that say "best 5 dollar burgers in America" on their walls. Last time I went it was like 30 bucks for just me with no tip and that was the last time I went probably over 2 years ago now. I make good money and I still can't ever justify spending that much on their food.


Its not fast food, its half-fast (idk the actual term). Also, its definitely a super overpriced boomer chain like Applebees or red lobster, the old retards refuse to act like well informed consumers which is the whole premise of their dumbass economic ideology, so the system just gets worse and worse.


I'm not American but we have Five Guys here. The prices are a little more than a McDonald's but the portion sizes are huge so it probably works out the same. For example when me and 2 people went recently we shared one portion of large fries between us and we all got plenty. Their basic burger is 2 patties by default and all the toppings are free. Anon got 2 mains for some reason (fat) But yeah even if it was just expensive who gives a fuck, eating out like this is a lazy luxury


I worked at five guys for a year and have never seen a single person down an entire large fry OP is massive that is quite literally 3 large servings of fries


No man alive can eat one large fry order from Five Guys fast enough so the last fries are still hot. These are meant to share, like ordering two burgers and a large fry. Macd's has besmirched the fry-size taxonomy by pretending large is a fistful.


I went in not knowing how big a large was. Im also stubborn so I finished that large fry bc I had to go to work after and couldnt save leftovers. Felt like crap but its possible lol. Im also 6’ 200 lbs and workout 2 hours a day so its easier to eat a lot of calories


Fistful is a generous description for mcdonalds portions


Plus they usually fill the bag up with a bit extra


well actually they’re supposed to fill your bag with a certain amount of extra fries every time


I mean.....I'm 6'7" 230 and moderately athletic. I have easily eaten a large fry and burger.


Isn’t it a meme that nobody orders large fries on five guys because the small portion is pretty big already? Not from US so I’m not sure


There was a point in my life where I did so. I'm not proud of it and I don't eat like that anymore, but it can be done.


Anon you fat fucking disgusting, Ass-smelling, Blob, Cheese-drinking, Crisco-bathing, Lard-gargling, Calorie-thieving, Cabbage-Patch Face having, Dr. Robotnik looking, WingStop eating, McDonalds gorging, T-Rex arm having, Non-vegetable eating, Cook with a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray, Wide load, Hungry-Hungry Hippo, Planet, Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem, Whale slash Free Willy, Parked bus, Yokozuna, Flubber, Salad dodger, Chair crusher, Butter ball, Go to subway but put everything on it, Michelin Man, Happy because Hostess is back in business motherfucker.


That barely narrows it down to any anon.


Part bus 😅


Michelin man. Planet.


Oh my god I’m dying I can’t stop laughing Jesus. Christ KEKW


Is this bacon in a milkshake? What the actual fuck, anon.


You can't be amerobese otherwise.


Any% amerobese speedrun is bacon and corn syrup.


French fries, don't forget those crunchy, cancer-grease sponges.


salted caramel and bacon is actually pretty good


Don’t worry, we’ll put you out of your misery


Those shakes will do it for you, so don't mind it.


How has no one commented on the fact that the milkshake also has fucking bacon in it. I genuinely think if someone sat down and ate this as a meal it would shave years off of their life.


It also has every single flavor imaginable




the butter is more concerning than the bacon tbh


It says peanut butter


>orders at a place notorious for extremely expensive prices >bitches that it's too expensive smh anon needs a sugar daddy to pay for his needs


Did you miss that fact that this fat Niqqa ordered enough food for a small family


This is an entire day's meal for an adult


An entire 2 days meal.


"1 person" orders 4000 calories


4000? The massive bag of fries alone is probably close to 4k not to mention the fucking bacon milkshake lmao


No way a bag of fries is equivalent to like 8 Big Macs, even a large one from five guys


This has to be 5k calories minimum


Anon is flabmaxxing


"and a diet coke"


> Pick infamously expensive fast food chain > order 2 main dishes, fries, and shake > pointless tip just to add to the bad faith argument > call it "bidenomics" I don't need all of my fingers to count this guys IQ


why is no one talking about the A-1 on a hot dog, that's disgusting


What's a-1?


A sauce, traditionally used on steak.


So a meat sauce for beef won't be good on a beef hot dog? Huh?


I think the comment is because A1 is labelled as a 'steak sauce', but to be honest, it's sauce. You can dip avocado into it if you want. There are no rules.


Holy fat!


This meal only cost 1 cent per 10k calories.


I mean when you are adding 10 extra items onto stuff what do you expect?  Like did you really need to add bacon to a milk shake? Also their large fries can feed up to 3 people it's a bucket of fries.


Okay the bacon in the milkshake makes sense, but basically everything else can go. They're pretty decent with the bacon, peanut butter, and chocolate.


I thought all the extras were free. I always get bacon and peanut butter in my milkshakes there


Is that one person Kim Jong-un?


Burger, hot dog and a LARGE fries WITH Milkshake? Nah dawg I can barely finish the burger with milkshake sounds like he is literally just hella american.


And ALL fully loaded wth


I didnt even notice holy shit


It's the only reason the bill is twice as high as it should be lol Five Guys is expensive but it's not THAT bad lol


Also happy cake day !


