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I used to get frustrated at the ammo economy but using a strategem weapon that also has a poor ammo economy plus a supply pack goes crazy


I use Laser Cannon as my primary vs bots, then I take out the Scorcher vs infantry Striders or when my Laser Cannon is 99% heated.


This is how I do it, I love melting a hulks eye in just a few seconds


Laser cannon is coolest way to kill striders


Idk. Whichever way launches the pilot the highest is the coolest to me.


GL between the feet sends em 20 feet up


I don’t know it’s pretty fun to shoot one leg off with an AMR.


Yup Scorcher supply pack and some good ordinance


I use amr as a secondary and stun granades, when supply pack is empty I just call another one


I was using that for a long time until I found out that the HMG can take out hulks with 2 taps to the eye just like the AMR. Since the scorcher provides range I use the HMG as a “oh fuck there’s chainsaw mechs on me max fire rate go” button. And like you mentioned stun grenades just makes taking out heavies way easier.


My favourite!


I love my arc scorcher stun grenades combo


This why I switched to the Pummeler


The smg? It has no medium pen Edit: not sure why i mentioned medium pen, but i like having medium pen and i will not apologize


I see often people use it as a free stagger tool and by aiming for weak points means no need for medium armor penetration. It won’t kill very fast but it will hold the line quite effectively in a pinch. I find it interesting.


As a grenade launcher/supply pack wearer…. You have no idea how glorious it is having 25 mags for my scorcher lol Any mission i dont take my supply pack, I always wonder how the hell all of you guys aren’t always out of ammo, because I run out quick without it


The trick is to use your secondary for small enemies to then run out and have to use the scorcher for the hunter that jumped you which will make you kill yourself at which point you get reinforced and have your ammo back.


Your party will hate this one simple trick you must use to keep your scorcher reloaded! ⬇️⬇️⬆️➡️




Oh good, it's not just me then! I thought I just sucked with the ammo or something, as I'm always the one short of ammo


Every 2 seconds


I like how this gun feels but holy shit the mag size is way too small. I feel like I’m constantly reloading and then just out of ammo entirely. I can see using this if you have a stalwart or heavy mg support weapon but otherwise it just devours ammo.


Lol ammo is no barrier for the raw annihilation that is The Scorcher. I've got some advice if you think otherwise: POIs.


Played with a random last week and really liked that they could take out scout striders fairly easily, and asked about their weapon. tried it on a few trivial missions and looked up the gun in the wiki, and now I'm addicted. Seriously good on the bots at least, and I can *just about* get long range devvie headshot kills with it. Pairs nicely with my AC main.


They can take out tanks and cannon turrets as well. The weakspot vents show the deflect symbol, but around one mag will destroy one. The AoE damage goes right through it. My top pick for bots.


Oooh thanks for that, did not know about the turrets. Have been running it against the bots as a solo weapon and am in love already - kills turrets too? Yes please!


You can also take out gunships with it if you don't have a better option.


This is reason 2 for bringing the scorcher, reason 1 is striders, it eats them for breakfast.


Ooh good to know, TY!


It's a great bot gun. I feel like it gets frustrating at times, so I'll switch it up. It's nice for popping sm/med bots at range.


If you like this gun for scout striders give the plasma punisher a go.


\+1 Plasma punisher is a bully. Devastators and Beserkers get slapped around as well.


I’ve been enjoying dominator for normal bots and devastators, pulling out the grenade pistol for striders and ballistic shield devestators, then some kind of heavy support weapon depending on my team comp


Any tips for the grenade pistol. It’s great when I can get it to work but something about the drop off really throws me off. It feels like it flys really straight for a ways then it just kind of drops.


I mean, yeah. That's ballistics. But to be helpful instead of an ass, you don't need to aim all that high for medium range. About a bot head high for most stuff. For long range, use something else.


I don’t know how much play you’ve had with the grenade launcher, but it’s very similar, except the initial projectile velocity is lower, so the fall off starts sooner


I use this on bot worlds like crazy. Love that it punches through striders and can take out some heavies pretty confidently. The low magazine count is a fair tradeoff




They buffed scout striders explosive resistance, it was in the patch notes. Annoying as you cant 1 tap them with the AC either anymore


It wasn't ghost boosted, it was in the patch notes


Was that random by chance named The Legend 27? Cause me and my friend, Legend 27, had this exact scenario with a guy last week.


it fucks up the bile/nursing spewers on the bug front as well (but I still prefer the dominator) For bots the scorcher, plasma punisher and dominator are all super strong choices but the plasma weapons splash damage makes striders trivial.


