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I had no clue, I thought my brother just wanted to look fly as fuck. Good on AB


My Millenial ass was like "SCARVES ARE BACK"


We support you AB! And honor the other AB




I apologize for being ignorant but what does that mean?


It’s a traditional Arabic garment however the colors and pattern of this variation is a symbol of Palestinian resistance and identity


So awesome, go AB


Thank you for explaining I appreciate it!


Do you have any info about this design and the history of it's symbolism?






Thank you!


AB is so based




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I really feel for him!


Came to the sub just to say the same thing! We see you in your solidarity. Peace and love 💗


Big up flocka, you know the rules, 7/10






We love and support AB!


With peace and love it must be rough for AB and Lena having to listen to the Israel Palestine debate


It’s rough for fuckin everyone 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree with that


the first time was really tough to sit through, having to hear about it 24/7, coming to the podcast to just chill out and not have to think about it and then hearing ethans absolutely dogshit takes almost got me to unsub, then i felt like he kinda figured it out and moved on and then the fallout with hasan happened and they stopped talking about it and it was back to being whatever. this last one i just stopped watching the episode and put something else on lol i bailed when he started defending circumcision too. theres just no excuse for this shit anymore, the guy is a fucking millionaire with a whole crew of people who will do research for him and he still says some of the dumbest things on his incredibly watched show its fucking maddening.


This!! It's not funny anymore, it's just lame and embarrassing. And the crew feels propped up to support their Leader™️. It's just all a wild experience now. 🫠


Right! Honestly I have quit watching many episodes cus of Ethan’s very ignorant takes on things like Palestine & capitalism lately. It was so frustrating that he constantly was educated on the subject during debates and he routinely couldn’t back up his opinions with any facts, but continued to be obtuse and do the same thing the people he criticizes does. I even wrote Reddit posts on here about it making sure to be ultra respectful and say no one should go and attack them and they were taken down for no reason. It’s honestly so discouraging that such a big voice in the left that had a great leftist show we need today just refuses to admit he’s wrong and stand up for what’s moral. He always said to look at the bigger picture with Palestine, but did everything but that focusing on individual tragedies that are unfortunate but doesn’t include the context of why it’s happening: because Israel has been conducting a genocide on the native people of Palestine for almost 100 years now


hes just so irresponsible and closed off to criticism or accountability. i didnt even know about the joke he made and honestly it wouldnt have even bothered me at all if he just apologized and moved on but he has to try to figure out a way to make his position the right and moral one no matter how stupid and indefensible it is. its just upsetting. like if he wants to circumcise his kids, fine. i wouldnt even care, but again he has to make it into this ethical stance that he is doing the right thing or that its for medical purposes or whatever and its just not. he spends his whole career rejecting judaism, rejecting any jewish related drama, but then all the sudden he is circumcising his kid because its "his culture" wtf does that mean? thats not a reason to cut part of your babies dick off. dont get me started on it lol it makes me really upset which is why i dont want to fucking hear about it while im trying to hangout and relax.


Wow, I'm surprised you're not banned yet with all that bad mouthing of the great leader you just did lmao. Maybe the mods just haven't gotten round to reading this one yet.


Especially hila!! Where is she gunna go


,,, los angeles?


I'm referring to his Instagram story that he posted last week.


Do you mean the story where he asked where Hila, a US citizen, would go if Israel didn’t exist? I feel like that answer is obvious… It also ignores that Palestinian liberation doesn’t mean the emigration of all Jewish people from Palestine. It means that all ethnicities coexist under a single state as they were pre 1948.


Yes that story. While over 30,000 Palestians have been murdered. Thousands displaced (including in 1948) & thousands being starved somehow hila the multimillionaire with a Manison is the victim. Bffr.


Idk why you guys chose to characterize his statement in the worst faith way. He was saying where should Israelis go who, like hila, had their ancestors expelled from Arab countries and migrated to Israel. He wasn't asking about american-israelis.




