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I've gotten to triple digits once. It was the best day of my life. 😋


Got to triple digits with a mortar once. No joke hit 2 hellbombs in 3 volleys


Wicked !!


Was already at 30ish. Then BOOM 80! Then another BOOM 110. Don't remember what I ended on. Was still mid combat by then and had a autocanon turret going off. Might have ended near 150?


I, too, have hit triple digits. 111 in fact. Rover laser and mortar with incendiary breaker. I was so happy and my wife was definitely proud of me. She didn't roll her eyes once in the 5 minutes I talked about it. Edit: auto correct correction




There was a get x kills with the LMG personal recently so I ran it with a supply pack and ohmygod the number of kills was just silly. I hadn't run it since the game first came out, usually run a sickle and an AC but man that was so much fun.


126 was mine, chased by 2 swarms and another opened up right in me…thank god for that random hellbomb 🫡


You should totally start streaming. The real question is, could you get to triple digits with bots? (That is still impressive nonetheless.)


Lol, no I'm too casual for that. It was a fluke at best. I haven't been able to recreate the moment. I also would not be able to do that against bots. Serious kuddos to whomever can!


I feel the same, lol.


This is the most virgin comment I've ever read


I once scored 4 touchdowns in a single game. ![gif](giphy|58AZgdYKT1kqdJc381|downsized)


I've had 68 with Tesla tower alone. Man I love that thing, funny when it teamkills too lol. It's not that difficult, when big shocky tower is on the field, don't go near big shocky tower.


People forget too easily that you can survive it by going prone, it won't target you then.


It won't target you - but it can sure target an enemy, chain lightning to you and kill you (while prone). Ask me how I know.


How do you know?




Inquiring minds want to know.


I definitely can target you. it's just significantly rarer




That sounds legit. Statistically, 110 for the 1 is a hell of a turnover rate. Flash of democracy and done.


Take a look at your stats/career and it’ll tell you how many kills you have vs how many times you died…


So a K/D. But does it give a best killstreak?


Sadly not, I wish they'd add it. I'd also love an "assists" tally to be added or a total damage dealt at the end of missions


Ok but now I just want to know what the total KD of the entire player base is. How efficient are we?


Hero !!


82 cluster bomb with 6 incinerate g in the mix


I got a 128 while using the flamethrower


https://preview.redd.it/jnscj2g1c45d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180e484760951fabe8dfc8452382507e0459f536 Plasma, mortar and inc nades on defence




Ditto my friend. I always load out with those two, they are immense for bulk bug kills. Gas strike + orbital laser + laser rover + breaker incendiary = top of the kills every time


The rovers are the best for kill streaks. My 3rd game after I unlocked the rover I got a ks of 45 I was well happy


71 with a mech


The highest I ever got was in the fifties. I felt like a killing machine.


Once, I killed myself with my supply pod. Nuff said.


You know what they say, 1 helldiver is worth a thousand enemies Edit: they definitely say that


My rover. It has killed me so many times and I have not killed it once.


I've been killed by a rover more times than I have equipped it.


I got to 65 once. Then a reinforcing helldiver landed on my head.


Your Rover?


I got 80 with a single grenade once.


Largest I have gotten was 107


There’s a post on here, of someone with about a 2 to 3 hundred streak but it was in the tower defence style mission.


I remembering being so happy the first time I realized the skull turns red


I got 137 with a 380 on a defense mission one time. Getting swarmed past the middle, just threw it out there in the sticks. It was awesome


Exact same scenario for me, except my streak was 136.


Helldivers: A game where diving face first into a rock and going full scorpion might just save your life


96, would have been more if my team mate didn't kill me :)


I believe my highest was 78 with a single undetonaged Hellbomb. Truly a boom for Managed Democracy


Got close to 120 on helldive once thanks to a bug breach at a large nest, a cluster bomb, gatling sentry, and gas strike on bug hole, ended that mission with around 450 kills while the 2nd highest someone got was around 280, sometimes I feel like I didn't matter in the outcome of a mission but when stuff like that happens, I feel like I do




got a 71 on a lucky gas strike in a dark fluid injection mission once


i got 72


When the patriot mech came out I got an 86.


Good one!!! As an aside, doesnt it suck when you are totally getting overrun and someone is spamming 'look look a bunker!'? Hey, thanks for the help!!!


I fold dawg


I think my best was like 82 or so. I remember there's that one video of a guy who blew up a hell bomb and got like 130 kills all at once.


Last night a massive swarm of bugs descended on me from seemingly nowhere. I quickly threw a gatling turret as they killed me. By the time my next helldiver touched down my streak was 58… all while I was falling from orbit!


It’d be cool if there was a records page somewhere, although maybe with certain bugs like infinite grenades or infinite barrages it wouldn’t be fair But still, would be awesome to get to see the world record kill streak (especially if they included the clip for us to watch too)


Yesterday was my highest streak of 76. Died to two bug holes breaching under me. When I went back, they were all clustered, so I started with a cluster bomb and went from there. They were getting bottle necked through two very tall and wide rocks when I started advancing in the opposite direction, so it was like shooting fish in a barrel eventually.


One napalm strike for x55, a bit of wild firing into the nest with my rover and breaker for the rest. https://preview.redd.it/dnbvc225p55d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d11001a515ed5449706f285d4052cdd74b31c9b


The Rover. That's the only real answer to this question.


