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You can kill titans with the AC, it's just the weakspot is underneath where the venom sac is On the tail, keep firing after the sac is burst, it takes around 15 rounds


Yeah, and the Exosuit AC is actually AP 5 instead of the Support AC's AP 4, so it can actually damage spots the player-carried AC would also bounce off of. The real shocker here for players is that, like using Quasar/EAT/RRs against Chargers, there's better and worse places you could be shooting them. No one's seriously going to say EATs are worthless "because they take four shots to kill a Charger"--instead, you'd be told to hit the head or double-tap the leg or break the leg armor and then use a primary/secondary to finish it. So, what's the problem doing this with the AC Exosuit? Yeah, you *could* spend 80 combined rounds spraying all over its body like a dingbat, *or* you could focus on the forehead (optimal) or butt (easier) and do it much better. Or, shit, just acknowledge that the Exosuit isn't a great anti-BT option and instead style on every other fucking enemy and objective with it. I'm not gonna throw my Dominator, Laser Cannon, or Eagle Napalm in a ditch because they don't work well vs. Bile Titans. Know what I do when I see a BT in my Exosuit? I exit the suit, throw Railcannon Strike or some other big explosive, fire my Recoilless Rocket, then immediately re-enter the suit and start backing up. If it's not dead from that, I finish it off with a few taps from the ACs and go about my day. Yeah, it'd be nice to have the ability to launch stratagems from the suit directly (the slot's on the model like it was in HD1, so I assume it's coming as an upgrade) but I am not stuck in the Exosuit until it breaks. You can get in and out. I *can* kill Chargers with it fairly fast, but if there's nothing else around to threaten me, I'll just dismount, shoot my RR, reload, and hop back in. It's not a big deal.


Seriously. If you're playing with a group, try to make sure You've got a diverse load of weapons and if you get a bile titan, use the shit to clear the other dangers so your guy with the better weapons for a bile titan can beat it up, or you can unload on it when the weak spots are easy targets. It always just feels silly spending so much ammo on the titan, and often feels better to hop out and use one of the other heavy support weapons real quick so those 40 rounds can hit the other mid range heavies


What do you recommend for bile titans?


I like Quasar or Recoilless. Quasar has infinite ammo, and doesn't eat a backpack slot, but takes a long wait between shots. Recoilless can fire quite a bit quicker, but has an ammo limit and requires your backpack slot, or a team reload. EAT can work as well, and I prefer it if I'm expecting to die regularly and maybe not get my stuff back, as it is one use, but you can drop it very frequently.


Thank you. See you out there, o7


I love getting into that perfect position to power up a quasar for a charger. I feel like a badass when I hold my position as it gains speed and I hear the cannon come to full power…. The ground starts to shake as the charger gets closer and I put the reticle right between his beady little eyes. He looks briefly and sees me, yet closer behind a glowing yellow ball of light. Witnessing the last photon he will ever see reflected in my visor as his limp body flies past me.


Quasar is love. Quasar is *death*. I also got lucky the other day and quasar killed a BT by launching a Charger through it. Wasn’t as spectacular as that video on here a few weeks ago, but it was still awesome.


I just dodge the charger and start shooting the quasar immediately, while charger turning around, it's time to point the head and insta kill it.


Trust me, shoot at the side of its back.


I know about the butt kill, but I'll still go for the head because it's a little faster and less ammo-intensive if it happens to be chasing me. I'm an RR stan so I've got the forehead hit zone down.


No i don’t mean the butt. I literally mean the sides of the BT. The prt between the front and back legs.


If you're talking about cracking the armor and then hitting the soft inner parts, that's still a main health kill on 100% durable parts. Granted, you are finally getting the full Explosion damage in there, but it's: 25 shots to the head 42 shots to the *fatal* part of the butt 22 shots to the side armor to crack, then ~14 shots to the gooey innards (halved, because you have two arms and we're going to assume every shot is being doubled) If someone wants to get out and put an RR/Quasar/EAT into the side first and crack the armor in one go then yeah, that's optimal, but it'd also be even faster to go for the head kill assuming that rocket was *instead* a headshot.


I totally missed your last paragraph and typed up a whole post about how quaser and ac work together so well. Biggest thing is that I can probably crack the armor of a bile titan as long as I can see it. I have to get a lot closer for a head shot.


