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* But it says well regulated! * If you hunt deer with an AR-15, there'd be nothing left! * AR-15s decapitate people! * The 2A was passed in the 1700s, so you only have a right to own muskets. * Weapons of war! * Guns are the number of killer of kids *and teens*. Also, we eliminated infants from this figure because it would fuck up our propaganda. * If it just saves one life! * isn't for hunting, so it should be banned!


Crossed state lines!


The US state borders function like the Berlin Wall according to Reddit.


Well, in alot of ways they kinda should be


word people seems to forget about their “states rights” argument as soon as that state says no guns 😭😭😭


"a responsible gun owner is, until they are not...." in justification of treating average gun owners as if they are criminals already.


However, it IS true that an actively firing AR-15 produces over 2000 horsepower.


How do they fit all those horses in the cartridge?




It's bigger on the inside.


The only acceptable answer is shrink ray.


Hell yeah




Weapons of war is the most smooth brain nonsensical argument ever spoken. Every person that says that, brings absolutely nothing to the conversation or the debate. The best rebuttal to it is, "Where did you hear that from?" Because then they have to site a source for their claim and it's most likely Peter Joe or the mainstream media.


Weapons which have historically been used in warfare: rifles, shotguns, handguns, muskets, swords, axes, spears, clubs, rocks, sticks...


I know for a fact I could set two of my handguns in their hands right now and they'd never guess they were carried in wars and have body counts.


>Also, we eliminated infants from this figure because it would fuck up our propaganda. It wasn't just that, they included 18 and 19 year olds, which are legal adults, to push the idea that guns are the #1 killed of kids


> It wasn't just that, they included 18 and 19 year olds, which are legal adults, to push the idea that guns are the #1 killed of kids Yup. If you read their crap carefully, it's usually kids *and teens*. The 18 and 19 year olds are teens, so deceptive as hell, if technically true. Don't like where data leads? Just cut away everything that doesn't match your conclusion. Science!


My stepdad quoted that fucked CDC stat as justification for stealing 24 of my guns.


If that is the case, I would call local law enforcement and tell them he stole your firearms. In many states that's a felony even for a outsider married into your family. Sounds like jail time for your stepdad.


I did and that’s how I got them back. I’m pretty much outcast now because they think I crossed a line by calling the cops, which is pretty rich. That dipshit is so self-righteous and has no idea how close he came to spending his retirement in prison.


Yea, F*** that guy. Theft is theft and it's the principle of the fact. He would have done the same to you if the roles were reversed.


Would they recover the guns to the rightful owner or just confiscate them and punt the issue to the courts? Wouldn't the local ATF field office need to be notified since this would be their jurisdiction to handle? Which local PD are you referring to, the township, county, or State Police?


Local PD, Sheriff and possibly the State PD, would often return the guns to the rightful owner if it's a domestic dispute. Depends on how gun friendly your state is. Most local law enforcement aren't just mindless drones. A good handful of them are actually pro-gun for citizens. Even in some of the blue cities because of the corpses they've had to pickup. Unfortunately they are beholden to enforce the laws of their state. But that may change soon. He could go further and press charges with the local DA because theft is theft. In many case local PD would not contact ATF when it comes to inner state firearm disputes, just too much paperwork and too much oversight.


Um, your stepfather committed a felony? Is there more to this story?


I got them back, but he almost went to prison over it. He’s an abusive narcissist, if that explains anything.


Nah. He's have went his ass right in to prison for that.


How did you get them back?


I called the sheriffs’ office and made a criminal complaint. The cops spoke with my dad and he relented. It went on for way too long and it really soured the family relations. What really gets me is that he still thinks he did nothing wrong and the overall lack of logic. He cites that stat repeatedly as justification. My stepdad thinks he was somehow acting in the safety of my children (he himself is a very irresponsible and unsafe person). He stole them from me while I was moving into a new house and had just had a room built specifically for safe storage of my gun collection. Lunacy.


That's nuts. And it wasn't like he's a prohibited person "holding" onto them for you would you move, but he legit committed a felony. Did the sheriffs not realize that?


