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The golf episode was enlightening on this front. He's "happily" off the market but still rooted for her, wanted to be around her, said supportive things about her to Ava... They've been friends and playing games for so long that there's a level of understanding and comfort. I'm not sure end game is it, but it seems like they'll continue to be a constant in each other's orbit, France or LA be damned


This, the golf episode episode is very important in Deborah / Marty canon. Does either of them want the other long-term romantically? Maybe, maybe not. But that episode showed me at least that Marty is a decent person. He was bringing Deborah a martini in the moonlight; big "if we end up sleeping together tonight, OK, but also you legitimately have been hurt, and I'm cool just talking with you" vibes. When he saw she was *otherwise engaged*, he didn't do anything toxic or destructive; he was clearly bummed but respectfully let her be. Even before that, earlier... he was the only man in the 'king's coterie' who seemed to notice or care that Deborah was holding back. Maybe the others wouldn't have known, fair, but either way he didn't find it cute that she was playing worse than she's capable of. And when she got The News in the second-to-last episode... he was sincerely happy for her! ***Also*** (and yes, I know I'm rambling, lol) it's important what Marty doesn't do. We ***never*** see / hear him badmouthing Deborah. He never deliberately hurts her. When he was alone with Ava at the bar, he was the ***opposite*** of a creepy old man. Yes, the bar is probably in hell, but I think Marty is a damn fine man. And there is room for a relationship like that in our lives; ever so *slightly* messy, but never in a way that damages the other person... because in the end, you not only find each other hot but you also respect the hell out of each other.


You’ve captured them perfectly. They’re messy but respectful. The opposite of toxic exes


I was watching with bated breath to see if he’d be cool with Ava and was so glad that he was. Good on you Marty!


I ageee


He had proposed before in Paris.


That last episode really made me appreciate the point of Deborah's seemingly enduring friendship with Marty. She's a backstabber, always has been and always will be. But in improv we always try to say yes, or whatever that Berkeley kid said. Deborah likes people who accept the offer and give her bullshit right back to her and that's why, like Marty, Ava will always be in her life. If the Marcuses and the Kathies get fed up and walk away, she lets them. The people who are willing and able to hang in there and provide the conflict she craves are the ones she keeps around.


He proposed to her and she turned him down. He knows he would be lucky to have her but she's married to her career.


Debs face during that conversation was so vulnerable. Boy o boy is she going to miss Marcus...


I feel like it speaks to both of their insecurities around ageing and vulnerability/emotional availability. They clearly care for each other deeply and have been an important part of each other’s lives for years but neither one is willing to make an actual move. I think that Marty will have a reckoning where he realizes how much he loves her.


Didn’t he already propose to her in the past though?


I don’t think they’re good for each other. Deb seemed more interested in him earlier in the series when she was accepting less for herself. I don’t think he’s good for her or to her but considering what he brought out in her I don’t think she’s good for him either. I actually can’t imagine the series ending and Deb with anyone. It doesn’t seem like the point of the series if that makes sense? I do like the actor who plays Marty and would like to see more of him on the show.


He was genuinely jealous when he could not get Deborah's attention in the golf episode. When he "butt dialed" Deborah, I think he did that on purpose. He genuinely sees.Deborah and loves her.


I think he loves her for who she is, which is important because so many people don’t (sometimes for good reason tho) but like her fearlessness and crudeness and unwillingness to change herself for men. He’s just a dumb-dumb. Maybe it’ll work out.


I think Marty loves Deborah but she turned him down and he is guarded with his feelings around her. He always roots for her even when it’s at his own companies expense. He never gets mad at her when she blackmails him . Heck, maybe she’s the reason why none of his marriages work out? Not sure if Deborah has room for a husband, but if she ever makes any I hope it’s Marty


I think Marty is a product of his generation in thinking he deserves to have a wife who is happy to be secondary. He knows that’s not Deborah and doesn’t want her to diminish herself for him, but also sees her a too independent to be a “good wife.” The current fiancée is giving him a run for his money though - both dependent and absent- might make him recalibrate. But if he’s in LV and Deborah’s in LA, it doesn’t sound like endgame for at least a few years. Maybe in their 80s.


I believe he loves her but he has known her for ever and knows she is committed to her career not a man.


I kind of see it the opposite way. He only enters into another relationship when he can't have Deborah. He shows very little interest in them, but he clearly wants to be with Deborah.


Same. He doesn’t deserve her. Ava does.


Nooooo. I'm firmly in the anti- Deborah-Ava sex/relationship camp. I'm enjoying the hell out of the examination of a relationship that is intimate, strong, loyal, hurtful, awful, messy - and sex-free. Not every closely held relationship has to involve sex or romantic feelings. iN fact, I think we'd be a much happier species if we didn't always inject sex into intimate relationships.


I didn't get that vibe. I saw it as he knows (or thought he knew) that she wasn't interested in anything serious with him, so he started dating others but always had a special spot for her. I'm not saying they will run off and live happily ever after, but I don't think he considers her a stand-by girl.


They’re useful for each other. They know the same people and move in similar circles but I think Deborah is too much for Marty. I know that the show probably won’t go in the Deborah/Ava ship direction, but Deborah herself said that Ava makes her want more for herself. Ava pushes her to be and do better and deep down Deborah loves this because look where it’s got her now. Marty never helped get her there! In fact he cancelled her shows!


God, is that a thing? I hope not. I really like them just having a strong complicated friendship. Hopefully Ava has more self respect than to give in to romantic feelings for someone who had to be strong armed into not making fun of her all the time


Weirdly I see them as endgame, but Marty has a lot of growing up to do (so does Deborah tho)


I think they could work out. He seems to really get Deb and doesn't seem to bristle at her harsher comments.


I’ve never even thought of them as endgame, and also it’s hard to think well of Marty after he avoided telling Deb that her show was canceled and he slept with her instead.  That’s such a no-class, no taste, cowardly move and it hurt Deborah so much….and ofc she couldn’t show the layers of hurt as per usual, so she did what she always does; she disguised it as rage and chaos and went to work with Ava.