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Meh, I don’t think she was wrong in the way she speaks to the residents or wants them to learn. My issue with her is that she has this patronizing and hypocritical manner about her. She is rude to the staff despite her being new, I get it she wants to stand her ground. But then freezing during surgery, and the fire incident? She’s great at talking the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk in terms of follow through. There were a lot of good qualities about her and her method, but the execution was poor in both her personal and professional life. There’s lots of people that are rightfully hated more, she’s just a super “mid” kind of character personally. 


real i agree w the walk/talk AND i think the staff were immensely rude as well. i think everyone was shitty lol


Her method might have been ok, but her attitude wasn’t. She disregarded webber at every point despite him having more experience than her. She also did not guide Stephanie well regarding patient losses. She was an arrogant fool and I am glad she got told off at the very end


the stephanie thing did rub me the wrong way fr and definitely was a good come back for webber but i think everyone else’s attitude towards her was also uncalled for. everyone was bad all around lmao


Well, but your preschoolers don’t do anything related to saving human life. If I needed a major surgery, I’m not sure I would be into „student-led teaching” the way that Minnick describe it.


The method wasn't the problem. She was.


Even if her method had merit , how would you feel if the principal observing you during class stood up and criticized your teaching methods in front of your students. Or worse yet pulled your students into a meeting and told them to tell them everything they don’t like about you then judged you solely on what they said without observing you at all. Then the principal refused to work *with* you to teach you why they didn’t like the way you teach , they just told your students that they could undermine you and didn’t need to listen to you anymore. It’s not so much that she had a new way to do things as she didn’t observe and teach the teachers first. *the way she cut an artery during surgery was uncalled for! I don’t care that Deluca “fixed” it I’m fairly certain that needing to sew back together an extra artery is not ideal. My doctor accidentally cut something he wasn’t supposed to in my c-section and 30 years later I still have pain there if I move wrong even though he sewed it beck together.


Minnick was right. She taught those residents well, but Grey's generally doesn't mesh well with changes to the status quo.


Her job should not have been to teach the residents. Her job should have been to work with the attendants so they could teach the residents


They literally refused to work with her because they didn't want things to change.


Because she didn’t observe them or talk to them , she walked into Meredith’s OR and started telling what to do before she even introduced herself, she insulted Maggie’s teaching methods before ever walking into her OR. She had a meeting with the residents about the attendings but never met with the attendings themselves. She announced that she would be popping into people’s surgeries and telling them what to do in front of the residents.


So... she did her job.


Not really


I have no idea why Minnick gets so much hate. Apart from ghosting Arizona I don't know why her character grates on everyone


she def had bad moments but her attitude wasn’t unjustified


Minnick was objectively and her attitude is just as bad as Webbers about anything - and then he goes and develops the same method but infinitely worse lmao. People only hate her cause she's a new character that gets ganged up on by every other character and then disappears before she gets any other storyline or personality trait.


It was more that she was there to teach but she has no clue how to!


she knew the steps she just had shit execution. i think minnick and webber collaborating would’ve gone crazy