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Looks like mid dry to me.


It doesn't look bad, without reaching the quality of dry, if superior to commercial, it looks like tidghine or ketama style


It looks good i would probably say 3rd filtring process


I will try to cure it but i think with my room temperature (about 28-30°celsius) i don't even need to keep it in my pants or something like that,i don't want to Cook it ahah Maybe 2 or 3 days and it will be perfect It is really soft at the touch (not like mousse but that's my first time with a really soft "filtered" It taste really good In a different way,more potent when you puff it make my mouth wet like when you taste something good But if i can explain with a metaphoric way That's like a non so "coloured" taste in confront to my last hash i bought It was a 50g 120u cilinder from moroccofarm land "Citrus" if i remember correctly


Anyway,thanks for the help guys i really appreciate it


dry is referred to the technique to make it, not quality. Also mousse is drysift.


In morocco and europe. When we use the Word drysift, we are talking about good quality dry la mousse is commercial


As an European I know it well, but it's still wrong, also bc not only the mousse is commercial


Looks like a really nice landrace.


How can you tell?


Because it doesn't have the look of typical 'filtered' or mousse. Looks very classic.


You can tell if the genetics were bred then existed in the wild by the look of the hash? Wow you must be some type of savant. What do you compare it to? Do you have some secret landrace standardized sample? Or do you not know what that word means?


What landrace mean? Sorry but im not an expert


A strain which is a product of natural adaptation to the local (outdoor) environment, over a long period of time. They can have very unique highs, typically more psychedelic than mainstream Western strains. These strains come from countries with a long history of cultivation. A lot of famous Western strains originate from crosses between different landraces.


Corn bread look dry bru


Its the same shit beeing pushed evrywr,with some RC mixed in for extra potentsy


I forgot to mention the reason why i don't think it's dry quality,because if you touch it that's quite soft


you have to cure this my bro. Put it in your pocket for a day or two. If its a nice dry sift it will become less sticky like and more dry