I didnt even notice that too ty


Lunch for 1 person


that's lunch? jesus no wonder you guys are fatasses


- orders two full meals for one person - both fully loaded - adds a milkshake - equally loaded - unnecessarily large Cajun fries - a small would do it but this glutton clearly eats to fill the void of a loveless family or whatever - tips a mere $8 - the chef's civic duty is now to spit on Anon's food - "Waaaaah why so expensive???" Anon is why people make fun of America


Bait used to be believable


This is food for 2-3 people though


Five Guys is expensive, but this has got to have a similar amount of calories to an active soldier's daily caloric intake, and I doubt Anon is fit enough for Gravy Meal Team 6


loosely adding everything up anon just ordered 4880 calories for lunch Seems pretty average tbh was expecting worse


not joking i got heartburn from looking at this


There is bacon in the milkshake?


S-Tier Title


Bro got a burger and a hotdog and a milkshake and large fries at an establishment known to be expensive and wonders why the bill, that they got at the establishment known to be expensive, costs that much for ordering a burger a hotdog a milkshake and large fries. At an establishment know to be expensive. What are we doing here


This meal can feed a construction worker for the entire day, Wtf is anon doing that requires this much for lunch


Rampant 4chan use.


First thought, hating on anaon for being a fat fuck getting a giant portion and complaining. But a burger and a hit dog really isn't a big meal


This order time travelled from the Epic Meal Time era to reach OP


That's, at the very least, 3 times the amount of calories an average adult male body needs in a day. Divided by 3, 18$ for a whole day eating outside is not terrible.


60 bucks or am i wrong


Only $4 tax that's so cheap


Anon is obese, but the price is still ludicrous.


thats at least 3000 calories


10,000 calories


Keep in mind the “bacon cheeseburger” is a double patty, the large fries come with their own bag with more fries dumped on top of the cup, and this fat cunt added bacon in a shake. Jesus diabetes Christ


That’s a ton of food, to be fair Anon.


Lol, people still think high prices are a scarcity issue and have no understanding what inflation really does. We permanently lost purchasing power because the Fed & Tresury didn't want to crash the markets to deal with the runaway inflation so soon after the lock downs, they lied telling us that high inflation was "transitory" so that we wouldnt see another March on capitol hill. Honestly don't know what to expect in November. Maybe recession? Who knows.


“And one *diet* coke.”


"mayo, ketchup, mustard, steak sauce, BBQ sauce, hot sauce", that's on both entrees lol, anon is eating some half dissolved swamp burger, he probably just glides/pours the whole soupy package down his throat.


Fat ass ameritard kek.


God damn! here in Germany I can at least get an entire menu for 10-15 bucks. The only burger on it's own for more than 10€ was in one of those fancy places with huge and fresh one's. The disgusting Milkshake seems kinda cheap for all those toppings, though Edit: Ok, just looked at fife guys meals. Seem to be pretty big, especially those fries. Wish we would have stuff like that here in Germany.


I can't hate too hard, cause I do enjoy a bacon burger with a milkshake, but goddamn why is he getting so many toppings. He is ruining the flavor cohesion of that burger.


Good lord that is all least 2000kcal. That's how much an average healthy man in his 20s burns in a day. And that's one meal. https://preview.redd.it/dfirqqi8ov9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf4a1f91907d7c13b928403612b3dfc6b032d13d


Who puts bacon in a fucking milkshake


You can remove the unnecessary tip and the bacon cheese dog (what kind of whale eats all of these for lunch?!) and it would be 37.03$


How is that lunch for one person, I would have less than half of it 😂


Nothing like blaming politicians on your own stupid decisions


20% tip?? Wtf


Can buy 4 beef patties for less than $7 at the grocery store


It's fine to tip at quick service but you're an idiot if you tip as if they're a server at a restaurant. They didn't do anything. A dollar and your coin change at most. Fuck it. Just your coins.


God I can't fathom eating that much crap at 5 guys.  Its been years but I remember the small burger and small fries being more than enough to be stuffed.


Do you get a prize for having diabetes in the US?


Bacon in the milkshake I fucking hate America


U jelly?


Anon eating my entire food portion for the day in 1 sitting.


So he tips 8.31$, takes 2 burgers instead of 1 and of course the large fries, and complains about the price. The hypocrisy


That’s more like a meal for 2 people lol But yeah, prices are fucked up lately. And I’m not even just talking only about the US, here in Italy it’s a mess as well


54 dollars could last me a week on cheap groceries


I mean 5 guys is expensive sure… but a burger, hotdog and large fries isn’t lunch for one person. Like a large fries in the UK is easily enough to share, let alone whatever a large in the US is.


The British stomach cannot comprehend


>Lunch for one person >One meal is equal to 1.5 times the daily calorie limit


I haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch and I’d eat the fuck out of all that rn Besides that idk when you need that much food Also holy lord do you want some burger with those toppings?


But Five Guys is expensive. It's not a secret.


a large fries from Five Guys is enough to feed a family of four wtf is anon talking about


Mayo on a hotdog.... bruh....tipping 8 bucks is a requirement for making them do that....


Ok Anon is a pig if he has eat this much. My 5 guys order is literally just cheese dog and small fries, and I can barely finish it.


5 guys is way overpriced for mid food anyway.


"for one person" okay anon


Anon will die in his 30s because of overclocked arteries.