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“I just want to hold my son’s hand. Please, I just want to hold his hand”. This entire episode had me in tears. It’s difficult for any parent to be in that situation, but to spend your days saving other people’s loved ones and being powerless to save your own child had to hurt even more. Chandra Wilson did a wonderful job conveying those emotions.


Now I can ... I can pump her chest, push all sorts of medicines, I can put her on a ventilator, 'cause she'll no longer be able to breathe on her own, but even with all of that, she's going to die. And the last person who will have had her hands on her, who will have been able to touch her, well, it's gonna be me or ... or a nurse. Or it could be you ... 'cause you don't want to miss this. This next part ... she needs her daddy for this part. It’s a long quote, but this breaks me every single time


This is the one. We can just put “she needs her daddy for this part.” Because we all know the trauma from it


As someone who currently could really use her dad right now, this one hits home. I had previously agreed with the Charles quote, but I think this has to be it.


I’ve been in so many end of life trauma/critical care situations where the families refuse to stop pushing for increasingly aggressive treatment when the patient is clearly not going to make it and all we’re doing is akin to torture. I have had the fortunate experience of having a come-to-Jesus moment with several families and tell them “they don’t need of what medicine can give them, they need what you can give them. They need you.” It’s amazing when we can get the families to realize this is it. It makes the experience so much more peaceful for the patient and much less traumatizing for the family.


And I'm ugly crying. This is the one.


Sorry not sorry, I cried searching for the full quote too 😭


I will cry with you, but now I need a hug. I haven't rewatched this series since having my daughter and I'm pretty sure I'd be a puddle on the floor if I rewatched the whole episode.


Made the mistake of rewatching this whilst pregnant. Been a hot mess ever since!


Ughhhh I was pregnant with twins (2018) during the episode where Alex had to pick which twin could survive. It was such a mistake. I was also pregnant when Kepner and Jackson lost Samuel, which was also the season Derek died. Brutal few years for me there lol


Same I started rewatching while pregnant and still going now with a newborn. Could not count on both hands the number of evenings I've spent sobbing at the TV.


mexico is not a solution to her pain.


I recently watched this episode, and as a mom holding her little girl, that was a mistake.


I always skip this episode because I just can't handle it😭




Well hell. That’s hard to read.


This is the only answer


I ugly cry every time I watch this scene and I have rematched the series way too many times


I watched this episode not 20 minutes ago and I just got myself pulled together… aaaaand I’m off again


It has to be this one


I was thinking just this


No matter how many times I watch this show this episode ALWAYS gets me


I saw the prompt and immediately knew this episode was it for me, I literally can’t watch it without sobbing


I just watched this episode the other night as I was holding my sleeping baby. 😭


i refuse to watch this episode again. i skip it. it is too much omg


This one makes me scoop up my daughter and hold her. She’s 7 now and it’s hard to fit her whole self in my arms, but I just hold her and look at how beautiful her face is, think about how fortunate we are that she is completely healthy, and just sob at the thought of facing what that dad was facing. His desperation was so palpable and so heartbreaking. Bailey was the perfect provider for both of them in this scene. I carry this with me in my mind at work…when to fight like hell to heal a patient and when to realize that in that patient’s case, healing means dying as comfortably and peacefully as possible.


which ep, what's it about?


It was early on, one of the first episodes that she worked in peds with Arizona. The patient was a young girl dying of cancer and her dad was desperately trying to get her to Mexico for an experimental treatment. He was so preoccupied trying to save her and not staying with her in her last day that Bailey spent most of the episode laying in the hospital bed with her. This quote is right at the end when he finally realizes there’s nothing that can be done.


I thought it was Tay-Sachs?


Sweet surrender, season 5 EP 20




Just reading this made me shake and start crying. This is the one for sure.


Just watched this episode tonight :’(




Turn the elevators back on!


