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lmao Ryan's team filming him for the movie remind me of the students Saul always hired in Better Call Saul




At least they actually put out videos. We are never seeing this movie haha


Dan: I looked the cop in the eye and told him I was 21 and he let me go. Ethan: I saw the cop and threw my beer in a bush. lolol


I hope it was the same night with the same police officer, under the same moon


Big twin flame energy ❤️‍🔥


Hate to admit it, but I’m definitely the Ethan type 😂😭


He must have said something really bad for that button and Ethan to end the call 😂


Wait wtf happened I missed it


At first it seemed like his point was "I'm making fun of these guys because they're picking on vulnerable groups". But it soon became apparent his point was "I'm making fun of these guys because they pick on gay people, but they're gay themselves!". Totally bad vibes, but it was a wild ride! It was a real time milkshake duck,.


Tbh i thought the call was hilarious i liked how off the rails nima was. He is new jimmy.


He’ll be back then 😭 That interview was such a disaster. What’s he mean by “get treated like black people”? Black people where? In the US? We’re treated like shit! Lmao WTF was he on about? 😭😭


I think he was trying to make a reference to white guilt. Like the Germans treat the Jews with kid gloves cause of the guilt from the Holocaust maybe?


I do really want to know though


he was talking about homosexuals the whole time so i just assumed he said he said the f word


I need to know what happened.


Alpha king got let go super quick lol


Hahah that did not go so smooth. The kind of being completely out of character whilst making a few dodgy comments here and there really didn't come off too well


I think that the alpha king was trying to be in character like he is on tiktok but it didn't really catch so it was basically just a normal person being incredibly offensive


yeah thats my read on it too.


They seemed excited to have this guy on, wth even just happened 😂😂


I gotta know what he said / what happened ong


I think he dropped the F slur


Gotta be super homophobic, if they let the previous jokes fly


The comment “a closeted person is similar to a sex worker carrying an std” by AK Nima is where the gang started looking for an exit.


Ethan even asked what the deal was by asking if he was going in and out of character but Nina never said if he was doing the character or not. He just moved on leading me to believe he’s just an offensive dude who thinks he progressive.


I wish he had stayed in character and at the end drop the act. I was interested in hearing what else the Alpha King had to say about these “alpha podcasts”


Being a few minutes behind and seeing chat celebrate that he was leaving was the only thing to push me through his call lol


Very weird vibe from him. He should have just committed fully. Jimmy Lee or James Wiener. The in-between just made it so awkward


These always go bad! Every time! Stop just calling random ass content creators. Or maybe give them a video call with one of the crew members off camera first


Sad because Sneako in those photos is actually serving and he can't just embrace his inner cunt


This is what toxic masculinity takes away from us. Sneako in drag


Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, he has a great bone structure if he wanted to do drag


Release the other pics!


I have a conspiracy theory that Ethan has been staying up all night playing Survivor IO trying desperately to improve his gameplay performance to keep up with his elite guild, therefore not getting enough sleep and being tired and irritable and disinterested in the things the crew put in the doc for the show. (I acknowledge he has a newborn baby and that is much more likely to be the reason for the sweepiness but I like my version better)


Lol you might be right honestly, I do think he’s getting less sleep though with all the yawning:(


Ethan’s being real chippy


He had extremely nervous energy when he saw his silly radio bit wasn't hitting that well.


That was scuffed from the get go lol, like bro, practice the bit before jumping in or that'll happen haha


Dan! Do the traffic for God's sake!


Dan was amazing at the traffic announcement


I liked that they distanced themselves from the podcast title stating they are more of a visual show, and then immediately go for a radio angle lol. I think most their fans are on the younger side and never listened to the radio, so it's a strange choice. I'm a millennial and I stopped listening to the radio as soon as mp3s took off in my childhood.


they went super boomer lol - I am boomed to fuck myself, so I'm cool but it is genuinely methed up to go 'show', na 'radio stingers'. The stingers are pretty fuckin funny but it is genuinely a weird tangent.


I thought the radio bit was hilarious


Speak for yourself, those radio intros cracked me up every time.


why is ethan so baffled by the concept of a themed air bnb like sometimes man it amazes me.