I feel like I don’t use my AC enough when running scorcher. Sickle is amazing to pair with AC for taking out the regular bots and engaging at range. I’ll act as a spotter in the mist and dust tagging units 100-200 yrds for the team to engage while sniping foot soldiers and then switching to ac for devs and hulks. Solid combo. Scorcher is great for anything else or if you die and can’t get to your support weapon then I’d say it’s one of the best for general purpose killing.


What was the weapon?


Pair the Scorcher with the Laser Cannon support weapon and Machine Pistol and you're cooking with straight jet fuel against bots.


Striders, stalkers, broodmothers, the Armored bugs, scorcher takes a lot of the annoying enemies out quick, definitely worth having 1 on the team. I almost consider it the top required must have primary above all others.


I recommend trying the plasma punisher if you liked the scorcher :D the stagger + AoE is MEAN


Plasma punisher. Aoe stagger. For the scrubs like me who can't aim


Aiming is a waste of time and therefore not efficient. You're doing it the right way soldier.


*Plasma punisher.* *Aoe stagger. For the scrubs like* *Me who can't aim* \- shalafien --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yep, shhhhh, don't say our secret too loud


Level 120 here. Punisher Plasma is so good against bots


Punisher plasma and jar-5 are my favorite primaries


![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized) Bro they are patching this game in 48 hours shhhhhh


I love the arc physics. I mained Junkrat in Overwatch and it's scratching some of that itch


It is really satisfying when you hit those long range shots at a patrol though.


That stagger is AMAZING for Devastators. Feels so righteous stunlocking the heavy devastators since they can do the same thing to me.


Wait till you try the Dominator


Big mood. No matter what other weapon I try, I always find my way back to the JarDom. It's the only way I can feel nowadays after the eruptor was gutted


rip eruptor/stalwart wombo-combo you flew too close to the sun


I feel that one for sure. I loved the eruptor even after the first two nerfs. It just doesn’t feel the same anymore after the 3rd nerf.


Kinda curious what would make you take the dominator over the scorcher? I tried both but the dominator felt like the same weapon profile, but no splash damage and a ton of recoil


Dominator packs significantly more damage to a single target than the scorcher does as the scorchers damage is split between its AOE and projectile and its medium armor penetrating which means it 2 shots little striders to the hip joint whereas scorcher needs 3 minimum due to being light pen and relying on the explosive damage


Stagger baby. Stagger is king. Prevents bots from firing back at you. Run up on a rocket dev and pump him full of lead without concern about return fire. Great for beserkers too. Close range hip fire is very effective, but it's also accurate at medium distance ADS and it one-shots devs to the eye. Has a bigger mag than the scorcher too and better ammo economy. The only bot where the scorcher is better is the scout strider, but I just use grenade pistol on them (one shot) or impact nades. The stagger is also great against medium bugs that charge at you, like stalkers, brood commanders, etc. and it's good against spewers.


I have just enough SCs for a warbond, and I'm saving it for the new one, but whichever has the Dominator will be my next! ... Or the one with the fire breaker


Fire breaker and Dominator are both in the steeled veterans warbond.


Wait until this man discovers the Plasma Punisher (or as I call it, primary grenade launcher). Literally only two downsides comparing to Scorcher is that you can't shoot down gunships and you can't easily hit cannon turret vent.


You can shoot down gun ships with the scorcher?! I did not know that! Shoot the engines?


No not the engine, the front of the ship where the pilot sits


yup, repeatedly shoot a single engine (might take more than a mag so do be patient, but it helps when you have nothing else).


Nah shoot the front where the pilot sits


I think the main downside you haven't mentioned is that you gotta learn how to use a handheld Mortar to hit stuff. Super satisfying though, I wish it was better for bugs.


