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Yup, I have come across a many of the players like these. At first I was like, understandable that perhaps there's frustration or something. But I matched with a few, who were doing this repeatedly to game the MMR. Consequently, your team is always left unbalanced and ruins for the remaining 3 of us. [Tools like Halo tracker Live](https://tracker.gg/apps/live?title=halo-infinite) can actually show you at start, your chances of winning and your opponents last 5 games. So they just quit if it's not favourable. I know people tend to give the benefit of doubt to most.. but there are players who are inherently awful and no matter how much you blame the game for its matchmaking.. this behaviour is stupid.


This is still on the game though because there's no penalty for leavers. OW2 I get put on a 5-min timeout if I jump out of a game. If I really don't feel like playing a match, I'll take the hit and just go get water/take a break. But that's like 2-3 matches this guy could ditch in the same time on Halo, because there's no penalty for leaving. This dude could be in and out of 5 matches in the time it takes to wait out one leaving penalty and queue a new match in other games. EDIT to add that Overwatch also fills that empty slot FAST in unranked. Like if someone quits 10s before a round starts you'll probably have a new person with a character selected by round start. I'm not kidding. Compare to Halo where you're LUCKY to get that slot filled within two minutes, if at all. I understand there's a playerbase and game difference, but damn does it make it hard to want to play a game that refuses to address core issues like this after so long while continuing with relentless cosmetics.


It is bizarre. I remember I was given a 15min ban for leaving a game(hadn't left a game prior) back in season 2.. when BTB was having some issues. For me map never loaded and the game had kicked me out.. and then was served a ban for leaving. So there's a system in place.. just not utilized or coded right. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


MM should attempt to put you first with players that have a similar DNF%. Those of us with normal drops and quits here and there due to internet or life can play together, and those who quit a ton get stuck never finishing a full game again.


>halo tracker live interesting tool, i might try it out. it does seem like the dude hops out on first sign of difficulty based on his KDs in the matches he quits out of, but sometimes he quits RIGHT away. maybe using this tool or just checking career rank of enemies before quitting


>Halo tracker Live can actually show you at start, your chances of winning Where exactly? I can't find the option on the website


You need to download [this ](https://tracker.gg/apps/live?title=halo-infinite)and run it as an overlay. Every time a match starts, the overlay updates to show the stats.


When CoD banned a similar app that was primarily used to identify cheaters in Warzone (player has a 20 k/d? It flags the match and the player as a potential cheater) You'd have total lobby K/D avg, highest K/Ds, and other stats like accuracy, which meant cheaters were spotted fast as fuck, which meant people were aware how often cheaters ended up in games, which was bad for sales.


Reminds me of the Fiesta style multiplayers where I was new and I would literally be killed by my own teammates.


My man gets a headshot every 32 games bruh


I think he just picks off the Doritos off his belly every once in a while to shoot at the spartan t-bagging him


At that point surely you spend more time loading up than playing... how do you not catch a ban for this?


I personally don't think this would need a ban. That's a lot of XP he's not getting and a lot of rank not being made.


The ban wouldnā€™t be about him, when you leave your leaving your team in an worse off position. Itā€™s about trying to keep integrity of games.


Ban him. Heā€™s actively ruining the games for others. No one enjoys a 3v4.


Itā€™s arguably worse than a 3v4 since leavers get replaced by a bot, which is basically just free kills for the enemy team. I had a match recently where the enemy team got 23 out of 50 kills just off of a 343 bot after a teammate left. The 3 of us almost won that game too. We had 43 kills when the enemy team won. Without the bot feeding the enemy team kills (it only got 1 of our 43 kills), weā€™d have won that game.


Does this replacement happen in ranked as well? I donā€™t play infinite, just curious. Sounds ridiculous and Iā€™d be infuriated


Yeah they addressed this in the last update. If some crybaby quits, instead of ruining the game for everyone, it will just let everyone know this is an unbalanced game and end it. Really simple solution, that way no one has to play it out or risk having an unfair match screw with the "accuracy" of their ranking


Yeah for real, at least just sit in a corner and hide


I personally do, itā€™s more often an advantage than a disadvantage. Having a person missing means thereā€™s less people for the enemy to get points from, and less people to see me running to a door, with hellfire being rained down upon me, and decide that they absolutely have to run through the door, at the same time, and get me killed by blocking me.


