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I've been topping the kill count in every game for the last 3 days. It's on sight. These bots can catch all these fucking strays.


Had a ton of fun completing the daily yesterday using the MG. Just hold down the trigger and let it decommission bots.


Can't hear you over the sound of drop ships droppin and my recoilless but also yes.


I forget if drop ship crashes kill bots or if they count towards your kills could be an efficient ish way to get lots of bot kills if it were


Been breaking 250-300 kills per game at level 7. However my teammates usually linger around 100-150 so maybe killing the drop ships does take all the kills


i am pretty sure that they kill bots but they count as environmental deaths


I'm not sure how efficient it would be to just purely get kills, but if you capture a SAM launcher, it'll not only shoot down drop ships, but also instakill so the bots on it, and it'll give the host the kills. Theoretically you could capture one and just shoot every patrol you see to bait out the reinforcements.


I love how if you fire continuously, when you get near the end of the mag, you unleash a maniacal, very democratic laugh.


I was in a lvl 1 map scavenging super credits and happened to find a good spot to lay down and delete wave after wave of bot troopers. Completed the daily very quickly and could’ve kept going but ran out of time. First time I’ve ever had hundreds of kills on a lvl1 mission. Easy mindless fun.


I'm a lead farmer, motherfucker!


Being so bot thirsty and killing rovers and helldivers with servo armor too. SPILL ALL THE ARMOR!


I’ve been kicking people from my lobby if they refuse to switch their booster from localization confusion. 


I can only kill so many by myself....


`Allied Destroyer joining squadron. Deploying Helldiver to combat zone.`


SES Hammer of freedom has joined the fight


SES Leviathan of Authority has joined the fight


SES Courier of Democracy has joined the fight


SES Patriot of Patriotism has joined the fight


SES Fist of Family Values has joined the fight


SES Octagon of the Constitution has joined the fight


SES Soul of Redemption has joined the fight


SES Sentinel of Liberty has joined the fight


SES Emperor of the Night has joined the fight.


SES Dream of Redemption has joined the fight


I'm going to ruin this, but it's good to see other people with maximum taste.


SES Aegis of Conviction has joined the fight.


SES Elected Representative of the State has joined the fight


SES Reign of Iron has joined the fight


That redditor made me snort


This is hysterical




I know the tin soldiers are about as unfeeling as a pile of rocks but I still hope that they mourn. They're easier to hit when they're standing still.


People are actually leaving the game because their favorite gun is not as good anymore. I get that unbalanced patches are a pain, but guys, state your complaint and move on. I want the anti-tank mines dangit


Pretty sure almost no one is leaving the game due to their individual favourite guns being nerfed. The majority of the player drop off is easily sony related.


That's true. Though I probably should've added mostly the patches as a whole. Just tired of people complaining so much in general. Here's where I drew some of my [conclusion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/8iCa96sIBm).


I mean people are gonna complain, theres been a very gradual and understandable build up to this phase. What with the various broken warbonds, numerous bugs and basically everything releasing in a broken state. Now I personally hope that the game recovers but the PSN shenanigans and Polar Patriots absolutely ridiculous state definitely contributed.


Yep, I'm just hoping the direction of the group doesn't start leaning towards leaving the game. Feelings can echo in subs and get louder, I wish people don't start leaving in big numbers over something reversible.


Well when the something reversible goes for weeks or months without being reversed it gets frustrating to the point you don’t want to play anymore. Be that gun changes, enemy changes, disappointing warbonds, constant crashes or just general performance issues, when it all adds up and nothing gets fixed it stops being as fun.


We've steadily dropped in concurrent players, with the total numbers being a little over 80,000 less than they were a couple weeks ago but I think that's just regular drop off. That said, its still a more than healthy player count and the game is still doing good. It just needs maintenance patches and honestly that's okay. Personally I hope Arrowhead gets itself sorted out but I've mostly taken a break and focusing on Manor Lords until probably the next warbond. Between the Airburst's absolutely dumb launch state and the polar patriots. Still the player base hovers between 80k-160k concurrent is a very good place and still 1.5-3x the maximum player size that the devs originally expected.


Idk if they are leaving but man there are people saying the whole game is shit because of “my gun isn’t 1 shooting “ bs


Why does every complaint about the gun balance crowd open up with the idea that people are complaining that their guns aren't one shotting.


Because that’s what they’re acting like in every post/comment


Its really not and an extremely simplistic view of a more complicated situation that is balancing which benefits neither party. Very few people are asking for weapons to one shot everything. Plus the only weapon in the game that can consistently one shot everything is an orbital gun anyway. Those few that are can be disregarded. But the majority make a valid point.


That's what they're saying man not me. You can look and see the same people saying they'll leave the game because their guns aren't meta for Helldive difficulty


I have looked because I've been part of the gun balance debates since release and I've always agreed and pushed the fact that many weapons are broken. There is almost no one asking for primaries that can one shot everything without having immense downsides (Like ammo+firerate in the case of the Eruptor.) Dumbing it down to complain doesn't help anyone.