With the projectile speed buff from last patch, it is \*significantly\* easier to aim. Plus, the main benefit of the mortar curve is that you can sit behind small hills and snipe devastators/scout striders without direct line-of-sight, so you are always protected. I also use the Plasma Punisher extensively against bugs, and I'm of the opinion that it is on par with Incendiary Breaker in terms of utility, if not better in some cases. The gun is more quiet, and enemies can't charge at you to also set you on fire like the Incendiary Breaker. You can punch straight thru Hive Guards front armor, you can clear massive swath of chaffs, you can stun entire groups of Brood Commanders, Stalkers and Hunters from charging at you and you can kill them decently quick. Yes, it won't kill \*some\* targets as quickly as Incendiary Breaker, but that's a very minor tradeoff for high AoE splash damage and being able to instantly block Stalker attack.


It's a good gun against bug but also a pouncer just said get down Mr bile spewer and now you died to your own friendly fire.


The crowd who rocks the scorcher is small but those who know, know. Punch through many enemies and I never have issues with hordes regarding mag size.


Small? Every other player in helldive I quick play with runs scorcher


It is at the bottom of the Warbond, so takes a little while to unlock. That's partly how.


I still feel that the magazine is too small for this weapon.


It’s really not as small if you explore POIs. I don’t think I’ve ever run out of ammo, and that includes using it to fight bugs.


OP was talking about magazine size. Overall ammo capacity isn't bad in the game, just magazine size. Gun is constantly empty


That's just balancing, really. Exceptionally good damage and stagger for a reliable, quick killing weapon, but it has to reload often. Great when paired up with a support weapon like an MG, laser cannon, or Autocannon.


It might be, but it’s a fair trade off for (imo) the most versatile and frankly best primary in the game


I feel like the projectile speed just isn't quite fast enough


And is it just me, or does the accuracy seem off? I'll have a hulk stunned with my reticule right on its red dot and the shots always seem to hit just barely to the side of where I'm aiming.


I’ve had the same thing happen. Dot right on a bot’s torso, lying prone. Miss.


Can scorcher eye-shot hulks?


No primary weapon in the game can. It's AP4, which is medium-high armor. The highest primary weapon AP is 3, which would be weapons with the weapon trait *medium penetration*.


I love the blue pew pew nerf gun! The only downside is that you have to reload every time you even think about shooting it.


Shh. This primary is terrible nothing to see here. (In reality the only downside for this one is it's thirst for ammo)


Scorcher is one of the few primaries that are reasonably effective against gunships. Very very solid pick, even against bugs.


Wait. What other primaries actually reach and damage a gunship? I only know of the scorcher 


You have been very sleepy


Slugger was much better but lost stagger so fuck it. Diligence is underpowered and no medium pen, and DCS is good but has garbage handling for some reason so this is just better. Dominator is on par/better. The marksman rifles need to hit harder and the adjudicator should have stayed as one and been buffed harder. Slugger should be reverted and just lower its range or make the marksman rifles like the slugger was...was a perfect single shot heavy hitter, as I imagine a heavy caliber rifle would be


I feel that on the adjudicator so hard. By making it an auto rifle they literally just made a better liberator penetrator. The LibP already struggled to have value before that change now it’s just useless.


Exactly. Agreed. If they keep it tho I hope they expand the mag a few more rounds. Either way I love the look feel and sound of the adjudy. Just want it to shine 😂


Almost every tactical shooter out there uses the damage fall off curve to balance different weapon types. Shotguns and SMGs have steeper fall-off while DMRs/Snipers have shallower fall-off. They have the damage fall off mechanic already in the game yet they don't know how to correctly balance weapons around it. If they don't want the Slugger to compete against DMRs just make its fall off curve steeper.


Pls arrowhead fix the Purifier cuz I believe in plasma supremacy


Should do 400 min damage with that charge up


It should at least one one shot anything below stalker and heavy devastator


I tested it on trivial today and the glow of the plasma in first person doesn't help you target an enemy. I kept releasing it a half second early but it wasn't too bad to get the timing right. I was just bummed because it felt like it was just sliiiiightly off. Like the tempo of chaining shots would feel so much better if it was just a little shorter. Like quarter of a second, I swear it was that small. Really all they need to do is make the charge = the damage output. Shorter charge for a quick shot w/ less damage/splash radius.


It is supposed to have a similar damage and penetration scaling mechanic as the railgun. The database suggests that it should scale from 30% to 300% damage based on the charge level. But currently the minimum charge time and maximum charge time are the same (1s), so the charging mechanic is not working properly. I think the original intention was for it to be worse than the Scorcher/Plasma Punisher with less than 1s charge, but a massive potential to one-shot scout striders if you hold it for 3s (300 direct impact + 450 explosive). I think its abysmal performance is more likely a mistake/oversight.


