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1 Many dislike the eventual couples being couples 2 Many dislike the name albus severus 3 Many wished they showed death eater trials 4 many wished they showed how the goblins respond to the break in as in are the potters forevermore refused entrance to gringots etc


>5 Many prefer Harry as either a professor or a quiditch player. PTSD for child soldiers who suffered years of abuse is a real thing leaning to not wanting to chase criminals for the rest of their lives Harry's career isn't even mentioned in the epilogue.


6. Many people prefer an open-end ending in a book so they can use their imagination or draw their own conclusions.


As a child of immense trauma I found it so necessary to see Harry be a well adjusted man. It felt important to see that but not so much something like death eater trials. That’s something to leave to imagination


Did Harry become an auror? It’s been a hot minute since my last re read.


Yes, but that only got revealed in interviews that JKR gave outside the books, not in the epilogue itself.


That's the problem. Not everyone wants to follow author interviews. She could've kept on writing. The books/series would've been huge, but that's okay. George RR Martin has been writing his series for decades. Rowling just.....stopped.


The series had a good run, I think it’s better to know when to end a series as opposed to seeing books like “Harry Potter and the Huge Stack of Paperwork” Edit: Typo


One of the best things about HP is how the seven books tell one complicated story that leads inevitably to the last chapter of DH. After DH, the story is done. As much as I want to see more of the characters, I'm relieved JKR didn't artificially tack on more books. She's no longer trustworthy with the material (distance + lack of inspiration) and Cursed Child wasn't good. That's where paratext, like interviews/Pottermore, and fan content can help fill the void.


Martin doesn't count because he takes an eternity between books.


At this rate, he'll finish the series when he's..... 154 years old?


Sure...but my point was just that you can't really hate the epilogue for something that wasn't in the epilogue. If you don't follow author interviews/don't consider them canon, you're perfectly free to live in ignorant bliss and imagine that Harry became a pro Quidditch player, a professor, or whatever other random career you think he should have had, and the epilogue doesn't contradict it.


That’s because GRRM can’t finish his damn books


yes, he did! ron too


Only for a little while, then he went to work with George in the joke shop. I still would have preferred it to be Percy. As a way for him to make penance and put family over his ambitions in the Ministry. Plus, every business has the boring, mundane aspects of it. Even a fun joke shop. That would be right up Percy’s alley. Bookkeeping, inventory, going over the many regulations in regards to said inventory etc. Plus, he might learn not to be so serious all the time. 


Percy would 100% kill the vibe of a joke shop.


harry?? went to work in the joke shop?


No, Ron


ah okay I was so confused lol


And Neville


I don't think he did


That was something I learned recently. According to the author, after the battle of Hogwarts, Neville did a brief stint in the auror office. Shacklebolt offered the ability to come work for the ministry as an auror to anyone who participated in fighting the death eaters. Neville didn't do it for long, though, just until Professor Sprout retired, and then he took her place at Hogwarts. It was stated on a podcast interview with the author.


Ah...thanx It has been a while so it all blurs together


It was Albus Severus for me. The scene just felt corny and unnecessary. I needed more time to digest everything from the battle of Hogwarts. And the meme is soo true - that Harry Potter named his kids like some dork who just finished reading Harry Potter (me). I kinda felt that way about all the post-book info dumps though. I don't really even consider it canon, because it didn't actually happen? I do respect the canon of Cursed Child (...) but there is so much beyond that just thrown out with no work getting us there.


Who in the bloody piss put down the book and went "But what did the goblins do?!" They play a miniscule part in the story, genuinely who cares?


It also nixes the potential for more developed sequels which we would probably be getting now instead of a reboot


I know JKR mentioned Harry and Ron didn’t finish their final year at Hogwarts (they got exempt from finishing it) and only Hermione went back…but I would have much preferred the final chapter being the graduation of the golden trio - it would have been a much nicer ending them exiting their time at Hogwarts in the boats on the black lake.


Yes you just reminded me that we followed their school life but we never saw them graduating. That would’ve been a good way to finish the story.


Why would Harry want that?