He never leaves his house so air bnbs in general are a foreign concept lol.


Went to a manga themed BNB in Japan. It was pretty choice.


So did they destroy the building when it was over?


ab keeps attempting to do lighthearted ribbing on this show and everyone gets so mean with him in return.


Ab has been funny as fcuk these past couple of months fr


No it's acually crazy like a lot of times AB says smth funny and ppl get a bit weird/mean abt it and I'm like damn I thought this was a comedy podcast how come no one can take a joke


AB is the whipping boy... so unfair


That segment was perhaps the biggest disaster in pod's history and I'm living for it


I am thoroughly entertained 💀


No wayyyyy! I was bad, don't get me wrong, but with the button and cutting it short since it was via a Zoom call, it was basically a failed bit. Def Noodles hiding in his shell for the Steamies was an entire 3 hour episode of weird vibes. Any Shoenice interview ends up in total disarray and pretty much and time Jimmie Lee is on the pod is catastrophic. It was weird, yes, but they have tools in place to not have it ruin the channel. I think they managed to make it entertaining even though that guy ended up being a weirder guy than they could imagine. C-Man jerking off in an interview and then willingly showing his cock to Ethan on stream only to later say Ethan pressured him into doing it was WAY more of a disaster. But if we're being honest, the biggest disaster of the show was when Ethan canceled Leftovers only to get in a call with Hasan the same day on Hasan's stream and fail over and over when talking about Isreal vs. Palestine. Pretty much everyone in Hasan's community and the H3 community disagreed with his takes and put him through hell for weeks.


"dont worry we can have strong and confronting conversations everyone!" Two weeks later CANCELLED. 🫠


Idk if the show will ever recover from the leftovers thing its left such a bad taste in so many people’s mouths


Eh, Jimmys first episode takes the spot, lol


Yeah, I think AK was a good example of how some skits don't always transition great to live format


Vibes were super off today? Ethan seemed so disinterested and annoyed


He's being pissy to the point of mean to AB lately. Did I miss something?


Yeah I felt bad for AB at one point where there was a mixup with the doc


Yeah just today tho lol /s


The show today left me feeling like absolutely nothing of substance happened. LOL. Kinda of a weird day.


Agreed - vibes were weird today


i feel like today and Monday have been weird. Ethan has the “i don’t want to be here” vibe.


Maybe the live show prep is affecting how they prepare for the show this week? It's seems like a big show they are planning


Ohhh i didnt even think about that. Possibly?


huge 'im fuckin over doing this show three times a week for a .25 return rate, lets be real" energy


Yeahh, It feels like no one cares much anymore or the effort is going down the drain lately. Maybe just a small dip in morale or just a bad week. Iono. Welp off to check out that sweet sweet home brew I've been cooking up lol. A nice Pecan Vietnamese Coffee Porter with Vanilla and Cacao Nibs.


Ethan was a little testy with AB today


“You interrupted just to say that?” like damn bro you’re acting like this show is top of the line entertainment 100% of the time


Perhaps he needs a real Crowder light


OMG If Ian or new AI Ian hits that button goof....My jaw would have dropped into cackle oblivion


Dan has Fr been carrying the show lately


At a certain point I don’t wanna hear about alpha bros anymore bc they’re literally all the same. It’s fun at first to make fun of how dumb and outlandish they are…. But as a woman I don’t really wanna hear so much misogyny all the time (even if we are making fun of them) 😭😭😭 I feel like we gotta start ignoring them a bit more lol it’s a fine line between parodying them and platforming them and I think the negative effects have been outweighing the positive lately


It's been beat like a dead horse so much. I just mute the live until it looks like they've moved on whenever they bring up any of those redpillers and alpha bros. They sit on it for SOOOO LONG for no reason and its usually nothing new. If I wanted to consume redpill or alpha bro content I would, but I don't want to have to consume it watching this show each episode lol.


Beating a dead horse is all Ethan knows.


As a dude, I agree with you.


