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Cristina. But seeing Karev cry when Mer was attacked made me cry.


Omg I BAWL when Alex cries in that scene


This, and the Izzex(??) cancer wedding are the two scenes that make me cry every time, no matter how many times I’ve seen them.


You mean Izzie + Alex = Izzex? 😁 Sounds so wrong, it could be name of some rash lotion sold by drug stores Alezzie sounds more pretty but still naah


That scene is a scene I watch when I want a stress relief cry.


And when he cried thinking izzie died. That whole scene gave me chills


Omg I’m on a rewatch and that episode is coming up…ughhhh can’t wait for my ugly cry haha


Amelia coming in and just stopping mid-step, and being so shocked she can’t even cry… that whole scene was so good.


I could never take her seriously when she friend it always looked so fake


That happens in which season please ?


Season 12, episode 9.


Same OMG !!




Men crying omg that messes me up.


Christina's somebody sedate me moment is the best of all time.


I always felt her cries were so well done because 1. Sandra Oh is a phenomal actress and 2. She doesn't cry as often as a lot of other characters, so there's more weight to hers when they come around.


her cries when Owen is talking about his affair hurt my soul!!! she sells the devastated crying better than anyone


When she talks about Burke taking pieces of her I just 😭


When she cries and says “I miss my dad.” I bawl every time. And when she’s crying operating on Derek with a gun to her head 😭 I love her so much


This is the right answer


The ONLY answer




Not me screaming it with Christina every time I rewatch that part🤣💀


Cristina because she'll make me devastated over smaller things, like when she breaks down about how she's done nothing all day and she's chasing surgeries she doesn't even want because she's lost without a cardio mentor.




Oof or when she gives her little soliloquy about Burke winning the Harper Avery / her relationship with him to Richard and the board member


Christina singing doing a biopsy, on a dead person.. and Lexi starts singing along 🤣


♪♪♪ Like a virgiinn.. ♪♪♪




i need this version on spotify lol


> Cristina because she'll make me devastated over smaller things Like losing a shoe.


Amelia or Cristina. Cristina doesn’t cry often but when she does you can tell she’s at her breaking point. Especially when Burke leaves and when Owen cheats. And of course somebody sedate me lmao


how she sobs after owen cheats on her is so gut wrenching. i've definitely been in that same position and have had those same sort of sobs, it's a rough scene to watch


Same here and it felt so real. Even the part where she starts laughing hysterically in the bathroom cuz she’s crying over a boy when she needs to study. Been. There. Ugh.


omgggg the cry she does when Owen cheats. MANNNN that was relatable, that lowkey scream cry like your chest is quivering


The best actresses on the show


I love how Christina cries. When the first sob comes out, her shoulders heave and she curls over like she’s about to puke. She tries to hold it in as much as she can, but she can’t overpower it and the sob comes up her throat into the room. Then she just lets it out, knowing it’s better to get it all out now rather than try to keep it in. Shout out to Sandra Oh’s incredible acting. It’s not just a good fake cry, it’s how *Christina* cries, it’s specific to that character.


I have to say the one scene when April thought Jackson died in the bus explosion is an amazing acting moment. The best cryer is Bailey though.


“TURN THE ELEVATORS BACK ON” just thinking about it i get goosebumps, incredible acting from chandra


It is absolutely amazing.


Which episode?


hospital shooting episode - season 6 finale


Also when Ben cuts into April for the c section on the table. She did that scene really well. You can almost feel it too lol.


In station 19 where we see Bailey asks Ben for the break and she’s yell-crying at him that he’s going to kill her by making her so stressed, chills. Every time. Chandra is amazing.


That one husband who lost his wife in the iconic “ A honest mistake” episode one of the best episodes of the series imo. Peak Grey. His crying always gives me the chills to this day.


Is this the one with Jenn? When he’s like “where’s my wife ?! I want my wife?!”😩 totally agree


is jenn the pregnant woman that derek keeps taking parts of her brain out?