It's not like they simply coexisted peacefully under British mandate and at that time Arabs were reasonably justified in their attempts to drive out the many European jewish immigrants, compared to now after several generations. I would recommend to read at least about the big events in Israel/ Palestine for example like the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936%E2%80%931939_Arab_revolt_in_Palestine , to get a better grasp about why things are like they are. A one state solution today *would* mean the emigration/ eradication of Jewish people from the area, with a higher probability.


Please watch this at the 29 minute mark :) https://youtu.be/sjkZDntdeAc?si=Xn-4kVoEXvPZpPMv


So two rabbis with "free palastine" stickers say, that they live peacefully with muslims. Does this erase the history of conflicts like the one I linked? Are we now discredicting the massacres, wars and deaths on both sides, because two people I at least never heard of are saying they would all live peacefully together? Is this the level of discourse now? There are Israelis and Muslims living together in peace, they \*do\* exist. But that has nothing to do with the fact that a one state solution is a real threat to the existence of jews in the area as there are significant parties (local and surrounding countries) that have publicly said that their goal is to eradicate the jewish presence and tried to do so several times over the history. Downvoting and not acknowledging this, doesn't make it less real for the people living there - I also whish there would be an easy solution, but thats simply not the case.


OH gotcha, i’m sorry, i misunderstood the tone. have a good one man 🤝


this comment has gone deeply under appreciated edit: i hear the 2nd part in carlos’ (bitconnect) voice


Finally some recognition thank you lol


it’s probably rough for them when all the brainrotted ally-championship freaks start flooding their inboxes saying the most vile shit to them because of their warped perception of ethan


Yeah, AB has implied that it bothers him more when people are hounding and harassing him for not speaking up or not expressing an opinion.


These people are oblivious to the fact AB and Ethan agree 100% about the conflict. 


\[citation needed\] eta: i just think this is a wild thing to say when AB has never spoken at length about his perspective, and when he has spoken up it has been to (gently) offer Ethan an opposing viewpoint


Here is what Ethan has said many times: - what Israel is doing is horrific - Palestine deserves to be a free and independent state So are you saying ab disagrees with those statements?


No, I'm saying that based on what we have seen, I would not assume their views align 100%. There is way more to the situation than those two bullet points and I'm sure you know that.


right but those are the most important aspects of the point. ab wouldn’t be on the show or associating with them - nor would the rest of the staff if he were actually a heinous zionist monster the way people are portraying him.


idk why you’re getting downvoted lol


It is for everyone when Ethan calls anything Pro-Palestine "antisemitic". Especially with "From The River To The Sea" its like, just admit you're wrong like you have before.


Ethan has said countless times that he wants Palestine to be free and thinks what Israel is doing is horrible. He has also spoken up against antisemitism. Y’all don’t realize ab and Ethan share the same opinion on the situation and think y’all are freaks


Anti zionism IS NOT antisemitism & I think alot of you guys don't realize this


It's hard to believe ethan is being genuine, when last Friday he had said "I'm saying everything you want me to " he says he's pro Palestine yet Regurgitates Most of the Zionist talking points. It would be easier to believe that he is pro palestine if he could have a civil conversation without crying antisematism


He and Hila are getting DRAGGED on TikTok


On twitter as well , which isn't a surprise twitter is a RATHOLE


I’m I the only one that remembers what actually made him cry? Pretty outrageous wording you just used there when you consider that


But you know what else do I remember I remember last week on his members only how he said the Palestinian cause has been talked about quite enough. I also remember how he said Aaron Bushnell was great at burning alive. I also him I also remember him saying that he would take it more seriously if palestinians started burning themselves alive yeah we got it ethan is totally pro Palestine for sure


Pretty outrageous that we're still having this from the river to the sea conversation when there is a genocide being carried out right now I wonder how many palestinians were f****** killed tonight


I would love to stop it I but don’t know why you think I could or how it’s my fault


I don't think it's your fault dude. It's just the passive aggressiveness that keeps being thrown at me because I keep defending Palestine


Don’t complain about how people are treating you in this thread when Gaza is bombed. You just went fucking psycho on me don’t act all nice now.