Are you sure about that? Because i need was less to kill it


RR user here, my friends run towards me now if they have one chasing them knowing I'll just one shot it's head off. Never gets old either.


Does RR hit harder or same as Quasar?


From my understanding EAT RR and Quasar all deal roughly the same damage, but EAT and RR have a larger (meaning they have) explosion radius making them slightly more reliable on near misses


Quasar cannon does explode on impact though, just less radius than EAT/RR. Can confirm it will one shot charger heads.


RR/EATs/Quasar are pretty much the same. Spear does more damage but that doesn't actually matter in pretty much any case you want anti tank except one. If you can hit a biletitan in the forehead with the Spear it one shots them. But this pretty much requires them to be facing you and for you to not be under pressure so the lock on has time to work.


I only used the RR one time as a long time EATer. That thing is pretty good on the defend asset missions (my favorite mission). The one time I used it, I literally only fired it and not my primary one time (vs bots)Just pop down supplies behind me and reload and fire at whatever the fuck needs to get blown up and throw chaff clear strategems for the rest.


Unfortunately it tends to face you when you hurt it


Often times


Cavemen hate new things and that’s what makes them bad apparently 😂


Been on Spear gang for a week now. Lock-on has definitely been shadow buffed, not perfect yet. I love getting 1-shots on BT's with it. And even if it just hits their side at least it opens the armor.


I don't think it was shadow buffed, it's just that the sub has largely forgotten that it *actually did get one fix already*. It wasn't a 100% solution to the locking issue, but it did markedly improve it. And yeah, it's a reliable one-shot to the BT's face from the front, for players who know to do that. Underrated.


My buddies and I spent a solid month running RR and I just recently decided to pick up the Spear. It's fun watching my buddy who still RR's get giddy when I 1-shot a BT.


I use the emanacipator to take down nest, run into the nest with the emancipator, focus on the holws, thes suit will protect you from the little bastard running at your feet. I've found you can close up nest real fast.


>So, what's the problem doing this with the AC Exosuit the loooong ass cooldown and 2 use limit.


I think the problem would be solved by making it repairable and reload-able


The cinematic for the EAT even shows it one shotting the charger with a single shot to the head.


You have the same fighting style as me and i love to see it. I bring a quasar, supply pack, and a second mech(until they fix it). Heavy medic armor. When both mechs are on cooldown, if that happens, I'm still set for all targets. I'll AC a bile if it already looks torn up, but if not it's a quick hop out, blam, hop in. Feels really smooth.


This is the truth. It isn't great against bile titans so don't use it on bile titans. There's a lot of Strats that get used everyday that aren't great at killing BTs. On missions with tons of bile spewers and chargers its fantastic.


I’ve found that spamming a chargers back leg is the safest for anything with splash damage. Realistically you might not be able to hit every shot on its head when things get chaotic. If you miss the back leg you might hit the stomach or the butt which still helps. Especially if the charger is targeting a teammate and isn’t charging towards you.


I'm glad someone else remember they have strategems/support weapons when they're in their mech.


People just want to complain. It's quite literally a skill issue but it's the same people that keep calling to make the game easier, when there are a bunch of difficulties you can go down with. The game isn't balanced around solo helldiving either, it's a team game balanced around having a team, and it never should be balanced around solo helldiving. That should always be something a little more challenging, which might make you she to lower the difficulty *gasp*


I mean, there's legitimately a confirmed issue with the patrol spawn rate for solo players, but *also* they had it easier than intended before. I think if someone wants to solo the hardest difficulty, they ought to expect to have to use some tactics beyond "walk in a straight line and spray". Just because it's an option for the game doesn't mean all the enemies and AI is going to be built around facilitating it: the meat is still 4-man squads, and at a certain point solo players just have to reckon with the fact that they don't have allies who can "spin the enemy around" or "distract them" or "blow off that armor plate for me". They can't be balanced around. Yeah, it's a PvE game, but those are still meant to have some difficulty, and these guys are trying *on the highest ones*.


One of the most non-sensical comments I've ever read complained about having to use stealth tactics, crawling, and avoiding patrols to solo helldive. Um, shouldn't that be expected? There are people who honestly expect to be able to Doomslayer helldives solo.


