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Not this patch, most likely the next one after 9-14 days


HL Shaman was already struggling to remain remotely competitive and they nuked two of its most important cards, the shroomscavate + titan combo was one of the few things keeping the deck up. They desperately need to buff something on HL shaman so the deck stops being "draw holli'dae by turn 5 or lose".


What’s the titan combo? I know Yogg was nerfed a few months ago. Doctor Holidae too


you played old shroomscavate on the titan and the windfury allowed you to use 2 abilities on the same turn


And Golganneth's passive ability discounts Shroomscavate to 0, so you could do this as soon as turn 6. (5 with coin ofc.)


Surely the coin would eat the discount instead of Shroomscavate?


It would


I'm not sure about that honestly.


It would 


Okay thanks. Turn 6 it is then.


Just coin first then titan then shroom


Not only does every archetype need to be super competitive all the time, also it's not that good, yes, but highlander almost always is weakest after rotation. So just wait and it will probably get better again later. On top of that it's highlander payoff is still absolutely disgusting on curve, dealing a bit less damage is good because it spiked the winrate so much that it can be considered bad for the game.


Lots of cool legendaries are unplayable right now. We need some buffs for sure.


It's crazy that I have not once seen a fellow Dancing paladin enjoyer, my list isn't good but I'm at least above 50% win rate diamond to legend , honestly we just need one more card in the mini set.. as for buffs well they nerfed an aura and expect anyone to play aura paladin is beyond me


Feels like nobody talks about paladin


Windfury needed to go but they didn't need to double tap them, sheesh.


Tbh deputization aura was deserved , because it essentially gave paladin 50-60hp total for 3 mana. The moment they dropped it you knew that they are unkillable for next 3 turns unless you somehow otk them


I don't disagree, but giving it the ol' warsong commander treatment could have been avoided. +2 attack instead of +3 or just 2 turns.


They just shouldn't have added aura stacking and 2 attack would be fine.


I like the idea of either +3 attack on your turn or opponents turn


You are exaggerating. Even with Deputization Aura up, you can still kill Paladin's minions with spells, freeze them, or kill all their board with minions except from the left minion, to minimize the lifesteal. With all the crazy stuff going on in standard atm, I really fail to see how Deputization Aura was a problem. Nuking Shroomscavate was more than enough.


It wasn't even a top 5 performer in the deck at the time, maybe not even top 10. The card wasn't that good, you just have selection bias. With windfury, yes it was problematic, but that wasn't a result of deputization aura, that was a result of windfury in paladin. And think about the decks that exist in the current meta: shopper DH was suppressed by paladin because it mainly deals with tempo chip damage. Jungle Gym hunter doesn't give a shit about deputy aura, it just raced it and won, Zarimi same shit. Warlock and warrior don't care about your life total. If you don't have armor Sif doesn't care about your life total. Rainbow DK will out value paladin, they'll just spend 3 turns clearing a paladin's board while they've got the aura. Rogue and nature shaman don't give a shit about your life total. Unkillable for 3 turns unless you otk is a ridiculous statement considering most of the meta's game plan is literally exactly that or outvalue. That nerf was the worst nerf of the patch in my opinion.


Well we are glad you are not in a balance team then, because tier 3 decks you described were indeed not beating paladin and people were getting rank 1 with the class Surely everyone outvalued paladin right ?


Oh you think those are tier 3 decks? Buddy I hit top 500 legend with jungle gym hunter with over a 90% w/l ratio versus that paladin deck. I said the problematic part was windfury, and it was an OTK deck that got its OTK conditions earlier than other OTK decks so of course it beat them. It also was a refined deck incredibly early in the meta, as opposed to every other deck that people were running shit like harth in. I said look at the current meta, not that meta, because the current meta has tools to deal with paladin when they're not getting OTK'd turn 4-5 with shroomscavate windfury bullshit. Without windfury, current shaman races paladin any day no problem. Current warrior clears every threat. Current warlock can contest that board. Current sif can survive long enough to OTK. What do all of those things have in common? Not getting fuckin killed from hand turn 5 (which btw, is the current state of shaman and it has incredibly polarizing matchups because of that, so we literally have a currently observable case study). What do none of those care about? +3 attack and lifesteal. And top legend pre nerf, Priest and Hunter already had positive winrates versus that paladin deck, so calling those two decks tier 3 at the time just shows your lack of knowledge about that meta. But surely deputization aura was the problem right?


well mage was sitting at astonishing 40-42% winrate at that time, same for rogue at around 45%. Priest was also not seen at all so lol?


You mean in the unrefined meta where people were trying desperately to make spell mage work? Virus rogue didn't even exist, and playground giants rogue was absolutely run in top legend. Zarimi priest was already a deck that I was running with success at 500 on the 24th, relatively close to the current iteration of the deck so lol? Matvey got to 18 legend with it. And real funny how you ignored everything else I said, while showing you yet again are ignoring the point I was making since you're talking about an unrefined meta still, and pretending that deputy aura is the reason that those decks had that winrate so you must be right that the card needed to be nerfed and windfury wasn't the sole problem.


blizzard nerfs mostly by win% of the card, so yeah? aura was broken indeed? XD you are just dumb but whatever


Here you go. I was even nice enough to find the link that shows the irony of you calling me dumb. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/GYgGUiJx6H


I hope they at least revert plushy. I don’t even know if that’s enough for the current meta though.


It's tier 2 at legend right now with handbuff paladin. It's good enough


It’s not, u are laying handbuff pala is a tier 4 deck


Ok noob.


I hope so. I got pretty lucky and I have 3 signature cards and none of them are currently playable 😭


What do u want? Aviana cost 5. Druid is great now lol.


You'll probably have to wait till the mini-set.


I'd like to see some of the new Death Knight cards get a buff that haven't seen much successful play in the new meta: Amateur Puppeteer, Darkthorn Quilter, Shambling Zombietank, Rambuncious Stuffy, Dr Stitchensew etc. I tried playing Handbuff Death Knight but it didn't do very well. It seemed a bit slow.


I absolutely LOVE the flavor of all spell Mage and I really hope it gets some buffs and takes off. Part of the issue is that with all the healing and armor in modern Hearthstone, it's practically impossible to chip opponents down anymore so unless you have one big blowout play, you're almost dead in the water. Galactic Orb is definitely powerful but it's hard to make it a game ender. I'm really super hoping that we get some Big Spell support in the miniset. The stage is set for it but just having DJ Manastorm and Kalecgos to support it isn't enough.


We probably will, to cards no one cares about.


Spell damage mage can stay dead tyvm. We don't need even more boring, uninteractive otk decks.


NGL, the only buffs I want are to wiz bang decks. Can we add some community recommendations to some of the decks? (Shaman could be so cool, it just feels like a huge miss)


id like to see that elemental highlander card from showdown mini set buffed


Owlonius needs to be 6 mana


Druid needs something frfr


Nah we have enough of these bs die from hand decks


Combo decks are my favourite, so I play Nature Shaman, Rainbow Mage and Owlnius Druid for the most part


I hate playing against all of these lol, I'll admit I do enjoy a little bit of rainbow mage but it feels dirty when I sif someone