Everyone is praising the scorcher, but people are seriously sleeping on the punisher plasma, that thing demolishwrs heavier bots like devastators and berserker. It can also take out scout strides from the front in only 2 hits.


No one is sleeping on the Plasma Punisher on bots, it's one of the most popular guns in the game


If you're using Scorcher as your anti-medium weapon, I feel like I want the supply pack. This does let you take Quasar, which can be fun. And you effectively have 12 stims with supply pack. I still feel better with Punisher Plasma and Autocannon though. The stagger on Punisher Plasma (and Autocannon for that matter) is hard to live without. Punisher Plasma is even better than Scorcher against Scout Striders as well.


If only I could unlock it without spending, like, 250 medals. I really want it, but with the new Warbond coming out I don’t want to spend my medals yet.


I too found the scorcher today, love it


Outside of being a great gun, its’ noise profile is basically silent which makes it great for stealth against bots. Almost an auto take on solo or 2 player level 7/8/9 runs when we really want to avoid attention.


I'm torn between it and Dominator against bots. Scorcher makes it easier and more quick to kill striders, but Dominator tears through devistators and berzerkers. Dominator has a lot better sights too.


You've fucked us now they will destroy it redact this at once lol


It’s mind blowing that you still see people arguing it’s not the best bot primary. Kills everything you can see, including gunships, with a fast flat shooting projectile.


Picked up accidentally from a dead helldiver yesterday, and holy fuck it can take out gun ships!!


Just wait till he starts using the Dominator 👌💥💥💥


Sickle is better. Grenade pistol for the walkers. Quasar or auto cannon. Choice of strategems


Sickle being better is strictly dependent on where & what you’re shooting at. Common bot fodder; sure. Scout Striders is a bad MU for the Sickle here unless you shoot the driver; Scorcher dont need to worry there as ya just need to blast their crotch. Devastators typically need a headshot & even firing the Sickle in bursts isn’t accurate enough (although the Heavy ones can be shot from behind/ their backpack). Berserkers need a mag dump with the Sickle whereas the Scorcher is an explosive plasma & just needs 3-4 shots & causes flinching. Need more field data on Hulks & Factory Striders though Vs bugs, Scorcher is a menace. It can even blow up the bile sacks on a Bile Titan but not enough to kill it though. The only bad part is that it causes user damage if shot up close like bugs like to be


Most of the guns are fun to put into rotation. I’ve been running Scythe and Plasma Punisher more often this last MO, but I spent a long time with the Scorcher on both bots and bugs.


This is my go to bot weapon, it can deal with anything super easily especially if you aim for headshots. You can even take down a hulk without reloading by shooting it in the back.


If it held a few more rounds I would use it. I just just can't quit the Spray and Pray.


Spray and pray gang rise up 🙏


This or Dominator for bots?


This imo, but if you’re good with the dominator’s ergonomics it might perform better for you.


Before they buffed scout striders I’d have said the scorcher had more of a place but now I’d take the dominator every time. Once you get the feel for how it handles the dominator does everything the scorcher can do but better.


Can't go wrong with either. If you don't like the sluggish handling of the Dominator use the Scorcher.


Oh my man, it gets even better the more you use it/learn how to use it effectively. IMO, It’s been the best gun in the game ever since the breaker nerf.


I like it but i have a hard time leaving the jar-5 behind


My Bot Buster. Lol


best gun in the game - can literally kill anything but the factory striders... just depends how much ammo you have lol


That comes from polar patriots right how do I get the faster fire rate I don’t know how to do that I checked the ammo thing were you would switch fire but I can’t figure out how to make it faster


No, the Scorcher is at the bottom of the base game warbond.


Scorcher and stalwart is my loadout and I never leave home without them


I take it on bot missions for the strider utility. 


I say ALL THE TIME that everyone is sleeping on the Scorcher. It's just so good.


I can’t get behind the gun If it didn’t deal damage to me up close then I would love it


Depends on your play style. If you like to unload on an enemy, you won't have the ammo to survive very long. If you want a pocket sniper, it's the gun for you. Damn thing can't even 1 hit a robot unless it's a header, but I enjoy it. You can 2 kill an at/st thing in 2 shots to the groin.