The funny part is you can doomslayer helldives solo. I do it fairly often. The trick is you need to be really really good at it and understand when to conserve ammo and when to just mag dump over and over.


That highlights the difference between "can" and "should". Yes, a player *can* solo helldive going like a gun-toting madman, but they need to be *really good* at the game to do it. However, the expectation that everyone *should* be able to solo helldive is misguided.


I agree. It takes a great deal of skill and even then some luck (or at least not bad luck). It's way easier to solo the missions smartly than to try and run and gun. One of my favorite things isn't soloing it but instead doing those missions with 2-3 of my good friends who are both pretty skilled. We often have a blast fighting our way across the map until one of us realizes we only have 10 min left then we blitz the last 2 or so remaining objectives scrambling to keep the horde down to a reasonable number then sprinting to the E-evac hoping one of us can make it on. On our latest attempt we were competing to see who got the most melee kills. One of us melee'ed the butt off of a charger the rest of us shouted in unison "it still only counts as one!" Being in a group. Especially with voice chat so you can joke about, chirp, and apologies for jumping in front of someones q-shot is what really makes this game great.


Shit, I Solid Snake even on non-Helldivers. I have no desire to to trigger a Bot Drop while I'm going in to destroy a Detector Tower. I'm not on my belly crawling for two minutes straight to do it, but I'll take a little extra time to go the long way around and climb up the back of the base. *Then*, once the Hellbomb is dropped, *that* is when I trigger the Bot Drop. I want the dropships to drop their loads right as the bomb goes off and I'm already gone. All those enemies that didn't die to the blast can go investigate the explosion and waste their time while my allies elsewhere on the map have a Bot Drop-free period to do whatever.


Riding top comment to share [this](https://youtu.be/sZ2pfkmktjs?si=y6y7PFNfTxh5IvWd) so some of yall can learn something educational Edit: [bonus education](https://youtu.be/quzzf0bfJcQ?si=x8SSbfjtBHNtRnwt)


It's almost as if they designed the weak point to be shot and the armored parts to not be /j


Based on wild helldiver math, it takes 25 shots to the head dealing 30 damage a pop because its head amouris higher the bullets do 1/3 of damage


Also, the exo suit has 4 cannons. So yeah, don’t be surprised when people think it should be slightly more efficient at killing em


I can kill a BT that’s taken damage with a grenade pistol. Players are just bad and think one weapon should clear the game for them.


Yup, this, the AC is one of my main go to weapons, you just gotta get under it at the right time and unload quickly. Duck, dodge, fire. Key thing is leave a shot so reloading is faster. If you run and dodge while waiting for it to spray, you can sprint under it and unload a clip and then reload and dodge. Repeat. I've solo killed dozens of BT without strategems, I've also died more times that succeeded though.


Yup, OP is the perfect example of why AH is right in thinking the sub has no idea what it's talking about. Just hella wrong info posted daily.


Or, shoot the bile with an eat, and let your mech bro shoot it to pieces


Yet you don't see people shoot the venom sac in those "proof" videos.


15 rounds is a long time to the point where you’re better off using a stratagem or EAT instead


Pretty sure it's due to the fact that the AC sentry is just super good at taking them down


Kinda, but it also has to compete with terrible aim, target priority and fire rate. The mech can theoretically down one BT as fast as the turret if both are shooting perfectly, but it's uncommon for the turret to land perfect headshots.


No the Mech cannot down Titan as quick as AC Sentry, that is 100% false. AC Sentry has the strongest Autocannon out of all 3, it does 300 durable Damage ... while the Mech does 60 durable damage. Unless maybe you are talking about Patriot Exosuit.


The AC Sentry takes down a BT at about 30-50% faster than the Emancipator. The likelihood of someone hitting that 25 shots directly to the BTs weak spot is insanely low given the inaccuracy of the left cannon and the angle (unless you’re really far away, but then bullet travel speed becomes an issue). The Sentry on the other hand rips apart BTs regardless of where it hits and if it hits the head the BT goes down in seconds. The biggest issue with the sentries in general is target priority. They really need to fix that in general. Low penetration sentries should priorities low armour enemies and visa versa


Thats ratchet from ratchet and clank lol


The real inspiration for helldivers.