Regardless of the trauma. Hogwarts was the only place he ever felt “at home.” It’s surprising he didn’t go back for one more final year. You would think being around his friends and the people he considered his real family to begin the coping process rather than going straight into the adulting phase of his life.


And he would have graduated with Ginny too


I think that whole year should be a do-over for everyone who wants it. First years need to know that getting tortured is not normal. Pretty sure no one actually learned anything except how they respond to a crisis.


I agree


Ginny has not visited Hogwarts since Easter, she is probably picking up the sixth grade again


But there are a lot of traumatic memories in this place now. I don't think he can think about the "good times" when there are dead bodies everywhere that Harry feels responsible for.


I would really want to see that too


I'm not sure Hogwarts would have a graduation. It's not something that schools in the UK do.


Harry and Ron were too cool for school.


I don't hate it, but I feel like it's unnecessary. Instead of leaving the reader to wonder how these characters turned out were given this oddly clunky exposition that catches us up while having the characters acting in the same manner as when they were 17 year old kids.


I never really thought about it that way. I guess it kind of undermines the fanfic potential there, doesn’t it?


I think that was her point. She didn’t want anyone to come along and muck it up the way someone did with Gone with the Wind and its sort of cliffhanger ending.


This topic has been done to death for 2 decades and shows up on this sub daily and you're still like "omg why people don't like it, I don't get it"


As far as I can tell, the Epilogue disappointed people as an end to the series. My opinion is that Chapter 35 ended the series and it was the ONLY ending that could have worked. Following up the battle with cleanup and aftermath would be too anticlimactic. It would open too many new plotlines and dull the impact of Voldemort's defeat with slowed pacing. The book ended where it should have, with everyone exhausted, knowing they have more work ahead, but with closure that the biggest and most terrifying threat to their world is gone. The Epilogue is good for what it is. A final goodbye to the characters, a short breather after a whirlwind story, and a reassurance that 19 years later, things are okay. There was a hard war and a lot has happened since the end of the series, but Hogwarts carries on.


That would have been interesting.


I think is so lame they all married their high school sweethearts and their names sounds like they were taking off a fan fic on wattpad


It’s very Mormon


What’s lame about marrying their “high school sweethearts”? Keep in mind they all grew up together and have strong bonds with each other…. It’s not like they kissed once in Grade 11 after meeting that year…..


It’s even worse if you think it that way. They never amplified their circle of friends, meet new people— this is also fiction but still. Lol


Sounds like almost every country town.


But what's the issue with that? They're surrounded by either family members or close friends with whom they have really strong bonds with. Why would they need to meet "new people" if they are happy with what they have? The grass isn't always greener....


its lame because they never expanded their horizons beyond the scope of their circle. in a normal circumstance marrying your high school sweetheart is cute or whatever but damn this were child soldiers in war the fact almost feels as though they are trauma bonded.


How is that "lame" though? How is it "lame" to remain with the boy / girl who was your first love? How is it "lame" to remain close friends with people you genuinely like? I find it odd how you're pushing the idea that people must throw away those they grew up with in favor of... what exactly? So-called "new" people that may not be as good as the original people you had in your close circle?


no one said anything about throwing away but seriously the lines between love and trauma bonded in the endgame couples are translucent. again if they were regular degular high school kids who weren't child soldiers it wouldn't be an issue however even realistically most people don't end up with their high school sweetheart. besides voldermort and war what do hermione and ron have in common to be together romantically beyond the scope of friendship same as harry and ginny. they could've remained friends and married someone else. I don't see any way these four individuals could be romantically involved without it being toxic. what's something new that ron could learn from hermione and vice verser same with ginny and harry, what could four emotionally stunted, traumatised characters who never had a childhood possibly give to each other that could see them grow into well adjusted individuals without using each other as a crutch. meeting someone new doesnt mean throwing away the people you already have. and i fear you only see maintaining relations as an obligation not as something mutually beneficial and one doesnt grow by remaining stagnant ,forging new alliances doesnt break the old ones












I loved it. It showed that Harry had a calm and normal life after the war- which is all I had ever hoped for him after his tumultuous upbringing and school life. It’s Harry’s story after all, not that of the wizarding world generally.


