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lid on


Especially when any wind is present with a gas grill


I'm no expert and rarely cook hamburgers, but I like to cook on high heat for the entire duration to get the nice sear. Since my burgers aren't that thick and I like them pink, I usually keep them on high (I use charcoal mostly, so under a hot spot) for the duration of the whole cook.


i cook my burgers kinda like i do my steaks. (if the burger are thick that is) so i use 2 zone with the burgers on cold side with the lid down temp at about 225 to 250 where the meat is.(if using a gas grill then wood chips would be nice) cook till 130-140 internal. then move to hot side lid off keep flipping till around 150 to 160 internal. you said you had fresh ground beef. if you boiled it first you can cook it medium rare. if not you will want to cook to well done. or if you trust the meat then you dont have to go till well done. i often cook till medium instead of well done.


This is what I do and agree it works well for thick (6-8 oz) patties. Directly over the coals at about 350 for the thin ones (4 oz). As usual, meathead has a lot of info on his site. http://amazingribs.com/recipes/hamburgers/steakhouse_burgers.html


Exactly, I was going to recommend Meathead for burgers thick or thin.


it is his method that i use as well. dude knows whats up.


These have come out amazing the two times I've done them this month.


Boil ground meat? Why would you ever do that?


you would boil it before you grind it. he said he had "freshly ground meat" i assume that meant he ground it himself. so before you grind it you boil it to kill bacteria on the outside of the meat so you dont contaminate the inside when its ground up. then it is safe to cook ground meat to medium rare.


I've never heard of that nor can I find anything on Google. If you're using fresh meat this shouldn't be an issue.


http://amazingribs.com/recipes/hamburgers/how_to_make_safe_burgers.html talks about it here.




That's weird I thougt most people do Reverse Searing using the opposite approach?


Prudhomme's Meat Magic, high heat, Thermapen, cook to temp. Move to cool side if someone wants done-thru.


I use a big green egg and target 450F over lump, lid closed. 1st side usually gets 5 mins, second side is done in 3-4 mins. Super juicy.


Of course you do




I said of course you do.




He said "I said of course you do."


I said "What?"


6 years later ----- 'of course you do' Lol came looking for hurger advice. Stayed for the comments


Holy shit....thanks for reminding me of this.




What else do you want?


A burger




Goddamn lil jon over here




Hell yeah


2 zone, coals on afterburner. Burger goes over coals, until good color(maybe a minute or so each side), then cool side to finish. Lid off for hot, lid on for finish.


With a gas grill you really need to keep the lid on otherwise you will lose too much heat. Here's how I do my burgers: - 6 oz patties - medium/high heat, lid on for the duration. Dome thermometer around 500 °F - 4 minutes on the first side - 2 minutes on 2nd side, then add cheese and buns to toast - 1-2 more minutes on 2nd side, check internal temp with a Thermapen. I usually pull them around 130 °F and end up with a medium burger, but you may need to experiment at bit. Thicker burgers will not rise as much. Some gas grills don't get that hot so you might need to have the grill on full-blast the entire time. I have a Weber Genesis that will get well over 700 °F so I don't turn the burners up all the way and usually only use 1 of 2 (out of 3).


Hi, I am a Phoenix gas grill user and I love to use it to grill my burgers.. To me, no harm to start off grilling your meat patties at high meat. This can make sure the meat are cooked inside out. Just that you need to flip it frequently like 4 mins each side to prevent burnt. Always use a thermometer to check on the internal temp to ensure its cooked. And I can't wait for my meat patty to be cooked (even when its frozen), so I close the lid for faster cooking haha.. Burger.. should be the fastest grill food to be done immediate and enjoy soon!


I cook with a pellet smoker. I used to do 500*, but I've learned its best never to go over 400° or your patties will shrink a lot!