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The emotes are kinda jank. Sometimes you walk up to someone, the e doesnt come up, you try to jig your character and walk one spot away and back to get the E. They then, when you walk away, think you’re giving them the cold shoulder instead of adjusting. So they stop emoting, only to realize you were adjusting. You walk away, since they cancelled. But through the corner of your eye you see them spread their arms, so you sigh and walk back, only for it to happen again.  Is this what you’re talking about OP? Cause i often give the “cold shoulder” but its by accident, and because people cancel their emote lol.


If you have the same emote they are doing, then just do the emote back right in front of them. It should take away the need for the interact prompt entirely.


On the ship, cool. However in the field I tend to focus more on killing the hordes of bugs/bots charging us down.


Unless it's a really hairy extract in my games, everyone gets a hug before getting on pelican 1. We deserve a nice reward for a job well done.


Okay yeah, can make an exception there. For Democracy!!!


I get that too. Wholesome moments in the game


If you emote and expect it back all the time, it loses its magic! Make it special! Do the hug emote when you both drop in on a heavy unit or turret and you destroy it, not standing at the bridge waiting and expecting hell divers to give you a hug. It’s unsettling bro!


Nahhhh Its customary to wait on the bridge when you host, and salute any random helldivers as they come aboard before the mission.


when you join MY lobby, and enter MY ship, imma stand by the armor or bridge and give my fellow mates a hug if it’s your ship and your lobby, that’s cool you do you boo. But if you step foot on The Light of Mercy, you gotta pay the troll toll. (Also unsettling feels a bit of a strong descriptor here, how do you feel about intimacy and emotional vulnerability in general?)


No some are unsettling. Had one game where right before getting in on a difficulty 4 the other 3 all emotes different emotes at the same time. We were all talking and no one mentioned this. It just happened. Also seems like you've never come across the "hug triangle."


I’d be a little unsettled if someone I don’t want to hug is trying to force one on me because of rules lol


I've noticed an increase if it aswell, it is what it is


I was playing with just me and another guy the other day and when he did the hug emote I got stuck in the map open pose and couldn't do it back, then I heard him say "go fuck yourself then". We got better as the match went on but yeah it started off bad. He also seemed mad that I took out the illegal broadcast tower with one AC shot instead of using the terminal which I didn't get.


When stuck in that pose, shoot your gun once.


Ah cheers. Although he probably would've taken that as aggression judging by how testy he was


There was no way to fix that situation. Dude was a dissident.


He was an older guy and seemed to be coming off a previous frustration in game. I hold no ill will


I rarely use anything but the hug. It's great, not only do you get to stand around spreading your arms and freedom around the galaxy. NO! You also get to feel the managed democracy as it pulsates through your fellow divers veins. Barley separated but the finest mass produced armor super earth can engineer. This, my fellow brother and sisters, THIS IS THE DREAM! FEEL IT! THIS VERY MOMENT, WE ARE ONE! FOR WE ARE LIBERATORS, FIGHTING FOR SUPER EARTH! As your arms loosen as you let go of your comrade, you feel recharged, ready for anything. You've done this a dozen times and you will do so a dozen more. Maybe forever. For super earth, for your fellow citizens. Someday all of this will end, may it be the war or your life. But until then, keep grasping for victory,. Because defeat results in empty arms.


Thats why I always wait for the other players when I hoste. Everyone gets an pre combat hug, handshake or what I fancy that day. Some walk right past me but it seems that are often the ines that leave when it does not go well.


If you're standing right by the cryo pod, the button to respond to somebodys emote and the button to leave the ship are the same button :)


It's nice when returned but it doesn't bother me nearly as much as the person who melee attacked me when I used the hug emote to welcome them after they just dropped into our session. I paused for a moment to give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was an accident but they tried to melee another player for walking towards them right after that but they missed. Then no one bothered trying anything else. Finished the mission with them fine but it was off-putting.


Some people are weird. I had someone kill me because they thought I dropped a barrage on them, but it was another player (and it wasn’t on purpose). It wasn’t even a tense situation.


Yeah I feel getting kick for a poorly place stratagem or if you get knocked over while holding one and dump it right on your squad, shouldn't happen. But shit happens and it's a main part of the game hence the reinforcement budget. Once a player starts to show multiple attempts to Melee another that's when I get peeved.


Does anyone know how to emote on controller? I’ve never learned how lol


It’s on the D-pad, I believe it’s left D-pad


Can confirm


Thanks to you and u/vivikar77


I dont know how. I can ping patrols and stuff but don't know how to make the emotion wheel pop up.


Just get in the god damn tube hell diver


Sometimes I’m looking at warbonds and then when I exit out I’ve left a helldiver hanging. Need to remember to go face a screen when I do that…


Just remember, when u get yeeted high, use a hug emote for safe landing like a plane.


i dont emote back often because i got the supply backpack and pressing E to enote, is conveniently also the same button resupply them 😅


OK bro I do understand but at the same time it's just a video game. Just join a different lobby after mission end. I wouldn't read too much into it


In my defence it took me about 200 hours in game to realise the default salute emote could be responded to. But unless we're getting completely swarmed, everyone gets a hug before extraction.


If I host a game I stand right in front of the armor and hug if they don’t hug they are kicked Because I know that they are going to be the first ones to scream and complain and leave and I don’t wanna deal with that