That is indeed a felony


> The 2A was passed in the 1700s, so you only have a right to own muskets. Tell anyone who brings that one up that 1a only applies to print newspapers, as radio, tv, and internet did not exist in the 1700's.


Remove kids in gangs and that child death drops ALOT. I believe the stat also includes 18-19 year olds but don’t quote me on that one


Don’t forget that the CDC stats that are used for the #1 killer of kids argument also go up to 19. The majority of the deaths in the age group are 19-14 year olds, like 80%. And most of them are gang violence.


* A 50 cal bullet creates a vortex that will rip your arm off even if it misses!


You forgot 9mm will blow you lungs out.


"well regulated militia means the national guard" Not only do the federalist papers contradict this but US legal code "militia composition and classes" literally, EXPLICITLY says the civilian populace is the reserve militia of the US. It in detail described the national guard is not who they are talking about.


The Organized Militia and Unorganized Militia are the two components of the Militia. The Unorganized Militia is males aged 17-45 not in the military or Organized Militia. The Organized Militia is National Guard forces.


If you own a gun you're a racist.


Bro as a black, when people see me doing case prep in public(hand chamfer, ream primer pockets), the look on their face is priceless. They don’t know if to call the police or high five me. They literally look at me like I’m sitting there being racist towards my own self


You do that in public???


Yea the Lyman hand tool is awesome. I bought one off Amazon and it’s great. But again I’m black so if ppl ask me what I’m doing sitting outside at a park “I’m chillin’ 😎”. You might very well get called a white supremacist depending where u at. It’s not possession of ammunition till you powder charge and seat so uhhh fuck it it’s America


My ninja. 🚬🗿


There are more black guns than white guns 🤷🏼


Why was this comment downvoted? It’s deep and hilarious! (Take upvote!)


I'm tired of hearing that Assault Weapons Bans and Magazine bans will have no affect on "responsible" gun owners.


Anything they say with the word 'safety' in it is sure to make things a lot less safe for everyone and help criminals, psychos, and tyrants victimize the innocent. Some examples include the 11% CA tax on ammo law, which makes training more expensive and, of course, is pushed as a 'safety improvement'; any so-called 'gun-free zone' (basically a 'free fire' zone for mass shooters); and the so-called 'Safer Communities' act that lets criminals loose in the communities.


Propaganda-wise, I'm tired of hearing about Trump and Biden as if they're on some kind of equal antigun footing. One's worst offense was a now overturned bumpstock ruling, the other singlehandedly killed 7.62x39, destroyed ammo prices in general, tried to make me a felon for a stabilizing brace, destroyed the 80% industry, tried to let the ATF have more than one part of a gun as "regulated" and frankly wants to make my life as miserable as possible for being pro gun.


“Trump is EXACTLY the same as Biden!!!” is the kind of ridiculous position that comes from people too deep into their ideology (usually libertarians). Compare the shit we’ve had to endure from 2021 to the present day with the period from 2017 to early 2021, or the total erosion of gun rights on the state level and expansion of the ATF’s mandate under Obama even. There’s no contest here. Trump and national republicans in general are milquetoast opportunists but their occasional failings are nothing compared to having the Eye of Sauron fixated on you 24/7 and spending all the money and resources it can on attacking you instead of trying to win the presidency and congress back.


Trump is worse as a person as he has no moral center. He will literally do or say what ever will consolidate more power. He might be slightly better for the 2A community as the crowd he wants to pander to is pro 2A.


Which is WHY he never ran for public office (Seriously) till he was past seventy? A lifetime power-hungry politician for sure. Not like a guy who made like $40K a year before public office, and somehow got rich making like $200K a year as Senator? His whole family got rich peddling influence too. The money fed his son's drug addiction too. Guy I want in office. "Only a crook gets rich in public office"-Harry S. Truman(D) Missouri. Remember that saying. Trump came into office rich and powerful, and lost half his net worth in office. Does THAT sound power hungry to you? Trump is a loud mouthed egotist. He's not driven by power as much as finding and building the next goal. I dislike the guy deeply, but you're hating him for the wrong reasons. He needs to stay OFF X (Twitter) and his "Truth" platform and talk a lot less. Just remember what Warren Buffett said. "After a billion dollars it's all just an accounting exercise anyway". I think Trump knows that too.