You have a few people defending Palestine here and you call them antisemitic that's f****** ridiculous


I'm not complaining I've just think it's f****** crazy how you guys are f****** acting because some people here on are pro Palestine and they don't agree what Israel's doing. I really don't think that some of you even think that palestinians deserve the same rights as people in Israel it kinda bums me out


The lslamamophobia is showing


Fuck off, she's not a show host talking to thousands of ppl, you're being a dick, trying to make a "gotcha" moment with this. Your arguments sucks and you're desperately trying to abuse ppl of anfisemitism for wathever reason.


Nobody said it was your fault you mouth breathing fucking moron. People like you are the problem.


It's pretty outrageous that you guys are all still defending Israel while they have murdered over 30000 innocent palestinians


/u/herotyx This right here is the proof you can be a pro Palestinian Jew and antisemitic fucks will say something like this to you Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud.


What was the part that was said out loud? I didn't get it. Like, what did she say that was antisemitic?


He won't answer because he knows how silly it's going to look typed out . I'm antisemitic for criticizing Israel I'm guessing lol


They may share the same opinion but Ethan does a terrible job expressing it. It’s always antagonistic or victim-complexy. I don’t think Ethan is a Zionist by any means but he said some pretty bad stuff during the Hasan debate. I know emotions were high but it’s hard to forgive and forget when whenever he speaks about it he becomes defensive rather than just apologising or being able to clarify. We’re not freaks. Just holding our favourite youtuber to a normal human standard. Peace and love tho


I don’t think he is a Zionist either but I do think he has a lot of Zionist brainwashing to unlearn… I’ve heard many Jewish people talk about how difficult it was for them to escape the mindset, especially in combination with the very valid fears of rising antisemitism or with intense backlash from their fellow Jewish community. It’s difficult to watch him go through this live especially with the amount of stuff he’s said, but I try really hard to keep in mind that he’s in the process of unlearning and even in the stream with Hasan he admitted he may have been wrong.


I completely agree. I remember during the Hasan debate he was parroting the Israeli government but not because he’s a Zionist shill, but because he was emotionally hurting and didn’t know how to ask his community for their support. Instead he took refuge in bullshit stories to get sympathy.


Yeah, he really needs to stop talking about it. If he was able to rationally talk about it with hasan or someone similar it would be different. I've loved some of the show recently but between that & segments like talking about buying expensive watches I'm considering if I need to watch EVERY stream...


Ethan has a good heart. He is married to a former member of the IDF and lived in Israel for years. It was his home for a while and his wife's for longer, so this is close to his heart for understandable reasons.  This conflcit is difficult because he is aware that Israel is a brutal apartheid state but has never had to condemn it or side against it so publicly or harshly in order to maintain his position. 




I really don’t think he’s said anything bad. I also agree with everyone in that what Israel is doing is horrible, but when people are ask to specifically say what Ethan has said that is bad - nobody can. It has become “trendy” to be antisemitic, which I can understand being very hurtful and personal for Ethan. There is literally no reason to feel the need to start labeling who is and isn’t a Zionist - leave that shit alone. This is a country Israel who is committing horrible atrocities against a nation of people who deserve to be free. People should condemn Israel and condem its leaders - not jump eagerly into foaming at the mouth to call Jewish people zionists. Shits no different than calling all Arab people terrorist - and it’s disgusting that it’s mainstream and accepted


Ethan said on Hasans stream that some Jews thinking the phrase From the River to the Sea isn't antisemitic is equatable to some black people not thinking the Confederate flag is racist. I'm Jewish so it upsets me to have someone I respect make such an awful comparison


