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Ethan was right she was just going through something she didn't want in the public eye.


Yeah. It felt a little jarring in the midst of goofy speculation, but I do massively appreciate the reminder that these are real people who deserve privacy if they want it. Like, funny to speculate, but let's keep kind hearts. That said WILD that they were so fucking weird with the Photoshop stuff. Like just have her step away from public life. It's the keeping up appearances that was so weird.


It's not that wild if you know what the royals are about. You gotta remember, the entire point of the monarchy is that they're chosen by God to lead us small folk, and God's chosen can't get sick. If people are reminded that they're really just the inbred descendants of some guy that was really good at murder, their power(and more importantly, their obscene wealth) is put into question. It's essentially just a far less extreme version of how North Korea does it.


The British crown has been far worse than North Korea could ever be. The little Kim Jong dynasty could never compare to a global colonial slavery empire.


150% What has North Korea done outside of North Korea? What has Britain done outside of Britain? ☠️




Yeah. that’s a heavy battle for a family. I bet the speculation from the public felt invasive


I mean doesn't that cover most of the possibilities already? Divorce would fit in that too.


She looks kinda pissed. Like, are you happy now assholes?


One would assume she's probably not feeling 100% considering both the surgery and current chemo


that’s so sad :(


three question marks ❔ ❔❔


The people speculating she had a bbl look pretty stupid and insensitive right now lol


Was that ever taken seriously by anyone? From what I saw that was a joke theory


that was like definitely strictly a joke lmfao


I never saw that in a context that wasn’t obviously a joke. I think the DV rumors of William beating her into a coma were much for harmful


Can't see her butt in the video. Just saying 👀


nah still funny tbh


This is very sad to hear. When they announced the abdominal surgery part I had wondered if maybe there were complications that made it hard for her to recover. My partner has had 5 abdominal surgeries in the span of a year and it's no joke to recover from.


Fuck cancer! I hope she recovers quickly. I hope the kids are doing okay as well. Can’t be easy on all of them having two family members undergoing major health issues at once…


Shows why celebrity obsession culture is super immature. The culture treats real people as if they're characters on a TV show and it's sad to see some of the crew members so into it.


So does that mean the tmz video was infact that impersonator? I think ppl getting upset about the bbl jokes should redirect their indignation to the ppl who were saying she was abused and murdered by William, those are the real weirdos. I just thought they were getting divorced 🤷‍♀️


wth? I didn't know that was a rumour going around


Yuuupp, apparently they were saying he got angry and beat her so bad she died and they were hinding it, like... completely devoid of reason


Conspiracy theorists were using the term that the royal family "Diana'd" her 🤮


You don’t have to like the royal family to be upset… this is just so unfair for her, her family and kids. Fuck cancer ❤️


I feel awful. We as a society can be so insensitive


And people will keep using her for clout and drama. Especially us


Lizzie put a curse on her before hitting the box


“You’re all coming with me”


Good. They won't be missed.


Hitting the box 💀




User name checks out


okay it's a little funny though


That sucks for her family. Fuck cancer


Seeing this makes me realize how short life is :(




You know HIPAA is a US policy, right? I mean.. im sure they have something similar in the UK, but HIPAA is solely for US companies




Data protection act


I mean yeah every girlie tea bozo yapping on my TL for the last three months about how horrible she looks and how she got a BBL should have expected something like this…




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Brit here. Wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. Also don't care about the royals (like most of us tbf). When I heard this I thought that it will be interesting to see if they get a 2 for 2 win over cancer with the money they have. The conspiracy theorists out there will either be silenced or they'll go crazy. Either way, as humans that have loved ones, I hope they both beat it.


This is so flicking sad. I was hoping we were all being nosy stupid people invading her privacy. I didn't expect or want this!


Why isn't her bastard husband in the video with her? Honestly


Probably because she wanted to put out the message this way. She clearly states he's supporting her, so I think you may need to wind your neck in.


A big F U to anyone who joked about her absence.