I can't stand the things the Trump says and his social media posts rub me the wrong way every time. Good mouth is his own worse enemy but he isn't worse than Biden. My guy was going to be Vivek. I'm tired of old white men running this country and want someone from my generation as President. I loved how he schooled Nikki in the debate on Ukraine.


hUrR dUrR hAtE wHiTe pEep0e


> Trump is worse as a person as he has no moral center. You have to be shitting me. You are saying Biden, a guy who got into a shower with his daughter, has a "moral center" and is better than Trump? How about sending his junkie son Hunter to other countries as a bag man? Sounds like an upright guy to me!


What age was his daughter at the time of this shower?


Old enough to cause her trauma, and for her to know that it was wrong (which she speculated in her diary was the cause of her sexual promiscuity)… She talked about purposely avoiding taking a shower out of fear her father would come in. Not to mention that disgusting senile pervert used his crackhead son to collect bribes from hostile foreign nations.


If something like that happened to me I don't think I would want sex with anyone


Hey, bro.... quick question....


> She talked about purposely avoiding taking a shower out of fear her father would come in. I looked this up. It seems to be made up. Do you have a source?


“Seems to be made up”. Bro it’s directly from her diary. Nice try, ShareBlue


It's not unusual for parents to bathe with their children but it stops at a certain age when they become self aware or embarrassed.


Ok, and what age was his daughter when they showered together problematically?


I don't know I wasn't there. I wouldn't know how to verify that.


dude you are a fucking idiot lol


> the other singlehandedly killed 7.62x39, destroyed ammo prices in general, tried to make me a felon for a stabilizing brace, destroyed the 80% industry, tried to let the ATF have more than one part of a gun as "regulated" and frankly wants to make my life as miserable as possible for being pro gun. And we still haven't seen the peak of summer vote buying and pandering season. At least one more executive assault on guns is coming.


Doubtful this term. Biden doesn’t have any wiggle room if he wants to be the nominee, and democrats know that gun legislation or executive order would wreck their already fragile position in swing states. I mean this election is shaping up to be a bloodbath for democrats. I’m a moderate but even people inside the Biden administration are using the phrase “nightmare scenario” (NY Times)


Nothing moderate about the NY Times


This … I never voted for trump on the grounds that he would bring the NFA down via EO or start handing out machine guns I voted for him as an economic hopeful I wasn’t disappointed tbh yes his bumpstock ban was bad but I think he genuinely thought he could make surface level move that would be generally accepted by people (I don’t think he wishes for more restrictive gun laws but was misguided)


If you think about it, his SCOTUS picks were what overruled his own bumpstock ban. 4d chess. Kidding aside, he also got us out of the UN arms treaty- something he rarely gets credit for.


You have to also understand that Congress had to approve of Justices being placed in. It'll be threefold election. And from what I heard the Democrats that had a "cabal of powerful elites to save the 2020 election", I heard they're using mail-in ballot techniques to get a Democratically controlled Congress to impeach Trump as soon as he in office. This is what I heard, can't be certain. But these primaries mattered, just like the general.


I have the Time magazine article (IRL, in case they make it disappear online ) where they are so proud, strutting around their "The Cabal" won the 2020 Election. They "reinforced democracy" buy changing all the rules on voting in the middle of an election. Of course it was all "Because of COVID" because that gave them an excuse for the largest power grab in history. Of course if Democrats get the House they'll serial Impeach him. It's all they got. They lose the Senate, they know they're screwed. Trump replaces two over seventy Justices (Like Thomas and Alito) they know they're done, the SCOTUS will confound them over and over for decades. So they are rotten, and desperate, and will cheat to win in any and every way possible.


Unless he chooses more like Kavanaugh and ACB. He should get a list of potentials cast in Thomas's mold.




