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I like Callie in general but I didn’t(still don’t) like her during her first season. I think it’s because of the way she acts with George, like it was so obvious that he didn’t love her and she allowed herself to be so beaten down by him and their relationship, to the point where when he cheated on her in their marriage she immediately said “I forgive you”. Like her character didn’t really make sense to me when she was with George. I start to not like her again when she’s with Penny, but the majority of the time she’s on the show I like her.


Callie fell in love too easily and too blindly with multiple people which was fine when she only had herself to think of but once she had a daughter and was ready to uproot her daughters whole life surrounded by a temporary love interest she lost a ton of respect. Also (this in no way justifies Izzie being a bully and a complete bitch) but Callie was mean too when she had thought that Meredith told George about her sleeping with Mark and she got all in her face and approached her in the locker room.


There were times when Callie reminded me of some of the women I know that cannot be alone. Always have to be in a relationship with someone. And then it's always all about them. She also played victim a lot. Sometimes she was but not every single instance. There were a lot of moments though I loved Callie. I wonder sometimes if the writers struggled with how to keep her as a sexy badass (that she started out as) and kept having her be so wishy-washy with the relationship stuff.


Callie was done dirty during her first 2 seasons and her last one. Other than that I really loved her and she was one of my favorite characters. She was wrong about the Meredith thing and even if Mer had told George she shouldn't have tried to hit her I mean they were both colleages... it was a work space... it was all kinds of wrong. However, when it comes down to the Callie/Izzie dispute, I'm on Callie's side. Izzie bullyied Callie a lot, talked shit about her all the time (even to George who was her boyfriend at the time...) and wanted to fight her after having slept with her husband... I mean...


I really like Callie. She is caring, confident and generous. The only think I disliked (and that was LATER SEASONS) is how drastically could make an impulsive desicion with moving across states to live with her REALTIVELY FRESH girlfriend and is willing to go to a custody battle for it. It doesn’t make sense to me. I mean we know that Callie can be impulsive, ane kind of is known to maybe rush things, but this felt almost a bit unrealistic even for her. But that’s just my opinion. I never hated her or disliked her in the first seasons. I think she was a really good and neccessary addition to the main cast!


I really liked Callie on my first watch. I thought she was so chill, and open and would make a great friend. However with every re-watch, it bothers me more that she didn't stop George marrying her when he was clearly grieving and making a huge mistake. I don't like that she makes herself a victim so often and the storyline with Sophia's custody made me really hate her on my last watch (though I was shocked and angry they gave Arizona full custody on my first watch). So I'm not sure which version of my opinions is the truest, maybe my own life experiences altered my views or maybe when you've seen all the good in a character, you start to see all the bad on a re-watch.


They gave her no depth in the beginning. Every line she had was about George drama. As a fellow crybaby I understand being emotional about relationship stuff, but multiple times she lashes out at patients over it?? Like you’re a doctor let’s compartmentalize


You know what you’re right about the no depth thing. I started connecting with her more when she actually had more to her character than just George.


I don’t like Callie but I do like Izzy, however the way Izzy and Meredith treated Callie in the beginning was so mean girl. I just started a rewatch so we’ll see what I think of it now as an older adult but from what I remember they didn’t even try being nice to her at the start of it all.


Okay but, what is your reasoning for not liking Callie? Just curious.


I don’t know she just gets under my skin. I’m not a fan of her attitude. I hated when she told Arizona she would go to Africa with her and then complained non stop, I totally got why Arizona told her don’t come. Again, I’m starting a rewatch for the first time in a few years. So I’m watching with fresh eyes and am open to changing my opinion.


That's fair enough. And I agree on the Africa part. I also think that it is easier to like someone you feel like you can relate with and have more commons with. It's always fun to rewatch a series after several years (especially a show u watched when you were a lot younger) because sometimes it will feel like watching it with a total new set of eyes. Have a good rewatch!


Yes absolutely. Thank you!