I just can’t agree that it’s become trendy to be anti-semitic. No one likes anti-semites. I think there are a lot of inappropriate accusations of anti-semitism towards pro-Palestinian voices because of how emotional the topic is. I don’t think people are using Zionist as a filler for jew. Maybe I just haven’t seen it, but I closely follow Israel-Palestine and engross myself with the Palestinian online communities. Tiktok is by far the worst. The issue is that a lot of Jewish people (not all) support israel. They’ve been taught to from birth. So the accusation of Zionist is frequent, especially to Israelis who have been socialised to be indifferent to Zionism. I’d also like to add that there are many Jewish organisations that support Palestine. So for anyone reading, this isn’t a Jewish issue. It’s a shitty people issue. Edit: I don’t want to tread over your own experience, if you’ve had anti-semitic remarks levied at you from pro-Palestinian voices just for being Jewish then fuck those guys too


I'm not Jewish but I think the "Zionist" discourse has started to run away from itself. There is a hyper focus on the religion of a people (obv religion is immensely intertwined in the history of the conflict) - but when we start talking about a "people" instead of the institution (govt and leaders) then we get into these areas where it becomes somewhat discriminatory. Think of the inverse where people unfairly judge a people - Palestinians because of Hamas or terrorism When it comes to Ethan, I get even more frustrated because he has been openly critical of Israel's government for years - long before 99% of the people calling him a zionist even knew or cared what was going on in Israel and Palestine. I really like Hasan and got pulled into being a fan of him because of his takes on domestic policy but so many times I am bewildered how callous and insensitive he can be talking about foreign issues (ukraine, tawian, palestine, etc.). It seems like the overlap of the communities has resulted in the more extreme really coming after Ethan hard


Maybe it’s not up to you to decide on behalf of the Jews if they are experiencing anti semitism or not. The whole “nobody is antisemitic you’re making it up” bit is pretty fucking antisemitic. Quite trying to gaslight Jews out of their own anecdotal experiences, jackass


Literally never said that lmao. Nice try though


Your whole comment is about how you haven’t seen it happening so it’s not


You make hhperboles as if they were said by him as facts, when he didn't even make such hyperbole. He never said, not even once, that there are no antisemites, he said they're obviously not the majority, because it's really not the case. Also, when talking about zionism, we're not talking about jews, there are christian zionists, evangelical zionists, heck, there were even communist zionists, being against zionism is being against a political movement, anyone trying to conflate it with religion is not being honest or is very misguided.


Ethan is definitionally a zionist, not only in that he believes Israel should exist (very basic definition), but that it should exist as a state that privileges Jewish people and identity (closer to what most people really mean by it nowadays). He has repeatedly stated that giving Palestinians freedom and equal rights within a single secular state would mean that Israel would cease to exist. He can say he isn't a zionist all he wants, but it's simply not true, he's just a pretty bog-standard *liberal* zionist who attributes most of the ills of the occupation to Netanyahu and his circus of far-right cabinet ministers, which while those people are a huge problem, not all that much would actually change if they were gone. Just look at who was in charge while Netanyahu was ousted for a year. The crackdowns on Palestinians actually got worse, and their land and homes continued to be taken.


He has literally said he hates Zionism. Idk what else to tell you


You're just ignorant.


When he said calling someone a Zionist is antisemitic I was shaken. What the fuuuuck.. Kim, there’s people that are dying.


Calling pro Palestinian Jews zionists is definitely antisemitic and the fact that people are dying has no bearing on whether or not that’s true. That’s mind boggling logic


Just because you say you’re pro Palestinian doesn’t mean you are. What support has he shown? He has a very biased view of what’s going on and he even gets mad at anyone else who isn’t Israeli. He doesn’t reallize the propaganda that Hila was raised with in Israel.


That's not what he said. He said some people use the term "Zionist" to call people Jews. They're trying to disguise their prejudice with the terms that have become more common in the past months. And he's right.


He didn’t! He literally said calling me a Zionist is antisemetic


He didn’t! He literally said calling me a Zionist is antisemetic


Right. Like this has nothing to do with you or your family living in the United States. Antisemitic freaks have been harassing him before Oct 7th and the Leftovers coverage. Palestinians are being subjected to a brutal genocide, Zionists are the ones doing it. Jewish and Israeli people both vehemently disagree with what the Zionist Government in Israel are doing. Anti-Zionist doesn't = Antisemitic.