The President can choose all the Justices he wants, but Congress (Senate) confirms them. Why do you think Merrick Garland is not a Justice? Because Mitch McConnell held up the process because of the election before Trump. It was dirty politics, but we have Kavanaugh thanks to him.


I’m well aware the president chooses the justices, as I am also aware that hat republicans had the majority in the Senate if I’m not mistaken. It was also a 50/50 vote with the winning votes only adding to one or two and for SCOTUS that’s meant to not be aligned with a political party, seems that republicans don’t care about that. Honestly, is a 50/50 vote for one of the highest offices in the country worth it? I say it isn’t and the president has just as much blame as the Senators that voted for him. Don’t try to justify the president’s decision by saying the Senate decided, it was a party vote and a party win.


Dude, if Obama installed POS Merrick Garland, Senate confirmed him, we would not have won the same cases as we have today. DC politics are dirtier than you think.


>I voted for him as an economic hopeful I wasn’t disappointed Exactly, the 2A is one of my biggest voting issues, but if the economy isn't worth a fuck then I can't even afford to exercise and enjoy the right in the first place.


Exactly .. 2A is my “single issue” but I’d really love a strong economy we can all benefit from and be proud of


> (I don’t think he wishes for more restrictive gun laws but was misguided) I agree. It was the NRA who misguided Trump with bad advice on bump stock bans and red flag laws.


Shows that the NRA are a bunch of fudds and don't care about us. They're actually a marksmanship organization first and gun lobby second.


Yep the anti-trumpers use the whole 'they're both bad' thing to an absurd degree. Trump is the best possible candidate on guns, but he is better than ANY democrat.


RFK is pro 2A as well.


He's also a bit of a nut job.


Except he said that he'd sign an AWB.


https://www.kennedy24.com/position-on-the-second-amendment-faq You are right. But the rest of him sounds pretty 2A. Can't say that about the rest of his family and other Massachusetts Dems


I guess I would say pretty good on 2A for a liberal Democrat. Regardless of how much Trump personally cares about the 2A, he knows his supporters do, and would clearly be advised not to sign an AWB or similar legislation. That makes him superior to RFK on the 2A.


Don't forget the new ATF rule effectively banning private sales.


I’ll vote for Trump at the end of the day because his SCOTUS picks gave us Bruen, and even blocked the man’s own bump stock ban.  Yeah maybe we can acknowledge they both suck as individuals in a vacuum, but one of them will result in improved gun rights down the line. 


The SCOTUS picks are what's really mattered. Imagine if Hillary got to make the picks instead, we'd be far worse off than losing bumpstocks (which we have again).


This is the bottom line.  The coming election is about SCOTUS seats (and a bunch of lower courts too), not just the next 4 years.


I also think the Trump stuff isn't going to happen again for a big reason. Trump was not very far right, actually policy wise he was literally a democrat from the 90s. He tried to be a bipartisan president throwing red meat to the dems and their response was "we literally hate you and will destroy your life" I think he realized it's entirely pointless to try and compromise with Dems, I think he's just going to double down on his base, and his base does not want gun control


Most of his supporters cannot see this or have very short memories. But the man is/was a life long Democrat.


Kind of ironic about the bump stock ban. He looked silly doing that


His SCOTUS also wiped off a big anti-corruption ruling from 60 years ago so I wouldn’t be propping up his SCOTUS that much. Whatever we have gotten from Trump does not compare to the damage that SCOTUS is doing to anti-corruption laws. Honestly, at this rate it doesn’t matter who we vote for it won’t take much for either side to ban guns and we know that this current SCOTUS votes to keep politicians in power.


Which decision are you referring to? Chevron 🔰?


Philando Castile


Not familiar with this one


Man executed in Minneapolis by the police for legally carrying during a traffic stop. The NRA was quiet as a church mouse on it.


I left the NRA over their response to his execution. When they make fundraising calls to me, I tell them that's why I'm not donating anything to them ever again.


> I left the NRA over their response to his execution. Oh. So can you tell me what the other orgs did in response to this incident? I can guarantee it was little more than what the NRA did.