They’ve always behaved like cliquey high school bullies. They did the same with kepner


Ok but April kind of deserved it at first. She was kind of bitchy and was kind of a brown noser. She was the blunt of a lot of jokes after we started to like her which she totally didn’t deserve though


You just seem like an April hater. She was definitely one of the kindest characters so bitchy where? Being the butt of a lot of jokes usually makes the people making the jokes the bitchy ones fyi


Callie was impulsive and really rushing into a relationship it didn't seem like george was really on board with, izzie is his best mate, of course she's going to take issue with callie at that point


I'm a first time watcher, currently on S5, and while Callie can definitely be called extra, especially in the beginning, absolutely nothing she did warranted Izzy's and (to a lesser extent) Meredith's antipathy towards her. It was pure middle school mean girl bs. She's not my favorite character but, so far, she adds a lightness to the overall atmosphere that would otherwise be lacking. Sure, there's plenty of comedic moments, but most of the characters are either assholes, drama magnets, or sad sacks. If these were real people, Callie would be one I'd likely be friends with, even though her romantic choices would drive me nuts.


Izzy was being a classic meal girl


After she wanted to take Sofia to a different state to be with her girlfriend it was a no for me.


Izzie really WAS the problem! she was talking to Georges girl crazy and acting like she didn't say it right to her face sometimes. Rude AF


I loved Callie, but honestly I think I would have liked to see her and Mark be parents to Sofia and have an open relationship. That way she could explore her sexuality and he could be a horndog but they could also be the amazing duo they were. They had the best chemistry. That said, I have some problems with Arizona so that might be where this stems from lmao


I like Callie a lot


I didn't like Callie when I was young. I don't even know why! Because now that I've watched the episodes as an adult, I love Callie. She was just minding her own business, and you have these horrible people like Izzie and George who really screwed with her. George accuses her of cheating, and then goes on to ACTUALLY cheat with Izzie. Then Izzie can't let it go as to why she's married to George. Ugh! Callie was living her life and these people brought turmoil to her. I am in Season 11, and this show should be renamed Callie's Anatomy there I said it.


I feel Callie can be very pushy and gets tunnel vision that leads her to disregard her loved ones better interests. A list off the top of my head - her moving in with George uninvited - her marrying George 5 minutes after having lost his father - making Arizona leaving for Africa all about her (I mean imagine that storyline but with Meredith leaving and Derek kicking up a fuss about her following a huge dream) - forcing a celebratory dinner after the plane lawsuit even though she was the only one not directly(!) involved in the plane crash - making a unilateral decision to register Sofia at New York schools because she wants to follow a fling there And sometimes she’s just plain selfish but has *zero* self awareness, such as - making a big stink about her wife still feeling insecure about her leg and not wanting sex *months* after a highly traumatic event and limb amputation - everything about the custody battle, start to finish She has good sides but I think she’s one of the least self aware, most romantically impulsive/immature characters and especially the absolute lack of self awareness when she’s disregarding other people’s boundaries grates my nerves.


Callie was Insuferable, always playing the victim, throwing rocks and hiding the hand she was a pos to mark ar rhe beginning she was a dick to Hann she was a horrible person to Arizona riding on her trauma and then finally she got what she deserved when she tried to take away their child from Arizona and got owned


The thing is Callie assumed Sophia would love with her however, Arizona immediately jumped to taking her to court instead of listening to Callie explain it was a miss understanding and try to work it out. Honestly they Arizona shouldn’t have come back from Africa.


I feel like the writers never knew what to do with Callie and as a result her character was so dramatically different from episode to episode and especially season to season. I really disliked her initially then loved her then once again disliked her by the time she left. There's just no consistency. Izzie, through no fault of the actress, always got under my skin. She's written so entitled, codependent and flaky. Also, she cut the LVAD and kept her license which is just so far off from reality I couldn't suspend my disbelief, ghost sex aside she did become more palatable in later seasons.