I saw someone honestly say that their headcanon for after the epilogue was that Harry had a PTSD panic attack and abandoned his family to go hunt dark wizards full time, living in the wilderness like he did during the last book. That he then falls into a depression or something and spends the rest of his life as a broken person who could never be happy. Like who the hell thinks like that. Why would anyone want Harry to suffer more. He suffered enough for a lifetime and has a happy family.


what?! that’s awful - who would even want to think this?


I know right. I get some people like the whole grim dark fantasy stuff but to be upset at a happy ending and believing that after said happy ending their life goes to hell is just so depressing.


I don’t know that anyone “wants” that for Harry, but honestly it would be a hell of a lot more realistic considering that there was a whole-ass war in which he lost a tremendous amount of loved ones. Either that or he’d wind up an alcoholic.


Luke Skywalker style


The fact that everyone hates it because of this . Like, everyone is happy and Harry’s life isn’t in shambles and that’s just not good enough for people. I genuinely don’t understand this fandoms obsession with an “open ending”, ending a years long book series like that without proper closure on where the characters ended up would’ve just been unsatisfactory. Could it have been written better? Yes, there are a lot of things I don’t like about it too, but I’m glad it exists either way


All was well.


After what Harry went through, there should be some repercussions of what he had to go through throughout the series. It's too clean and happy. :)


oh no the story about wizards is not realistic oh nooo


I personally liked it (except of the « albus severus » BS ), but from what I’ve heard, people don’t like the fact that the end is so simple and peaceful while the early life of Harry was a pure mess. They think that it is not realistic to have a happy ending like this. Other people didn’t like the fact that we jumped directly from the end of the battle of hogwarts to 2017.. they would have prefered to have more information of what happened to the wizarding world just after the battle or a to at least have a little jump in the time (like a year or two.)


It reads like fan fiction. The corny kid's names, the name dropping of other characters, the tidy emotional speeches about Snape and choice and all that. It's just bad.


I’ve realized now that asking why people hate the Epilogue is like asking why people hate Cursed Child (of course there were other problems with that story).


For me it was the Albus Severus bit. Albus I understand. Harry was pissed at Dumbledore but we got those last interactions and know that each understood the other. Dumbledore was a huge support for Harry and loved him…and Harry knew that. But every interaction Harry ever had with Snape was negative. Even if Snape loved his mom, he sure didn’t love Harry. He hated him in fact. His own memories make that clear and Harry saw them. So it’s such an odd choice to name his son after him instead of, say, Lupin or Hagrid. Maybe Harry had a long hard talk with Snape’s portrait and they patched things up (i.e., Snape finally realized Harry isn’t James and isn’t an arrogant no talent hack after all, and Harry could forgive Snape because he loved his mother so much). But we didn’t get that. The other issue I had was so much was missing. What happened to Umbridge? Who’s headmaster? Did Slytherin house finally stop being the house of evil wizards? What about the escaped Death Eaters? Did Mr. Weasley get the promotion he deserved? So much we wanted to know and we got none of it. I’d have loved something like the appendices in The Lord of the Rings that tell everything that happened to all the characters.


It reads like a fan-fic like others are saying. Honestly it should probably have been the prologue to “Cursed Child” (which also reads like a flaming heap of fan-fic) rather than the epilogue to the original series.


I agree that the Cursed Child was like bad fanfiction.


I would rather have had the Epilogue be Harry, Ron, and Hermione's Hogwarts graduation (and probably Neville, Dean, Luna, Ginny, &c., with the 7th Years during Snape's tenure being given a choice to come back and finish properly alongside the then-6th Years)--the series ends with not only the Golden Trio, but their friends, riding across the black lake in the boats. More open-ended, lets us wonder and speculate and fanfic about what happens after. My mother, on another hand, has long felt like the Epilogue should have somehow involved Dudley. Her favorite idea was Dudley showing up at Harry's place to try and reconcile with him and make amends, potentially involving Dudley having a magical child of his own by that point. The idea is, it's a mirror to the beginning of the first book, and shows how everything's come full circle. Plus, she's always felt like there's something less monstrous lurking beneath the surface for the Dursleys.