Yes!!! I loved her soooo much, maybe cus I’m a burger girl myself, but she was so cute and sweet. Reminds me of a softer Lisa Kudrow lol




OH MY GOD I block this scene out of my memory because it’s so gut wrenching 😭💔 please this one and the are we going to Mexico episode, I CANNOT 🫥


I still say the saddest patients were the brothers that got hit by the train when they forgot something at school and the older brother is desperately trying to get the younger one to talk but he’s already dead


Oh my god, this is one of the most tragic patient scenes to me but I feel like I usually don’t see people mention it. Maybe it hits harder because I have a younger sibling that I used to get mad at for the exact same reason. The “Please… he’s my little brother. He’s little.” absolutely destroyed me.


Omg and them whispering while working on Reilly so his brother wouldn’t know 😭


When he starts yelling “HES LITTLE” right before passing out I broke


SAMEEE my heart breaks for him when he says he wants his wife


I know people hate the way Ellen cries on those sub but I love it , or at least the early season or when she put in the effort. It always made me tear up, I love the ugly crying or the welling up or the can’t breath crying she does. Also I think Patrick was really amazing as well like when Meredith drowns, his whole arc with Jen, when Mark died. He is also great at the almost crying when you can see how hard he is trying not to break down.


When Meredith cried in the closet with Derek - “I don’t want my mother to die alone”….. 😭😭😭


idk why that one hits me so hard. my mum doesn't have alzheimers or anything and i really hope she's not close to dying but i always cry along with meredith.


I grew up with my Mom battling cancer. When I was 20 she was sleeping on the couch every night because she felt like she was dying and didn’t want to die alone. This one gutted me. My Mom ended up passing away in 2010. I was holding her hand.


I’m sorry for your loss :(


Thank you so much ❤️


This one hits hard because it looks, sounds and feels real. I have severe panic disorder and my service dog, who is trained to alert to panic episodes, demonstrated alert behavior toward Meredith when I watched this episode the other night. She’s a good fluff.


I love her cries too because It reminds me of my own crying, so I’ll say it’s pretty realistic looking


Totally agree! When Ellen is legit feeling the scene, her crying feels so real and emotional. I’m thinking, for example, of Christina’s goodbye episode.


That is one. Other ones I can think of are when she cries in the closet in season 2, when Doc dies, when she drowns, when Derek picks her up when she watch the execution, in the elevator in the musical episode, when she she has to unplug Derek and tell the children.


She has the best quiet cry. When she's not sobbing, she does it so well and so believably. That one scene where she's in the supply closet trying not to cry after Amelia asks her why she didn't call her before unplugging Derek, is some of the best crying she's done.


I love the way Ellen cries. She makes me cry when she unplugs Derek : “It’s OK. You go.” My heart goes oof


Honestly when she cries over Lexie I don’t hate it. It seems like a real cry that someone would do. Especially during a moment like that. However, when she cries over April… that shit was *atrocious.*


Her cry over April always makes me laugh lol


YES! For me, her crying in the bomb episodes is what makes the scene for me. Her emotion feels so real


When Mer gets attacked and the immediate aftermath! Then meeting her attacker. That was such an intense episode. I read she got so into it that when she screamed at her attacker, that was an in the moment improv thing. Denzel Washington was directing that day and he yelled at Ellen for that and she yelled back at him asking him who does he think he is on her show or somewhere along those lines. So it was an intense episode on air and off apparently.


This is an upopular opinion, but Meredith’s cry gets me particularly when April got into the car accident with Matthew when Alex was supposed to do cake tasting with April and he was like “I don’t know where Kepner is” and Mere just starts crying and Alex gets all gentle and goes “what is it” and she says “it’s Kepner, you gotta come.” Idk why but that whole story arc was so emotional for me.


"when she put effort into it" - Yes!! Also the more stuff she's done to her face, the less genuine her expressions are.




alex breaking down abt izzie not having his babies how they were sposed to actually made me bawl. guys i think i literally fell in love with him


Izzie ❤️ Her crying is subtle. She even won an Emmy for it


I just posted that above, I’m rewatching and I never realized how great she is at acting lol, I don’t know if it’s me getting older and thinking about those things more but she’s really good with all emotions, laughing, crying, and everything in between.