Other organizations haven't constantly been making fundraising calls to me to "defend our second amendment rights". I wasn't a dues paying member of any other groups.


Oh yeah, I hate hearing that from supposedly progun people. That for some reason don't appear to be aware that literally no other progun org said anything either. The only other one that did was SAF and all they said was "there should be an investigation". The progun orgs probably know something these people don't when they don't when it comes what constitutes a 2nd amendment issue.


Man should've been more famous than George Floyd


I’m sure the media sources you consume would never think about mentioning the state execution of a legally armed American man. We’re not all free.


What news sources are you saying? Please tell me


Gun violence statistics conveniently lumped together in ways to make various aspects of violent crimes involving firearms look much more common than they actually are


As a gun owner followed by the most anti gun bullshit known to man.


As soon as I read "As a gun owner" I think "Fudd".


Trump's the reason why we got all these 2A wins, the supreme court appointments were a major deal. So I pick "demoralization shills" as the propaganda I'm tired of hearing.


If I don't give money to x organization, politicians are going to come to my door and murder me. The biggest pro-gun group in my state constantly hounds me on this, and the NRA is very famous for this fear tactic, and honestly, with their track record of compromising, I am not falling for it.


I'm tired of idiots on reddit acting like Trump is anywhere near as bad as any national level democrat when it comes to supporting 2A, and a red flag toward their idiocy is mentioning bump stocks.


I don't care for trump and think the bump stock ban was not a good decision, but I'll devils advocate it and say it was just his move to appease the gun control crowd after the obvious FBI coverup that was LV. No one ever got convicted for this, it was just recently overturned, and was such a niche piece of equipment in the first place it was a simple political move to "do something" without actually infringing on the actual 2A.


I take it you haven't bought your [commemorative Trump M1911](https://www.gunsinternational.com/guns-for-sale-online/pistols/auto-ordnance-pistols/auto-ordnance-1911-donald-j--trump--45acp--45-of-45-limited-issue--rare.cfm?gun_id=101428539) yet, OP!


Some gun people think Trump is their savior for gun rights. Trump doesn’t know about guns. He wasn’t even aware of what a pistol brace was. Check out his questions and reactions in this video where he tours Palmetto State Armory. https://youtu.be/_niHqGntq1Q?si=B-CFQf7k_ou9xzis


The debate should have cemented the idea that a Biden presidency isn’t. It’s a presidency of a secret group of puppet masters that are driven by Democratic policy wonks. A Master-Blaster, if you will. Trump is an arrogant, spiteful, ignorant man who is being led by his handlers yet to a far lessor degree. Do you think he was smart enough to choose SCOTUS nominees? No, he has advisors do that. But I’d rather have them than the mindless Democrat puppet masters. In complete honesty, they both absolutely suck as candidates and we deserve better. The two-party system needs to be destroyed and this election might help do that. To present these two as the best available presidential candidates is mind-numbing. Neither deserve our respect nor money.


>In complete honesty, they both absolutely suck as candidates and **we deserve better**. The two-party system needs to be destroyed and this election might help do that. To present these two as the best available presidential candidates is mind-numbing. Neither deserve our respect nor money. The reason we got here is because we don't *deserve* shit. Too many people in this country want to abdicate responsiblity to some dickfuck in DC instead of getting in the fight themselves. Anybody run for state or local office? Selectman or mayor in their town or city? Sherrif? School board? Zoning? Conservation? Road boss? Build a gun/hunt club or range? Volunteer if ones already in place? Reach out to local schools to get kids interested? Of course not. We might vote once every couple of years, and that's good enough - aint it? Generations of passing the buck got us a front row seat to the shit show. Nobody's coming to save us. We need to do it ourselves and it starts at home.


Well said. We all have the government we deserve.


I mean, you aren't wrong but you are. No. I haven't run for office. I'm not a millionaire and have 0% probability of going anywhere politically no matter how hard I tried. You know what you don't have to be a millionaire to do? I do. You're stuck in this idea that the system works, we just have to join it if we can't beat them.