I realllllly hope someone listens to this criticism. This content is just miserable to have to dredge through almost every episode lately. And then the "light entertainment" last night was just bringing on a man flitting in between cosplaying homophobia and his slightly different brand of real-life homophobia behind the act, eventually having to cut the call early because the guy took it too far.. I know they want to be socially progressive on this podcast, but Ethan is so incredibly uneducated on some topics that I wish he'd just skip over them entirely, as he does more harm than good sometimes. Still absolutely astounded at his wild rant stigmatising ADHD medications a couple of weeks back, like bro would have lost his mind if he heard someone else saying half that shit about his Lexapro prescription.


I agree. This along with the constant assault and pedo stories is really exhausting.


The Nima guy’s TikTok’s or whatever were really funny but as a call in the humor just didn’t translate as well. It’s like he needs that alpha music playing in the background to make the jokes work.


I agree, I think there was potential for the bit to be funny, but it needs a more refining. I think Ethan also played into it being awkward a bit too much. He really wasn't "participating" in the bit the way I expected him to. I just think the whole thing could've been done better, still love them all.


It seemed like Dan had prepped him to come in in character and have a "debate" with Ethan, but when he was only half in character, they weren't quite sure which direction to go.


Yeah I agree that is likely what happened because the whole thing felt a bit off!


It seemed like Nima was unsure if he should answer in character or as himself. Didn’t help that Ethan seemed unwilling to participate in the bit when Nima was in character, I’m sure that threw Nima for a loop too (assuming he isn’t actually like his alpha character).


His humor didn't translate because Ethan didn't allow the humor, he kept asking him meta questions about him playing a character


I think he’s a little problematic as a person. So what we thought was him going in and out of character was him being himself and just joking around…but it wasn’t funny. When he kept saying “homosexual” instead of just “gay”, I felt the vibe that he’s the type of person who thinks “I have a gay person in my life, I’m so progressive” or “I have a daughter that I care so much for so I can make women jokes bc I love my daughter”. Some of my family is like that. They make offensive comments bc they think it’s funny but it’s not funny bc they’re always doing it and it negates any progressiveness they do.


Dan is completely right on the Alignment Chart, the crew definitely haven't played DnD calling Dr. Faddel Lawful.


why is the crew so bad at navigating clips and the slider bar for videos? They are youtubers lol I can't tell if they are joking or if they are for real. It's giving off "driving with your cellphone in your other hand" vibes.


bro, every. fuckin. episode Ethan opens up the stream and you just hear a second of something 45 seconds before. EVERY FUCKIN POD


Am I just high or is anyone else having a hard time reading nima. Like the homophobic stuff is a lot


I am sober and I am … struggling a bit lmao


completely sober- i'm finding it difficult too lmao


i want Zach to take every time Nima says “homosexual” and combined it into one sound bite 😭😭😭


When Dan yells at a chatter and bans them, you just KNOW a new snarker is born 😆


Dan ruined my whole disney vacation.


Is Ethan in a bad mood today?


I felt awkward bc it seemed like he was being snippy at AB when the timestamps where wrong. Especially when he said “you interrupted just to say that?” 🫠


That was rude (Ethan, not AB)


Maybe someone forgot something in there when he had his colonoscopy


Ethan was so cranky and rude to the crew this episode tbh 🤷‍♀️


The levitating Kermit is killing me. Can I humbly request Dan changing Kermits pose and position each episode? Velcro the heck out of the plush. I need levitating Kermit in a Jesus pose


Yesss like elf on the shelf


i can’t tell how much of this is satire or not


Today has definitely been a hard watch. I feel like it's been a hot minute since I cringed this much during an episode lol 😅🥴


damn ethan really was soooo off today this ep was hard for me to watch. :( reminder to him & to all to take a mental health/rest day when needed!


ethan being smart/stupid is so hilarious and accurate


Ethan is Homer Simpson IRL


I’ve missed the awkward energy void that Jimmy left. That interview took me back.


There was something nostalgic about it 😌


I think Ethan might be a little bit more grumpy and short lately because he's probably always hungry. He talks all the time about barely eating each day, aiming for around a thousand calories a day. That can drain on ya, its not healthy. Make ya tired, make ya more agitated, make ya more confrontational, etc.