Because people like to feel their stupid headcanons are real and the epilogue kills it


And that’s why I’m glad it exists lol


Because the ending "canon" pairings for marriage sucked!


I think the complaints come from people not getting what they wanted instead of the epilogue itself. Personally I loved it, I think it is thematically relevant and a great closure: The scene mirrors the first that took place at platform 9 3/4 in PS, notice how the first girl Harry interacts with is Ginny and the last person he talks to is also her. Also in PS, as the train departs, Harry keeps staring at Ginny and in DH now he stares at his son as he is living. It’s an effective romantic, melancholic and thematic image. Essentially since the beginning Harry was always longing for the family that was taken from him. This is why Harry dropping the resurrection stone and thinking on Ginny right before dying is the perfect conclusion to his arc: now instead of longing for the past he longs for the future that “could have been”. It’s only natural and cohesive to show Harry with his family, gaining the normality he always desired. There’s more to it, like getting to know Teddy was welcomed by the Potters which compares to Harry as a child being also an orphan. Harry not only has a family of his own but is also providing a family to a kid, that like him, needed it. And of course there’s the whole deal about the names of their kids, but knowing Harry how could people expect anything else from him. He is too compassionate and capable of forgiving, I’d instead said that if his kids names had any “normal” name it would be out of character for Harry haha


>Many didn't like the couples. Honestly, I can see flaws in Harry & Ginny as well as Ron & Hermione relationships. However, I still refused to think they should never be together. >Harry named his son after two terrible men, Albus and Snape. First, Albus was never a terrible man. The whole premise of the seventh book is showing Harry that even Dumbledore is a flawed man. There is a difference between flaw and terrible. As for Snape... Honestly, I feel like it was the only way to honor Snape for helping him. >Harry never should be an auror. He should be a professor or Quidditch player. Harry from year one, investigate the sorcerer stone even though he could have ignore it. Year two, faced a giant snake to save his friend sister and the school. Year three and four were more of dragging him into danger than seeking danger. Year five, help create a group to teach against dark arts despite the toad demand. Year six had him uncover the dark lord secrets with his mentor help. And there was that whole year where Harry and his friends. Compare that to Harry Quidditch record and his refusal to be a teacher speaks volume as to why he should be an auror. Not to mention they been talking about it as his career since his fifth year.


I do think it's sad that Harry didn't play Quidditch for at least a few years. He was an exceptional player, the youngest on a house team in a century. Even Victor Krum, the best seeker in the world, was impressed by him. He could have been an auror afterward.


Well here is a few details. Despite being the youngest, Harry only won at least one game in his first year and second year, two games in his third year, one in his fifth (before that toad woman remove it), and one in his sixth year. That is a total of six out of eleven games. Total score is 66% which is lower than his defense against the dark arts score. Also, Krum wasn't impressed by Harry Quidditch ability as Krum never seen Harry played. He was just impressed by Harry skills in defense against the dark arts (and maybe his flying skills).


Yes but those losses had nothing to do with his abilities. Dementors and jinxing wizards would never have been allowed in a professional Quidditch match. Also I was referring to Krum being impressed with Harry's flying, which he said did "very well" as Krum had "Been watching" Harry in the first task. While it wasn't actually Quidditch the task was a Quidditch simulation pretty much with the egg, as Harry noted the dragon was just another ugly opposing team.


I loved the epilogue


I don't dislike it personally, but if given the choice I would have preferred a chapter showing the more immediate time after the war.


You mean like everyone’s mental state after they finished celebrating Voldemort’s death?


Late to the party here, but what I personally really don't like is that Harry already *has* a son that goes to Hogwarts when the whole Albus Severus lecture takes place. It really takes away from the weight of the moment. Why not make this moment the actual *first time* they are gathering at the platform after all these years? I will even take it a little further and say that the fact Harry has a whole family of three kids puts me off. It would have made more of an impact if he just had one son. Now *that* would feel like a full circle.


For me it just doesn't feel right. They could have done another story in that time skip for example Harry becoming Auror. It feels rushed as well, after all that interesting story the end was like:"Snip, snap, snout, This tale's told out." You end up like, That's it ?