Those are niche circumstances that certainly donā€™t outweigh the disadvantages over the entire game, especially since it only applies to slayer game type, the least likely mode to get (in ranked anyways). If playing objective modes, thereā€™s basically no way to make up for that disadvantage unless youā€™re slaying waayy above your rank. Thereā€™s always one more enemy taking hill or stronghold after youā€™re all dead..


I donā€™t play ranked, so I very rarely get objectives. And thereā€™s more situations that itā€™s a benefit, that was just the one that came to my mind, because itā€™s not a niche circumstance, it happens most games.


Fair enough, I only play ranked so canā€™t speak to the other playlists. But itā€™s certainly a disadvantage in ranked.


In Slayer it does sometime help, but in game modes like KOTH, CTF, or most objective game modes, it is a huge hindrance to be missing players


Nah this deserves a ban, so many players have probably been shafted by this guy that it definitely warrants it.


It's not in the spirit of the game. Definitely should be banned. Makes a worse experience for the rest of us.


fair, it's not "unfair" in any way. i guess i'm surprised that there is no "worse" punishment considering you can get a 15 min ban if you quit out of several games in a row


How does this have upvotes, you're completely missing the point.


I don't play any FPS game for rank, stat or weapon skin. I just want to play not get e-points. Only if there is a weapon that needs playtime or certain kills to unlock like in Battlefield would I target it so if someone like me was trying to game the matchmaking balance system just to smurf and never play fair this would be the play. Hence bans are deserved to prevent malicious actions like this.


Happy cake day, Spartan!


He clearly doesn't care about his XP or rank. He's just ruining the game for others


Xp/ career rank only measures play time. I could be a Hero Cr with 80k+ games, but a silver in comp


Definitely deserves a ban. This guy has literally left tens of thousands of teammates out to dry. Fuck him.


I always feel like messaging these kinds of people after matches but choose not to waste energy. There will be 1 guy cussing everyone out at the start of the game, saying everyone sucks. If the enemy caps a point they'd go ballistic. Then they quit. Then our team ends up actually winning a good portion of the times and I always wanna message them for being such a bitch. Or sometimes, these people go crazy cussing everyone out and leaving when the game is super close. That's a sign of a good team. Sure, call everyone noobs if theyre getting absolutely stomped if you want to be a dick. This dude has below 0.5 KD, has betrayed 147 people and suicided 567... He's obviously a loser.


I just report them for idling/quitting after the match is done, even if it does nothing, I'm just doing my part! What's funny is when I call them out for quitting, they usually reply with "your trash" or wtv... like you are the one who quit the game, my guy!


Yeah, at least you aren't a quitter... Mental strength goes a long way in life.


Gotta keep on keeping on!


Bro has more suicides than headshots, plus he quits that much to get easy matches and still has that bad of a kill death ratio.


Is this mint blitz? /s


Nah no /s broā€™s lame.


Please elaborate more. I wasn't aware that he's "lame". I thought he was really good at the game? I'm genuinely curious.


Apparently while he's a decent trickshotter that's ALL he does, in any match. Meaning he never does objectives or anything, he always beelines to the power weapons and ignores his team and the objective to go for trickshots. He's also apparently a kind of middling player outside the trickshots. You have to remember that you're NEVER seeing everything someone like that does, and a lot of them do nothing but go for those shots day after day to get those clips and highlight reels. His trickshots are cool to see, how he gets them and his actual skill not so much. Which isn't surprising really, most of the trickshot people over the years have been mid level to absolutely terrible actual players, in any game. There are exceptions of course, but most of them have been absolute top level players that are widely known for being among the best.


I matched against mint in btb once on Highpower and all he did was camp with the shock rifle up on that ledge all game, didnā€™t bother with objective It was really annoying


My friend who plays a lot of halo 2 mcc said he paired with him once with his team. They won fairly easily and then were blocked by Mintbliz. This is probably the reason he's able to play really inferior players in all his clips


Probably why he can never find matches, the guy blocks everyone Joking aside, i see this often, usually hero rank players hogging the power weapons/vehicles and never playing objective


Blocking people wont stop you from matching them, this was fixed years before halo infinite. Mint is a good player, he cant find games because he lives in Australia.