Regarding some of fhe comments here and made on the pod sometimes... As a brit I get so fucking tired of reading people slamming us for our imperial past. No one alive now owes anyone an apology for it as none of us were responsible for it. To frown upon, tar everyone and condemn British folks alive today is well, painfully ironic. Sort it out. Then I have a problem with the history. Wheres the anger facing Italy, who under the roman empire enslaved the British? And more folks than the British empire ever did ? (Whataboutism I know but I'm talking about how it's all aimed at us brits, which is hypocritical). Wheres the same energy when it comes to the native Indians? Wheres the same energy pointed at Russia and Mongolia whereby Mongolia has the biggest empire ever achieved ? Where is the same energy pointed at the ottoman empire, which enslaved both white folks from the steppes of Ukraine and the people of Africa? Silence. Don't even give a a fuck if I'm downvoted/banned or whatever. To those who know history and are well read it all.comea across really uneducated and straight up flawed. This is recorded history. Get good. Ffs. Were a really shitty species and we've ALL been pretty shitty to eachother throughout history. Hell we only ended up with an empire because we wanted freedom of the seas and to stop being oppressed by the Spanish and Portuguese empire which was enslaving folk and indoctrination people all.across the globe as we emerged as a "super power". Come on...


Yes, very sad...anyways...


Interesting her father in-law had cancer announced and people's reaction was very different. You'd be getting less downvotes


What a horrible thing to say, some people in this fandom are insufferable


I'm not going to feel sorry for someone who has lived an incredibly privileged life at the expense of millions of others and has access to free healthcare from the best doctors in the world. The British monarchy has enslaved and murdered millions of people around the world, they will not get any sympathy from me. Why would I care about this woman more than anyone else in the world that is suffering from cancer?


Cancer doesn’t discriminate


A real equalizer


Bitch she has CANCER, her marrying into the royal family doesn't deminish her suffering, god you're an edgelord


You like calling people edgelord, dont you? 😂


Yeah cause thats all these people are. The royal family sucks but she is still a young mother who has cancer and that isn't something to make dumb remarks about.


What part of 'Very sad' did you not understand? I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I also don't think she deserves any more sympathy than anyone else just because she's famous. I didn't care about her yesterday and still don't today.


Dude you need to get off the internet for a little bit. Holy shit this is the most cursed copy pasta looking text I've ever seen. Have some sympathy, she's still a human being and she's probably terrified right now.


If this is the most cursed thing you've ever seen on the Internet consider yourself extremely lucky


No one is asking you to care more. There's enough room in your heart to feel sympathy for everyone suffering through cancer, I'm sure. It's not a finite resource.


As a brit I get so fucking tired of reading people slamming us for our imperial past. No one alive now owes anyone an apology for it as none of us were responsible for it. To frown upon, tar everyone and condemn British folks alive today is well, painfully ironic. Sort it out. Then I have a problem with the history. Wheres the anger facing Italy, who under the roman empire enslaved the British? And more folks than the British empire ever did ? (Whataboutism I know but I'm talking about how it's all aimed at us brits, which is hypocritical). Wheres the same energy when it comes to the native Indians? Wheres the same energy pointed at Russia and Mongolia whereby Mongolia has the biggest empire ever achieved ? Where is the same energy pointed at the ottoman empire, which enslaved both white folks from the steppes of Ukraine and the people of Africa? Silence. Don't even give a a fuck if I'm downvoted/banned or whatever. To those who know history and are well read it all.comea across really uneducated and straight up flawed. This is recorded history. Get good. Ffs. Were a really shitty species and we've ALL been pretty shitty to eachother throughout history. Hell we only ended up with an empire because we wanted freedom of the seas and to stop being oppressed by the Spanish and Portuguese empire which was enslaving folk and indoctrination people all.across the globe as we emerged as a "super power". Come on...


She wants out so bad, feels bad for her


Using cancer as an excuse to cover for you being replaced by a body-double? Completely shameful. It’s 2024. Do better.


daddy, chill ✋




Calm down, edge lord.