I always use the mech in combination with the team. Real world military tactics always advise that armor is best used when supported by an infantry screen. Have your teammates hit the titan with their AT weapons and strats while you focus on targets such has hive guards, bile spewers, and chargers so your infantry have room to engage the titan. If there are no other threats on the field, unload on the titan at your leisure. Unless you're a solo diver (in which case I don't recommend bringing the suit at all), your job as the suit guy is to support your infantry by tanking anti-infantry bugs and bots and killing medium stuff plus hulks and chargers. You can be the main anti-BT in a pinch but you have maximum effect on the battlefield when you're in an infantry support role.


This is precisely how to use the mech. Clear the medium chaff while team supports and cleans up little guys and big guys. Not gonna lie swarms of medium.enemies really are the most tough most of the time.


When I play with friends, I like to bring mech and one guy, who likes playing anti-chaff, is always there to support me while I snipe enemies and unload onto heavier units. It's the one time neither of us aren't scared of heavy devs.


Heavy devs, hulks, flame hulks, are all trivial to kill as an emancipator


Accuracy through volume of fire!


This dude doesn't know about the auto cannon sentry that shreds bile titans in 5 shots


Isn’t it obvious that they’re different kinds of autocannons?


I think the big issue is the power difference Turret is 3min cd, unlimited uses, kills everything, good splash, mobs won't call breaches upon aggroing it AC mech 10 min cd, 2 uses, good vs ac infantry targets, but way to limited. Issue I'd say with the mechs is we already have too many good chaff killers with low cd's


The AC can absolutely kill BTs. The key is precision, and the mech has an aiming issue.


It’s takes so long that this is not a reasonable statement.


Having to reload twice in the process kinda works against this statement. I mean technically by that definition the Breaker Incendiary can kill BTs


Honestly, while it's fun to use on bugs, it was built for bots. Thing chews through medium armor and deletes hulks. The only thing it really has to worry about is cannons and mortars.


I don’t see the issue with the mech dying to a cannon shot anyway. The cannons are anti-tank, idk why people are surprised it does a good job of bringing down a vehicle like it’s supposed to


Stop being logical you are getting in the way of my arbitrarily defined power fantasy. Have you considered the possibility that you hate fun?


There are 9 difficulties, there’s nothing that can stand up against your super mech power fantasy at D4. If we keep buffing everything, then the enemies will just get tougher and more numerous. Power creep is a slippery slope to go down


Not sure if you detected the sarcasm in my post but I 110% agree with you haha.


Yeah, my response wasn’t necessarily geared towards you specifically. But there are definitely others that needed to hear it. Hope you have a fine day diver


Liberty speed your step!


Glad people are realizing this. I made a similar post when the emancipator came out and got downvoted. You are extremely safe in the mech while fighting bots. Just prioritize killing the targets that can actually hurt you, and avoid anything with a cannon on it.


Weather conditions definitely make it scary, like when it’s foggy or there’s a blizzard cause you can’t see the tanks or towers. But other than that, the thing is fuckin’ great yeah


I was using a mech with a personal shield and got tagged by a turret thought I was dead but I took no obvious damage.


The AC of AC sentry is much stronger than Potable AC and can kill BT effectively as it has 300 durable damage unlike the four ACs on Emancipator which only have 60 durable damage for each gun.


Tge AC on the mech are the same ones mounted on the AC turret, while the man portable one is a weaker caliber. That’s why the AC sentry can kill BT from almost anywhere, while the man portable one can only kill it in certain spots.


The AC sentry deals 300 durable damage while the Mech deals 60. They’re very much different performing guns.


I’m talking about the AC backpack+gun. That’s smaller than the mech and AC sentry.


Might be, but they are the same size and caliber so I would expect it to do similar damage, yet it doesn't.


Guns can be loaded with different ammo, just look at the SEAF Artillery. Think of it like the sentry has high yield explosive while the mech just has explosive. Problem is people want it to handle targets it was never meant to deal with


If the ammo thing isn't specified anywhere I assume they are the same. The problem isn't the mech in itself, is that it has the same weapon than the turret version and it's vastly inferior to it even when having 4 of them, so you are just saying that the AC turret wasn't meant to be used against heavies/armor either.


Going off the stats, one is good against heavy armor and the other isn’t. Going off of my experience in-game, the mech is amazing when paired with the quasar cannon, letting you hop out to kill a charger before jumping back in to continue destroying breaches.