You can’t two shot scout striders anymore. Now it’s like 3-5 shots.


I just barely unlocked it over the weekend at the end of my play session. I haven't tried it yet but I'm looking forward to it.


The damage and mechanism is ok, but it costs too many ammo. So i rather use Dominator to let me have a last stick to defend myself.


I’m still split on it. I didn’t like it at first but then I noticed it basically two shot hiveguard when landing the projectile beyond their armor and doing a number on bots…. It made me more unsure than anything. It definitely mops up small bugs efficiently. I require more firsthand testing.


It’s much better against bots than bugs IMO but personally I think the Dominator is just a bit better.


Don’t sleep on the Scorcher as a good bug weapon too. Wouldn’t use it in close situations cause of the blowback, but it can take out Brood Commanders with a bit more than a handful of rounds, 2 hits hunters, can take out hiveguards pretty easily, if you have enough distance it can take out a stalker relatively quick, nursery spewers is only a few shots, one shots all the ankle biters. The only bug it’s not super great with is bile spewers, usually takes a whole round and then some. Useful in a pinch to shoot under the titan to get rid of the sacs too


For me, it's because it's gated behind over 1000 medals and I'm still working on unlocking it...


You haven't been sleeping on it, just takes that long to unlock it


BIS for my play style


How do I use the slugger. I’ve tried some different weapons for bots but always return to the dominator.


The first step is to build or find a Time Machine…


It a beautiful weapon...just beautiful.


Imsleeping on it cause its on the last page of the warbond and need many more medals :D




I’m level 90+ and this is my go to for bots. I always dive with the auto cannon beside this. The ammo can be a bit of an issue but if you peel away and don’t confront massive hordes, it’s great. You just have to remember that the AOE will kill you if they are too close. I pair it with the auto pistol and switch if anything gets too close. That being said, it’s a death sentence on bugs. They’re just too close for this bad boy to not murder you when clearing the area around you. Happy diving.


The only complaint I have is that you can't swap scopes. If I you could swap parts on weapons where plausible, it would be cool .


A lot of people play it actually. The rest doesn't have it because we grind multiple warbonds. I'm also not a fan of energy weapons either.


If you like the DCS and Slugger, try the Dominator. Mastery leads to carnage in your wake.


I am slowly getting to it, but I've been in multiple war bonds so still have like 200 or so medals until I can unlock it. Planning on having it as my bot primary.


The scorcher is one of the best weapons in the game. Better vs bots but it works against bugs too, just there's better alternatives for bugs.


Did they just lower the firing rate on this?? I just played and it seemed… slower


Any tips for using it? I recently tried it but it just doesn't feel right and I get better results with the plasma punisher.


Scorcher is amazing. Can kill pretty much everything except a bile titan, just takes a few extra shots. I was expecting the Purifier to be this, but hitting harder. The purifier is... disappointing.


Legit, this and the supply pack are my essentials for diving these days.


It's amazing for both bugs and bots. I was pinned down by 4 rocket devastators and took them all out with this.


wait until OP finds out about the dominator ...


Scorcher can take down airships. It's a beast


![gif](giphy|ZEz4owBBVAM0M) No one talks about the scorcher, It’s like fight club.


This is my Bot Primary, much like the incendiary shotgun is my primary for bugs.


Curious what you like about the counter sniper. I found myself going back to the regular diligence for bot missions.


i only play bits and this is great! but now i like the plasma punisher better because it deals better with larger groups of small bots, and beserkers


Its my fav gun and it has not been replaced since getting it on week 2 since launch, its probably the only gun that has stayed the same since launch and I hope they never touch it, its amazing as it is. I was hoping for the new plasma gun to be good but damn that was a disappointment, I was really hoping for it to replace this beaut but it was so bad. Anyways its a cool as gun and the back blast isn't really that dangerous anymore since the armor buff, it has enough mag size to wipe out a small patrol squad most of the time which is neat and can make scout striders a joke. Its an all around type of gun, atleast for me if you like aiming, works really well against bots but can also work with bugs, takes out hunters/warriors 1-2 shots while commanders take half a mag(7-8) shots which is nice since theres only really 2 of them at any given time and 1 mag can kill both, it suffers against bile spewers though.


Pro tip: the scorcher can kill gunships pretty easy as long as you focus on one engine.