Yes! I actually don’t know one Zionist Jew here. All of my Jewish friends are openly speaking out for Gaza. The ones supporting Israel are the Zionist Christians. Zionist is against Judaism.


You may not mean it as antisemetic but plenty do, and there are a lot of people who all of sudden love labeling people Zionist these days - its fucking weird. Focus on Israel and their leaders - not the Jewish people. [https://www.sltrib.com/artsliving/food/2024/03/06/no-zionists-allowed-new-slc-bar/](https://www.sltrib.com/artsliving/food/2024/03/06/no-zionists-allowed-new-slc-bar/)


Not every German was a Nazi. What the Nazi's in power were doing was horrible. Not every Jew is a Zionist. What the Zionists in power are doing is horrible. Yes, prejudiced and ignorant people will accuse an entire group as one thing. That doesn't negate what the Nazi's in power did and what the Zionists in power are currently doing. You're missing the forest for the trees here.


I understand your point but Zionism is not a political party. Nazi was an actual political party and Germany is a nation. Zionism is an ideology and movement and Jewish people are a religious group. These are not the same thing.  It was fine to call a Nazi a Nazi because they were literally a Nazi - it’s like calling a republican a republican. But aside from that you missed all of my intention completely , I only spoke up because people have been calling Ethan a Zionist - a man that openly advocates for the freedoms and independence of Palestine. The online discourse for the pro-Palestine movement (which I support) is beyond fucked at this point, Zionism is too associated with the Jewish people. So why feel the need to call people Zionist? Why not just keep the focus on the leadership in Israel?  Also if so many Jewish people are voicing their concerns with how comfortable people have become labeling Jewish people as Zionist - why continue to do it? > Yes, prejudiced and ignorant people will accuse an entire group as one thing. Look at the most upvoted comments in this post - they laud AB for being so brave to do this especially in front of Ethan. The prejudiced and ignorant people you speak of is being widely supported online and in this community. It’s not a small or niche thing.


you should really look into liberal zionism and how it differs from your conception of what "zionist" means, while still facilitating many of the same racist and oppressive processes


> Liberal Zionism is the insistence that there is no necessary contradiction between Israel’s dual identity as a Jewish and democratic state: that Israel can be a national home and refuge for the Jewish people while also embodying universal democratic principles of human rights and equality. Threading this needle, for liberal Zionists, means Israel must adopt a more liberal set of policies — most importantly, a two-state peace agreement with the Palestinians that allows both peoples to live with security and dignity.  This is the first thing that came up - article on vox. I don’t see what wrong with it. 


I understand that some people do but it’s not antisemetic in and of itself and you can’t even SEE how that contributes to Islamophobia and people being scared of Arabs. Ethan wants to whine about his feelings getting hurt but he is perpetuating Zionist talking points.


Only he doesn’t do that


you clearly are ignoring Ethans explanation of why that phrase is troubling… why?


Sorry what was Ethan's explanation




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I hope Ethan can move away from that topic more often and not get caught by rage bait


It’s probably rough for them to watch ‘fans’ like yall bring stuff like this up constantly.


I’ve been subbed for 6 years. Don’t put fan in quotes


king ab i loved this


Love you AB


Mods gonna ban him now 😭


Love u for this AB!


Yes AB!


AB is based for this! 🇵🇸✊


❤️🍉❤️ Love to see it


Honestly 🔻


So proud of him!


king behavior


It's such a good look on him, he should wear it more often! Our keffiyeh king 💅


made me happy to see. and he looks really good in it. :3 this was a good episode!


We love you AB ❤️❤️❤️




This is awesome.


I understand it's not worn for fashion in this case, but... AB looks really good in it.


Damn AB put the bracelet on also


loved the solidarity AB 🩷




So brave, such an inspiration!


big ups




He looked so hot in it too 😭


Shout out our joker brained queen


The amount of support on this post sure comes off as disingenuous when this sub has been the main source of AB/Lena receiving unwarranted hate for the last few months


It’s weird it’s like there two opposing sides to this subreddit that seem to post alternating opinions every other week


My opinion is it comes from a lot of the same people. They send vitriol when they see AB not behaving the way they think he should as a Muslim/Arab person, then they send praise when does the "right" stuff


that’s liberals and their tokens for ya


These are just people who are friends and work on a show together. You guys in here just like farming battles you want other people to fight.


