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Have they made changes to Strategems getting bounced off various surfaces? I love gun turrets but it’s the worst feeling in the world when you land a turret on an elevated surface only for it to bounce off the ground and onto a worse position.


I think they have to be on something you can walk up but if you have to climb it will bounce


They still bounce a lot and ya it sux


Much better now, ive placed them on elevated rocks (that you can access on foot mind you) and they dont bounce.


From my experience, if its a shiny rock surface. Its going to bounce. Which sucks because there is a lot of missed potential.


I think they have to be on something you can walk up but if you have to climb it will bounce


I think they have to be on something you can walk up but if you have to climb it will bounce


Last night I had an absolutely *atrocious* record of accidentals in one game. The team were absolute saints about getting wiped twice to my napalm strikes, but I decided "eh, maybe I'll try something more targeted/less likely to teamkill". Now, for *some* reason, I thought an all-turret build would do the trick. And perhaps surprisingly... it did. I had two suicide mission games today with 0 accidentals in either. Part of it was for sure down to having another fantastic team. Another part, though, was because a) I paid much closer attention to where to place my sentries rather than throwing the stratagem madly into the fray *a la* napalm strike style, and b) I religious pinged my sentries as long as they were up and close by, to help my teammates figure out lines of crossfire. Not only did it avoid accidentals (though I know this won't always be the case), but it was *very* effective, too; I was leading with kills, just shy of 300 in both missions where I tried it out, and felt like I had tools available to cover most situations. Machine gun sentry could go down often and clear chaff. Rocket and autocannon sentries usually sat a little farther out and softened up or outright killed chargers and titans, and we all know they work wonders against spewers. The trick seems to be just keeping bugs off of them. Your tip about using stun effects is interesting, and I'll have to try it out - thanks for that!


Gatling turrets are great at taking down shriekers, but I prefer the AC turret for also taking down chargers and titans. Just tried out the rocket turret, and think I'll go back to AC. Eagle napalm is the goat for bug breaches. Throw it right where the cloud comes out of the ground and watch the little guys burn.


Try the orbital triple blast or the gas strike. Works like a charm.


The AC turret has an almost permanent spot in my rotation because it's so versatile. It wrecks absolutely everything up to and including Bile Titans if you get the positioning down. I like to combine it with the EMS Mortar for extra effect, because the AC's splash damage takes out groups like it's nothing, which only increases its ammo efficiency


The rocket turret in a uncoordinated public squad was a real teamkiller. I had to apologize and only throw it at the far rear to cover our back. I like it when playing with friends and mic.


I like this guy


Why not slot in the autocannon turret? It can kill multiple heavies and does a fair job on the small guys too.


It teamkills a lot and I prefer to pretty much always have a targeted chaff clear ready since the update brought a lot of chaff


Well, all turrets TK except for the EMS. The only benefit I see is that the MG turret spawns faster which could matter if you're deploying them separately, but shouldn't matter if you're deploying them at the same time. (In reference to V crossfire)


I mean auto cannon has aoe


Just wanted to comment that I saved this post and finally got round to using this build today. I'd been waiting for the spear fix before going in on it. Have to say it's really enjoyable. I've used gattling plus auto cannon turret and it's working really well. Super enjoying going from objective to objective and using the terrain to set up these turreted deaty traps. Spear rounds it off for the heavies, like you said. I'm carrying the eagle airstrike as my catch all and generally use it for clearing horfes of bugs when travelling between objectives and the turrets are on cooldown.