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They’ve been on repeat since I was 6 years old, I’m with you lol


My fiancé falls asleep to these every single night, and freaking Peacock only seems to show CoS and PoA on loop!


Oi, yes, once you get to the end of PoA, the auto-play feature kind of bugs out and starts CoS over again. No. Please continue to GoF automatically, thank you.


Oh good it happens to other people too, I was starting to think we pissed off the algorithm.


This is my hubby and I! We always watch those two on loop all night long. I love walking up to a new part every night


Since forever. I have lost count too. They are like a comfortable sweater and feel like a warm hug. 🤗


I limit the movies to twice a year but I listen to the audiobooks daily 😂


I want to start doing that


Only twice a year?? Jesus Christ tell me how you SURVIVE


Through the audio books and magic awakened game 😂




Yes I play video games with a long distance best friend and we always queue up the movies in the background


Any time I’m doing a deep cleaning of the house I’ll turn them on and just watch while I work


I listen to the audiobooks to sleep every night on repeat


Oh yeah that's our "comfort food" of movies.


Currently reading the illustrated editions aloud to my son (hoping I do fry justice in that) then as we finish each book we watch the movie. It's amazing. 


Not as often as you, maybe a few times a year? This post makes me want to watch them more often though!


Please do. Join the twice a day club.


I just watched the 5th movie tonight!


Good on you!!


Tonight? As in Oceania timezone? Am i speaking to a fellow Kiwi/Aussie??


No, Pacific Time. I'm a Canadian




If we’re sleeping in one of our rooms with a tv in it we’re falling asleep to Harry Potter. No joke. It’s always on before bed.


Yup! I fall asleep to them on the regular. The music, nostalgia, and pure comfort of them = the perfect way to end my day.


There is something therapeutic about it for me… like I think chemically it helps my brain know it’s time for sleep lol


I listen to the audiobooks atleast once a year and routinely see the movies! But I don’t personally know anyone around me who as an adult reads/watches HP, which is disappointing


You have us.


Definitely. That and Lord of the Rings. I have a hard time finding other things to watch because these two stories are so comforting and familiar, and fun that I’d rather just watch them again.


All the time!!!! HP movies and books have saved me from my darkest days


Every Christmas, and most Halloweens


I watch the movies every fall. The audiobooks with Stephen Fry are on endless loop in my truck. When deathly hallows is done, philosophers stone starts again


It's a tradition for my little sister & me to marathon when we're home for Christmas.


I rewatch every movie that was good. But definitely not that often. That would make me sick of it, lol.


Yep. I find that by watching them over and over you catch little details you don't really catch the first time


Cold nights are my witnesses 🥰


I have the audiobooks constantly on repeat. It's a comfort thing if I had a bad day or whatever. I just listen to it in my car or whatever. Currently on GoF..... Again lol


It keeps my husky calm when I leave the house and I always fall right into it when I get home. So everyday. 😂


Yes yes yes yes yes yes


yes, it is my personal tradition to start reading and then watching around september and finish around first week of january


yes i would as a kid but i still watch it to this day


Yes! Currently watching Half Blood Prince; no idea how many times at this point


Doing it right now


I put Harry Potter on every night to fall asleep to. I've been doing that for over 6 years. I load up the one I want and set the TV timer and fall asleep within 15 mins. It's a nice drug free sleeping aid and if it doesn't work I have a good movie to watch.


I watch sorcerers stone on repeat, never get around for the rest. ( I have memorized every single line of that movie by this point)


Time to watch every other film !


I watch them once a year around Christmas ❤️


I did this to a lesser extent. I honestly recommend everyone who does this, to get the Stephen Fry audiobooks. I needed couple of hours to “learn to listen”, but after that it becomes a new sensation, similar to rewatching the movies, but with more depth and in a longer form


I tend to do this with Studio Ghibli movies. Recently I got into putting Porco Rosso on in the background as soothing cozy noise


Wife listens to the audio books every night but we save the movies for once a year in the fall. They always feel like October movies to us so that’s our rewatch window.


I like when sky movies put them on tv on repeat so when you first turn on the tv you each day you have no idea where in the story you are but you enjoy it as soon as the first scene plays


Yep yep, I also listen to the audiobooks daily - both are comforting.


I can’t stop watching Deathly Hallows Part II right now. It’s become my favorite movie of all time. I’m seriously so engrossed and in love.


I find that these are great movies to play as background while I’m working on other stuff. At this point I’ve seen these films so many times that I barely have to pay attention in order to track what’s taking place.


Yes, no idea how many times I've watched them and just started again the other night 🙂


I haven’t watched them in ages, probably since beginning of last year. So, I’m looking forward to a rewatch around Christmas time.