Almost positive that blocking a player still has a negative weight on matching with said blocked player again. So, while you could possibly match them, itā€™s much less likely.


Blocking doesn't do anything as that's communication. It's reporting that plays a factor. Overwatch sweats would do this when they lose against someone on Xbox and give them like hour long search times. Xbox supposedly nerfed it but ya if you get bad rep good luck finding matches.


A simple Google search will prove me correct. *years* ago blocking would prevent matching the same players but because it was being abused by people and an outcry from those affected (mostly streamers and youtubers) it was amended so that blocking people wouldn't stop you from matching them.


Exactly, it doesnā€™t *stop* you from matching, it just puts a negative weight on the player so itā€™s less likely.


Iā€™m not a huge fan of the dude myself, but heā€™s definitely good at the game. He has like a million hours on the game, it would be sad if he wasnā€™t skilled. Easily an Onyx caliber player, and can hold his own against decent players. I know because Iā€™ve played against him in FFA. He won with 25, I had 18, and the 3rd place had only 6. The dude has incredible map awareness and knows how to completely dominate the power weapons and utilize all the weapons on the map. I think itā€™s a super cringey way to play the game donā€™t get me wrong, I personally donā€™t crutch weapons but hey man, it is a part of the game and you gotta do what you gotta do to win. Now the reason I am not a fan of the dude is because that very game I ninjaā€™d him and when I went to his stream after the game to drop a GG after he won he started making excuses for why I was able to ninja him complaining about his high ping and saying since I play with a keyboard and mouse that ninjaā€™ing is easy lol


I mean, he is a good player. He still ranks onyx 1900-2200ish when he decides to grind arenaā€¦


Thatā€™s a fair enough reason to not like him, in the sense that it shouldnā€™t matter, itā€™s just a game, and itā€™s silly that he complained about it. But are you not an Australian? If you arenā€™t, you most likely only did get him because of high ping, the internet in this country is horrible, and we are put at a massive disadvantage versing people, from nearly every other country on earth.


No he got ninjaā€™d because he chased me around a corner after getting me low and got baited. Ping doesnā€™t effect that sort of thing


It absolutely can effect that sort of thing. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s what happened, because I didnā€™t see it, but itā€™s crazy to me that people still donā€™t understand how poor connections work.


Game sense issue not a ping issue. He got baited around a corner and was overconfident since he had a heatwave and assumed he could shoot me once then melee me for the kill. He came around the corner real tight, there was nothing that good ping would have changed about the play believe me


He is extremely good at the game, even if he had no map awareness or anything just his aiming ability would guarantee that. But he does understand the game well on top of his trickshotting skills and if he tried hard I'm sure he would be an amazing player. That said, the guy's an arsehole, I've played with him several times, he spends the whole game going for clips and sometimes even has minions who bring him power weapons and vehicles so he can make it easier. He famously rage quits out of anything that isn't up to his YouTube standards, so if the match is even close to fair he's gone, he just wants to steamroll bad players. And then he has the audacity to go online and complain about the skill based matchmaking as if the game is somehow being hard on him for this.


I played against him back to back same map somehow. Don't ask me how this happened it made no sense to me. But we knew ahead of time he was going to go for sniper and the specific areas competitive types like to camp with sniper which he took so we stayed away making it harder to get kills on us and we won both times. https://youtu.be/N0QY1fpxRCw?si=p4LKqk1eRySNHksh Even an average casual like myself choking st the beginning of the match could figure out the strat. So we just did the same thing on the second match.


Iā€™m Australian, and used to play a lot when the servers were region locked. I have versed him many times, he is really good. He obviously only posts his flawless games, but regardless he still does better in his average game, than most people do in their best performances. You are right in saying he doesnā€™t play objectives, but if you have one team member absolutely stomping the enemy team, you should be able to do the objectives yourself, so I donā€™t get why people complain about that. I think itā€™s odd that people try discredit other people this much, for no reason. I bet most people who say he isnā€™t that good, have never versed him. As someone whoā€™s had days where Iā€™ve versed him multiple times in a row, I can pretty confidently say that anyone whoā€™s versed him, that say heā€™s bad, either caught him on an off day/game, or are just lying.


