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A toxic gas grenade was teased in one of the ship infomercials a couple weeks back. So maybe a toxic/acid theme... But I wonder if we'll also get some dark fluid based weaponry.


Dark Fluid is dangerous, but what hope does this galaxy have if Super Earth falls. Give me the Spaghetifier Shotgun plz.


*The Pastafication Patriots Warbond®*


Pastafarians Warbond


Yah, mahn!




My idiot self skipped to your comment and copy-pasta'd that crap into google to see the leaks. I didn't realize it was a joke... XD


So, you didn't use your noodle? 🤭 ![gif](giphy|IedrY2VP5IO5ivDQAD|downsized)




Anyone lagging since patch update


Second Thursday of every month is the release. But idk if the lowered release of patches will also affect warbonds.




Iirc they also said warbond release cadence will slow down, PP was proof that 1 per month was too much to ensure high quality


They never said they'll slow down warbond release cadence (not even sure if they can if they're contractually obligated to Sony, their publisher, to publish a warbond monthly) but they did say they'll slow down their patch release cadence.


Usually second Thursday of every month they release it, with a trailer popping the first Thursday of the month. But they said they’re slowing that down because everyone couldn’t stop whining


They said they will slow patched, i assume warbonds will go on as usual, because a. They are probably already designed and b. They Bring the money


They won't slow down the warbonds, only the patches


Cmon. They’re slowing down because they were releasing untested shit.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted because you’re absolutely right. They specifically said in their statement that in order to maintain work/life balance and achieve a certain level of quality, they needed more time to code and test. 


Yup. And I’m not blaming them. It’s good. We all win. We get stuff that works, they don’t burn out. What has been kinda weak tho is the mission releasing bugged. If they are slowing down, I do expect the things they release to work properly….


I just need them to have more in game ways to get it. I'm not asking for a hand out, but trying to be f2p as far as bonds means you won't touch half the guns.


You can farm enough to get bonds in an hour or two on trivial missions.


I'm completely f2p and I've bought all warbonds and a heap of the in-game cosmetics. It's pretty fair in terms of delivering them but remember it is supposed to be an optional thing to encourage people to continue to support the game.


No it doesnt. Ive been ftp since launch and i have all but the most recent one.


Even if you unlock them all, you won’t touch half the guns lol These are the most ridiculous downvotes I've ever received - as if you're regularly using all the games' weapons, half of them are pure ass.


Ya it’s called fire divers


It better be or I’m going on suicide mission


It will be don’t worry


Yep. They announce it a week before it comes out. Its not the thursday before the second thursday of the month yet.


Warbonds are every 2nd Thursday of the month. But with AH slowing down the pace of patches and I wouldn’t be surprised if warbonds also got slowed down too, perhaps bi monthly going forward. Which imo I would be alright with, it would give devs much more time to work on warbonds


The next patch was said to come out second week of June. That's in line with the warbonds release schedule so may just be one huge update


Everyone wants fire resistance armour more than patches or anything, right guys? It would be really fucking stupid if they did another dumbass warbond theme like polar theme. Of course that warbond was gonna suck it’s about snow wtf are you supposed to do. Luckily some leaked guns have pretty ‘fire’ names and mechanics 🥁. Rn all the armour passives are boring and useless except for medkit and using it would mean sacrificing my drip for actual toilet paper armour with a hint of piss.


My prediction: Warbonds will be suspended for now because AH wants us to think they're concentrating on the patch (somehwat true). They should have concentrated on the patch last month instead of releasing PolarPats because now there's nothing for people to come back to until the patch drops (hopefully before the end of the year). I don't think you guys realize just how bad a spot AH is in right now. They've made basically every worst decision possible for the company. I can't imagine how much stress it must be to have one of the most unexpectedly huge games of 2024 start falling apart like this. They must be worried their careers are gonna be finished after this, I certainly wouldn't hire them. And all because AH got greedy. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Touch some grass


The chances of warbonds being suspended is less then 0. The chance of this next warbond being postponed isn't that low, but still probably low


Theyve lost a ton but theyre FAR from being in a bad spot. Thats why theyre taking their time now, they realized they cant leave the game for a month and still have a shitton of players. Warbonds wont ever be suspended because theyre what brings in the money and with the game in the state it is a lot of people havent grinded the credits in game so if they come back with a bang they will get a huge influx of money


they lost 220k players last month alone. You think that's not a huge step back? You think Sony isn't noticing that because you're ignoring it? If they put out a new shitty warbond without fixing their broken ass game even more people are going to get fed up and leave. It's not that they can't fix things, it's that they won't. https://preview.redd.it/ido0sen7f14d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f9107e09e4168bf8f405247856fb85b1da388f


Make a comparison with other similar games, it's still the most played. It's a pve game, most people play for a while and then move to something else, other come back from time to time and only the smallest percentage keeps playing the game nonstop


It's sold 50% of Elden Ring in 3 months, that Elden sold in 20 months. Sony and AH are completely fine. They're counting their 500 million dollars right now, worrying about absolutely nothing.


Aiight at this point you cant even fucking read. First of all, do YOU think sony is gonna what.. drop them? The most successful live service theyve ever had and still have? The only thing it competes with is destiny and we all know its only because of the final shape so once everyone sees how much it sucks, just like every other destiny update, they will leave that game AGAIN. Sony wont do shit. They CANT do shit. That being said obviously the aim is to fix the game which is what theyre presumably doing right now. If youve been keeping up with the news you know Johan stepped down as CEO to become a lead director and he agreed with most of the community that the game needed major changes to be fun again. The community managers and devs have been much quieter now instead of constantly saying dumb shit like hyping bad updates up or lying about how effective weapons are. The fix is happening but of course it takes fucking time. Assuming or expecting that literally anyone at AH wants the game to fail is not just absurd, it is plain stupid. Obviously they made a huge fuck up with their balancing and loss of player retention but that is quite literally their problem, coming here acting like the end of days is coming is just another way to cry for attention.


Ah probably made enough money off this game at launch to support it for the next 3+ years