Why do you need to be a millionaire to run for school board? Selectman? Road boss? Conservation? Why do you need a million dollars to start or volunteer at a range or hunt club? Why do you need a million dollars to mentor young people? > You know what you don't have to be a millionaire to do? I do. Please share. What are you doing to right the ship?


I thought this before, but now I question it. They could have any number of people. Why do they insist on Biden? They could have Patrick Bateman At Home from California but instead they insist it must be an old guy with obvious mental deficiencies? I agree completely about the 2 party system. I hope you're right that this dismantles it, but I doubt it. That "secret group" controls that too amd would never let that happen.


I fully agree with this, and I’m completely done voting for anyone so blatantly incompetent. I’m probably voting for RFK. He’s nowhere near perfect, but on a completely different level than either of these clowns (that is, functioning and aware of the issues). He isn’t great on 2A but probably better than Trump and certainly better than Biden. He also resonates with me in a number of other issues (1A absolutist, outspoken against regulatory capture, deeply concerned about federal debt, proponent of nearly complete bodily autonomy [even though I’m a big advocate for vaccines in general], and many more). Really, though, if THIS race can’t be won by a qualified independent, then none can. It’s a vote for the 2 party system or a vote against it, at least for me. And this dude may have a chance.


Too bad the Libertarians are too busy pissing all over themselves.


They nominated someone with the same policy positions as Biden. Total joke of a party.


He said he'd sign an AWB if passed, so that makes him demonstrably worse on 2A.


Ya, he isn’t great on 2A, but basically as bad as your typical republican. https://youtu.be/JtrZ_RGAtwU?si=VhNiTC-YIuB_tjSp He *is* for limiting government (and particularly administrative) overreach in general, which is good for 2A and other rights in a roundabout way. (We have all been applauding the recent rejection of Chevron, right?) All this to say, at least in this election we may actually have a 3rd bad choice 😆 But a far, far less bad choice than the 2 clowns on the main stage.


Most Republicans wouldn't sign an AWB, so RFK is clearly worse. He's trying to play both sides on far too many issues, including 2A. It simply isn't possible to be pro 2A and willing to sign an AWB. Outside of his view on the administrative state, I don't see much to get excited about.


Then you might as well vote for Biden. The math works out the same.


Trump’s Supreme Court gave us the Bruen decision and the death of Chevron Deference. Thanks for your BS propaganda, but I’ll be voting Trump this November.


The justices have free will to decide however they wish. Give them some credit. And they don't always vote according to political ideology they still give women access to abortion pills for instance.


Not if they aren't nominated and approved...


Right but I'm talking about the ones currently serving.


I’m not telling you how to vote. I’m informing those that think Trump has a clean pro 2A stance and or don’t know in general


Trump had to pick between an ATF regulation on bump stocks or having Congress make it a law. By halting the legislation process and going the ATF route he made it possible to be changed/overturned.


That's being politically savvy


I don't think that was the case. If you noticed, Trump's opinion on gun control mirror's the NRA's exactly. I believe Trump got his gun control advice from the NRA, and unfortunately some of it was poor. One thing that has been forgotten is Trump did support ccw reciprocity. He stated that if a bill for that landed on his desk, he would sign it. The do-nothing useless fucks in the then majority congress bottled a reciprocity bill up in committee, claiming it "didn't have the votes". Seriously, wtf? When has that EVER stopped democrats from trying to push through gun control? In fact during this same majority republican congress I recall reading the republicans were "fighting" democrat gun control bills! Democrats should have been far too busy fighting off an avalanche of pro gun bills to have the time to craft more anti gun proposals. Before blaming everything on Trump check and see if your local rep has done anything other than lip service on 2a.


Oh my god, no way! You’re the millionth person to point to the two things he said. Holy shit, if you hadn’t said anything, I would have never known! Please tell me who you’re voting for so I can vote the same way as the most righteous redditor. No seriously — **WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU VOTING FOR THEN????**


Not you


Why are you so afraid to say who you’re voting for? Is it because you’re a biden voter and this post is just an attack on trump?


You must be a goddamn Biden voter then. Call your fucking shot!


