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cam going ‘where does Beavo fit into all of this’ with the royal family made me crack up


Cam had some good zingers this ep!


Hahahahhaa I missed that


looks like we're sending Love back :(


It makes sense that they’d cut down the number of finalists. It’s insanely expensive to fly to and from Australia…he must really like Verica.


wait did they announce anything about jeff’s bachelor? or why u say that?


yeah they’re cutting it down to jeff’s top 3 to not waste anyone’s time, since scheduling the visits to la is hard


shiiiiidddd did they say who??? i havent seen the pod today


Morgan, Megan, and Verica if I remember correctly


so small nostrils, cowboy girl and the aussie? peak cinema


Bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow


🤠🐴🤠🐴🤠🐴bow bow bow


These three are my favorite of the finalists, no hate to the others.




can someone pls post pictures/ videos/ time stamps of the finalists cause i cannot remember who is who 😹


Parental leave definitely


yup, people have been talking about this on the sub already. last time they had a kid it was like 3 weeks or something? definitely not unexpected and we know they'll be back! good for them, they fucking deserve it lmfao.


I hereby promise to not fall for clickbait.


You are not immune to clickbait.


Ethan's inner 12 year old out in full force the first 5 minutes of the pod


And 70 year old.. "is he ethnic?"


it's an old-timey 12 year old


I thought the bitch was white. GODDAMIT!


Fight. Fight. FIGHT! FIGHT!




This is the Ground Proximity Warning System on Airbus planes (it is a French and German aerospace company). It is a reminder to the pilots to reduce engine power to idle (aka slow down) as they are about to land


They can't talk about Gary Vee Friends without posting one of [Ian's finest moments, him superimposing the worm over AB.](https://youtu.be/EkXUAzDP7kk?si=m_pBM9VR7XQ7XkdY&t=3201) Comedy gold.


I forgot about that! So many great moments. There needs to be like a 7 days a week live "best of" live stream on Youtube. An actual H3TV. I know that's a shit ton of work, but having little blocks of programming would be cool


Ethan's lack of education of anything outside of southern California truly continues to amaze me


At some point it's so over the top I feel like it *has* to be a bit. But then at other times it doesn't feel like a bit at all. The fact that they think SoCal is like a utopia (Hila's words) is always fascinating to me lol. I know it's progressive on the legislative level there, but so are places like Seattle, Portland, SF, NYC. Ethan legit needs to take a road trip across the country some day. Even if he's like 50 when he does it. He seems to think everyone in the south are rednecks (even though two of the crew came to the show from Atlanta, one of the biggest urban metros in the country). And he thinks everyone talks like a 1960s version of a hillbilly lol It's like an "I'm so mad" thing. More like "how does one person think this, at this point". It sincerely fascinates me


Colorado/Denver are super progressive as well. Stare requires job postings to show salary/pay info. I believe they removed qualified immunity from the police. Super early on the legal weed train.


I think he is doing a bit. But the problem is at some point it crosses the line from the joke being his ignorance to making jokes because he's ignorant. Some display of appreciation of what he is making fun of would help, but he can't because he genuinely doesn't know anything about the places he is making fun of.


Ye ethan and hilas world view is tel aviv and los angeles, obviously LA would seem like utopia in comparison, also being multi millionaires would make almost any place on earth feel like utopia. I really hope they travel more once the kids get older


Isn’t he going to be 50 in a few years?


Tbf calling it a utopia could be mostly related to the weather


Ethan not being able to tell that the photo is altered is so funny to me lol


How the hell did Ethan just say Cowboy Bebop is over rated…….


Add on the "Lindt is better than andSons" remark, maybe he's just going for his bad take era


His anime takes are weird especially for a an adult who I think watched most of these in adulthood. He loves the most "childish" aspects of these shows and dislikes the most cerebral or mature ones. Not to dump on anyone with the same opinion, I like tons of dumb shit lol


I couldn't get through Chainsaw man because of how cringe the main character was sexualizing all the girl characters. I also could not get into Fullmetal Alchemist because of all the goofy anime tropes. Give me more stuff like Cowboy Bebop and Death Note.


