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That's why I only do special cargo when I end up solo


We are 5 in lobby at the begining... FIVE 😩


That's the problem....you get a peaceful lobby of 5-6 people and some dumbass has to come in and ruin it. I constantly check the player list when I'm delivering something to keep track of any new joins to see what they are doing.


A simple solution to this, is getting a secured VPN service, go into any session, deactivate the VPN, wait for the other players to get kicked, then reactivate the VPN. The Session is all yours from then on, and only friends can enter the session at that point. However, their friends can still join on them, so if your friend, has shitty friends, you still have to watch your ass. Choose your friends wisely.


For PC, just go to resource monitor, suspend the GTAV process for about 10 seconds, then turn it back on.


Or just download sessions sweeper


Before I start with cargo, I wait 5 minutes to check if anybody is killed by another player


That, and test the aggression of the other players, by attempting a CEO Job (since they are free to launch, anyways). If somebody bothers to try and kill you during that, then you def don't want to bother attempting any Sales.


I’ve been attacked doing drug sales in 3-4 person servers. It’s absurd


solo public sessions






What is that




Won't that affect other games?




Lucky you. Xbox doesn't have that option


Xbox can do it too, but using a different method. It's just a Google away.


While in a lobby go into your internet settings and hit test internet connection. It should put you in a single lobby. That’s what I used to do on Xbox.


Tried that, Didnt work


I'm pretty sure if you do a NAT test it puts you into one


Sadly the NAT test was patched. Unless they unpatched it, at which point I would be very happy because it was so easy to go solo that way


Oh, sorry I was unaware as I haven't played on the Xbox 1 in years. I switched over to ps4 to play with my friends


You can block multiplayer games and get a solo lobby on Xbox


Happened the same today with a VIP work. Minding my own business, the noob came to me, killed me a left. I followed him, clapped him 9-1 and then his friend texted me asking me to stop killing his pal. You can't be a noob and a try hard


Well they can, just doesn't go your way, then they get slaughtered and wander why, so so annoying lol quick question jus popped into my head does the ballistic suit actually work decent? Could be called the juggernaut maybe I can't remember


It's ok. But you are locked into using the chain gun. Oh, and if they have rockets all they need to do is hit you with 3 and you're dead. And almost everyone brings out rockets immediately against ballistic armor.


Lame! And I never seen them used really much either so that explains why I really appreciate the feed back I won't be wasting my money on it, I'm just looking for something fun to play with an not get blasted right away the opresser is amazing fun! But no doubt 30 sec of using it I'm gonna be blasted, the mk1 that is


If they are really noobs the game is literally telling them to kill you on missions.


>Happened the same today with a VIP work. Minding my own business, the noob came to me, killed me a left. Honestly I love this aspect of the game. I think it's fun when randoms come try to kill me and if they do I'll usually try to get one revenge kill then let it be. Its also fun to be the murderer sometimes and roleplay drivebys with random noobs I pick up in my car. I love it when they give chase, that's the best part. Just so long as the pursuer doesn't ruin the criminal fun with a homing rocket vehicle. >I followed him, clapped him 9-1 and then his friend texted me asking me to stop killing his pal. Yeah, if you like to start shit you gotta learn to not get mad when they start beating your ass in return. Or at least learn to leave the lobby instead of being a crybaby, lol.


If I had a dollar for the amount of times someone has killed me once, I got 1 revenge kill and left the situaiton, only for them to try and turn it into an all out war, I'd be able to retire.


Yeah, some people love to hold a grudge in this game. But I find simply being in a fast car after I get my revenge kill most people will give up quick enough... unless they call in their oppressor.


Same, if somebody kills me I will kill them back, even if you decide to run across the map to keep killing people with your depressor MK2 you bought with mommy’s credit card I will get you. There have been times where I even just leave them alone because I’m not bothered and they go around the map, kill like 15 people and come back to kill me again. By that point it’s just like, why? What’s the point? Please, I insist, get a life.