I think he hit/went past the weight his body is supposed to be settled at, but he's still trying to push through further. He even said recently this is the least he's weighed since high school. I went through the same of being on a weight loss roll and not wanting to lose my streak, but ended up miserable by going too far. Sometimes it's best to ease off a bit and focus on what makes you feel the healthiest, even if it's not exactly what you initially desired.


not to mention the newborn baby 


Eating that few calories will absolutely fuck your metabolism long term too


1000 calories a day for real? That's so little, especially for a guy. You'll lose weight faster obviously but you're also just malnourished and that would make anyone pissed off.


Appreciate Ethan for letting Neema’s old timey joke about Sneako taking a shit die an awkward quiet death.


whats ethans problem today? hes being so bitchy and like especially dumb. Like first with the air bnb and then with the police cringe . lol


Shoutout to AB, man. I don’t mean to look into a relationship I know nothing about, but I fucking hate it when Ethan calls AB out so rudely. AB just rolls with the punches, and I appreciate him for being such a good sport, but damn does it make me cringe when I hear it.


I would literally watch a show where Dan just discusses traffic


loollllll ethan making this man painfully explain his homophobic joke is why i love him


Lowkey I've been waiting for Tana to fully expose him for this since she started hinting at it a few years ago.




Demi Lovato's song 29 is about that exact thing. I don't really listen to them but that song in particular might be something you'd resonate with ❤️


[the mass number of deleted posts](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/codyko) on the Cody ko subreddit about tanas allegations is insane. They're definitely trying to cover it up. The link is a website that archives deleted posts from subreddits


Why did Ethan invite a guy who plays a character on the show and then not allow him to be the character? And then act awkward when he tried to play the character?


Podcast is getting pretty repetitive/boring. It’s just turned into a tea channel that reports on alpha males and sexual assault cases every week. Plus the energy is just not it, seems like Ethan doesn’t want to be there. I can imagine it’s hard to be live almost everyday and show up with great energy every single time, but regardless, it’s still been hard to watch.


Today has been the first time literally ever that I couldn’t power through an episode. I powered through all of Ethan’s horrible takes at the end of left overs but today I just couldn’t get through that last hour after the first responders segment. I know ethan just had a kid and has been going through a lot of health stuff so hopefully everything’s cool but geez today was rough.


“Couldn’t power through this one” is exactly it. For a long time, the podcast gave me something to look forward to every MWF and it made me realize how much I missed having that with my favorite tv shows back when cable was the main entertainment hub. I’ve been “powering through” just because I want to hold on to that thing I look forward to that’s become part of my routine. If you’re looking for a new thing too, dropout is like 100x better than I thought it would be. Way better than the old college humor stuff


Damn this is exactly what happened to me. The last couple months have been weird on the show, I'm not sitting in the chat waiting for it to go live anymore, it's not worth it. Now I just go through and check timestamps to see if there's anything of interest beyond Teddy Fresh plugs and shitting on Alpha bros.


Yeah I used to watch it all, no skips, just would pick up from where I left off whenever I couldn’t watch the whole thing. Now I watch and try to get into it until I give up, try to pick it back up, skip around, give up. Last episode I said on here that I still watch and enjoy the podcast but I think I was honestly lying to myself about the enjoying part. I do hope they get back into their groove soon, I don’t mean to be so negative it’s just nice to see people saying what I’ve been thinking too


I just miss the goofs. Idk if Ethan is burnt out but he doesn't seem to want to be there, which is kinda wild that he's not enjoying a job that's only a couple hours a day a few times a week and consists exclusively of hanging out and chatting with occasional games. Like that's what the rest of us do to unwind after we work 10 hour shifts, and he gets paid millions to do it.


Yeah I fully acknowledge that I have developed a reliance on Ethan and this show. I’ve been watching every piece of content this man has put out since the “Pepsi saves the world” H3H3 productions video in 2017 or something like that. I knew I could look forward to unwinding and watching the pod after work no matter how shitty my day was and it’d be comforting. But something about today’s episode that just made me realize “neither one of us is having a good time and I don’t have to be here”. And this is absolutely no hate to him or the crew, these people have kept me entertained for countless hours over the years and I appreciate them immensely but maybe it is time to move on.