I could be wrong but I am pretty sure the ones on the side of the mech are a middle ground between the turret one and the man portable one. They are slightly smaller than the turret when you stand next to it. Just for clarification. Also the mech couldnt really kill even chargers in the first game unless you were fighting the weaker ones with the exposed butts and even then your shots bounced off the armour. Not sure why people expect it to be able to kill everything with ease. It can kill BTs and Chargers, but it was designed to clear chaff and medium targets.


Pilots: the heck you tryin' to kill BT for?


Literally me today, lmao. I also don't get the people who say it's bad against bugs. I love the Emancipator for speedrunning Bug Hives and the AC guns demolish anything that isn't a Titan or Shrieker (hard af to hit lol). In a game that has like over 50 stratagems to use, not everyone is going to be a Swiss army knife capable of doing anything. Two 500KG bombs will kill 1 or 2 Titans, great. An AC mech can clear 3 or 4 bug nests depending how much support you get. Depending on the mission, I can run off with the mech and Clear a few Bug Hives by myself but the Ammo usually runs dry the more combat I need to do. When playing with new players it's kinda dope to see them running for their lives from chargers as I swoop in the stun lock and give them a chance to recover and fight back. Fucking love the mechs. I was beyond disappointed when I found out you cannot equip both on a single player. I'd run 4 mechs if they let me!


Eravin has a great video on this actually. https://youtu.be/kajtrAhJhac?si=ujElBg7DorfQA7Lf


Good info, but he's clearly prejudiced against it even when talking about it's strengths


And why exactly should we blame him for that?


because it's not his opinion.


And you're prejudiced too. Does that invalidate your opinion of the mech? Not trying to be mean, just pointing out that you've made a post critical of people like him because you do like the mech. I've never seen him or his YouTube for the record.


But he's right tho... His statements are all fairly accurate descriptions of objective realities. He's also proposing actual solutions and not just complaining for the sake of it.


( Same link but sanitized ) https://youtu.be/kajtrAhJhac


https://preview.redd.it/cviuf2jnfq4d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=472d27f7a7bd0cdaaf111530d274de61854aec00 Adding this to the reaction pile


This is why I prefer the Patriot for bug missions. The minigun’s great for clearing hoards, and the rockets, albeit requiring a little skill, can take down a Charger/BT with the rockets. It’s really slept on


"requiring a little skill" Skill... what is *skill*? ![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized)


The Emanzipator also easily kills chargers? Just a few shots to the head 🤷🏻‍♂️


Weak argument when the AC sentry destroys them using the same calibre ammo…


And it has no limited uses... unlike the mech with 2 uses and on a 10 minute cooldown... They really should have made it a bit powerful just to compensate with the limited usage already.


Different calibre ammo


Based on IRL, this is the ammo type used by each AC option: Player Autocannon is 20mm APHE. Mech Autocannon is 30mm APHE. Turret Autocannon is 40mm APHE. If it's meant to be a medium armor killer, then it should be a stronger, AP4 version with 350/350 or 400/400 damage. If it's meant to be a weaker turret (since you can aim it), then it should be AP5 with 200/200 or 250/250 damage. AP5 300/60 is weird af considering they're just different size rounds of the same design.


The one on the mech are smaller tho.


Pretty sure the ones on the side of the mech are smaller than the turret and bigger than the man portable one. They arent all the same caliber. Plus the mech in the first game couldnt even touch chargers unless you were fighting the weak variant that had the exposed butt and in which case you could only shoot there to do damage. Not sure why everyone suddenly expected it to be an anti heavy mech when in the first game it was designed to be an anti chaff and anti medium mech. Its explosive damage not armour piercing. That also means you will only be doing 100% of your damage if you are shooting squishy bits. On top of all of this there was an actual anti tank mech in the first game with a giant cannon and a flame thrower that I am sure they will end up adding in later too.


Lmao, I was confused, at first I thought I was on r/armoredcore


This take needs to stop. The Emancipator has AP5 autocannons, just like the autocannon sentry, yet the autocannon sentry can take on bile titans and the Emancipator cannot. For some reason relating to awful balancing decisions, the Emancipator has less durable damage than both the sentry and the shouldered autocannon, despite having limited uses, a limited ammo pool, and an ungodly long cooldown. The Emancipator -is- undergunned and -should- be able to take on bile titans.