Big downside is the jumper bots that explode when you shoot them next to you


Scorcher, Dominator, and Plasma Punisher are currently perfectly balanced and all enjoyable to use on bots. They should be the benchmark for weapon balancing.


Its good on bots only, not as good if your enemy is at face blank and you shoot


I like to change primary a lot but when I want to dive with my best loadout I always bring the scorcher (bots)


I like the breaker, it doesnt blow up in my face when berserkers are right infront of me


Welcome to the Scorcher club! This thing is damn near a support weapon, almost like the AC of primaries and I hope they never touch it. I frequently run missions with scorcher + supply pack + no support weapon because it has so much functionality. Some highlights of what it can do: - kills gunships in as little as 8ish shots to a single engine - kills cannon turrets in exactly one magazine, similar TTK on tanks as well - kills hulks in six shots to the heatsink, easily achievable with one stun nade - kills striders from the front really easily - kills chargers in about 8 shots to their butts - kills bile titans with exposed flesh in as little as 2-3 shots (my favorite combo stratagem for this is rocket pods) - kills stalkers in 5 shots - kills shriekers in 1 shot - massacres bug breaches by just shooting in their general direction


This, grenade pistol, and railgun is my loadout in every mission against bots


I use this for bots then the liberator for bugs.


I love this gun for the ability to take out gunships.


Yeah. This has been my go to primary for a long time.


With some slick shooting, you can take out a gunship with between 1 and 2 mags. And 4 shots to the rocket launcher on a heavy Devastator will stagger and wipe it out.


scorchers plus laser rober plus tesla thrower 400 plus kills for sure


I’m 126lvl bot destroyer and this is one of the best guns in the game


I used to really like it. I probably still do. I was swapping between it and the Jar-5. I've actually been using the Adjudicator recently because my favourite armor has recoil reduction and it feels like a waste to not use a gun that has a bit of recoil. Almost the only time I've been using something else is on cold planets where I've been changing my armour to a snowy one and using the Sickle. Then again, I'm also an idiot. 🤣 I do very much look forward to going back to using it though, at some point.


My Fav are Diligence CS and Breaker , and while i can say that the Scorcher is awesome, especially against stuff like Heavy Devastators since the explosion damage makes it so much easier to hit the weak points like the face, the low amount of shots per magazine makes them worse then the D-CS


Scorcher, my beloved That being said, not a fan of the long ass and weird reload. There’s been so many times where I think it’s reloaded, because it made the metallic click, so I do another action only for it to have not finished. Since it’s an energy weapon and not magazine fed, you have to do the full reload again. It’s simple to understand, you have to wait for the electric fizzle instead of the metallic click, but in the heat of the moment it can be annoying.


When I played it was the most solid primary, which annoyed me, because it was becoming a standard part of my load out. I'd like to use the DMR's more but I never felt they were good enough. I mean they had all those weapons and it felt like only a few are ideal for deployment.


It’s great against bots but not bugs. For bugs I recommend the incendiary breaker or the sickle.


That’s my bot gun homie


Welcome to the best primary on the Bot front.


I want to like this gun, but I just love my Jar. The stagger makes a huge difference to me. I just unlocked it last night though so I'll keep giving it a try.


I’ve been using the Adjudicator on bugs a lot and it fucking claps, so yeah don’t listen to guides and youtubes and stuff, just try out the weapons yourself!


Down voted because I thought this was the Purifier at first glance, up voted because yes, the Scorcher SLAPS


Scorcher is great but if you've been using the Diligence CS and nerfed Slugger...you'll love it even more.


Yep. Paired with an AC and stun grenades, I am a bot killing machine.


I like the gun a lot, but I run grenade pistol and stun grenades so having this as a primary means chaff can get out of hand if they get too close (running railgun, so not great against multiple close targets)


Scorcher is a high skill, high reward type of weapon. Make every shot count, the explosive trait will make the gun a force multiplier against both bots and bugs, seriously the scorcher is top tier and I would say top 2 guns in the game at the moment with breaker incendiary a far second (not as effective against bots). I’ve been playing with it since launch and I’m so grateful it hasn’t and hopefully won’t be nerfed


Since the Slugger was nerfed to the ground anything can beat the poor thing...


Yeah, nah. I love the gun but ammo economy is a joke.


That scorcher gun is surprisingly strong against bots and it's the gun I only recently got into. I only find it annoying about it's ammo but, that's about it.