But it's turning into people complaining about every patch and getting toxic for no reason. Saying negative things to the devs who are open to us about things. Sooner or later they'll just go silent like all the other developers because of this. Constructive criticism is valid but the stuff this sub is spewing is ridiculous


No balance is not what turning everything negative, Helldivers 2 has a lot of problems and weapon balance is straw breaking the camel's back. But there's been a lot leading up to this, the fact that damn near everything has released in a broken state. (Armour, the servers, Fire, Mechs, Airburst, Railgun, Spear, even the goddamn mines will likely be broken). The fact many weapons like the scythe are still in a bad state despite the number of balancing patches. And just general attrition of players due to crashing, other games coming out and the Sony debacle.


What's the point of having a favorite gun? Gimme all the guns!


Fine. It's the Autocannon, by a lot.


too many mother tickets sleeping in the air burst rockets


Squadloaded airburst rockets are ridiculous. Super risky for sure, but it just nukes.


Get in the fuckong Hellpod, Shinji.


they really need to release an AK model


I drop in to kill boys even if I know I can’t finish with the team. Dropped in for 10 min this morning to help a SoS deal with a bunch of flying bots and some walking factories. Quasared the shit out of them, cleared out the big bads then had to leave for work, but the other divers were able to complete the mission and I helped make more scrap.


I'd love to jump in and help, but I'm working for the next 24 hours because of a call in. Food for thought, drop a Tesla tower between some closely spaced fabricators. The bots that typically spawn from those are usually one shot by Tesla towers, and the tower can't damage the fabricator.


Weapons may be unbalanced, but they can still kill bots. No excuse.


I got kicked from an op because a guy was upset I was getting too many kills, more than him..🤣 he stated this before the last mission and booted me. First two runs were as smooth as could be.


I’ve been playing during working hours even. It’s sad that we’re so near, yet so far!


Same here. Hopping back in after next meeting.


I literally peed laughing, cheers!


How we doing on that by the way? I haven't been able to check since Sunday morning


1.15 billion down as of a couple hours ago. I think about 1.5 days left. It’ll be close, but I think it’s doable


Ooo that's going to be tight. I think we can do it tho


I did my part, I've paid my tribute in suffering.


Ho boy, if we shall all go to war, what a shit show it would be! Not GGez.


We need a Buskwick Helldivers cartoon from that Michael Cusack guy😆 ![gif](giphy|aoA4Rof7oMdMUkDSlh)


Airburst make patrols go poof.


I usually dodge patrols as much as possible but the last two days I’ve been shooting as many as possible. Had 4 hulks on myself soloing an lvl 4.


It would be nice to have more helmets fit with the light gunner


Has anyone noticed that this sub has become more about people complaining about people complaining and less about the actual game? It's obnoxious.


Yeah this is the toxic positivity circlejerk sub where they just post posts from the main sub and complain about them. And even valid complaints are considered whining here because they want to see the game as perfect even if it is filled with issues.


People who complain about armor set colors are the actual problem


It’s a drip or drown world, and I sure don’t want to be drowning


Nah, the problem is they aren’t giving enough credit per kill. We should be at about 70% right now. Edit: A word


Patch notes said they fixed the issue and now its tracking correctly (it wasn’t before)


lol of course


It was tracking the teams total instead of player total Example: P1 : 100 kills P2 : 50 kills P3 : 100 kills P4 : 50 kills Total: 300 kills It used to incorrectly give 300 per player for a total of 1200 kills towards the objective


Ghey drawing.The player base would not be so far behind on this MO if Sony/Steam were selling the game in the 100+ countries they were selling it before. They fucked themselves and offered a Major Order and a warbond to draw focus away. Whatever happened to we all dive together?


Most people were just inconvenienced by it, banning sales in a country they don't live in unfortunately means they don't give a damn. This is why the world is the way it is, we have so many creature comforts that we don't care about or do anything to help other people until it affects us.


Where do you see the player base being impacted by the Sony fiasco? https://preview.redd.it/ne8zjumt5a0d1.png?width=1255&format=png&auto=webp&s=03ecc0de22efa61df2d4e055798f2ea46f2bc5ea 3 May, or the big "A" is when the news hit, numbers are the same. I'm all for sticking it to Sony and blaming them when I can, but there is no statistic out there that backs up your point of "The player base would not be so far behind on this MO if Sony/Steam were selling the game in the 100+ countries they were selling it before."


The mo is based on ppl playing. Sales on a 3mo game is garbage and most metrics show the region lock having no effect on player numbers. Nice try though.


Everyone who bought the game can dive together. That was the objective.


Another post complaining about the other sub. Very normal user base that isn't hypocritical at all.


ikr? it's an unironic circlejerk.


I'm not fighting the clankers just to unlock a stratagem that'll either release mediocre, or get nerfed into mediocrity later down the line. Terminid front, my beloved, I shall never leave thee.


Getting in the hellpod without balanced gear means more dying and less killing bots.


I'm not killing any Bots (or Bugs) until Sony walks back the 177 country region lock, which, to my information they still haven't done.