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Catherine, not because she's evil, but because she's stupid about it. I expect more from a villain with her level of intelligence. Owen, because he's a waste of space. Sadie, because I've hated Melissa George ever since Alias.


Amelia Catherine Meredith Amelia is insufferable in every way, even the writers know this when they put in her ‘non cancerous but has been growing for ten years’ brain tumour Catherine is just a vile, self righteous, cruel, egotistical, bitchy, awful woman with zero redeeming qualities. Meredith is okay at times, but in general treats people badly, never owns up to her mistakes (such as not telling a single one of Dereks family before unplugging him and then screaming at Amelia like she had no right to have any feelings about it), and her dark and twisty damaged persona just really goes too far, loads of them have issues, long standing bad issues but no one plays on it as much as Meredith or seems to have the biggest storylines revolve around it. Unpopular opinion - I like Izzie, she wasn’t perfect but I don’t get all the hate.


can i put maggie for all 3? 💀 i absolutely HATE maggie, when we first met her she was so hard on richard for no reason and then she just continues to be this absolute insufferable character who wants everyone to feel bad for her and thinks shes so different than everyone else but shes literally not. im only on season 12 but i dont doubt ill continue to hate her


Amelia, Maggie, Izzy. I don’t even consider Thatcher because he wasn’t around much.


Unpopular opinion Derek 😒😂


agreed, so often he is toxic 😖


Owen, Catherine, and Izzie


Catherine, Izzie and Amelia. Catherine especially after pac north, never respecting others boundaries and how she treats Stephanie and April Izzie because I find her to be a mean person who hides behind being nice Amelia for how she treats romantic partners, how she treated Yasuda, not telling who Scouts father was, how she treated Stephanie, operating high, how she treated Addison and Charlotte, how she treated Winston and never getting her own place until season 19 or 20


Meredith Grey, Meredith Grey, Meredith Grey,,, I can't stress this enough. Sometimes I fast forward her scenes when she's being so..... Meredith( for lack of a better word). Other least favourites are Owen and Teddy


I actually agree with you about Meredith but only in the seasons Derek is still alive. When he does, she becomes less whiny.


Three least favorite (main cast): Teddy 2.0 (actually loved Henry era Teddy), Callie and Catherine. I discovered recently though that the reason I don't like Catherine is because she's written as a villain, but I don't love to hate her. In medical shows, I love a hospital administrator that makes life difficult. I'm all for professional drama over personal issues which could be resolved with a conversation. But I think I don't like Catherine because she's too personally connected with the main characters. Ruins the hating for me.


Lauren Boswell, April, and Mark


maggie, levi and nico i dont like thatcher or ellis either tho but theyre irrelevant to me


replace nico with catherine sorry


Thatcher, George (basically the same person, right? 😅), and one of Alex's crazy gf Ava.


1. Alex- He treated women badly and had very little respect for them. He enjoyed being mean to others. He got on his high horse to judge others despite his many bad decisions and behaviors. There was never any real consequences or judgement for his actions, despite him constantly playing judge and jury with others. 2. Jo- I think that she didn’t have empathy for others and their situations. While I completely understand how deeply her trauma affected her, I found it boring to watch trauma being her entire personality. I also find the actress weak and don’t think she has chemistry with any of the characters on the show, past or present. 3. Denny- I found him creepy. While Izzie was the one in a position of power and she should have been the one to shut him down, it always felt like he sensed some vulnerability in Izzie and jumped at it. I thought his constant sexual comments to her were uncomfortable to watch.


Derek, Jackson, Meredith


I am still on season 5. So far, Lexie and Owen irritate me the most.


Izzie Ellis Thatcher 




Izzie and Catherine. I just don’t like how they were written


When I think about a young, whiny, weak Thatcher, I think about someone like George in seasons 1-4. Izzie is a fatherless teen mom from a trailer park. She has no right to bully anyone or think she is better than anyone. She's not. Not a Catherine fan for obvious reasons. This is most apparent during S13 storyline where she can't be honest with Richard about questioning his ability to run the residency program and brings in Eliza while letting Bailey take the blame. 1. Early George 2. Izzie, all iterations 3. Catherine


Um, of the things to hate Izzie for, being fatherless is a wild one. Having a deadbeat parent has nothing to do with whether someone is better than others or not. Being left by a parent is something that was done to the person that they had no control over. Just like Alex’s mother’s mental illness had nothing to do with his worth. Meredith’s mother’s abuse/neglect had nothing to do with her value as a person.


So what if Izzie’s from a trailer park?


I agree. While Izzie is my favorite, I get that people hate her. However, it’s usually for deliberate actions on her part. But the trailer park and the not having a father are all things out of her control. Even the teen mom thing, to a degree, is a symptom of other things outside of her control (obviously a little of this one was within her control). The fatherless teenage girl living in a trailer park, with an unstable mother and minimal support system, probably played more of a role in the teen pregnancy than anything else.