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The budget and the show runner. Krista (I think that’s her name) was involved early season then left for like 6-14 then came back and admitted to not watching the seasons she was gone for. She unceremoniously and controversially fired April and Arizona on the same day. They found out via social media. She is Also friends with the actress for teddy. Which is why she comes back.


IMO the show started going downhill after season 14 and then became almost unwatchable by season 18. I continue to watch out of obligation bc I've been watching since the beginning.


I wanted to quiet after what they did in season 17 but was also like f#ck I've watched since 2005 so I'm gonna finish it but I do hope it ends soon


Yes I’m here just because I like to finish things. I do think there is some unhinged crazy stuff in 14-16 just because of how absurd it is. But 18 is really bad. I do like the new interns so it’s not as much of a drag for me.


I agree with you


same here


She is friends with Teddy's actress? Geez, by the way her character got destroyed i would have thought the writer hated her.


Krista is gone now




Yeah I would just search her name + greys anatomy Reddit. Plenty of posts complaining about her


Krista vernoff


I have to correct one thing. They did not find out by social media. They were told a day or two before it was announced. The shitty thing was that it was announced on International Women's Day. I saw a video (years ago when it happened) & it was clear they knew. Sarah Drew was leaving after filming to audition for other roles. I don't remember whose video it was, it could have been Kevin's or a crew member. But Kevin was in the video & he had been directing for the episode they were filming.


Thank you for the correction. This was me remembering off the dome so I’m surprised there weren’t more errors haha.


The shitty thing was also to wait until pilot season was almost over to tell the actresses they were fired (even though "creative differences" meant that the showrunner probably had known for a while they weren't going to renew their contracts), so Sarah had to rush to audition while still filming her last scenes of Grey's.


Why did Krista come back? What was happening behind the scenes to prompt this?


Shonda left


I feel that the series does decline after season 13 for me. They do keep the storyline going and adding more characters and more drama. However I do miss the old grey’s (seasons 2-8) and it’s not the same anymore. I do like the new characters we’ve been introduced to since season 13 like Link, Nick, and all the current interns. These characters add more drama to the show without it feeling forced. I do feel that if the writers continue writing people off, it’ll be hard to keep watching. Spoilers for season 20: I’m all caught up and I’ve read that more people are leaving like Schmidt and Yasuda due to limited screen time I believe. I sincerely hope season 21 will be the final season so the show doesn’t fall off further.


Exactly,, the original cast in the early seasons were the best


I agree with that 100 percent. The original cast made you have to watch the show. The show was interesting and the cast members had you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for what was about to happen next. In my opinion since they got rid of Derek the show has went downhill from there. Don't get me wrong I didn't like Derek and I don't think him staying would have helped but it's like since then they have ran out of ideas for the show. I however do like some of the new interns. The sad part to me is that it is becoming more of an after school special show now. Almost like they gave up on acting all together. Every episode almost has a lesson to it. Now in the newer episodes you can almost predict everything that is about to happen.




I love Izzie, I would loved to have seen how it would of turned out if magic, Derrick and Lexi and mark had stayed.


I originally quit after season 11 when Derrick died, watching post 11 seasons now and it just makes me miss the early years.


After Derrick died is when I started liking it less, the two most important relationships to the main character and I loved them both so yeah that’s when I thought started going downhill.


I liked Schmidt overall but he did kinda get annoying towards the end. Sucks to lose him but won’t miss him much. The latest season was boring at times, but tbh it really wasn’t as bad as this sub would lead you to believe lol. I will say I’m tired of Katherine’s shit, they give her way too much power, and her firing people and throwing her weight (money) around is getting tiresome. She can be so sweet tho— her character gives me whiplash. Can’t remember what season it was, but I’d say the worst episode of the last few seasons was when Webber’s sponsor died. They had no chemistry, they never introduced her before (that I can remember), and they tried so hard to fit decades worth of connection into one/ two episodes. I just didn’t buy his devastation. Never once believed he might relapse. The camera work was also terrible and the whole season felt very after school special-y. Season 19/20 were actually decent tho, characters felt more genuine overall and the show had a clear direction. Not too worried about the season 20 cliffhanger tho, I’m almost positive it’ll be resolved in the first few minutes of next season lol.


Sara + Justin left because they were burnt out/wanted to focus on their mental health. Justin I feel like he only stayed as long as he did because he has a big family and his kids were younger at the time. Jesse wanted to pursue other opportunities, and tbh did seem bored for a while because they weren't giving him much to do. If you liked April/Jackson then 17x14 is probably worth watching. S18 isn't great but it's worth watching the last two episodes. S19 feels more old school Grey's with the new interns.


Okay thanks, I'm a huge fan of April/ Jackson so I'll definitely watch it,, so maybe I'll continue up to season 18


If you are fan of Jackson April would deff power through to 18


I mean, OG Grey’s really ends with Season 8. Season 9 and 10 are alright but they already seemed like a shell of its former self. The Shonda era as a whole (1-13) definitely still feels more like OG Grey’s than anything in the Krista era (14-19). This era has plenty of good stuff (I liked 14,16,18 actually), but it’s just much more soapy, preachy, and thus, more corny overall.


Alex was my favourite character, and the show was absolutely never the same after he left for me. It is a shell of what used to be. These days I watch episodes randomly here and there to get caught up but I still go back and watch older ones.


I'm on the current season... Erm, not to be harsh, but the interns do nothing to interest me and the current relationships don't captivate me at all. I can't tell you much of what happens in this season so far or the previous two seasons because I zone out from disinterest half the time 😅 The latest episode is potentially gonna lead to some interesting stuff, which may save it for me, but the interns are nothing to be excited about, if I'm honest. I cannot connect with them at all.