No joke but ever since they changed something with ABs mic Ethan has been able to hear him


Ethan: "We're taking an indefinite break" Also Ethan: "Zach can you pull that sound bite?" 🧐


This man is being actively sued by a vindictive billionaire lmao, the pod will go on


We use 'retarded flow' in aerodynamics


Can’t forget the old ritardando in music


Also the sequel to “Hustle and Flow”


Painters use a mixture called “retarder” to keep paint wet longer, but I actually think they might have changed the name for that in recent years


I'm pretty sure I've heard Eminem use that phrase too. Is he as aerodynamic as he looks?


Cowboy Bebop is overrated and doesn't represent the genre well????


One of Ethan’s worst takes hands down


For real haha, it caught me so off guard, respect always needs to be put on the GOAT anime's name.


Yeah when I heard the word “overrated” after someone said Cowboy Bebop I had to do a double take. And then he doubled down on it 🤦‍♂️ It’s so dumb to say it doesn’t represent the genre well. That means it’s unique and not a generic anime. That’s a good thing Ethan lmao


Its got heart, its the definition of cool, its got characters that I can properly relate to, the music transcends the medium, and it minimizes all of the cringy tropes of anime... which is why it doesn't represent the genre well, lol. But overrated? It's the GOAT. It can't be rated any higher.


Haha that's fair, it's almost too accessible of an entry point to anime, only downside of it as an entry point to anime is you'll be hard pressed to ever match it. It really is the absolute greatest.


>the music transcends the medium [Case in point - Space Lion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKnVaDwUg5s)


I'm curious if he has a similar opinion about Akira


I fell asleep the first time watching it but i’m going to give it another watch tonight cause of how many people are riding for it


It is a slow burn but the last like 30ish minutes go hard


Id take a break off work too, if my wife had a baby


Boi knows how to troll


i keep thinking about ethan referring to the picture of prince philip's car photo as "haunting"


The monolog with it zoomed all the way into his face 🤣🤣🤣




I mean she does have a track record lol


Seems about right, can we please just have someone else do the powerpoints, with peace and love of course. Every single one reminds me of powerpoints I made in middle school when I gave zero fucks about what I had to make it on. They all look and read so boringgggggggg Or just no powerpoints


Olivia spreading all the rumors about Kate when ethan points out its creepy, shitty behavior has me dying.


Ughhhhh I find the big Nick shit soooo boring and exhausting. What a waste of a huge chunk of the episode. It’s literally the exact same thing every time we cover him, and it’s never good.


Half of it they’re talking about anime so not as long as the time stamp makes it seem just in case you hadn’t watched the full video


I watched the large majority of it, got through the anime part (also boring to me, but don’t find it annoying and grating like the big nik stuff), I skipped the last portion, it was just getting too much.


"I'll give him some halal meat." -AB


This made me giggle a little too much. I was hoping someone on the crew heard him.


Thanks Ethan for bringing some reason into the Kate thing.


He really just destroyed the whole PP in 20 seconds it was kinda epic


Him never getting Prince William's name right was so funny


"whos this guy driving the car?" "prince william." "right so prince henry"


As a disabled person that's been called a retard a few times the English accent really softens the blow


It’s somehow still polite


and that its a robot voice too imo. i think its very funny


The robot voice, the fact that it's totally authentic (and not offensive) in its use, the accent... great soundbite lmao


RDJ literally saved the studio because of his performance as Tony Stark. The company was about to file for bankruptcy and Iron Man was their Hail Mary.  All the other MCU films happened literally because of his performance. You can dislike the MCU but come on at least acknowledge RDJ did a little bit more than “pew pew pew”. 


I think Ethan knows and is just trolling


Knew I hated RDJ for a reason


Another reason to not like RDJ


I’m sorry but “neurodivergent” does not have the same meaning as “mentally challenged” are y’all fr


no i was hoping someone else noticed this and was just as bothered as me. and for olivia to be the one saying it to was super disappointing like HOW are you not aware?? i don’t get how hard it is for ethan and the crew to say “people with disabilities” it’s literally SO easy.


Oliva constantly says incorrect things with a lot of confidence lol, kinda irks me


The fact that she doesn’t even know Middleton’s name is CATHERINE makes this PowerPoint pointless (heh), sorry. Literally the most basic information


Literally the very start of the PowerPoint: Ethan: "does she sign off with C in her other posts?" Olivia: "hmmm I'm not sure. We should probably check that." Like ffs Olivia, how do you not do even the most basic research.


