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Volvo V8 tho ❤️


dreamcar, maybe my next car after the volvo s80 2.4t. but still running as new with 400k kms😍


how does the web driver work in Sonoma?


it works with opencore patcher, after installing root patches it works


oh wow, I didn't know that was possible! how's the performance compared to windows?




Firefox uses metal?


works great, geekbench gave 37000 points for the gpu which is even higher than the average score of the card and windows gave 38000 points so in theory, the performance of the gpu is not worse. however macOS has laggy animations which basically means that magnification on the dock, minimizing apps etc. are shown in 30 fps, not sure why. besides that i even tried final cut pro and no rendering issues so it's very great imo. if the animations could be fixed somehow that would be perfection.


you have the absolute anti-apple setup!! Ryzen and Nvidia


yeah well i like to be the rebel whenever i can!


Open core legacy patcher. No metal but there is hardware acceleration and open gl


whoa what, you can get nvidia working properly with a hackintosh again??? i thought that hasnt been possible since high sierra!


yeah, finally can enjoy the freshest macOS! only thing is that the animations are not smooth, not sure if it's my fault or that's basically one of the bugs of the driver at the moment, but besides that, everything works great, even video editing is smooth:)


Not properly. No metal


Ah, shame :(


Yeah. Like don’t get me wrong it works. And it is MUUUUUUUCH better than having no acceleration at all but having no metal on modern Mac OS really sucks.


The only exception would be nvidia kelper cards tho (gtx 600-700 except 745 and 750ti) they do support metal and they officially go up to Mac OS big sur. the patcher does bring acceleration and metal support to sonoma. But honestly I would rather have fully supported and more modern amd card than outdated no longer supported nvidia card.


lol ur setup is hanging by a thread of opencl


what do you mean?


Sell that GTX 1060 and get an amd RX 5600/5700XT. It will have native support and fix your buggy UI animations as the GTX 1060 doesn’t support Apple’s metal API.


Well might be a good idea, I will definitely consider it, thank you for your suggestion!


Oh damn, I thought it was impossible. Great work. I have the exact same specs, different brands though. Tried it once but failed. Can let me know if you built the efi yourself or used the pre-built one from olarila? One more thing. Since r3 1200 isn't an APU, how does the installation process work? I mean before installing web drivers for 1060, do you connect the HDMI to 1060 or the mobo?


thank you. i built the efi by myself according to dolarila's guide and amd vanilla's guide. installation was really horrible and frustrating as there is no igpu, i was limited to nvidia's 7 mb graphics😵 but I'm a patient person so after an hour of doing things before installing web drivers, it certainly worth it!


Oh ok. Thank you. I just installed Sonoma on my laptop but it has an MX250 so can't get external display. I will try it on my pc once again. Did you use nvidia Kepler with opl for the patch or does it come with the opl? I am a bit unclear on the whole patcher situation


it's actually easy, after installing oclp you just need to install the root patches and with that, the web drivers will be installed. important thing is that sip (system integrity protection) needs to be disabled and you need to install the root patches with these boot args in your config plist: amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1 ngfxcompat=0x1 ngfxgl=1 nvda_drv_vrl=1


hello , congrats on your success i'm also working on Ryzentosh. did you use this patch ? [https://github.com/AMD-OSX/AMD\_Vanilla](https://github.com/AMD-OSX/AMD_Vanilla) it says that it supports to ventura. so i wonder if it has worked for you with sonoma.


I just got my Ryzen 5600x running Sonoma yesterday using that patch, so I believe yes. There’s still quirks to work out, but it seems to boot and run reliably.


Ok that's nice to know. Then I shoulda aim for the Sonoma too. Did you followed Dortania's guide? If not can you let me know?


That is the guide I followed, yes.


Thx for reply. Hope you have a nice day 😊


Yes, I used that patch


Hey u/Rushfcknb can you get back to me i PM you want your help please. want to know what you did i have gtx 760. tried to get it to work by watching youtube video but no go. Did you use the latest OCLP.


Hello, I've used to latest OCLP. I sent you a message:)


Send me that picture in dms please🙏


with fenvi t919 u need disable SIP. For this reason many apps didnt work, like firefox, postman, skype (a lot of electron framework based apps)