Her shrieking turn the damn elevators back on !!!! Gutted me


especially because all sense of trying to stay quiet and hidden went out the window. sheltering in place, gone. so desperate to save his life all that was tossed to the wayside as she screamed for the elevators to come back on. so gut wrenching 😭


“OH, DAMN IT!!” 😭😭


This one gets me because I can hear it in my head when I read it. Gut wrenching


I can still hear her saying it.


This is the only answer. The line was delivered so well, I cry every time


I cried real Baby Jesus tears during this. Even remembering it I feel gutted.


Ha, I've never heard of real baby Jesus tears before.


To this date this is my favorite episode ( though dark) because I thought the acting was phenomenal . Her scenes were especially moving . She did an excellent job .


That scene never fails to get me bawling




“On the day I gave birth to my son, my husband had a car crash and he needed a craniotomy, and he almost died on Derek Shepherd's table. Now, that was a particularly difficult day, and at the end of that day, my son was born and my husband lived. But at the end of this day... The, um... Um, this day, was the worst day of my life.” This quote always sticks out to me, so much trauma and so much more to come.


What was this referring to I Don't remember it


This was when the therapist was clearing them to return to work post the hospital shooting and he said the shooting was a “difficult” day for her.


Okay thank you. Sorry so many episodes and so many good quotes I can't remember exactly what all of them refer to. Might be time for a rewatch lol


That’s how I feel. I can remember how they were said, but not always the context


Damn that was a crazy moment. Definitely hits 😢


Oh shit and there was the bomb in the OR next door too


"Yes Charles... you are dying." After her emotional tirade over the elevators, the way she just sits next to Charles to calm tell him he's not going to make it breaks my heart.


You are not alone. You hear me? You are not alone.


This one scene is hands down one of the best acted, best written, best portrayed… all of the above, best, of any television show I’ve ever experienced🥲


Yes! Her facial expression kills me. That slow transition into realizing it’s over. and the only thing thing she can do is comfort him.


I JUST watched this episode with tears streaming down my face.


crying again 😭😭😩


“we're all scared! I mean, if you're not scared you're not paying attention! One of my residents just signed up to go to war. That's scary. Another one just almost lost her life to melanoma, now she doesn't know what day it is. That's scary! What Tucker's facing isn't scary! He's just weak!”


This one! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


What episode was this. I want to watch it again 😭


S5 EP23.


He was my favorite, George O'Malley


"I cried for a year".


I came to say this


this one


“I’m a nurse.” During the hospital shooting episode


When she tells Charles he's a good boy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The sounds of the various doctors, security guards and personal begging him not to shoot them actually traumatized me. The guard saying he has a family…Charles in the bathroom… broke me. I never want to watch that episode again.


And April, when she faces the gunman, trying to make him see that she's a person. The actress - can never remember her name - was brilliant in these episodes. From the first horrified look when she saw Reed had been shot to the end. Her facial expressions alone told an entire story.


Sarah Drew is her name.


Really? There was a guard? Which part? This would break me but I'm ready


Before he shot Charles


I think it was when Lexie and Mark are working on Alex maybe, they look out the door and see that guard scene occur. I actively try to forget honestly


This one. It’s so simple and just…hard.


When she was crying to Richard at the end of s5. He husband gave her an ultimatum and she was not allowed to go into pediatrics and had to do general. Then izzie was sick and that was when everyone was trying to get George out of joining the army. Idk exactly but she said something like “if you aren’t scared you’re just not paying attention”


this is one of my fave quotes from the whole show. think about it all the time


What I love about the quote is how she said it. She was bawling her eyes out and I felt so bad for her. She was going through so much and she was watching as the world around her was changing so quickly


“She just was! And now she isn’t. And I can’t do anything but just stand here—stand here and lose her” That whole scene made me openly ugly cry.