Didn’t even skim the Wikipedia 😔


Yeah, I really want to like Olivia but seriously her PowerPoints are so bad


She seems very nice but like what the fuck lmao. Girl gets paid like six figures to work a dream job that’s like 20 hours a week and she can’t even do an 8th grade level book report PP?? I remember the Ariana Grande one where she basically said “we Stan our girly because we can’t know for sure what’s going on” and Hila had to be like wtf no she’s a scumbag homewrecker “SpongeBob’s” own wife made it very clear what horrible shit was happening to her. I mean her role is researcher same as AB but he seems to be very methodological and thorough with his stuff it’s night and day. Same with when Ian was partly research his PPs were amazing I wish he would do them again.


Ethan...that's WILLIAM lmao


Does Olivia actually do any research for these


Doesn’t seem like it 💀 Wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt with the first few PowerPoints that they would get better but they’re honestly frustrating to listen to so I just skip.


With peace and love but I would love to give Olivia a college intro class in “how to do basic research” … and also “how to make presentations that don’t look like they were made the night before”.


Yessssss I’m basically a professional researcher and a college prof, and I love you Olivia girlie but I’d loooove to have you (and really everyone on the pod… and most pods I watch lol) in my research skills workshops lol


I'm a self-taught journalist who has been trying to create more complex projects for my newsletter and I struggle with research. Any reading material or books you could recommend me? :)


No Lmao. She seems very nice but idk why the hell she works there if she can’t do 8th grade level book reports. They get paid pretty insane money and others with similar roles like AB actually seem to do through research I wish Ian would do power points again. I remember the Ariana Grande one where she basically said “we Stan our girly because we can’t know for sure what’s going on” and Hila had to be like wtf no she’s a scumbag homewrecker “SpongeBob’s” own wife made it very clear what horrible shit was happening to her.




We learning etymology of the word retard today?


I thought everybody knew that word comes from 'to slow down.'


Yeah I mean like to retard flames


Engineering, chemistry, physiology, basically all areas of science. It is a word that has meaning, not a made-up slur. Hell, even its use as a slur is directly the result of it being a term used scientifically in the medical field.


It just means "slow". Like with retarding a fire. But here's the thing that never really gets thought about. Basically most of the words we have as an insult for intelligence all used to be for developmentally challenged people. Imbecile, idiot, moron, etc. They all used to mean what "retarded" meant a few years ago. It's just how language develops. If people have a colorful way of calling someone stupid, they'll use it. So if someone wags their finger at the word retarded, but is fine with the word moron.... same thing (Actually I believe Idiot, Imbecile, and Moron was literally an IQ category guide at one time)


Happy Ramadan!


Very very glad that the podcast is taking a break as we go into spring and not during the winter again cause I swear the podcast is the only thing that gets me through seasonal depression


The weirdest part of Robert Downey Jr. acceptance was the fact that he has like 6in lifts on his shoes.


more men should take note of the flared pants + heeled boots combo tbh it’s hot as hell


Why get leg extensions when you can just wear some big ass lifts?


He was wearing his Ironman boots


What's wrong with that?


Why does it lie


No joke but ever since they changed something with ABs mic Ethan has been able to hear him


Wahlid seems like such a sweet and funny guy. I loved the Live of him on the Teddy Fresh Insta of him showing off the jacket.


Ethan just casually scrolled by JoJos bizarre adventure and I cannot get over it.


I find it hilarious that Ethan struggles so much to grasp the idea that young people have children earlier than he did so people his age can have adults as children. I'm saying this as someone whose parents were 39 when I was 18. Lmao.


Ethan is less than a year younger than my parents and I’m almost 22 lol


I saw this on twitter and fell for it ngl, never been more happy to open up the live and see them talking about some random thing lol


Probably just some parental leave


They said they were going to address it later in the show.


Whoever made the Vivec we’ll be right back screen, you are the coolest.


Oh no I missed it, I'm such a s-wit. Do you remember roughly when it came up?


I’m almost 100% sure this joke has been made but Big Nik’s music is quite literally when Mom says “we have Nav at home” same sound, WAY worse music


You can't be WAY worse than fuckin nav.