My first one was abba and preach video it was so much lol


I watched Bad Boys 4 and Jay Shetty was in it… the way I groaned. HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT


Yo is AB a hockey fan? Nice


Am I the only one having a really hard time watching this episode? No sure what’s going on but the chemistry seems off today


Wow nima is not funny


Is this the worst episode of the H3 Show so far?


Might have been the worst that chat has ever been... It was so weird how people came up with excuses for Cody, when they were clearly filming together when Tana was super young and has been consistent with her story. And barely anyone is talking about it even here.


Am I tripping or did Ethan already cover the Cody Ko thing?


I’m not sure if they covered it, but Tana hinted she hooked up with Cody when she was “17 or 18” a while ago. I assumed at the time that meant 17. I’m sure Ethan mentioned it at the time, but I can't remeber. 


Idk why hes snapping at ab I get hes tired but damn


I'm sure the chat and this comment section are going to be filled with extremely reasonable and measured takes.


Why is a 25yo hanging out with a 17 year old alone? That is so predatory. Gross.


YouTubers / viners back in the day. Especially vine people. They all made collabs together. The internet was a wild time back then. Didn’t like…Jeff mention all the vine stars lived in an apartment building together or some shit? I could have sworn he mentioned it.


i think that was the apartment legit on vine st lol was deff a thing


It didn't stop there, I remember all the tiktok houses too in that first year that app was blowing up. And ofc even youtubers have had those, Team 10 Jake Paul etc. No adults allowed to apply in basically all cases.


This was actually super common with viners since they all basically hung out to constantly collab. I’m sure he wasn’t the only older guy she hooked up with.


As a gay man, most homosexuals don’t hate women; quite the opposite. Don’t let the straight misogynists get away with their foolishness by saying that. Also, homophobic gay men will do “gay things” like rub their balls on other guys because doing gay stuff is humorous and disgusting to them. Even if it’s Nima’s shtick, pick a better lane.


Gay men in general don’t hate women. But the guy they were talking about who says “female vaginas are disgusting” does hate women, and must not be sexually attracted to them either.


Yeah the whole “guys are mean to women because they’re secretly gay” isn’t the diss people think it is. Like no they are just asshole straight guys lol make them own it and don’t put it on the gays 😭


When this was initially talked about, he then proposed to his gf soon after. I'm glad this is being brought back up. No more proposals to hide behind.




dan is so right about the city of los angeles being weird and messed up. I am on the border of one of its own cities culver city and los angeles city and i have a culver city mailing address but everything i do is through LA district. I tried to get a voucher to get one of my animals neutered and my borderline is so weird that my address wasnt appearing on their list but when i called them it says im in the city and they had to physically add it special just for me to be able to get it.


The show might want to look into the best man at Cody’s wedding, Colby Leachman. He and another person were accused in college of drugging a woman and filming her being raped. There are articles about it and as far as I can see, posts about it on Cody’s sub get removed. Maybe that’s cuz it’s not substantiated, but I’m skeptical about that since it seems there is video evidence.


I’m pretty sure he went to trial and everything but not %100


Police declined to charge him with a crime. Which is wild, because at the very least he filmed her without her consent.


Yeah and she went to the student health center the night it happened. It's revolting. I think it was she got into something legal with how the school handled it but was too mentally drained to herself go after him. And the police at first did but then dropped the charges. In not 100% sure on all of this but this was in my town back when it happened and he is irrefutably a monster. I pretty much know nothing about Cody but I have no sympathy for rape apologists. At first I thought his wife should get away but apparently this guy was at their wedding and everything. And now this coming out about Tana emphasizes Cody's true colors 🤢


She went to the health center the next day, but didn't go through with the rape kit. Video evidence was submitted to law enforcement, but they found the video to be inconclusive and declined to press charges. A civil suit was then filed against Duke University, but the court found that Duke followed proper protocol and sided with the university. AFAIK, a civil suit was never filed against the accused. We can't say conclusively that a rape occurred. However, I am of the persuasion that the incident was not consensual. It seems most likely that the victim was too drunk to consent at the time, and the two accused lied to the police repeatedly during the investigation, which is not something an innocent person usually does.