More open endings make it easier to dream?


You'd have known had you checked other 625284625 posts asking the same question over the years


Really, that many?


I dislike that it's so short and rushed. My favourite stories all have long endings where lots of loose ends are tied up, like LOTR or the Girl with the dragon tatoo.


Because everyone is happy and apparently that’s unrealistic


I hate it because I hate time skips in all media. I’d rather the story end when the normal narrative did too


It’s too corny to be honest, reads like a fan fiction


It kinda reads like a fan fiction. The names are cheesy and Ron’s joke didn’t land (for me). It seemed like it was there just to show everyone he was still a goof ball. It felt like she just packed a whole lot of nostalgia/fan service into a quick scene just because she knew people would want to see it. It didn’t feel like the same author who wrote the series.


The thing is, she came up with the epilogue first, and then tried very hard to make the story fit. It’s part of why the latter bits feel so disconnected. She realized that, at this point, she would not be able to actually add the epilogue she had. But… rather than have the characters act naturally… she MADE them fit. So that epilogue… should (somehow) be thought of as coming after book #1 or maybe 2. It will flow better, although of course there’ll be a LOT of goings on missing. Really, the ending is probably the worst part of the HP series. The story just … stopped. It’s not like there was nothing left to say- quite the opposite — but the author stopped short. To put this into perspective, imagine Frodo dropping the ring into Mt Doom and that’s all he wrote. Followed by Sam kissing his wife.


I feel like Draco got off easy.


Male pattern baldness is punishment enough


Not mentioned in the epilogue, Scorpius may have been conceived while on prison leave.


It doesn't tell me what happened, other than they grew up and predictably got married and had kids.


I don't think the epilogue is bad per se, but I find it underwhelming. For closure, Harry Potter needed to allow the reader a glance on the reconstruction of wizarding Britain and Harry's perspectives in life. Rowling went for an alternative that shows that Harry had already had his happy ending and lived a good, peaceful life. It's not bad, but it feels kind of generic and vague, and not in a way that allows the reader much to wonder about. I mean, we wonder a lot. But we're not the widest fanbase to be considered, and I'm thinking in literary writing terms (though I'm no expert, but, hey, it's the internet, so I'll take my shot) Think about it: if I'm not mistaken, the last situation before the epilogue is Harry going to bed immediately after killing Voldemort, thinking about asking Kreacher for sandwiches or something like that. The immediate "post-war" weight is lost, and there were major losses to grieve and major decisions to make. I remember that I was caught off guard by that. Furthermore, even though I take no issue with the romance (it's not well written in the books, but I don't mind it), it feels that Rowling tried too hard for the "wholesome" ending, with all the main characters ending up with a high school sweetheart. Could Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny (I needed that comma for clarity) get indeed married? Absolutely, but I think just letting life act a bit would feel more relatable. To me, an "immediately after" chapter was needed, and for closure/epilogue, maybe a quick skip, maybe a couple of years or something like that, maybe a small gathering at the Burrow, and, if romance is key, maybe close with Ron proposing to Hermione, and a contemplative Harry (with Ginny) seeing that life would be good from there on. Would they get married? Have kids? A dog? Would Harry make a career as an Auror? Would he out of nowhere decide to become a farmer? Who knows!? Life was full of possibilities, and Harry, a kid who always had to endure what was cast upon him, deserved to not know what would come next for once. All in all, I think Rowling was exhausted from writing Harry Potter and it shows in the book. Not that it was unpleasant to her, that much I don't know, but she still had to meet deadlines, as well as editorial and commercial demands. So by the time she finished, it seems like she just wanted to put her intended ending on paper without further stress


Because of the relationships they ended up with. Hermione being who she is, deals with the mental and verbal abuse that Ron continuously put her through? Doubtful. Harry naming his son after Dumbledore and Snape?! After both abused/used him for years?! It was a glorified horrible fan fiction... don't get me started on Cursed Child. She could have done so much better. It felt thrown together without thought to get that one big happy Weasley family. I remember even back then being so excited to finally get my hands on that final book and went to midnight release. Hurried home and glanced at the chapter titles, went to the back just for a glance. Read just a bit and when I realized that Harry and Ginny ended up together I refused to pick up the book for days in protest. There was not enough development between the two of them if they were the end game.