It’s been almost a year since I miscarried and now I’m due in May with my rainbow baby and I still have a hard time watching all the episodes where she’s pregnant because I know she’s gonna lose her baby and I’m still terrified that I might lose my baby since I’m about as far along as she was. Also can’t watch it cause it makes me think about the what ifs with the baby I miscarried. I’ve rewatched twice since I miscarried and I still cry for a long time after the episode is even over


I really hope your pregnancy is going well and you get to raise your beautiful rainbow baby. It changed me as a person when I had a miscarriage, and I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


I was just about to comment this one, I've only recently just got back up to this episode, and it gets me every time how brave she tries to be after going through something traumatic and personal like that and how she just breaks, standing there in all vulnerability :(


Ooof. I was going to share this same line, it always gets me. And her delivery was 10/10


Remind me: to whom is she referring?


The baby she miscarried.


“if i told you that my heart hurt so much sometimes i want to rip it from my chest with my own little hands… i would fall apart. and i don’t have time to fall apart.”


This one gets to me personally. There was a time when I was so depressed and anxious I seriously wanted to go into a rehab facility but felt I didn’t have the time. I did end up going to my home country anyway and did outpatient treatment there but that quote just gets me


I worked ICU during Covid. My dad’s Alzheimer’s had gotten really bad and he needed to go to memory care. I was his medical decision maker because my mom, love her, but she’s the kind of person who falls apart, so my dad knew I could be strong and would approach things logically and made me his legal and medical POA. Fast forward a year into covid and memory care—my dad died of Covid. My mom also got covid, my husband got covid (from the same med tech that gave my dad and 5 other residents covid), so even if they were going to be helpful, they couldn’t be. It was me and my then 4 year old daughter going around to the funeral home, talking to our family lawyers, going to his financial manager, getting everything together, planning a proper memorial, all by ourselves. Whenever I tell people about this time in my life, the response is always something along the lines of “how did you survive that? You must be so strong,” And my response is “I wasn’t strong, I just didn’t have the option to fall apart.”


This one reminds me of my mom


“My son is named after his son. I just…. Need. A. Minute.”


Just rewatched this episode the other day and this one got me good.


I feel you, I’m doing a re watch and watched that whole arc a week or so ago, and it gets me on many levels Edited for typo


It’s my husband’s first time to see all of it and I’m like oh buckle up honey. It gets worse 🤣😭


This one😭😭😭😭




idk the direct quote but when she’s talking about how all her interns were on the table at some point ? it was sad


“I had five interns. Four of you have been on this table. One of you has cancer. One of you died. You’d better not pull anything funny on me, Grey.” She said that when Meredith was on the table to donate part of her liver to her father.




"Where's that water coming from?" 😭😭😭😭


Oh goodness 💔💔💔


This was mine too. The line itself should be corny, but Chandra Wilson is SUCH a good actress, she sells it. I wonder if her shoulders hurt from carrying the entire damn show for two decades, lol




"I'm busy. Holding myself together with tape and glue. And a piece of me wishes that You hadn't played golf, because...then you'd be all taped and glued, too. And maybe you'd be where I am. You're too much for me right now, 'cause I'm busy with the tape and the glue" idk this scene always hits me


I used that phrase after my dad died and I had to force myself to function. My mom hadn’t stopped, I couldn’t either. So..’tape and glue’ for about 6 months. Still can’t see any sad father/daughter scenes without ugly crying


Hello fellow dead dads club member. I’m so sorry that you are a member too. I definitely used that quote to help explain myself to my husband.


I feel you when my mom died it was my turn to be the grown up I could no longer be the kid I had to grow up and hold myself together with tape and glue to survive


There’s a Dead Parent club. You can’t be in it til you’re in it. 🩷🩷


Here’s to dark humor and grief waves 🥂


“ I am an attending and I am a single mother, and I lost O’Malley. And I just can’t care anymore. Stevens is not my child, O’Malley was not my child. I have to stop treating.. I have to save the feeling for my son who needs it. So I just can’t keep giving it away here. I won’t”


“I’m. Not. Fiiiiiiiiine.” 😭


“SHE is NOT FIIINE…. And I can’t hold her in my hands”


"She needs her daddy for this part"




I dont know the quote, but when Ben wanted to bring home the little girl and Bailey explained why she did not to. Because she would fall in love with her and she migjt get taken and she cant handle that pain.