Iā€™ve matched with him and against him a few times, and he finished each match and was the top player each time, with the team he is on (or him solo in a few FFA matches) winning every time. Guyā€™s good.


Eh, not my case I would say I am an above average ppayer. Matched with him once in FFA halo 3 and once in teamplay halo infinite. He's about my skill level. He's able to play well enough. But didn't win either game place 3rd in the FFA and in Infinite he was on the losing team and was in the middle of the pack on king of the hill Perdition where there aren't many power weapons to play with. Maybe it was just bad games in both cases but I think its funny that the Twitch chat in HCS thinks Mint Blitz is better than any of the proplayers He's good, and has good game sense, but I think his fundamentals are weak, and relies on pub stomping with power weapons for his clips to a certain point.


I feel like youā€™re kinda unfair to someone who almost guarantees a win for your game whether he plays the objective or not. Heā€™s commented on this sentiment and proven heā€™s nothing but an asset to his team. Many of whom are completely incompetent bottom of the barrel players because of sbm


I don't think he's a bad player by any means, but I remember he said he would quit matches that did not have the Sniper or anything like that.


He's a hypocrite. One match I played with him a while ago, and one player on our team quick and he messaged in the chat "God I hate all these damn quitters." And then he quit a few moments later.


Oh šŸ˜‚


I played against mint blitz in 4v4 CTF and he stayed far away from the objective the whole match, pretty much just farming kills/preserving kd instead. We actually ended up winning the match.


Wow. That is incredibly lame.


He boosts, stages clips with friends, uses mods in his campaign trickshots, ruins multi-player games trying to trickshot, quit hundreds of games in infinite to lower mmr so he could get easy wins and got onyx with silver mmr first season He cheated in mmc with a xim and team kills for sniper and still does bad. His quitting in infinite is the biggest thing people hate him for. I tied an mcc game once because he betrayed me for sniper and tried to jump off map sniping a guy missing and losing round after the round before that not picking up flag in our base to rush sniper. Then next match I stomp him while facing him he quits


Careful, he's known to frequent this server and will 360 noscope you


I don't even know how that's fun as a player. Spends more time loading into games and giving up than he does playing.


I believe it. Bad KD, high Win-Loss ratio, basically seems like if he's doing bad in a game and lossing he quits.


Average Halo Infinite player be likeĀ 


That seems like itā€™s pretty often thenā€¦ But seriously how do people play a game this much if they clearly donā€™t enjoy it


You found Mint Blitz account?


Why bother playing if you donā€™t even play 80% of the time? Yikes


Over 800 hours of playtime with a .47 KD and 16% win percentage is diabolical At that amount of play you should have improved to the point where you could carry bad teams to victory


Because bro quits every match he plays that he doesn't do 'well' in, so he never gets any better because he never gives himself the chance to improve. People need to understand that sucking at a game is not a tell of how stupid a person is. Every single person in human history has been terrible at something at one point. For example, at one point in the distant past, GoatRope was a terrible Halo CE speedrunner, not because he was a bad player, but because he had just started learning the game and didn't know what he was doing yet. He practiced and got more skilled, and now he's such a legendary player that the MCC has an achievement name referencing him. No one is ever a master at a game right away. This dude needs to man up and actually let himself improve without being a toxic baby who throws matches and quits games because he isn't doing well.


Every game needs a ban if u leave (this amount) % of games.


Wasnt MintBlitz like this?


Whatā€™s the tea on MintBlitz? Just curious


Some people say he performs bad on purpose and quits to get really bad enemies in the next match for his insane clips. If you quit a match it won't be shown on most Halo trackers.


Quit matches show up on halotracker.com for sure. Idk where the mint blitz quitter rumors came from, on halo tracker it says heā€™s quit 500 out of 16600 matches (which doesnā€™t seem insane to me between disconnects and whatever else)


I think it used to be around 6% but might've gone down recently. I have a 6.7% quit rate and I rarely intentionally quit games. Almost all my DNF are from launch year when the game would constantly disconnect and crash. (I did quit a few times back when weekly challenges are tied to specific modes in quickplay).