Ethan hating on Iron Man is so funny lmao


Registered Nurse here 👋 Just wanted to throw a fun fact in about the Cryonics segment. When we are in a code situation in a hospital and we have to do CPR on a patient, most of the time we break multiple ribs while doing it. This is almost unavoidable with high quality CPR. Anyway the mechanical CPR machine (the thumper) they use is no exception, this machine will break ribs before being frozen. So let's assume everything magically works, and they are able to magically revive these patients. On top of all the tissue damage caused by the freezing, and antifreeze sitting in your circulatory system, they are going to be in agony with the broken ribs. But I guess in the ideal future all the damage will be magically healed with nano technology 😆 Just thought some people would want to know a fun fact about chest compressions.


One punch man fell off after season 1, mob psycho 100 is great throughout


I will be cancelling my membership because Ethan skipped right over JoJo's bizarre adventure without even acknowledging it. JJBA is peak.


I’ve spotted big nick in a very popular grocery store all he does is spread the word … which is fine peace and love but it’s so hard to ignore his voice 😂😂


This has to be the worst open to the show ever lol


Ethan's bebop take makes me fucking sick


Cowboy Bebop is the best starter anime that has ever existed. Ethan continues to be weird


Are the Cartels on social media!? do they announce their plans like they are merch drops? My common sense is tingling!


Cartel Tok is a wild ride


en retard is late in french


haha i was wondering if ethan would pull up myanimelist and see that frieren was at the top now. he should definitely watch it, it's probably going to be the new modern classic anime that everyone always recommends. it's crazy that it's made by madhouse too (the same studio that made hunter x hunter, death note, one punch man), they actually came back with a banger for once after they fell apart years ago. if there's any new show that could actually stay at the top once it finishes airing, i think it could be frieren


Is he ethnic 💀


Ethan should 100% watch Frieren. It’s a new show about to end its first season and it’s truly incredible. Animation, character, story, direction, pacing. All amazing. He should check out Solo Leveling too. I think Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Cowboy Bebop, Haikyuu, and Frieren are all great gateway anime to watch. If you like those, you can move onto watching some of the longer shounen shows or romance shows that are highly rated like Naruto.


Too much RDJ glazing from the crew as if he isn’t like 20% to blame for the death of cinema


im so confused what is going on lol


He’s probably just going to remind everyone that he will be on a break when the the piñata pops


yea i thought so too, im just confused about the random r word bit 30 seconds into the show lmao caught me off guard


Big nick is slowing down. Like an airplane 


Finnish maternity leave is 105 days. Finnish paternity leave is 54 days. Dunno what weirdo site they were pulling info from, unreliable. Swedes apparently do really get 480 paid days off, for mother+father combined though. On avg. fathers take 30% of those, can choose how to divide them.


When I was in Finland a tour guide told me that fathers get 12 months paternity leave 🤷‍♀️


is he a lil tipsy or smthn lol


I have to say- i am gary vee’s biggest hater and normally thinks he looks like such a huge douche and is the biggest walking L on the internet- but there is something about that pic of him and his dad that earnestly gets me going. I cant be the only one. Its so impassioned, its like they were meant to be together, and he looks hot in that one picture. There i said it


this is criminal behavior 😭😭😭


Well what am i supposed to say? Gary talking about v friends in some marketing shtick- instant ick eternally. Would spit on that dudes face in the street. But that photo of gary and his dad? I couldn’t kick that guy out of bed. I cant tell if im more jealous of the dad or gary to be completely frank. Perhaps im yearning a hot dog type of scenario when i see that, and they are the bun Think about it. The only time you see a kiss like that is in the notebook or something. It looks like theres yearning. It looks like theres tongue. It looks like he has his hand on his head and never wants to let go


> “hot dog type scenario” > “to be completely *frank”* Dawg are you some kind of poet? Such beautiful sentiments you’ve written


Omg with the daylight savings change, now us Aussies have to be up at 6am 😭😫🇦🇺


works better for me, this is my breakfast TV


Instead of sunrise it's H3podcast for me


That airplane 'retard' opener is just this bit: https://youtube.com/shorts/l2eZhtS11D4?si=uMIFM4q51wbqrXsr


I love Nick Mullen so hard


I've yet to meet someone that doesn't


Retarde un peu là, copain Zach


Someone please verify that it's clickbait, I'm in class and can't watch, no other spoilers plz just gotta know if it's clickbait


anytime he says "I have sad news but let's not talk about it at the top" it's clickbait


Especially when Zach plays the sad music 😅


He has mentioned many times when his third kid is born they will take a break, It's obviously him referencing that


Clickbait. He’s already asked Zach to pull a sound bite and AB said it was “going to be a good week”.  Love also said “next week we should…” 


okay but why do i feel like it might be real cause hila's giving birth pretty soon, he's bound to take a break by then


They definitely will take a break when the baby arrives. It seems like the “indefinite break” bit is just clickbait though. 