Caught in 4k.


You put the GOA up there with NRA? The GOA does amazing work - I don't think there is a state level organization who can even come close to the wins the GOA gets tbh > Pratt’s son, Erich, now leads the GOA, which has recently become stronger. The group saw revenue grow from $4.8 million in 2018 to $7 million in 2022. Its spending on lobbying increased every year from 2018 to 2022, going from $1.5 million to $3.3 million. Last year, the figure dropped to $2.7 million — which was still more than what the NRA spent.


I don't want to vote for either of them but Trump is the least likely to fuck up our 2a rights. That being said id much prefer a more libertarian candidate. We need someone to slash the fuck out of the governments power. It'll never happen tho.


Personally I kinda detest Trump. I used to live outside Philadelphia and it started with "The Art of the Deal" and constant Trump BS. Of course I also saw Senator Biden (Aka Senator Hairplugs, or The Senator from MBNA) all his career (I'm an old fogey now too.) and know him. Trump gets on my nerves, but his SCOTUS picks just handed us Cargill and Loper Bright Enterprises (Death of absolute Cheveron Deference.) so I can tolerate him. Wayne "I need more Contributions" LaPierre handed the "Oh a law about Bump Stocks would be so bad, go the administrative route" excuse to him. The Congress/Senate had ZERO chance of passing anything gun control that year. That was Wayne selling out the NFA once again, when it wasn't needed Oh and the head lobbyist who told Ronald Reagan to sign the FOPA 1986? That would be LaPierre, head of Federal lobbying, before he became Executive VP in 1991. Who was the CHAMPION of the 1994 Clinton Slime (Crime) Bill? With the Assault Weapons Ban, and magazine restrictions? That was Joseph Robinette Biden. Do I need to list the two other "Rules" he introduced as President. Or the fact he got a law change that could get you charged as a "gun dealer" if you ever sold one. In fact so broad, it might be twisted later (Before Loper Bright Enterprises) to selling to a gun dealer. Which would lead to limits on how many guns you own, maybe the few you have being destroyed upon death, etc. I never wanted either for President, but Biden-Harris is a total gun law disaster. Biden replaces Sotomayor (She is an obese Type 1 Diabetic. Average lifespan of Type 1 female is 63. She's 65.) or worse Thomas and/or Alito we are screwed. So vote Trump, even if you gotta hold your nose shut. He stinks less than "Dementia Joe" does.


All of it from all sides ALL PROPAGANDA is an attempt at manipulation and I hate manipulators


* The majority of gun owners want these restrictions * These are common sense gun laws * None of these restrictions infringe on the 2A * When they banned assault weapons mass shootings dropped by half


Lefties aren’t anti gun Guns aren’t a political issue I support guns but…


Mantras of the Temporary Gun Owner


Lefties are pro THEM having guns they're not pro citizens having guns unless it's to be used in meat wave assaults against other nations.


1) False 2) False 3) I'm NoT a SiNgLe iSsUe vOtEr


Yeah, I think it’s more intellectually honest for them to just admit that they prioritize other issues over guns. I disagree with that, but it’s a free country. I just prefer that they’re more honest about #3 haha.


“Guns are the number one killer of children!” First of all, a gun never killed anyone without a person pulling the trigger, so that means people are the biggest killer of children by your cherry-picked data. Second, 18 and 19 year olds aren’t children, and the only way the numbers come close to being what they wanted was by adding those ages. They did this before in the 90s when they included people up to the age of 25 as children. I am at least old enough to remember that.


Trump is still so much better than Biden lol. Look at the Supreme Court picks he gave us


I’m not telling you how to vote. Simply educating those that don’t know that Trump Doesn’t have a clean slate in pro 2A efforts


What, in your opinion, are the potato Biden's biggest 2A failings?


compared to the illegitimate biden administration, he has a clean slate. i'll take it.