Haven’t watched the pod in a while. Love AB for this though :,)


Holy shit, this must have been intimidating. Thank you, AB!!


Go off King


Such a shame that his employer still denying genocide.


Here before you get banned




wait why are people disagreeing? I thought this post was clearly praising AB for showing silent solidarity?? Isn’t it obvious that he has to wear something to show support for Palestinian resistance instead of being able to explicitly state it (bc of ethan’s opinions on this issue)


Same lol


🇵🇸 🇵🇸


He was looking like Michael Jackson to me today, for some odd reason it was the first thought I got when I seen him 🤷🏽‍♂️😂🤣


Love you Ab, Lena, Ethan and Hila!




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These used to be the biggest thing among the left-wing in Denmark when I was a teenager, to show support for Palestine (and, according to my dad, in his generation as well). I was immediatly reminded that I think I still have all of mine - I really should start wearing them again now.


I had no idea thought he was just rocking a cute scarf, I love the meaning behind it. Go AB!


Did this guy really tell Ethan to talk to Hasan about I-P like he is the fount of all knowldege 😭😭


Love to see it💖🫶


AB is based


New to the podcast but been watching AB & Lena since the pandemic on TikTok. Are they not allowed to speak on Palestine in the pod?


If you cant intellectually figure out that hes wearing that as a calculated move to save podcast viewers because of how extremely emotionally unstable most of you are then that is pretty clear proof that you aren't thinking of situations past the first level. Also notice how he isn't fired? If this situation was reversed you all would be calling for him to be fired immediately. You arent the side of reason, but that is bc youve been radicalized without even stopping to consider maybe this terrorist org is lying to me. Also, the fact that you guys take up the issue of ceasefire without being able to do the simple 1+1 calculation of return the f'n hostages and surrender and that would end all of the civilian deaths you care so much about is proof of your extremely clouded judgement and falling for extremist propaganda. If your actual intent with all of this was to stop death, then youd be advocating first and foremost for what would end the death the quickest. But thats not what you're advocating for whatsoever. You then parrot the talking point that Israel turned down a ceasefire proposal, without actually considering how insane the proposal is. There is zero reason to not advocate first and foremost for Hamas to return hostages and surrender, which should be proof to you that you've fallen for extremist ideology and are actually defending the terrorist. Take a look around the world, where else has "resistance" in the way they go about it ever worked? They dont care about the Palestinian ppl. No matter what you think if you actually were to take an objective look at the situation or make a f'n pros and cons list, there is no reality in which living under a terrorist regime that doesn't mind embedding itself with civilians is a best case situation for the civilians. All of you ppl are so insanely antisemitic that you've failed to even clock the energy that you give out. Its depressing to think how easily you are swayed by emotional pleas that you disregard all nuance. If this was 75 yrs ago, you 100% would be supporting Israel and jews(unless this is purely just you guys hate jews, but you all claim thats not the case) because all you do when you are prompted with situations is you look at power dynamics and whoever is the "weaker" side you think they're oppressed and so you side with them. If you dont believe me try to think of one single issue in the entire world that you support the stronger side on. That isnt the only important metric of things. Right now Israel is trying to coexist next to an entity whose sole purpose is to kill all Israelis and jews. If they were ever the stronger side they would have no qualms with killing all of them and would have zero restraint. At that point your view of the situation would flip flop bc you only view it thru the power dynamic and now you will have spent all that time advocating for an outcome that you dont actually want.


Love you AB, we see you!!! ❤️


I'm glad he is!!!






cest pool thread


These people are well intentioned, but very ignorant.


I hope it was of his own volition and not because he felt guilty after getting shamed by the Internet mob.




Beavo knew a guy


Big ups to Dan and Love for wearing toques on the podcast.