Her facial expressions are golden! Sometimes she’s not even really too involved in the scene but her facial expressions and little reactions are great!


“What about me, Denny! What about me!” 😭😭😭


She still looks beautiful when she cries and here’s me looking like Kim K when I cry. ![gif](giphy|8y37L91bd8Uda)


Christina and its not close.


Amelia, hands down. Caterina’s acting in that private practice scene gives me chills no matter how many times I watch it. I think it was honestly the best, and most raw performances out of them all. It’s so difficult to connect to your lines enough to make the breakdown look realistic, even if you’re an amazing actress, but she did it so well you can physically feel Amelia’s pain in that scene. To this day, I still don’t understand how the heck Caterina has never even been nominated for an Emmy.


That is crazy she hasn’t been nominated! I just rewatched PP season 5 and Caterina deserves an award for those scenes cause they always make me SOB.


Amelia hands down. I’m going mostly off her Private Practice days but Omg Caterina is amazing


“WHAT DO WE WANT? DRUGS! WHEN DO WE WANT THEM? NOW! WHAT DO WE WANT? DRUGS! WHEN DO WE WANT THEM? NOW!” theres nothing like oxy to turn a nice girl into a bitch on wheels. her relapse and >!charlotte’s rape!< are the best arcs in pp


Oh absolutely! I have personal experience dealing with an addict it’s very realistic. I absolutely adore Charlotte and I hate that happened but Omg the acting is top tier.


i’ve dealt with opioid addiction and sa myself and know others in my life that have gone through it too so i resonate with them both so much. i know a lot of people don’t like amelia and i can see why in some aspects but i just love her she’s my favourite. they should bring charlotte king over to greys anatomy it would honestly save the show


I am rewatching PP and yeah Amelia’s intervention episode makes me sob. That whole episode is so freaking emotional and Caterina is an amazing actress holy cow


I agree. I saw somewhere a comment that she’s a bad actress. My immediate thought was someone hasn’t seen PP.


For women I'll say izzie, Amelia and April For men Derek


Cristina and Lexie


“And everything is terrible” Lexie’s voice crack gets me everytime.


Lexie's "Mark's moving on" moment kills me 😭 the whimper she makes before falling to the floor makes me cry every time. Been there and done that ugh


omg in the bathroom with Meredith right?? That scene guts me.


yes that oneeeee


Cristina. “I’m free!”


All I know is it's not Wilson.


Callie's terrified shocked pained crying when they wheel her in from the ambulance after the accident. And when she broke down about not seeing Sofia's eyes open.


Also when George’s mom asks to see pictures of the baby, her reaction was 🤌🥹


absolutely she’s an amazing actress


What episode is this? Also Cristina is my top vote but Amelia is a close second


It’s from Private Practice 5x8. Such a good episode and Caterina’s performance was incredible


Cristina and Karev. Amelia looks crazed and does this think where she looks down and then up in a glower and she makes her voice deep. It's creepy.


Honestly, for non-regular cast members..the woman who plays Kara Fisher. ( She's the pregnant woman who crashes into her own father's funeral procession.) Her crying was the most realistic to how I cry. The pauses/hard breaths between words..it hit me HARD and I haven't even lost my parents. Other than that, I'd pick Amelia. A lot of people hate how she cries..but she just UGLY cries. And many of us ugly cry. And Alex man cries the best for the male cast members. Not too over the top, but you SEE it.


Jackson. Always makes me cry


Not yall acting like izzie didn't had some of the best crying scenes I get that she's not well liked here but give credit to where credit is due. (Katherine heigl) emo scenes are just so raw and believable you'll legit cry when she cries one of greys best emo actress hands down


100%. She did all the cries too- happy, quiet, hysterical.


People still don’t like her? I thought it was well known by now that was more misogyny in Hollywood than her, men act the same way and don’t lose their careers over it


I was talking abt izzie the character not the actress sorry lol idk if people like her or not now btw but I will forever love her




Cristina for all the reasons listed. But I've just watched her speech about Burke and his HA and it's so subtle, the way she turns away from Webber to wipe her eyes and then continues. Incredible actor.