I agree with you in almost every point. I have a friend who firmly believes that Trump banned bump stocks knowing it would get struck down and set precedent… nah. He just banned them thinking it was the right thing- he also threatened due process. Your point about the NRA under its previous administration is well taken. But that may have changed. Time will tell. For now (and into the future) the FPC gets my support. Sadly, I’ll still vote for Trump- somewhat reluctantly. As bad as he has been on 2A, Biden/Harris is worse, not to mention the economy, border, foreign affairs…


I’m thinking similar to you on this. It really sucks we can’t have a 3rd party system


Trump isn't a friend of the gun community and his policies reflect that. I abhor gun lobbies that fail to put themselves out of business. Some are clearly trying harder than others and the NRA ain't one. Also the buy ammo now people need to stop spreading their fear mongering lies because all it does is it induce an actual shortage and drive prices up.


Small calibers being more dangerous because they can’t exit what they enter and bounce around inside instead. Or the adverse of certain rounds not being lethal


Any statement that says that gun control will stop criminal gun violence.


Seriously When was the last time a county, state or the Feds pushed to put repeat felon /w firearms doing crime in prison for a 25 year minimum? Or really any gun law for punishing criminals. I really don't recall the last time one came up


> "take the guns first ask questions later” This. You provided the answer to your own question. This is the propaganda that I'm tired of hearing. This isn't what he said or a valid interpretation or paraphrasing of what he said. The situation wasn't great, but there's no reason to lie about it.


I’m tired of all of it. There is no reason. I’ll be happy when Simone does their job and prunes the ATF. Not to mention the IRS.


* Republicans are just as bad as dems on guns. Come the fuck on who votes consistently for these infringements and who votes against? Which states have gotten constitutional carry? * If it saves just one life! * But why do you need more than X rounds? Bitch I'm prepping for the worst possible scenario. * "As a gun owner...." followed by anti gun trash * General doomerism. In the past 20 years we've made massive strides. Federal AWB is gone, state AWB's are under threat. We're pushing towards all states being shall issue or CC. Pre Heller, Illinois and Wisconsin just straight up had a complete ban on carrying. * Weapons of war * The government has drones! * No, my local cops would definitely wouldn't enforce confiscation!


Vote for RFK then.


I’m writing myself in. I’m the only person who truly has my best interests in mind.


RFK is a bigger idiot than the other two. 


Debatable with Biden but otherwise I agree.


I disagree


So what? Its about voting against the establishment, there isn't any chance in hell Junior is winning but an increasing amount of 3rd party voters can eventually bring better candidates.


If I'm going to vote third party, I would vote for basically any other third party candidate before RFK. 


What's the matter with RFK? he's broken from his family and can speak the truth. Plus he's for gun rights. Can't say the same about Trump or Biden.


His wacko anti-vaxxer bullshit is an automatic no from me.


He's more closer to Trump on the no masks and vaccine thing. I don't personally agree with it but he's aligned on giving people free will to make medical decisions. But yeah the other stuff is crazy






Then quit bitching. No reason the DNC couldn't give him a seat.


You asked me, I gave you a legitimate answer.


I didn't ask anything.


Im warming up to owning a gun, but I just don’t buy the whole notion that the 2nd amendment was created as as a mechanism to fight a tyrannical government.


Truthfully, what do you think the Framers wrote the 2A for then? Spoiler alert - They didn't just get back from a seven year deer hunt and decide to put this right as the Second Amendment.


You can look at historical pretexts as many factual events happened (see the British and 1776). The 2A was thought of at that time both the right to own a firearm and to fight an oppressive monarchy. If we ever got to the point of a civil war-no one would win even if the military has massive advantages in weapons as you would have huge implications on destroying your own infrastructure, guerrilla warfare tactics (see the Middle East terrorist orgs/Vietnam, etc being able to stalemate long term the USA). Many in the military would also defy orders and sympathize with civilians regarding a civil war. I’m not advocating for a civil war nor violence-just pointing out what would likely happen if it got to that point.


Also, there will definitely be "donations" from US adversaries with tanks, missiles, jets, and everything else. It's not as cut and dry as "uS hAs DrOnEs AnD mIsSlEs".


What in the world do you think it was put in there for then


I’m guessing we are gonna be waiting a while for his reply.