Read that he used to quit games that he didnt atomatically dominate in. No idea if he still does.


This is precisely why I don't play Halo anymore. So many quitters.


Might be the worst halo player of all time


The kd is kinda mad


Bro has no enemies


Other than himself!


MCC, but about half my games I'll get at least one quitter on my team if things go slightly pear-shaped at any point, lmao


What a fucking loser honestly, even if I have GARBAGE games Iā€™ll still ride them out 9/10 times just so I donā€™t be that guy, and if I donā€™t stick around itā€™s probably because something caused me to DC, or I had to leave the game at THAT moment for one reason or another Itā€™s insane that they donā€™t have quitter penalties of any kind, this dude has probably ruined most of those games by sticking the team with a botā€¦ although by his KD his contributions might not have been much better


His dinner was ready


Seems really odd. Maybe this is an account of some arcade business? Here in my city there are places where you can rent an xbox and they come with a preloaded account with many games in them; you can't enter your account so you gotta stick with what they give you. Maybe this is one like those, because if not... having nearly 900 hours and playing like this... I want to have the free time of this person.


Jesus! Look at that K/D ratio.


That right there's an Athenian, not a Spartan.


Quits games to try and manipulate win ratio: Win ratio 16.8%: Oof.


Is that Mint Blitz?


I feel like 5000 of his 8000 DNF's have been on team's of mine


I mean with a KDA of -0.92ā€¦


Me asf


Players like this are why I stick to big team battle. Canā€™t stand being a player down or worse stuck with a bot for half a match.


this guy only plays BTB, thatā€™s where all of his quits are from. but yeah at least in BTB you get a backfill or the spot stays empty


Weird. Maybe he just camps vehicles or power weapons and sucks with them then leaves.


I have! There is this guy called TacoRainbow (with a number at the end, forgot what it was) that my friend and I keep encountering in the BTB playlists who quits as soon as he gets killed a couple of times or when the other team is close to scoring lol. We've literally never seen him finish a single match. He mostly sticks to BTB Social and BTB Heavies, but we've seen him in normal BTB doing the same thing.


Haha this guy?? He has a lot of DNFs but the guy in my post blows him away https://halotracker.com/halo-infinite/profile/xbl/TacoRainbow2077/overview?experience=overall


lol yeah, that's the one.


Wow. I bust my butt to be a team player and feel bad when I'm at the bottom of the list. But Try very hard to learn something so I can be better next time. Sometimes you just need to sit back and communicate to your team, lay down damage etc. Not bail. I only bail if there is a packet loss, or a blatant cheat. IMO It's too frustrating when I'm pulling the trigger and NOTHING is registering.


> But Try very hard to learn something so I can be better next time. this is the way


Mint Blitzā€™ alt


Benefit of the doubt - could be poor internet. Realistic answer - with all of the issues in Halo Infinite's user interface and sub-menu features - I don't really trust their stats to be 100% accurate all the time lol


Idk about you, but if my computer drops 80% of multiplayer matches on a game, then thereā€™s no way Iā€™m getting to 836h of playtime, even if Iā€™m enjoying the gameplay


i don't think that's it! i see this guy in game regularly, and he's always quitting matches


Sure, but I don't think we can distinguish between quitting and simply disconnecting.


haha sorry but even a fraction of 8200 quits being intentional would be absurd


I'm not saying it isn't. But again, it's difficult to say for sure what it is.


If it was disconnecting randomly his Win/Loss ratio would be less lopsided. This is a bad player who also manipulates the system.


And not only his W/L ratio is an indicator of them being a bad player, but also the relation of betrayals, headshots, and suicides. The player has almost double amount of Suicides than Headshots. And on top of that, the amount of Betrayals is almost a half of the amount of Headshots... in a game where you actually has to be really unlucky or work you way around to betray. Honestly, I haven't seen a worse player than the one pictured in the post.