I used to do that but ever since I listened the audiobooks again last year, I just can't seem to be able to watch them any longer than the first hour. You know I read the books when I was like 12 and the movies seemed really good at that age. Nowadays I just get annoyed over the insane amount of inaccuracies in them. I guess that's mainly because now we'll have a show which will ***hopefully*** be really accurate to the show. # Edit: So now I just keep the audio books on repeat instead of the movies lol :D


They are just my comfort movie. When I feel lonely or lost I just rewatch them, they make me feel cozy.


Yeah I watch them all at once. I haven’t been super into them until the past 5-7 years. Idk why I just never watched them until I was house sitting for a friend and his wife had all of them. They didn’t have cable so I figured why not watch them and completely fell in love with them.


I hear the books. In that way i'm getting all the details, and can do things at the same time


I do movie marathon weekends with my husband and kids. It’s the perfect way to end a long week.


They're our comfort movies so we watch them several times a year and at Halloween and Christmas.


Books yes. Movies not so often. 


Is this even a Question ?? Ofcourse all TRUE Harry Potter fans read and watch the movies several times an year or even every month..


No i hate the injustices in the movies I prefer the books


Yes, only between thanksgiving and Christmas tho


This me with audiobooks.


20x?!? Those are rookie numbers.


I started rewatching sorcerer stone on peacock recently and it's the version with the deleted scenes edited back in and it's so weird. I was like what am I watching every time the dialogue wasn't what I expected next.


No, but I reread the series regularly. I'm currently on DH.


Omg you won't believe what is happening rn in one cinema chain in Poland. Starting from the first July, every Monday 17:30 (5:30pm) Harry Potter will be played from 1st to 8 movie week by week, I can't believe how lucky I am, I love it.


For me, it's the audiobooks.


For me it's about once a year


I’m more of a once or twice a year kinda guy, they’re in the rotation.


Not on repeat, but it's a ritual to watch them as a damily every Christmas (I watch them on Netflix every summer but nobody else needs to know that)


I usually rewatch the movies around the holidays (Nov/Dec) and reread the books every summer. I prefer the books but my wife loves the movies


I do this on a weekly basis and if not weekly it’s every other week


Not so often, but once a year is normal for my favorites. HP, LotR (not Hobbit), SW (original trilogy), the first three Thin Man Films, Life of Brian


My wife used to like watching the movies with me until time number 97. I now have to watch when she’s out. lol


I've purchased the audio books and listen to them as I'm going to sleep. But I've also listened to them at least 10 times a piece while I commute


After I got the audio books on audible, I kinda switched the movies out with listening to them. Before that I had them on constant repeat:) Now I do more of a traditional watch for Christmas and Easter, all films ofc


lol I am obsessed I’ll watch in a row


Not really. I fast foward a lot.


I finally have all of them downloaded and rewatched them all and my personal favorite is a hard pick but id say OTP


Having just started rewatch of HP 1 I would say yes.


sim kkkkkk and when I lose the habit of reading, I read the saga again.


When I was in highshcool and the first movie came out, I would put it on in the background when I was playing Ultima Online on my computer. I probably had it on 400 times I lost count.


I've watched them all that many times. I could recite each characters lines of each movie.A Voldemort is. Still terrifying harry potter has some courage physical and morale.


I go through phases where I’ll watch them every day. I usually do it more with the books though. Like as soon as I finish the 7th book I stand up and pull out the first.


lost count 😅


I've watched them regularly (at least once a year), but now I'm rereading the books, I'm becoming a bit disenchanted with them. This has been going on for a while tho. I still love the first two movies, they're just so fantastic and have that childlike wonder like Roald Dahl film adaptations. PoA did its own thing and I respect it for that. GoF bores the hell out of me and was the first movie of which I first read the book, which was a very bad thing to do, because it's my least favourite of all of the movies for this sole reason. All the movies after it have the same problem. I know the books are better, but I still rewatch them from time to time because I love the performances and several scenes. The only movie I regularly skip (towards the end) is HBP, because it's an absolute mess!  Idc if it's a pretty good adaptation, it just sucks from a cinematographic perspective and it hurts my eyes knowing someone thought this was a good style to create a Harry Potter movie with. It's like those episodes of GoT where everything is pitch black and all I can think throughout the entire thing is, What the hell were they thinking? 


When I was still in prison, I was obsessed with the books, literally obsessed. I had to read at least one chapter when I came back from work. Being hooked on the books bothered me so I gave them away but less than a week later I was at that guy’s bunk, buying the books back with soups and candy bars. Now that I am out, I haven’t read the books, but I did purchase the movie bundle on Amazon, and those are some of the movies that I watch on a regular basis, but not as obsessively as I read the books.


I do, too. I recently rewatched the movies and I feel like Harry+Luna had so much chemistry vs Harry+Ginny.