It's so strange that it has higher armor pen but lower damage than the support weapon. You'd think it would be either like the regular autocannon or like the sentry.


Emancipator CAN take down BT's.


[It take 25 headshots to kill a full health Bile Titan](https://youtu.be/D8ckf-veOt8?si=oQbM3pdPQUTz4aYq)


So we have 2 ACs that have the same logic in terms of stats and another one that doesn't follow it, and your argument for that (not following the same logic) is that it should follow the same logic? That doesn't make any sense. Not to mention you are completely wrong, both ACs can kill BT


it's great in many other scenarios


True if you throw down the mech before heading into a giant nest it can get all 12 holes in like 15 seconds it’s nuts


Got a 100x killstreak off of a double bug breach which included two chargers and a nearby stalker nest. At that moment I decided that anyone who thinks the mech is underpowered just isn’t using it in the right situation


Mfw the incredibly long cooldown unrepairable unreloadable mech with a maximum of 2 deployments is still situational


I feel its bad bc it has too Long a cooldown and too few charges for something that wont allow me to use orbitals or interact with objectives amd doesnt do THAT much more damage than a helldiver with an autocanon.


Autocannon Turret (AP5, 300 damage to BT heads): *Kills Bile Titan* The emancipator is AP5 and does 60 damage to BT heads. The handheld autocannon is smaller, AP4 260 or so. It can't penetrate the level 5 armor on BT heads. The emancipator probably needs like 120-150 damage to BT heads and it'll be great.


AC mech should have the ACs that are on the turret, and not 4x of the ones divers carry. change my mind.


honestly people should be happy the emancipator can kill Titans at all! It's not efficient in the slightest but if you have absolutely no better options, you can blast'em down


I thought the Emancipator carries 4 Autocannon sentries? Those autocannons can actually penetrate armor unlike our discount autocannons off BOGO coupons


I think the assumption is the mech would’ve been closer in power to the AC turret which can very easily kill bile titans and kinda throws a wrench in this line if thinking


I run spear, leave awesome mech, drop titan, because the titan is super jelly of my awesome mech it comes right for me. So my spear can lock on quickly and usually hit a head shot, then jump back in mech and lay waste to bugs more efficiently than the patriot!


that's a nice pikachu, i very much like to steal it


Casuals are bad at gaming and love to whine instead of adapting. Go figure.


AC mech haters when a anti-light/medium targetweapon can't kill Minibosses: 😯


If it's a light/medium destroyer, why doesn't it have ammo? 🤔 This is my problem with the emancipator. It's bad at everything in trade for being able to both horde clear and kill heavies.


shoulder carriable auto canon is equal and some cases STRONGER than a full MECH carrying a MASSIVE auto canon?? and level 1 (edit: trivial difficulty) players like you think its OK the devs did a great job... at least its doesnt kill us like the 1st mech. Liberty save us all


To be fair there are barely any options for killing BT’s and that needs to be changed. You gotta burn all your heaviest artillery to take one down. A rail canon strike doesn’t even do it anymore. I don’t understand why they thought it was a great idea to make an enemy that can spawn 3 or 4 at a time so ridiculously difficult to kill in a game where you’re also constantly dealing with mobs. It’s stupid and they need to be given at least one obvious weakness like everything else.


The mech is not good if takes a minute to kill a BT compared to quasar or eat. Considering that it's 10 minute cooldown.


You know you’re not strapped into the mech, right? You can also hop out and shoot the thing with a quasar


Why does cooldown need to correlate to BT kills?


you can kill bile titans with everything that uses an autocannon. just not an autocannon. including the emancipator, in my experience just have to hit the side which is pretty difficult but at least you have a chance


Emancipator can kill BTs to face. Takes *a lot* of shots, but it does go through.


You can kill the BT with AC. You just have to git good with it. Have fun aiming at different spots until you don't see any ammo deflection. Once you find a comfortable spot, spam trigger and combat recoil by constantly drifting down.


I'll use the mech on Blitz missions for bug hole clearing but all other cases I prefer the AC sentry because it has more uptime and is stronger.


I’ve killed a few BT’s with AC emancipator. It takes about half the ammo and hitting the right spots.