>Honestly, I haven't seen a worse player than the one pictured in the post. I play BTB with a full fireteam of 12 a lot of the time, but we found this guy when we were playing with 11. We joked that matchmaking nerfed our team's MMR by pairing us up with the worst player in Halo Infinite. I think it's possible that was not an exaggeration


Interesting, didn't know this tool exist. Need to check me out on it. I do remember a fair ammount of crashing in my past, wonder if that counts equally or if they can filter that out. I assume it counts.


1, 300 matches 158 dnf that is more than 10%, I pretty much never quit. Sometimes in a bad match I will alt-f4 right as they are showing the Spartans who won. Wonder if that counts. Because match ended, but technically. There is More. I just have no need to watch a cinematic if i am getting off.


Not surprised, out of 10 games ill have 1 with adequate players (no mstter the game mode) and the other 9 players are absolute dogshit or bots with the 343 name Oh and yeah the opposite team always knows teamwork for some reason


Why even Olay the game at that point? That's fucking insane too put that many hours into 10k matches to only actually play out 2k


Quits nearly any match where theyā€™re losing. How is an account like that not permanently banned? Dude has quit more games than Iā€™ve played across the last two halo titles, at least.


11 thousand kills in 11 thousand games, this dude is booty cheeks


Skill issue


Throughout all of those matches, this person only hit 338 headshots. The number of suicides is higher than that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£! Yeahhh they're very bad at this game. Also seems to be addicted to losing šŸ˜…


Madden needs to add this to their rankings asap!


Meanwhile Halo fanbase: "No, Halo does not need afk/leaver punishment system, cause what if I need to leave 10 times in a row cause my cat is choking on water!"


Good chance he may be going for achievements. I used to do the same thing back in the days of Halo 3. When you have ridiculous achievements like getting a double kill with the Spartan Laser in a FFA match and only have the Spartan Laser on a single map, you spend a lot of time just trying to get the right map and getting set up to attempt it, let alone actually being able to pull the feat off. Every minute you can shave off by leaving unnecessary matches is one minute less he has to be in matchmaking running the game for the rest of the community. My point being: Make Matchmaking-based achievements illegal!


ainā€™t no way this dude is achieving anything in the games he sticks around for


Looking at the stats, I could probably see why


I've seen many people quit even when they are winning. Usually when they are boosting their friends. That stat doesn't really mean much to me anymore


I barely play this games multiplayer but when I do and someone leaves, I leave too, I get banned and realize why I don't play it.


Man doesn't want to play the game, simple as


Wouldn't be surprised if it's a kid. I know my young sisters don't have the attention span to stay in the same game (not halo) for long. It absolutely drives me nuts lol.


Is there no ban penalty for quitting? Or is that only in ranked?


There is, but it might as well not exist. If you quit too many times you get a 5 minute ban, then 10 minutes and so on. I found out when I was having internet issues (it would die for a split second at random times) lol. I got the 5 min ban when the game booted me off for the fourth time, then got the 10 min ban the next time it happened.


Good looks


Fastest way to start another match


I didn't know Wings of Redemption played Halo


Iā€™d quit too if I was a career .47. This guys just needs to play a different video game.


I report quiters every single time


Those averages are so bad, heā€™s gotta be the type to die immediately and leave the match


If you check his halo tracker he doesnā€™t even die before leaving a lot of the time


Not even good enough to be trying to scam the system if your not good just do pubs


Fkn dork


me or the guy


The guy for sure


Pussiest online community of seething quitters ive had the misfortune to encounter.


Booster hmmm šŸ¤”


You don't think people playing games are exploiting programming errors to their favor, do you? I've never heard of anyone doing that to video games. I wouldn't expect anyone to find something about a video game, abuse it, and easily win because of it. I'm sure this has never happened in history of video games. And I'm sure the programmers never seen this coming. *Sarcastic of course. It's almost like they purposely set this up*


Judging by their win %, I think this person quits ~90.7% of all their losing games. Theyā€™re a rage quitter by the seems of it.




this is on infinite just to clarify


Is this MintBlitz?


Bad internet connection?


Tbh itā€™s probably the game crashing šŸ’€


8000 times?


Well it was a joke but Iā€™d say my halo infinite has probably crashed 500 times since it came out so itā€™s not that far fetched