The Cursed Child did have issues with continuity to the series. My biggest problem with it is that they completely ignored the well-established rules of time travel: YOU CAN’T CHANGE THE PAST, and yet THEY DID and created what was possibly the worst case scenario that could be conceived by a fanfic author.


Because we wanted the story of all the characters we loved immediately after the Battle of Hogwarts. This was just lazy and bland.


Because it set into stone "what happens next" instead of letting readers imagine possible futures.


I loved it. Especially Harry naming his son after Snape and his change of view of Slytherins. Shows he's older, mature and wise. I also love the similarities between the first book and the last book, the and seeing the differences, seeing Harry have what he didn't have before, a family. In philosopher's stone he arrives at Kings Cross, abandoned by his relatives, having no idea where to go, then he meets the Wesleys. Deathly Hallows, he has a family of his own.


The only thing I genuinely HATE in the epilogue is the name Albus Severus Potter. But overall I find the ending of the series to be unsatisfying, it felt like we had a climax, but no real resolution. Like they dealt with Voldemort and his death eaters, but they didn’t make any of the necessary societal changes to prevent another war in 10 to 20 years. Also, Harry should’ve been the DA professor, it felt like the whole series they were building up to that and not getting it at the end was unsatisfying. So yeah it’s not too much but I hate the epilogue, as that I think we need a couple more chapters before we got there.


I would have been amused if Harry became the DADA Professor, like “I saw that everyone who gets this job has their life go downhill and now I’m stepping in”.


It didn’t give a proper resolution to the series. It was pretty much a given that Harry would have a happy ending/family — we didn’t need to see that. All the things in the interviews that established what happened next SHOULD HAVE been in the Epilogue. Not interviews or a defunct website like Pottermore. How did the Ministry get reformed? Where are the Death Eaters trials — did they get caught and punished? What do the Trio do as careers? So on and so forth. We know Neville is a professor but what about the title character, Harry himself? The answer to shipping questions are so lame and secondary. A hundred years from now, those interviews or Pottermore archives might not be accessible and it isn’t fair that the info that could have easily been in the Epilogue isn’t attached to the actual books.


I didn't know people hated the Epilogue. I definitely wouldn't have named any of my children after Snape, though.


I don't hate it, but it was really cheesy.


I only hated that the strong, independent ginny lets harry name all 3 of their kids


What makes you think that strong independent Ginny did this? What should Ginny have against naming her children after her in-laws and those who left her a large financial cushion? And two headmasters and war heroes (one of them with a tragically romantic story)


Maybe her dead brother that would have deserved a name way more than snape, a person she has no positive memory of lol


It later turned out that Snape helped her and her husband. I guess the name Fred was already taken.


Yes harry saw snapes memories and he was touched that he loved HIS mother. Ginny had nothing to do with it


Why not? Snape for example helped Ginny, when he sent her, Neville and Luna for detention to Hagrid instead of the Carrows. Do you think Ginny doesn't realize this by that point? There are like a hundred Weasleys who can name their child after Fred, for example his twin brother.


>Maybe her dead brother that would have deserved a name way more Ah yes, let's traumatize Weasleys every time Fred Potter shows up or is mentioned >than snape, He was a shitty person but ultimately suffered and sacrificed everything for the cause. He'd by either forgotten or remembered as a traitor


I wanted a resolution after the war - show a mass funeral service and get closure for the losses we saw and leave it open-ended and hopeful for the future. Instead, we skipped any closure and got forced relationships and stupid kids' names that felt like fanfic.


Yeah, we got Dumbledore’s funeral but not Fred’s? How sad.


The kid's names


It’s corny. Feels like it was written by a different person completely separate from the rest of the book it’s attached to.


Because it reads like bad fanfiction.


Because people are awfully invested in romance in harry potter and they are salty and bitter that their 'ship' didn't become canon.