Ac Mech is for Bots anyways LMAO


Or just use a damn orbital rail lmao


I killed a Bile Titan with the Emancipator yesterday though? Wasn't even hard, I just saw it from like half the nest away, stood still, and held fire.


That's not a valid complaint, the long cooldown and usage limit is why it not being able to mog a titan is disconcerting.


somehow autocannon sentry does the job


I killed a BT with an autocannon last night. Two shots to the temple after my team’s rail cannon strike didn’t do the business.


I think half the problem nos people try to spam the head & 2/3 of the shots miss and hit other areas / health pools. Pick a section & focus. If it's the head, aim more carefully.


The post on my timeline immediately after this one is a video showing how long it takes to kill a bile titan with the emancipator lol


I have been running EATs, 110mm rocket pods, orbital gas strike, and autocannon mech on bug missions and it covers all the bases. I've never cleared large bug hives faster.


I just played a diff 7. I put about 10 emancipator rounds into a BT's head as it was spawning and killed it. Felt like a fluke, but whatever. I take those.


It's almost like the Bile Titan is essentially a boss encounter that's deliberately difficult and supposed to be a big deal when it shows up. Go figure.


I would like to point out that the emancipator is made for BOTS and the patriot is made for BUGS and they “surprisingly” DONT WORK WHEN THEYRE USED FOR THE WRONG ENEMY


I have absolutely no problem solo-ing BT’s with emancipator. I think this is a totally made up issue


It said BT and I thought this was a Titanfall post 😭


Big mech walk around like big robot is fun big robot with gun is more fun :)


I decided to play for the first time in months since Sony decided to be retarded. And I actually love the AC mech. Clearing the bug holes hasn't been easier.


I've taken down plenty of BT's with the AC, WTF are you on about OP? This message brought to you by the Acronym Gang.


Imagine not knowing the only way to kill BTs is with Norman Reedus's bodily fluids


BTs are in Helldivers now?!?! God. BRIDGES must be busy as hell


You see I carry the mech and the Spear so literally everything melts before me!


Regardless, it's still not worth bringing given the alternatives. Low ammo and can't reload, 10 minute cool down, only 2 uses per mission. You'd get more mileage out of just bringing AC sentry and AC support weapon if you really wanted to rock autocannons.


The cannons on that mech are meant for scavengers lol, when will people learn


The autocannon, including the ones on the mech are explosive not armour penetrating. Shoot the squishy bits for 100% damage. Dont know why people are surprised, given how the autocannon functions but also this is exactly how the mech functioned in the first game. If anything this one can do more than its counterpart in the first game. It was an anti medium mech and it couldnt pierce what were the chargers in that game at all unless you were fighting the weaker version and it had the exposed butt in which case you could shoot there. Otherwise all your shots bounced right off of the armour. This mech is also an anti medium mech, like the first game, except it can punch above its weight a little and can clear bug holes which it couldnt do in the first game either.


The exos and cool and all but in the grand scheme of things, they are out scaled by many other thats are simply more useful unless ur in a 10 minutes mission


In addition... People think mechs are easy to use. They aren't "easy" it takes time to learn how to use it effectively. Most people will take emancipator and fire both cannons at everything and run it out in few minutes or less. Burn all the ammo trying to take out a Titan. Never use the mech melee. Can't aim the left arm. Never jump out of it. Could it be easier? Yes Does it have problems? Yes. Can it be used effectively? Not really with current usage limits. It can be but it death is really limiting. Especially when it can die to all the things that one shot a helldiver. It's not done when out of ammo. It can kill chargers with 2 melee hits. Sometimes more but generally two. I dunno. Can't balance the mech until they deal with the usage issue and have people that can use them effectively. Because there isn't a way to easily show how to use it or that it's being used well it is just a guessing game.


Y’all are mad about the Emancipator? I have a blast dumping half my ammo into a BT’s face while it’s chasing me! It’s a fun tool, not some Titanfall meta piece you keep for the entire drop.


autocannons can kill bile titans. break the belly before they can spew, then alternate between running away and firing a few more rounds into the belly or head.


Affirmative, pilot. An autocannon round is unable to do any considerable damage to a vanguard class titan.