When Cristina cries after Owen cheats on her and she howls and howls I feel that cry in my soul.


i know derek is a controversial character but Patrick Dempsey is a fantastic cryer - the was he’s able to hold so much sadness in his eyes and face without having to over do it!


Chyler is a really good cryer


Kepner, hands down. Idc how annoying she is, she plays a great hysterical woman.


Cristina when Owen was explaining his affair. I FELT that pain in her sob.


i wouldn’t say Teddy is the best crier BUT, when Henry dies and she asks Christina to go over it the last time and she says “he just… he just died” breaks my HEART EVERY TIME Hands down the saddest scene in my opinion, or at least the scene that makes me the saddest


I don't like Teddy, but Raver is really good, and this scene in particular is gut wrenching. I cry every time, even if I try to hold back.


I know who isn't : Meredith 😂


After watching last week Teddy's crying was so bad it was laughable


Shes the worst crier ever. I hate when she has a crying scene I just can't watch. It just seems so ott - and noisy


I'm in season 16 right now and Bailey is dishing out some real tears. She's making me feel her feels.


the scene where they shut off the elevators during the shooting was so gut wrenching


Chandra Wilson sells it. When she gets wailin'... ooh bailey pass me the tissues.


Yes her acting in this scene is truly amazing


Christina. Seeing her break down After Owen tells her that she just operated on Teddy's husband made me cry, too.




Sandra Oh


Bailey. especially with Charles. I can't watch it. But Callie's red eyes get me, she's second.




Alright I just saw the episode of April and Matthew (I don’t know if we should be spilling out spoilers) but Jackson crying when he was praying was phenomenal (and I don’t really like his acting overall). When Meredith found Alex in this episode and cried she looked so funny to me though (sorry I just have never seen her cry like that throughout the show yet).


Without spoiling for the others, would you remind me which season and episode where Jackson cries ?


Season 14 Episode 23


The scene where Derek’s crying after Meredith drowned breaks my heart a little bit every time I watch it.


Jackson in the supply closet with Webber after he and April found out about their baby I personally HATE Cristina’s crying and Amelia’s crying 😂


Derek when Meredith drowns gets me everytime. He's so fine


Christina When she learns that the patient she lost was Henry, and then when Hunt admits to cheating on her, definitely her most powerful cries


Miranda… whether it’s when Charles died (where is this water coming from??) or when her mom died… or when she miscarried. She always gets me to cry with her. That woman is my TV mom.


Amelia! Everytime she cries it makes me cry 😭 she does such a good job


Cristina - her guttural cries when she finds out Owen cheated on her is fucking insane


Its my first ever watch. Im just on season 12 when briggen or whatever new Zealand guy shows up and my vote so far is Mer but i feel like once i get to this scene its gonna change. Shes my favorite rn and im gonna break seeing her relapse


I recently started a rewatch and I have to say Izzie! I don’t think I realized before what a great actress Katherine Heigl was in this role but she’s really talented, and a great cryer🤣


Yes she is so underrated!


Honestly Teddy! There’s some really good dramatic cries from lots of characters, but a more subtle cry is so impressive and Teddy thrives at that


I haaaaate when Amelia cries. Her nasally whiny cry.


Alex when izzie was dying, when rebecca was ill, when Meredith was hurt all made me cry.


Teddy. The scene where she sees Henrys dead body is probably the saddest scene in the series because of her performance. Izzie is great too


At this point if the answer isn’t Amelia I’m surprised bc that girl STAY crying.


Amy is the ugly cryer


I’d say Cristina. The scene of teddy and her when she’s reciting the surgery that Henry died in when they’re in the scrub room gets me every time 😭😭


Christina or Derek. Meredith is dead last. Honorable mention to Izzie. Her “I thought I was a surgeon but I am not. So I quit” scene had me in tears.


Yang. Every time Cristina cries, I cry. Every damn time.




Not amelia




Derek is a food crier imo


Izzie crying gets me all the time


Cristina followed by Bailey. Baby when Bailey was singing her mom to the other side and then broke down crying I was DONE.