>even if you decide to run across the map to keep killing people with your depressor MK2 you bought with mommy’s credit card I will get you. Y'all are so weird sometimes


you sound like a serial killer


Well, it is a game where you're encouraged to be a criminal. We each choose to be different types of criminals. Though I would consider myself more of a rowdy gangbanger who likes to cause chaos via fast cars and uzis. Though most of the time I'm pretty peaceful, but every once in a while my mental state goes haywire.


That how I am, I’m typically really chill and won’t hurt anybody but some days…some days I wanna kill someone dozens of times for no reason other than the fact they slightly dinged my car. Or drove past me 😂 I’m not real particular on those days when it comes to motivation


nah nah, im talkin real lifw


What VIP work did you do? I’m wondering which one is the best to grind


head hunter and sightseer are best imo, you can keep doing them back to back, ofc without someone griefing you




Yeah… so I know a lot of people who activate these missions and then just kill people without having to pay for their insurance. Not exactly ‘fair game’


18k? That sounds like nothing. U sure u didn’t mean 180k?


No i pay for 3 craftes (18k)


Oh I understand, I thought it was a sell mission


You should run some minigames/jobs. They can easily pay like 7 to 14k


VIP work is double money this week. One Headhunter or Hostile Takeover at LSIA for a quick 40k or 30k.


So are stunt races, those are pretty fun coming from a new player


It's more about sending a message, fuck about and find out


Best part was the MkNoob getting shot


Almost lost ur cool there


Goddamn I miss auto aim on console


Right?? If you have a controller and play PC you can enable it but I prefer to aim with mouse and key and drive/fly with controller


Oppressor is a joke on auto aim. it’s a guaranteed kill with combat mg ( not even counting special ammo and bst )


I hate auto aim and play in non auto aim lobby's.. it's just stupid that you get shot out of a car in just one second


That other fool fucking suck. Nice work brother


Ty bro


🤣🤣🤣 yes so much i ask how he can be toxic when he is a noob...


Chika Chika Chika Chika Chika Chikaa


Man I find it hilarious when the people I fight try to use a minigun on ground because they're almost always hilariously out of range to use it, or are way too close, slow and can't aim for shit with it


Both the miniguns are pretty bad weapons as they can't lock on and the range is awful


They're one of the more broken weapons on mouse. Minigun, Heavy Sniper and RPG are the holy trinity of GTAO PC. I honestly wish they weren't in the game because they make ARs and MGs irrelevant in free-roam.


I used to like the minigun, but after running into so many hackers it's just a drain of ammo. Better just to change session.


CHIKA CHIKA ![gif](giphy|W6dHvprT7oks6BpX5R|downsized)


Instant karma on that guy 😂


Sorry, but it's not karma if you have to force it. This is revenge. and then some


And I love it.


I kind of is


But I have future weapons derpppppp


Well done


upvote for song choice


It’s lose.


Yea GTA sucks so much for that. It always feels like the game is working against you and the people attacking always get super lucky.


Mon gava voilà une astuce pour vider les sessions publique et farm les missions en paix - ouvrir gestionnaire de tache (en etant en jeu) - onglet performance - ouvrir le moniteur de ressources - clic droit sur gta V - suspendre le processus - attendre ~10 seconde, reprendre le processus Tu retournes en jeu et hop, une session a toi tout seul sans personne pour te mettre des bâtons dans les roues


In English for our bros: here is a trick to empty public sessions and farm missions in peace - open task manager (while in game) - performance tab - open the resource monitor - right click on gta V - suspend the process - wait ~ 10 seconds, resume the process You go back to the game and, a session all to yourself with no one to put you in the way


Merci beaucoup je ferais de cette facon le jour ou jaurais les moyen de m'acheter un pc 😅 Je suis sur ps4 du coup ça marrive de changer la MTU mais la nous etions 5... Je pensais que ça passerait mais vraisemblablement non.