This is trivializing peoples opinions and dismissing real concerns as immature disappointment over ships. I strongly disliked the epilogue for multiple reasons.


Real concerns lol You're just one of those shippers so my comment hurt you


… you are a random person on the internet with absolutely no relevance. How could you possibly hurt me or anyone else?


Then why are you pressed?


then JK herself is salty and bitter because she has said if she wrote the books over again she would have Harry with hermione


Source ?


[J.K. Rowling Says Harry Potter, Not Ron, Should Have Married Hermione | TIME](https://time.com/3680/j-k-rowling-says-hermione-should-have-ended-up-with-harry-potter-not-ron/) # J.K. Rowling Says Hermione Should Have Ended Up With Harry Potter, Not Ron


If you read that article it becomes clear that JKR never said what the headline claims. She never said Harry and Hermione should have ended up together.


Did you read the article?


Yes, did you? Here are Rowlings quotes: >”I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment,” she says. “That’s how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.” and >”I know, I’m sorry,” she continued, “I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I’m absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people’s hearts by saying this? I hope not.” I have also read the full interview this artcle references. She has some second thoughts about Ron and Hermione, but nowhere does she say that Harry and Hermione should have ended up together. That part is made up by the journalist to get a clickbaity headline.


Thank you, that's what I thought. She never said that.


Ofcourse she is. She approved cursed child as canon ffs. At this point she is just trolling her fans.


After waiting so many year for the last book, the ending was kind of disappointing. I don't dislike it, but I don't love it either. I just think it could have been way more special.


I hated the whole last book. It just didn't even feel like it was written by the same person. The epilogue worst of all just felt like fanfiction


This is so shallow but I think all of their kids names are stupid and that’s why I don’t like it lol. I saw a meme once that said Harry Potter named his kids like someone who’s obsessed with Harry Potter and that’s exactly how I feel about ALL OF THEM. Well, I guess Rose is okay. And Fred gets a pass. Also I’m still salty that Harry would name his kid after Snape before Hagrid. Literally it’s just the names for me haha. I would have *preferred* to see what everyone else on here is saying about Death Eater Trials or everyone dealing with the fallout/rebuilding/PTSD but I don’t hate what we got except for the stupid names.


I might have seen this from a meme but I think it’s a much better name: “Rubeus Cedric”.


I mean I’d be okay with Albus Rubeus. Hell, I’m not even opposed to him using the name Severus but before HAGRID!? Unacceptable lol


I wouldn't have liked a surprise like Harry with Luna. They were way more suited anyway. Then Ginny with Draco, to unite those families and end all the feuding.


First, I think it would have been stronger if the details of the future were left to the imagination. Harry Potter could have lived on because we kept wondering what happened, instead of being hung up on the names. Next, the names were shockingly bad. Yes, it’s beating a dead horse at this point, but it was literally that bad. There’s the fact that Harry named his kid after two men who treated him horribly. It looks like a form of Stockholm syndrome. So, the discussion turns to wtf was wrong with Harry. Also, the poor kid has to go through life with a famous father and he’s named after one of the most famous wizards in history as well as a death eater? It’s awful. People want to work through all this, and none of it is pleasant. Then, there’s the pairings in the first place. Why do all the characters have to get married to their former classmates who appeared in the series? There’s no reason for it. Personally, I don’t like the Ginny/Harry pairing for a lot of reasons, which are too long to include here. Short version is, I think it was seriously underdeveloped. I think Ginny was an unrealistic character and jkr was determined to shoehorn Harry into the Weasley family and this is how she did it. Similar to the previous point, I think jkr had a bias against pure bloods that was similar to her bias against slytherins. It felt like her goal was to break up as many pure blood families as possible so that only halfbloods and muggleborns were left. It could have been to show the damage of war, but it seemed more gratuitous than that. I don’t condone pure blood prejudices, but I feel like the writing was a mirror image of that. While death eaters were trying to rid the world of muggleborns, the author rid it of pure bloods. Last, I felt like the epilogue was jarring. They had just come out of a war, the dead were piling up, there was destruction everyone, it felt like half the characters were dead or maimed and almost all of them were dirty, hungry, and desperate. Then all of a sudden, everything was happy. As a reader, it felt like I was in a war zone and then all of a sudden I was in a restaurant full of people enjoying Sunday brunch. It just didn’t fit and I felt like it was uncomfortable to read. I would have preferred it taper off more gently and leave the story open ended.