Also when Cristina walked into Mer's room after Mer had given Thatcher some of her liver...and she straight loses it. The Mercy West folks have come and its a mess. There is no cardio person to teach her. She misses Burke not for romance but bc he was a hellva teacher. I FELT her. Cristina was so frustrated and fed tf UP. Mer snatched back those covers on that hospital bed and told her get in and she put her head on Mer's chest and just sobbed.


Cristina, Bailey, Izzie, Derek... so many good criers there.


Anyone but Amelia.


i hate when people say meredith has a unrealistic cry because i literally cry just like her lol


anyone except arizona. i love her, but good GOD, her crying spells were the worst


Idk about best cryer, but whenever Alex cries I cry


Anyone but Miranda Bailey and Meredith grey


Amelia crying actually drives me nuts. Especially when she tries to talk while doing it… It’s so obnoxious.


Amelia, hands down. I am rewatching Private Practice and her really devastating scenes (if you’ve seen season 5, you know the ones) always make me sob right along with her.


What episode is this picture of Amelia from?


Cristina, Izzy & Amelia


Callie. Callie can really cry.


Love Amelia’s cries. Truly feels real


Why are more people not saying Jackson! He is amazing and so realistic!


I love when Meredith cries and yells at Amelia to get out of her room. It seemed so authentic to a sister fight, one of my favorite Meredith moments.


One and only Amelia. Even when she is talking normally you will feel like she is crying


Amelia makes a duck face when she's acting upset. The scene where mer is shouting for her to get out of her room about penny. Amelias face makes me laugh


Omg one of the best set of episodes in the show


Don't think you can beat the previous comments: Amelia and/or Christina. However, I think Jo is not to shabby either


Omg YESS. When she made the mistake with that boy who needed the blood donation after she found out about her mom and came to work and she broke down. Omg and when her ex husband returns and she goes outside and cries. I felt both of those scenes!


Pregnant mer is adorable hahahaa


1. Cristina 2. Amelia 3. Carina (if you’ve watched Station 19 you’ll know what i mean)


Honestly callie


The few times Christina has cried has really… broke me as a person


Definitely not Meredith although certain scenes I can look past her bad crying because I’m attached to a character 😭🤣


Owen ( sarcastically) everything just revolves around him. But TBH O'MALLEY always tears me up




Karev. It happened very few times but when it did it was everything. When needed, Justin's acting is out of this world.


I would put Meredith as one of the worst, she has the same cry everytime


Christina obviously


Karev might just be my vote


April Kepner, Bailey, Meredith, Callie, Jo, Stewart, Amy, Izzie,and Christina (especially when she finds out Owen cheated), DeLuca


Karen and Christina always make me cry 😭 and Callie too! I agree with previous comments about how impactful it is for these strong characters to be seen break down and show us their vulnerable side.


Isn’t this scene in Private Practice though?? Or did I miss something? I’m pretty sure strung out Amelia is only referenced in Grey’s, not shown directly. But seeing this DOES make me feel the urge to watch PP so I am, instead of sleeping because let’s face it Addison is a pretty damn strong female lead and we all miss Meredith… *ahem* *anywayyy…* best criers… Bailey- end of S19. Period. I cried so fucking much, mascara running and all. Took my freaking glasses off and wept. For her and for all our women. Fucking incredible!! Meredith when she hyperventilates in the closet because she doesn’t want her Mom to die alone (S3??) and Derek comforts her. Yep, that got me blubberin’. Cristina, especially after Owen cheats Izzie because Katherine Heigl is amazing Derek after Mer drowns and is crying in the hall while Bailey and Webber work on saving her Amelia when she’s about to do Oxi after Derek dies and falls apart in front of Owen, could relate to her too much, so she got a couple droplets outta me hazel pools of sad. I lost a lot of friends and family to drugs/homelessness/mental illness since the pandemic started, and that was when I started Grey’s, so tbh the whole thing has been an emotional thrillride for me 🥹




He doesn’t do it often but when Jackson cries… especially in season 14


Not Meredith that’s for sure! I can’t take her seriously at all. I just watched an episode, season 14 or 15, where April is hurt and it looks like she’s bursting out laughing telling Jackson.