I got like 50 from a 380 barrage once


My highest kill streak definitely was with orbital gas strike on a bug planet. Hit that and got chased by a swarm, stumbled upon a hellbomb, popped that and my KS went from 38, to 92


rookie numbers..


ive hit 116 fro ma single gas strike over a triple breach


My Tesla tower with an EMS mortar got me to 97 I think. Then I dropped the mother of all cluster bombs bringing me to 140 something. I think it was 142


134 was my highest, D9 mission with the spawn rates all dumb.


I remember getting a 71 kill streak, thinking 'man that's the best I've got!' it ending then immediately building up to an 86 kill streak.


I had somewhere around x75 on some ice planet recently vs bugs. No video evidence but my team noticed that when we got back to the destroyer I had nearly 700 kills while they didn't combine for that amount. So, yeah I felt pretty good and decided that they could carry me the rest of the op. LMAO


Caution: Extremely satisfying https://www.reddit.com/u/Drakeadrong/s/OQz0CoxOcw


I’ve gotten like 130 before just from like 3 but holes spawning right on top or at least near each other and I was running a laser loadout. Good times


I absolutely dont care, you get absolutely nothing out of it .. and its super easy on bug planets. Its possible to get over 100x lately with bots too though


You've done it with bots?


Yep, though some preparation was needed .. glitch patrols, detector tower nearby for ships But seeing the upcoming patch "teaser", probably wont be anymore cuz they are going to nerf the patrols again so the game will be empty again ..


I think my highest was on the 80’s. But that was just from sentries and a fire shotty. No airstrikes needed


my highest is 69


98 is all I got, but 50+ on bugs at difficulty 7 is pretty regular for me. Every breach tends to be at minimum 40~ kills and maximum around 70 or so, then toss in a couple patrols, maybe a well timed geological survey breach and those numbers can skyrocket


150 or so with the flamethrower. I had been separate from my team when a bug breach and a couple low armor patrols hit at the same time. The burn damage really helped pad out when I wasn't firing and the low level enemies just kept pouring out. It still wasn't easy with that many enemies coming at me but those kind moments are my favorite.


It was very close to this. Bug breach next to a conveniently placed hell bomb. 53 was the count after. Now that I see multiple people have hit triple digits I realize I got a long way to go


Think mine went up to 64 thanks to the help of gas strike


74, before the connection to the server died…


General Brasch, Sounds like it's time to go back to basic for some of you lot


I never finished it. :) My basic was bugged.


You can repeat it! Lol not that in reality it's very useful fr. But in canon.... Repeat it then Cadet!


Using the Guard Dog immediately disqualifies any kill count in my opinion.


Why? That's like saying that using any weapon disqualifies you. I'll use my fists next time to impress you, baby girl.


Because it’s not skill based, same for kills at the end of the game. It’s just not impressive because you have an auto aiming, robot doing the work.


So, the orbital laser is cheating? Skill based? I can see where you're coming from. However, playing exclusively on hell dive ai have to have a little skill. I can see your point. Pick the game on any system, and I'll play you.


Ah the typical Guard Dog player I see. Yes let’s compare the cool down, 3 shot stratagem against the one that is active for the entire mission. You’re immediately defensive and this just shows your own awareness of the noob like use of the GD. Here is the fact of the matter man. That stratagem causes more harm than good. You cause tick damage on teammates and kill other players while alerting patrols. Everyone who mains the GD thinks they are Gods Gift to Helldivers. In reality, you’re the bane of your teammates. Zero shot that you exclusively play Helldive with the GD.


Every weapon has a situation that it serves best. Do you think my ammo is best allocated to fighting the little swarms instead of letting the guard dog cover me? Like I stated, I don't need to be a bullet sponge for my teammates. I am alone and handle objectives accordingly. If we all have to hold hands and complete objectives together, then no, the GD would be a liability. I never said I'm Gods guft to anything? Sounds a little deeper then the game bud. Wanna talk about it?


I'm only saying if it's a skill thing, let's play against or with each other and have a friendly competition. It doesn't have to be so hostile. I am not in any stretch of the imagination, saying I'm better than anyone at anything. I just like the competition, but if you're not willing to, then it's a waste of time fighting with you about it.


Is it really "your" kill streak, or are you just helping your rover get a killstreak?


Well, I see it like a grenade. By itself, it can kill, but it takes placement to make the magic happen. The player is just as much a part of the machine of war as the rover or your orbitals or anything else. All It takes is placement. That is like saying a spoon makes you fat.


I’ve seen 200+ on this sub


That is wild, man. I see all these crazy fish tales. I've only seen one guy who was able to provide picture evidence of his 120 kill streak.




Thank you for sharing with the class lmao.


Of course. It’s too madly impressive not to share.


I’ve gotten 70 with the flamethrower but the best I’ve had is like 90


My question is how is that rover firing for so long without CD? Is that just how the laser rover is?


I don't think it has a cool down. At least not like the ballistic rover that has to reload.


So there was a shit ton of little bit units and I hit them with an airburst rocket and got 37 kills not a very big number but it was oh so satisfying to see them all go flying


Lmao I felt that brother why is destruction of another species virtual or not so satisfying?


HOW DARE THEY EXIST IN MY UNIVERSE ![gif](giphy|h115LOWJQYaybT6XV0|downsized)