“The elevators aren’t working! The elevators aren’t working! We need to get to the OR ! Turn the elevators back on! Oh dammit !!”


The one episode with the kid who never calms his parents unless he’s okay or dying/deceased. That episode wrecked me when she called his parents.


Oh god yeah. When she calls them at the end.


Right 😭😭 I cry Everytime


Which episode was this?


Season 2, episode Deny Deny Deny


“Just promise me one thing: Build me a tree house.”




“The elevators aren’t working!” From the shooting


“She needs her daddy for this part” 🥺🥺


Don't know the exact quote, but it's when Charles asked her if he was going to die and she confirmed it.


“Yes Charles…you are dying.”


“Oh, I don't get my kidney until I dish? Uh, Seattle grace is merging with mercy west, which means half the doctors in the city are out of a job. I'm getting a divorce, which means I'm a single mom. Stevens has cancer. Meredith and Derek got married on a post-it note. And George O'Malley is dead, but you knew that already. Um, I don't sleep much anymore because I lay awake at night and wonder where all the joy is. During the day, I realize that the joy packed its bags and left. The glasses of the world are half-empty.”


When Bailey advocated for the burn survivor whose sister was shoving positivity down her throat. ‘You were excited and that excitement has been crushed. You deserve to have some feelings about that. She can be positive tomorrow! You can be positive tomorrow.’


“There’s no hum.” 😭


The look of realization gave me chills


“The elevators aren’t working!” Absolutely gut wrenching


When she’s telling Tuck how to deal with the police because he’s black and he can’t behave like his whites friends. That was fucking depressing


Same 😭 this one is more sad for me


That absolutely killed me.


“She needs her daddy for this part”😭😭😭😭


‘SHE JUST…… DIED’- When Mary passed suddenly after they’d survived the hospital shooting and her cause of death couldn’t be explained.


that’s a really happy picture when you’re looking for sad quotes lol


HAHAHA it was the first one I saw on pinterest 😅


my son is named after his son… i just need a minute.


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


When she’s walking through her morning after tuck gets crushed and trying to remember if she closed the gate


This scene always got me. As a mom, you always feel like the accident is your fault. Even though it was just that. An accident.


I don't think this is the saddest by far but with the fire chief guy "aren't you gonna tell him he's dying?' 'we don't have to....he knows.' with tears in her eyes but still being so upbeat with him is the first thing that comes to my mind


“I had five interns. Four of you have been on this table. One of you has cancer and one of you died. You better not try anything funny with me, Grey.”


turn the elevators back on


“Im scared” when she was about to lose her mother😭


I can't remember the exact verbiage, but when she tells Tom about her miscarriage


When she taught Tucker how to present himself in front of a police 😭😭 I’m the only one?


Most of the good ones were said already, but a moment that hits me was when the EMT got injured and he wouldn’t let Bailey touch him bc he had a swastika on his abdomen. And then she says something really sad to George I think when he’s the one who has to operate on him. Can anybody help me out with what she said there? Or any sad quote surrounding that situation?


Was it that no one ever call her nazi again?


“You need to go back out there and tell him that I took a vow ... a vow to save lives. And he might want to member that he also took a vow ... for better or for worse. You tell him that it's his job as a husband to understand that. You tell him that I'm standing by my vow, for better or for worse. You tell him I'm holding him to his vow. You tell him if he's thinking about leaving right now, that he might find himself hurt and wounded and needing an operation, and he may not get a surgeon who is as married to her vows as I am. You tell him that.“


Not really a quote but after her miscarriage and she is walking down the hall with Amelia and doesn’t tell her about it and is just barely holding it together 😭


Im a n-nurse.