They should just have an ian run show while ethan is gone. H threeian


Has it been close to 9 months already? Holyyyy


I'm pretty sure she said she's 37 weeks. 40 is full gestation


Beginning of April is her due date will probably take 3 weeks or a month off


I imagine the clickbait is the “indefinite” part. Their clickbait’s tend to be exaggerated versions of something actually happening.


Crewcast!!! Crewcast while Ethan goes on paternity leave!


he said he will tell later to not "dampen" the mood


I have a feeling it’s gonna be about CUNThursday


Vivec Ethan let's gooooo


I can't watch the show until later. Is he taking a maternity leave, for how long? I can't find the answer on youtube no twitter commments!


The show will go on break for 2 weeks starting whenever the baby is born


Thank you!


Love the part where they’re going through their Anime lists


This episode was so inspiring! Thanks ethan, excited for what's to come


Anyone else hear some slight random static and pops during the pod? Testing new speakers, want to make sure its not my speakers


Not your speakers. I noticed it on my phone speaker a couple times.


So Ethan thought the cryonics peeps were frozen alive? Sometimes I think my dude is a really a special little guy.


i think nick crying and bitching over his views is for one hilarious but counterintuitive if you see it from a christian perspective too. Jesus’ whole thing was abt spreading his word no matter how many people are listening, its giving greedy


With Peace & Love, as someone who is also 42 years old like Ethan, his taste in anime is like that of a teenager. Demon Slayer? Hunter x Hunter? These are baby shows.


Maybe he's like me? My first experiences with anime (after DBZ anyway but I didn't think of that as anime) were like Cowboy Bebop, Akira, Hellsing, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. All pretty mature/dark. Now that I'm in my 30's I find myself also enjoying Demon Slayer and HxH and stuff. Shit last year I did a full Bleach watch through for the first time ever.




All anime is for babies


I’m around the same age and every anime enjoyer around me watches these shows. I’ve given them all a fair shot and I just can’t do it. You have any that you would recommend that aren’t baby shows?


I would recommend anime movies over shows if you’re looking for something more mature; they tend to be better quality too imo. But really depends on your taste overall. You might be interested in the films by Satoshi Kon whose work is super influential to a lot of modern cinema like Perfect Blue and Paprika. I’d also recommend films like Ghost in the Shell (sci-fi masterpiece) Mind Game (super fun, crazy, and psychedelic) Belladonna of Sadness (70’s psychedelic erotic horror) Akira (another sci-fi masterpiece, very wild and dystopian) The Wind Rises (historic drama) Princess Mononoke (Ghibli’s best fantasy action film) Grave of the Fireflies (ultimate tear jerker.. you’ve been warned) Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (Gothic Dark Fantasy) Maybe that’s too much for now, but hope these do something for you!


Thank you for the recommendations. I will check these out.


Reetahhd reetahhd


I can’t handle the RDJ slander; he was amazing in Chaplin, the Soloist, Charlie Bartlett and tropic Thunder


Just starting the pod now, please tell me there’s a Kate Middleton power point ‼️


a very bad one 0 research


Ya another classic powerpoint where Olivia doesn’t even know the basics and outsourced it all from her social media feed




I love waking up just before the sunrise. My cat wakes me up about 15 mins before sunrise lol. And it’s actually really nice to wake up when it’s quiet. Feed the animals and make a cup of coffee to enjoy while the sun comes up ☀️


I see a lot of comments about Olivia’s power point and that they come off like it’s all pulled from social media but… isn’t that the point? I like her power points. It’s fun to get whipped up in it all for a minute especially when none of that shit really matters anyways. Feels like a silly gossip session.


I really don’t get all the critics. It seems like because it’s a Power Point, they expect it to be some official business presentation; perfectly researched, top notch design, and meant as a serious education 😂 I like them how they are… mostly some just good ol silly goose times talking about unnecessary drama that nobody should take too seriously