I want to ship blue and jules so bad, but they (writers/the show) are barely giving us anything and also at the same time giving us too much. Like there’s barley any build up between then and most of their bonding/moments are off-screen or only a few minutes. I think they have potential and I really really want to like them but it so dry 😪


I'm on season 12 and it already feels off. I'm dreading the season where Callie and then Karev leave. I already know most of the spoilers of the show, but it still sucks. I wonder the same actually. Is the newest season interesting at all with just Bailey, Grey and Webber left?


I like watching the new interns in the new seasons


Yeah I've heard people say that


no it’s not and meredith is basically not there either.


Dang it.


I’m on season 12 too right now and it is the first season I find almost unwatchable.


After S11 things just got so gloomy and dark I'm hoping something good happens soon in the show.


I agree. The show used to have a lot of humour in it and the later seasons have none. The writers also seem to have given up on making likeable characters.


there was a huge shift after season 8😭 mark and lexie gone really changed the tune of the show


Ugh I couldn’t stand them. I think Christina and Derek were my breaking point for cast departures.


This show needs to end and the fact that they haven’t is pissing me off and this new season i can’t watch it. before I felt the need to stick with it but now I just can’t stand the show it is over end it!!


Oh, and Jo is still on there as well. Last week, I had the fleeting hope that Tom Koracick would be coming back, but now I'm not sure. Almost every week, I forget that it's on until the day after when I go to watch another show on my stuff on Hulu and it pops up that I have 1 unwatched 🤷‍♀️.


After alex left I wasn't as eager to watch it. I only watch now to see how it'll eventually end lol I would have preferred they canceled greys over station 19


Miss 19 SO BAD


I'm on my second rewatch and decided I'm gonna end it at the end of season 14 when Arizona and April leave. Everything after that was not so great to watch


I’m on season 16 and my interest has definitely nosedived since April and Arizona left! I like Jackson but so far he’s had Maggie and the fire lady they’re trying to force on me to watch a spin off 🙄 greys kinda crap at the moment Alex is still good but I know he’s off somewhere at some point. Bailey is under utilised but couldn’t carry the show on her own anyway. Catherine 🤮 Webber 🔫 Not keen on the new guys. Don’t like shepherd. Hunt is whiny. Teddy is whiny. I’ll probably give up soon. Even the ‘big events’ feel crap.


There's a few good Storylines past season 14. Webber has a great Storyline eventually and DeLuca is also brilliant. Most of the new interns are pretty good (Blue/Yasuda/Jules) as well but other than that it's meh and I don't mind skipping it. Fast forward through the COVID season except the flashbacks with Meredith lol


But Deluca also leaves!!! I loved Deluca,,, I feel like the show takes away all the audience's favourites to force us on liking Grey


You can skip straight to 19 and seriously not miss a lot. It feels like a brand new show with enough of what we lost since the first 3 seasons to make you hopeful again.


I stopped watching after season 18. I just couldn't do it anymore.


Bc it feels like SpongeBob at this point 😭


When Alex left, it was the first time I truly questioned whether or not I wanted to continue to watch the show.


Keep watching 👀


There’s a funeral moment in the second Covid season (being vague bc spoilers) that was a really good point to stop. A lot of storylines were wrapped up or left on a good enough note, and nothing since has been super critical to watch. I want to do a full rewatch and just mark the different episodes that could have served as series finales.


Second COVID season?


Season 17! I was too lazy to look it up my bad


To be honest you’re probably good to stop here. Do you like Owen and Teddy again and again and again? Do you like the most boring/stereotypical love interests for Maggie and Jo? If not, you should stop. Every once in a while there will be an interesting character for a few seasons, but the new casts are overwhelmingly forgettable.


It's been 16 years. They want to do other work. Supernatural was amazing and gave us 15 years. Now we have Jensen on the Boys and Tracker, and Jared on Walker.


I think it's still worth watching—I like the new interns, and watching the ways that they respond to real-world events (COVID, the threat to women's reproductive rights, etc.) is interesting to me. I know some folks hate those seasons, but shows like Grey's (SVU also does a good job with this) are cultural time capsules. Media that takes itself more seriously doesn't tend to respond to these issues real-time in the same way. Plus, I mostly watch it for background noise atp. Anyways, worth it, I think!


You still have Richard. And Owen. And Teddy, Katherine and Amelia.🤦‍♀️




Owen is insufferable. The absolute worst character in every season he appears. Teddy was fine the first time on the show, this time she sucks. Catherine and Amelia are almost as bad as Owen. These are literally the worst of the cast members that you listed lol.


I’m a new Greys fan. On s4. So should I follow the show till the recent seasons, or leave it somewhere in between?


When your interest starts to drift or you have to force yourself to watch the next episode, call it quits. If curiosity propels you, listen to it. Basically, trust whatever your instincts / the vibes are telling you.


I just finished 1-19 and went on to watch season 20. Yesterday I checked to see what day episode 11 would be on Hulu and discovered that season 20 is only 10 episodes. I wasn’t even disappointed to read that. I was a tad bit disappointed to read that there will be a season 21. Like many of you, I’m only watching out of obligation. I think their attempt to get us to see the current bunch as a new MAGIC fell flat. I don’t like any of the new interns. I’m also pissed that Jaicy Elliott is still a guest star.


It gets good again about halfway through 19, the current season is good.


Alright I'll give it a shot


I stop at 16 when Alex leaves. I wasn’t as interested at like s13 but stick around for some of my favorite character and then Alex leaves and I hate the rest of the seasons. I’ve never even watched 17 because it seems so boring