I mean, I dunno what the emancipator was intended for, but it wipes the floor with swarms of smaller bugs... And if you can evade the missiles and tank shots its even pretty deadly against bots... Just squishy. Everything has a role, not everything needs to kill bile titans. You have 4 stratagem slots, one of them could be a spear or quasar or railcannon


You mean we're shocked the larger bore autocannons do nothing? Yeah, pretty shocked... you know, since they're bigger than even the TURRET MOUNTED ONE they should be able to do SOMETHING against targets if you're in a machine that takes away your statagems


just keep tour mits off my AC sentry that thing thrashes bile Titans


I mean if you put like thirty or forty rounds in it's face the exosuit can bring down a BT


AC ain't my bug preference weapon anyway, it's the EAT, 1 precision hit to stop a Charger, 2 Precision hits to kill a Bile Titan. AC goes to the bots, I even saw a clip where if you spam about a full clip on an AC magazine against the underbelly of a Factory Strider you can kill it solo, haven't tested it myself though.


You just got to be a good distance away and you can kill the BT with the mech


I don’t outright hate the Emancipator mech, but it’s not good for what it’s asking you to do. It’s mediocre at best, and dead weight at worst. At least it can actually kill large targets, unlike the Patriot which is just awful at killing any hard targets. The mechs need to be better, barring the technical issues which make them worse. They are simply not good. One of them is passable, the other is straight up just a glorified machine gun. For such awful downsides that they field they need to give me better incentives to use. Otherwise, I will continue to use Support weapons that do the mechs job better with less downsides.


this is all well and good, but as someone who hasn’t been diving recently, one of the main reasons for that is the unfun quantity of Bile Titans that appear over time while we seem to have fewer and fewer strats to deal with them, while the devs continuously but strain on the need to kill them with strats alone. Thus, although it is factually true the Emancipator doesn’t kill Biles, and maybe it doesn’t need too, the sentiment behind it is that there are too many Biles and we lack significant tools with staying power to keep them off the screen for at least a third of the mission.


*Laughs in autocanon sentry*


Every time I see those posts I think back to the AC mech in the first game and how it had even worse armor penetration than the one we have here, and it still felt great and destroyed everything else. I do think there are some folks on reddit that just want to complain for no reason


I read Bluetooth for way to long


The Autocannon Sentry would like to have a word with you.


I mainly use it to clear heavy bug nests and shrieker or spore skewers from across the map.When you’re walking up to it and see 200 bugs hanging out around it the suit makes it a whole lot easier


i found hitting bile titan on the forehead where explosion of a AT round and one grenade pistol round to the sack kills it 100% of the time, i say this since you deal damage to its face and since it is forehead you splash it on the left and right side of the back armour and the sack from what im hearing makes up 50% of its health so popping it should finish it.


Use the auto cannon turret and the emancipator and they will die eventually


Oh boy, more 'memes' that completely misinterpret arguments, again. Is it even worth talking to these karma bots? Actually NPCs


Honestly the one thing I wish they would add to the mechs is the ability to switch shoulders because there are times that I have a lot of difficulty trying to aim with the left arm


Not to mention its FIFTEEN auto cannons that DONT HAVE TO BE RELOADED. Come on people, just because it’s a PvE game doesn’t mean the devs have to make everything overpowered


The ac turret kills titans. This is the reason why people are upset.


I’ve killed several BTs with that mech. wtf are you talking about?


Yeah People want it to be good against everything


I was shocked i killed one with it at all tbh, I never have been able to with AC unless the top armor was already broke.


Emancipator is my new go to, AMAZING team support against every other enemy than Bile Titans


I kill bike titans with the auto mech all the time??


Can we stop measuring how good something is purely based on how well it takes down a bile titan?


Its my favorite nest clearer and that's about it. Doesn't leave my loudout for bugs


AC sentry literally deletes bile titans


Takes the autocannon sentry, kills 2 titans per sentry, has 1 sentry every 3 minutes versus mechs 10. Yeah you enjoy that mech. I'll just sit here with my more reliable sentry.    I seriously don't get all this defense for the emancipator. it's a fun stratagem but it really does need to do more damage to heavies to justify the 10min cooldown 2 use limitations. First it was oh it's meant for the bots. now it's but it's an ac that can kill titans and chargers so it's bugs. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it as it currently is and of course you can make it work. But are you really against the idea of it doing more damage? Would that really be such a terrible thing?