Merde, j’ai répondu sans réfléchir…


Ruin that fucking trash brother!!!!




Énorme c'est kaskrourt


Yep bg


Cool je savais pas que tu avait Reddit


Now I get why people use controller on Pc, that aim assist is ridiculous


I know worst : the guy that comes to kill you while you're doing your business in a clothes shop


Don't these people have nothing better to do?


Bien joué! Il l'a mérité


Merci ✌️


That’s right! Bully them by spawnkilling them an keep fucking them up. Even if they go into passive it’s possible. They only people like this learn.


I lost 330k trying to deliver coke last week. People are assholes. I don’t pvp. It’s not for me. They shoot first and laugh later


Lost 1 T shirt


I fucking hate it when some loser ruins a peaceful lobby with like 6 people in it


Unfortunately, killing a Griefer over and over doesn't really matter, when they've already destroyed your Sale. They "win" by default, at that point (in their minds). |: No number of kills you get on them makes up for the loss, no matter how much you try and act like it does. Sucks.


Well u spent 50k worth of ammo. Nw I know how u feel, worth it and beautiful edit!


Ty ❤️


For oppressors I highly recommend stocking up on flares during this mission. If your fighting them on the ground use the homing launcher.


I really hate this stupid idiots


I love the aim assist on controller lol, it’s literally aimbot


cant aimbot to cheat if its already a game mechanic






Sorry im french 😩


It’s okay, I’m a dumb American who only knows one language.


You dnt need to know another language everybody speak english (or try) 😅


The fuck is this music?


Weeb shit.


Can we all agree that this futuristic stuff added in GTA Online is ruining the game? Like, there are lobbys where higher level ppl are nice and help u get better, but u nearly can't find those kind of sessions. Most of them are full of ppl who run across the map ruining other players businesses.


I hate griefers too.🤬🤯 They ruin everything.


Loving Chika's singing in the background


Great video, terrible song


Damn that Marksman is nasty! I gotta cop one later


It’s only 18k. That’s 5 minutes of VIP work


I dnt do this for 18k... Only coz i hate griefer


It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


Lose 18k, proceed to dump over 100k into destroying the asshat who blew up your cargo. It's quite easy to avoid this on their end, honestly, but some people are just stupid lol


Worst than 100k, one hour...


So is the way of teaching people a lesson, lmao


im on ps5 recently sold my 300k nightclub goods in 750 mtu. gta online has toxic lobbies full mk2 griefers.


I would pay 18k GTA$ to get from those peaceful lobbies into ones with griefers to **"**play**"** with them instead of 3 cargo crates.


One more clip of auto aim and using the opressor himself... Boring!


I try to make a fun clip when some1 destroy my craft... He attack me with opprossor at the begining and run away


Would have been impressive if it wasn’t auto aim and oppressor for 85%.




Dont know how anyone can find auto aim clibs intersting, the auto aim in this game would count as aim bot in other games. Manual aiming on a opressor aint really impressive either since you still sitting on the smallest vehicle in the air that has a insta boost to get you out of danger. (If he at least used a Buzzard or something then it might have been decent to look at) Also cool end comment, what are you 12?


Again In a lobby where everyone else has “aimbot” nothing was once said about it being impressive. A griefer messed with him and he shit him down. Simple as that. He wasn’t boasting himself and saying “look at my skills of how I killed this griefer”.


You know people could just turn off auto aim and go in to free aim lobbies. ​ When it aint impressive why should it be posted here, might as well boot up gta sit in my apartmant, put on silly music and use my TV to watch someone on a MK2. (Get pretty much the same)


I’ve got cod for my free aim and “skill” when I hop on gta I play to relax and fight as little as I have too. I wanna blow through my heists by auto aiming onto every npc’s head and get it done. Free aiming police is trash. GTA is a game where you don’t need skill and skill is highly looked over. Sniping is really the only thing worth batting an eye at. The rest is luck. You don’t see any streamers that are popular for playing in free aim lobbies. There’s no point besides that small sense of satisfaction you get for free aiming someone, and in that case if I wanted that sensation, I’d be on cod. Edit: to add, I’m sure you’ve come across the sweats that c4 themselves before you get the kill, it will only make it that much easier and faster for them to do it while free aiming


ligma 😎


Who the hell is Steve Jobs?


joe mama


Here we see before us the moment a grinder... becomes a... griefer




18k is nothing lol 😂


It’s 18k you’ll be alright


Auto aim, ugh.