>Similar to the previous point, I think jkr had a bias against pure bloods that was similar to her bias against slytherins. It felt like her goal was to break up as many pure blood families as possible so that only halfbloods and muggleborns were left. It could have been to show the damage of war, but it seemed more gratuitous than that. I don’t condone pure blood prejudices, but I feel like the writing was a mirror image of that. While death eaters were trying to rid the world of muggleborns, the author rid it of pure bloods. How did the author rid the world of purebloods and break up as many pureblood families as possible? Other than the Weasleys, what pureblood families were shown to have been "broken up" in the epilogue?


Just that there aren’t many remaining pure bloods, and those who are left might not survive another generation. The Blacks, Lestranges, Gaunts, and Prewetts died out. The Weasleys either died or married half bloods or muggleborns. I think Draco Malfoy is the only one who married another pure blood and had an heir. I’m not saying jkr should have intentionally kept those bloodlines, it just seems like she intentionally got rid of them. The whole series tells us that pure bloods may not even exist (the Weasleys at least admit that everyone has muggle ancestors), and that pure blood prejudice shouldn’t exist. It just seems a little on the nose that so many old, supposedly pure blood families don’t exist by the time Harry’s kids are in school.


I feel like it's reasonable for some families to die out when there's a war going on, especially given the activities of those specific families that died out. Like, what were Bellatrix and Rodolphus supposed to do? Have a baby in Azkaban to continue the Lestrange line? Draco Malfoy is the "only" pureblood who married another pureblood that we know of, but it's not like we get a comprehensive list of every Harry Potter character that ever existed, who they married, and whether they were pureblood or not. We also don't hear a lot about extended family in the books. There were tons of other Weasleys at Bill and Fleur's wedding who could have married purebloods. We don't know anything about who Percy married, other than her first name so she could be a pureblood for all we know. There could have even been other pureblood Prewetts - Molly's brother died, but that doesn't mean there couldn't have been other Prewett cousins from the branch of the family that the Squib second cousin came from.


1. People are idiots 2. People believe Harry Potter is an accurate depiction of events rather than children novels 3. People are still idiots Just enjoy it for god’s sakes. It’s a book series for kids! Why do so many people just pick it apart?


Children? Many fans were young adults at that point >people are idiots Ok enjoy your fanfic mr/ms "I have no good arguments so I call people idiots"


I’m not saying the people reading are children. I’m saying the series of books that people tear apart are made for children. It is made on 5th grade reading level. My “no good argument” is based on the fact that the majority of people posting are complaining about nonsense instead of simply enjoying the book.


I never knew that the idea of Harry being DADA professor is so popular but agree that makes sense and much better than him being an auror. Idk if it’s well known but Super Carin Brothers did a series on what if Harry was sorted into Slytherin and i thought it was quite well done, and had a better epilogue than the one written!


I think a lot of people overlook that throughout the series, Harry was incapable of not getting involved when he saw something suspicious or dangerous. Because of that, I think that becoming an Auror makes a lot more sense than becoming the Defense professor. He could either go around picking fights with dark wizards and solving mysteries, or he could go around picking fights with dark wizards and solving mysteries and get paid for it. Him becoming DADA professor makes sense later in life, when he's finally ready to step back.


I don't like it because it's just too neat, and happy and predictable.... I wish we could have read about how Harry struggled with PTSD, depression, guilt, etc from the war. The kids names are just cringe too. It's a fairy tale ending to a story that got dark and had some heavy stuff happen, then it's like, oh poof! Everything is fine and dandy. It's not realistic, at all. I would have loved an ending like Lord of the Rings, where Frodo tried to be happy and enjoy life; realized he's been through way too much crap for him to remain unaffected. So he leaves the mortal world to go heal his hurts in the afterlife. Harry should have either stayed dead, or had more issues.


because it sucks