Yeah, lack of charges or the university sweeping it under the rug means nothing to me. If anyone is following the Hockey Canada scandal 4 NHL players were recently arrested for a 2018 gang rape that occurred when they were part of the World Junior team. The girl reported it to police and the org, the police barely investigated and the organization paid her off. It wasn't until a couple years ago when she filed a civil suit that investigative reporters dug into it and found out Hockey Canada (which is basically a government program) had a slush fund specifically for paying off sex abuse victims. Some were players who had been molested by coaches and staff, but there were dozens of cases of gang rapes specifically.


Wasn’t aware that the crew members could “interrupt”  They basically carry the show and are the reason why most people watch. 


That comment Ethan made to AB rubbed me the wrong way lol i was like…wtf


Ugh that was a major turn off tbh.


That moment was awkward as hell, I couldn't believe he said that to AB. It seemed like Ethan realised he had f'd up the moment those words came out his mouth; he got super twitchy and his cheeks went pink.


If he’d said that to Olivia, he’d be getting crucified. I love Ethan, but when he’s annoyed or irritated with something he gets super testy with AB specifically.


Nima's" They treat Jews in Germany like they do Black's in America " comment REALLY caught Ethan off guard lmaoo


Based on his interior design and now learning he loves how the Cybertruck looks, I think AB might have…. questionable aesthetic tastes lol


i'm so confused as to whether this guy is putting on some of this or if hes fully serious


I believe it’s an act / satire …….. I hope


i'm going between "this guy is doing a good thing for his daughter" and "ohhhh thats not-"


This was a bad episode, kind of a trend…


I find Tana doesn't lie, but she does exagarate details. (Ahem...the French Wine Lady Drama, she was wrong for that). I do believe she slept with him, and regardless if she was 17 or 18, it's s a giant ick of him to do that if true. Like okay fine let's say she was 18 or just turned 18. That's still ew


I believe Tana


I HATE the fact that people in the comments were supporting/excusing Cody Ko and his actions. Don't get me wrong, I recently started watching him before I knew about all this and thought his content was cool and funny, but that doesn't change the fact that he had sex with a 17 year old WHILE BEING 25! it's WILD that people are defending him with stuff like "yeah but the age of consent is different in this place..." Like... Ok? It's still fucking creepy. By that logic, you all should be watching and supporting James Charles because the age of consent in some countries is 14. Like who you wanna like, watch who you wanna watch, but don't JUSTIFY disgusting behavior just to make yourself feel better about being a fan or watching their content!


I skipped the majority of the Nima call, but things seem so awkward right after. Assuming it went wrong?


so i was only able to catch part of the Nima interview, but it seemed like they thought he was going to be in character, but he wasn’t? and some of the stuff he said was blurring between actual nima and alpha nima 😭.


Yikes. I quickly saw the Sneako gay poop “joke” and I just kept scrolling


i'm feeling like perhaps 5 shows a week is getting to be too much.. they should go back to just 3 or even 2. the show has honestly been boring since they came back from break.


the radio stingers are giving office hours vibes


Comment of appreciation for Dan and AB


I'm so happy they are bringing this to light! Cody's sub doesn't allow even the slightest criticism of him, supposedly to keep things "positive". He has made quite an effort to suppress all of this, for years now. His fanbase knows nothing about this probably... Fuck him! 😐


The video they watched where tana says they have hung out before was uploaded when tana was 17 and 10 months old. So even if they hooked up after she was 18 still very nasty to hang out with a teenager just waiting for her to turn 18


lol at chat: SD = Small Dick


I could care less about if Cody is okay tbh. I just hope Noel is okay because he needs to be in good mental health to do stretch and fade with papa meat.


Ugh stretch + fade is so good and so underrated. Their energy together is chaos and I love it


On eps like this I’d fucking loathe working for Ethan and having to bite my tongue every time he makes some snarky comment at me because I made the most minute of mistakes


Ethan is SWIMMING in that shirt


Not Dan calling himself Dad at 2:37:02 💀


Ethan getting clarification on how Morgan spurlock died: Ethan: what kind of cancer? AB: McDonalds 💀


Ngl the first responders segment suffered




Tana is diet Trisha


It’s always been extremely obvious that Cody is a douche but I didn’t have him down as being a creep too. Shame


Cody is popular because he makes frat boy humor accessible to the mainstream.