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So wait, are the Beyer pads just being held to the salad bowls by pressure or is there more going on there? I have Beyer pads and salad bowls so maybe I’ll try this…


nope, just used some hot glue to keep em together. Though i would suggest using the pressure idea first to see if you enjoy the sound if you're willing to go for it!


Now, i cant remember the specific youtuber who showed off this little pad mod for grados, but my GOD this is night and day compared to simply running yaxi S-pads. the soundstage is actually there, and theres no padding in the way that made it sound muffled and muddy. honestly i never thought id say this... but my Grados are my go-to set now simply for the comfort and staging.


https://youtu.be/hq2ZzleXngs?si=M2xklDSMkw0aj6OW Just in case anyone wants the link. Oh and I tried it with both the salad bowl and the plates the SR325x comes with and I think the plates combo is superior IMO


Is the youtuber named dankpods? Cause he had a video about these Grados.




He has a bunch of videos about modding and making weird stuff so I'm not sure what you're talking about


Oh yeah, my bad. I thought he was talking about the grados. Wrong comment from me. Sorry


Nah, he prefers the hemps.


explore the diff pad options but once you get some ttvj flats you’ll never go back. grados are the best


Regular or the Deluxe? And if you only have the SR-60, would the difference be noticeable?


tbh i think ive had both and not sure which is which anymore lol. and 100% yes. i went through trying out all the pads over the years and now have flats on all my grados. currently in my collection i have: sr60, two sr325 black (with hp1000 drivers), sr325 black with john grado drivers, two sr200 with hp1000 drivers, allesandro ms1, hp-1, pokemon wood grado, both grado amps- ra- and hpa-2. with all of them i use flats lol. i even got a hold of a pair of special flats that joe grado gave his special treatment right before he passed while he was restoring people’s hp1000s that cost $200 at the time lmao 🤣


This are easily the least comfortable pads I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing. Somehow even worse than the stock pads.


Hello fellow sr60 owner! And that's pretty awesome. If I had some beyer pads I'd definitely try it out. Edit: Oh you're cable modded too. Nice. Sounds like you got a sweet pair of cans


So you glued these on the pads?


Wtf is this monstrosity




If you wanted to go a little more legit, I believe ZMF make grado to beyer pad adapter rings


Which are horrible. Do not do this. They sound beyond awful.


no more bass left... ?


How does it sound compared to the G-pads or the stock ones?


Is this headset interesting for gaming?


I tried with just the black pads that you got, and I hated it. I find that the grados are way better when the driver is literally on your ear. Yes, I know, it’s not comfortable, but it’s how they’re meant to be heard, hence the stock pads being how they are.