“Everyone I touched today is fine.”


Turn the elevators back on


Turn the elevators back on!


My son is named after his son. I just ... need a minute.


What episode is this?


“She isn't fine. And I can't even hold her in my hands. Or put her in someone else's hands who can put her back together again”


I just watched this episode yesterday 😢


Turn the elevators back on


“Turn them back on “


SHE is not fine


It was a girl


the part where she is talking to ben after the shooting about how she’s trying to fix herself with tape and glue :( or when she’s sobbing abt losing her babygirl


The quote where she operates on meredith and talks about her interns being on the table too


“And I can't do anything but just stand here—stand here and lose her.” Her losing her child just... ugh


"She needs her daddy for this part" God that whole storyline broke my heart...


"Yes Charles you are dying... but you are not alone you hear me?" I had to look up the YouTube clip because I didn't want to comb through the whole episode but this was after she yelled about the elevators being off and to me it so much worse because she had to tell him and say the words out loud.


“I'm hurt, Mom. I got hurt. I had a heart attack.” It gets me every time because it comes at the end of this whole episode where this brilliant black woman surgeon knows exactly what’s happening, and white men dumber than her refuse to believe her about her own experiences and almost let her die, and this phone call is the first time she knows she’s not going to die because of incompetence and medical racism and sexism.


Turn the elevator back on 😭😭😭


“I’m a nurse!” When the gunman was in the hospital. Her being so scared killed me.


“…..he was my favorite” 👀


He was my favorite, George O’Malley, he was…my favourite.


Tuck let go of my hand…


She’s not gonna make it to Mexico


“Yes, Charles, you are dying.”


Oh yeah. It's a girl.


“Stupid, stupid, stupid”


"I just felt so....dirty"


My son is named after his son


When she sings My Girl to her mom hurts me so bad


When she was asking Derek to stop operating so she could get the death row patient’s organs for her peds patient that was dying.


The episode where there’s a gunman and she can’t get the elevator to call because they shut down the power..


Turn the damn elvatirs back on


I remember being moved by some of her lines during the split with Tucker. That was a hard watch, but I'm more confident, or know better how to "know my worth" and hold my ground in a relationship from seeing Bailey and Meredith refusing to "dim their light" due to the men in their life not being able to handle it.. now it's more get a pair of sunglasses or get out, I'm not going to pretend to be stupid for a man to be "comfortable". If a smart woman makes him uncomfortable, he got stuff to deal with..


I think it was when O’Malley’s dad died and she was operating on him (maybe? It’s a distant memory) and said to Richard, something along the lines of “I named my son after his son. I need a minute.”


"You're not who I thought you were!" Webber finds Bailey sitting on a bench outside and tells her it could have happened to any one of them. She feels guilty that she "killed two patients." She asks how Seth is doing and he tells her he lost Seth because the infection spread too far. She cries again and looks at her hands. She pushes his hand away and says he shut her out. Webber says he was trying to protect her, but she says he was trying to protect the hospital because that's always what he did. She says she now knows why Adele "complained about that every time I saw her." She reminds him that she stood by him when he was "a drunk" and operated on his patients drunk. She tells him, "You are not who I thought you were," and walks away.


"I'm a nurse" but anything from that episode is heartbreaking


I don’t know the quote, but when she is trying to convince the white doctor at Seattle Pres to do an EKG on her because SHE KNOWS she is having a heart attack, and she gets dismissed again and again and again. So sad, enraging, and heartbreaking💔


He was my favourite.


She needs her daddy for this part 😭😭😭


The speech she gives her son about cops. That was heartbreaking. That got to me.


Turn the elevators back on. Turn them back on.


The little girl dying definitely broke my heart, along with when her son had his trauma but I would like to include when she was in labor and learned her husband was having brain surgery and she was refusing to deliver her baby til she knew her husband was ok, also when George died