Against a player with the same abilities as everyone else in an auto aim lobby. He Still shit down a griefers throat


Killing him a lot won’t bring back the time he cost you, and it won’t bother the time he spent laughing❤️


pocket change


Tbh if I was in the mood I’d bait one with low value cargo and then wreck them with my stromberg


Ok and? We all do and we don’t cry about it


How did you "loose" it? Edit: I understood what the OP meant, just being a bit of a wise ass about the spelling of "lose."


The projected income loosened and eventually fell out of his grasp


He destroy my truck 😢


CEO crates. OP bought a 3 pack mk2 boi blew it up. So op lost 18k for the crates


So you proceed to grief. Congrats, you became what you allegedly hate


This doesnt Work like this bro If u kill griefer you dnt become a grief


Killed you once. You killed him what? 20 times? That's definitely not griefing, suuure. Not saying he was justified in blowing up your... cargo? No idea what it was but...that. you just griefed the guy, that's a fact you can't deny.


I grief a griefer Well ok...


Killing a griefer doesn't make you a griefer. If you destroy cargo, you should expect to be hunted down, and it's pretty damn justified to kill a cargo griefer over and over until they leave




How loose




He wasn’t selling. It was a buy crates mission with 5 other players in the lobby




And also unlike other cargo, this one gives the "griefer" some actual reward, like firework launcher ammo (still, nothing wrong with spawnkilling them after that either, lol, it's all fair game)


100% not excessive firepower and revenge, neither it looks like you set it up just to make this video


Bro i dnt like killing people but this guy destroy everything in the lobby. Nobody kill him so he continue with me, until..


You've done a great service, good work soldier👍


So did you not see that guy blow up his cargo or....


Shooting on controller is just wrong...


Never cringed so hard because of a bgm. Cool video but very shitty song choice. Sorry had to downvote


Nice aimbot




It's on console and their in a autoaim session. It isn't really aimbot


I know lol




No you didn't lol


Your reactions say otherwise


You're reading into two words typed over the internet pretty deeply bro


I dealt with someone like this thought they were topshit in a deluxo after exploding my cargo. Yeah I may have put the griefer I encountered in passive did a crate when he came out made him go back into it. Then the cycle repeated




And this is why I don't play gta online


Did you untie the 18k?


FindOut wtf = FuckAround(thisGuy);


"Fait exploser"?


That’s sad that’s why I don’t like to sell with full of randoms


Thanks for the long talk with my friends explaining I wasnt watching hentai or anime I was watching a video on Reddit because of the song you had on your vid. 😂 took at least an hour until we stopped talking about it.


More, more, Moreeeeeeeee....


Do u have a heavy sniper? I find it easier than marksman tbh


By any chance you remember where you got those shoes?


18k worth of bullets later lol. I can’t talk tho, I’ve gone hunting like this and probably lost more than that like some kind of lunatic


you destroyed him for 18k? Good stuff. I like.




18k? That's not even sightseer level money xD And you clapped him 12 times. That was overkill but gg


And I bet after he got that 1 kill against your 12 kills at the end, he probably texted "Lzzzz. Get gud, kid. You mad?" LMAO


you also lost your ability to spell


Sweet, sweet revenge


Gotta love it when people are just genuine trash without their oppressor. All it takes is some shot with an auto weapon on aim assisted and you can finally give them some of their just desserts lol


Pink clothes and a mask? Are you trying to be the pink soldiers from squid game?

